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1、重点药物的概念,体内过程及中医理论的专业词汇和表达方式难点体内过程的英文描述和相关词汇思考题What will happen to a drug after the absorption?参考文献Medicinal Chemistry系部化学制药系授课教师房静教学方案(共 1 页、第 1 页)课程名称:专业英语 课程内容: 药学专业英语教师名称:房静 教学日期: 2011-2012学年第一学期授课对象:09化学制药1-3班 教材版本:制药专业英语第一版授课方式:讲授 学时数:4 听课人数: 本单元或章节的教学目的与要求:掌握药物 分类,不良反应,作用机制等专业词汇和表达方法授课主要内容及学时分

2、配Unit 1 What is a drug ?1 definition and medicinal and non-medicinal drugs 1学时2 Classification and names of drugs 1学时3 Different mechanisms of drug action 1学时Self-assessment 1学时重点、难点及对学生要求(包括熟悉、了解和自学)熟悉课程结构、讲授部分的课文内容、课后重点词汇;了解相关词汇;自学补充阅读材料外语词汇:Pharmaceutical English, treatment, prevention, diagnosis

3、, etc.辅助教学情况ppt复习思考题 Whats the purpose of studying Pharmacy English?Unit one what is a drugWarm-up questions:1 what is your definiation of drugs?2 what types of drug /medicine have you used?Vocabulary Synthetic 合成的,综合的,人造的(反义词:NAUTURAL天然的)Phsiological 生理的Pathological 病理的Cure 治愈Treatment 治疗Prevetion预

4、防Diagnosis 诊断Cannabis大麻Heroine 海洛因Cocaine 古柯碱,可卡因Caffeine咖啡因Nicotine尼古丁Pregnant 怀孕的,妊娠的Fetal malformation胎儿畸形, 畸胎Metabolism代谢renal clearance肾清除率Controindicate禁忌Molecule 分子Molecular分子的Generic name 通用名Brand name 商品名Pharmacopoeia药典Patent 专利Expire到期Retain 保留,保持Inevitable不可避免的Cellular细胞的 Macromolecule大分子

5、Enzyme 酶Receptor受体Modification改变,修改Molecular mordification分子修饰Inhibition抑制Social drugs the term refers to the agents taken not for the treatmnet of disease,but for pleasure or other personal reasons. 指非用于治疗目的,而是用于娱乐和其他个人目的的药物,如酒精,烟草,非法毒品等.Prone to equals to tending to 易于.的,有.倾向的补充词汇:Pharmacology 药理学

6、Pharmacy 药学Pharmaceutics 药剂学Pharmaceutical Analysis 药分Medicinal chemistry 药化Natural products 天然产物Pharmacognosy 生药学TEXTWhat is a drug?A drug is any natural or synthetic substance that alters the phsiological state of a living organism.Drugs can be divided into two groups: 1 medicinal drugs 2 non-medi

7、cinals /drug social drugsDrug abuse 药物滥用drugs can rarely exert a ideally selective action.There is always a risk of side efects associated with the use of drug.Here are the four groups of people that are more prone the adverse effects: 1 pregnant weman2 breast-feeding weman3 patients with liver or k

8、idney disease4 the elderlyDrug names and classificationA single drug can have a vareity of names and belong to many classes. Factors used to classifying drugs: 1 pharmacotheropeutic actons 2 pharmaclogical actions3 molecular actions 4chemical nature Two types of name: 1 generic name is that appears

9、in the official national pharmacopoeia(only one in a country) 2 brand name can be various in a country.How do drugs work?A drug causes a change of phsiological function by interaction with the organism at the chemical level.Certain drugs work by means of their physical properties and have a non-spec

10、ific mechanism of action.For this reason,they must be given in a much larger dose.Most drugs produce their effects by targeting specific cellular macromolecules.This may invlove modificstion of DNA/RNA funtion ,inhibition of transport system or enzyme or ,more commonly,action on receptors.Self asses

11、smentSkipped Reading materialRoutes of drug administration.掌握药物体内过程和蛋白结合等专业词汇和表达方法Unit 2 Fate of drug after absorption Vocabulary 1学时1 Binding of drug to plasma protein 2 metabolism and excretion of bound drug 1学时3 Interaction of drug co-existence 1学时Absorption , serum, plasma protein, treatment reg

12、imen, etc.复习思考What is the influence of the additional drug?1 Do you know how the drugs det through the human body?3 What happens to the drug in the body?Absortion 吸收Bound 结合的Protein 蛋白质Naproxen 萘普生Plasma 血浆Penicillin 青霉素Amoxicillin 氨苄青霉素Concentration 浓度Filter 过滤 Glomeruli 肾小球Penetrate 渗透,穿过Reservior

13、 储库Depot 仓库,补及站Saturation 饱和Serum 血清Albumin 白蛋白Phenytion 苯妥英Simultaneous 同步的,与此同时的Salicylate 水杨酸盐Thyroid 甲状腺Thyroxin 甲状腺素Hormone 激素Anti- 抗-Inflammatory 炎症的,发炎的Coagulate 凝结Diaetic 糖尿病的 Sulfonamide 磺 胺类药物 Intensity 强度Warfarin 华法林triple 三倍,成三倍增长regimen 治疗方案monitor 检测,监控component 组分,成分accumulate 累积,积蓄pe

14、rmeability 透过性capability 能力affinity 亲和力solubility in lipids 脂溶性(脂肪中的溶解度)相关词汇补充:-ate 表示 酯 或盐类-one 表示酮类-nol 表示醇类-ane 烷类-ene 烯类Methyl 一 甲基 methane 甲烷 methanol 甲醇 (依此类推)Ethyl 二 乙基 Propyl 三 丙基Butyl 四 丁基Pentyl 五 戊基HexylHeptylOctylNanylDecyl药物代谢的四大部分:Absorption 吸收 metabolism 代谢Distribution 分布 excretion 排泄T

15、ext Fate of drug after absorptionAfter absorption into the general circulation from any route of administration, a drug may become bound to blood proteins and delayed its passage into the surrounding tissues.The degree od a drug binding to blood protein is different,it can be highly bound,low bound

16、or unbound.The degree of this bingding can be expresed as a fracon or as a percentage of the bound concentration to the toal concetration,bound plus unbound.(refer to the textook for the equation) Thus, if one knows two of the three terms of this equation,then the third one could be calculated.Drugs

17、 haviving an alpha value greater than 0.9 zre considered to be highly bound,and drugs having an alpha value less than 0.2 are little protein bound.Bound drug is nerther exposed to the bodys detoxification process nor is it filtered through the renal glomeruli.Bound drug is therefore refered to as th

18、e inactve portion in the blood,and those unbound drug are so called active blood portion.Bound blood portion serves as the reservior or depot of the drug,which will release the drug in the free form when the level of free drug in the blood is not adequate to ensure the protein saturation.A drug that

19、 is highly bound will stay in the body for longer period of time and requires less frequent dosage administration. Evidenin suggests that theconcentration of serum albumin decreases significantly the may be clinically important for those drugs that are strong protein bound.Without a downward dosage

20、adjustment,t here could be an increaesed incidence of adverse effects.A drugs binding to blood protein may be affected by the simutaneous presence of a second drug or more drugs.The additional drugs may result in drug action or duration quite dissimilar to that found when each is administered alone.

21、We take several drugs for instance to illustrate this,these include salicylates,phenydutazone,warfarin.In the same manner as they bind to the blood protein,they also bind to specific compnents of certain cells.Thus,drug is not disributed uniformly among all the cells in of the body,rather tend to pa

22、ss from the blood into the tissue fluid,and may accumulat in certain cells according to their permeability capabilities and their physical and chemical affinity.This affinity for certai body site influence their actionfor they may be brought into contact with reactive tissues or deposited in places

23、where they may be inactive.Many drugs ,because of their affinity for and solubility in lipids, are found to be deposited in the fatty body tissue,thereby creating a storage place from where the drug can be slowly released into other tissues.Self assessment Skipped.Reading material Excretion of drugs

24、 (homework)掌握中医基础理论,辨证论治 整体观等专业词汇和表达方法Unit 3 TCM 1 things about TCM ,the history and situation 1学时2 two characteristics of TCM 1学时Traditional Chinese Medicine , etiology, holistic point of view, etc.Ppt vedio复习思考题What do you know of Yin-Yang?Unit 3 Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) 1 what do you kno

25、w about TCM?2 Have you ever tried it?talk about your experienceEtiology 病因学,病源学symptom complex 症候群 Channels 经脉Collaterals 络脉Holistic 整体的,全盘的Entity 实体Dysfunction 功能紊乱,机能不良Vessel 血管,导管Acupuncture 针灸Geographical 地理的Constitution 体质Syndrome 综合症Identify 识别,鉴别Causative 导致发生的,成为原因的Confrontation 对抗Manifestat

26、ion 表现,症状Analogy 类似物,类推1. 中医的脏腑 包括五脏: 心肝脾肺肾;六腑:胆,胃,小肠,大肠,膀胱,三焦.与西医中的内脏有区别.2. 中医认为致病因素和非致病因素之间对抗导致疾病,因此,课文中的to OBTAIN THE CONCLUSIONS ABOUT THE CONFRONTATION BETWEEN PATHOGENIC AND ANTI-PATHOGENIC FACTORS可译为辨病机.Intraduction to TCMThe basic theories of Trditional Chinese Medicine describe:1 physiology

27、 and pathology of the human body 人体生理病理学2 disase etiology 疾病的病源学3 diagnosis 诊断学4 differentation of syndromes 辩证(施治)These include theories of :1 Yin-Yang 阴阳2 Five Elements 五行3 zang-fu 脏腑4 channels collaterals 经络4 qi,blood 气血5 body fluid 津液6 methods of diagnosis 诊断方法 7 differentation of symptom-comple

28、xes 症侯群的分析辨别Traditional Chinese medical theories possess two outstangding features: 1 the holistic point of view 整体观 2 the application of treatment accordng to the differentiation of syndromes. 辨证施治In TCM,the zang-fu organs are the core of the huamna body as an entiy,in which sense organs and tissues are connected through a net

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