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Economic TermsWord格式文档下载.docx

1、Administrative policies 行政政策specific tariff 从量关税Ad valorem tariff 从价关税compound tariff 复合关税protective tariff 保护性关税Punitive tariffs 惩罚性关税Cash grants 现金赠款Tax breaks 税收减免Foreign sourcing (国内公司)购买或采购外国配件Import substitution 进口替代regional economic integration 区域经济一体化fiscal policy 财政政策employment policy 就业政策P

2、referential Trade Arrangement 优惠贸易安排Free Trade Area 自由贸易区Customs Union 关税同盟Common Market 共同市场Economic Union 经济同盟Political Union 政治同盟exchange rate 汇率foreign currency 外币foreign exchange 外汇fixed exchange-rate 固定汇率floating exchange-rate 浮动汇率foreign exchange market 外汇市场(an international market in which f

3、oreign currencies are trade)international reserves 国际储备(referring to some of a central banks holding of assets dominated in a foreign currency)central banks 中央银行(A central bank is a governments bank, bankers bank and an issuing bank.)balance of payments 国际收支trade surplus 贸易顺差(exports exceed imports,

4、 反面为trade deficit)the balance of payments 国际收支,国际收支平衡表sub-account 分账current account 经常项目账户,经常账户,往来账户capital account 资本项目账户,资本账户,资本账户property income 资产收入(包括利息、股息、利润等)current transfer 经常转移、转移支付、馈赠, 赠与visible trade 有形贸易(反义词invisible trade 无形贸易)official reserve account 官方储备账户net errors and omissions 净错误

5、与遗漏credit transaction 贷方交易debit transaction 借方交易double-entry bookkeeping 复式薄记multinational corporation (MNCs) 跨国公司(有时英文也用multinational enterprises (MNEs) 或multinationals)stock ownership 股票所有权host country 东道国dividend 股息factor movement 要素流动foreign direct investment 对外直接投资debt obligation 债券subsidiary 子

6、公司,分公司, 附属公司distribution network 经销网capital goods 资本货物 (an item such as a machine, a building, or raw material that is used to manufacture products for sale to consumers)inventory 库存oligopolistic market 寡头垄断市场 (markets where there are only a few producers of a homogenous or differentiated product)ho

7、me country 母国tax revenue 税收收入capital market 资本市场trade investment 贸易投资subject matter 标的物customs valuation 海关估价certificate of origin 原产地证明书safeguard measure 保障措施 export financing 出口资金融通, 出口融资differential treatment 差别待遇intellectual property right 知识产权healthcare 卫生管理industrial tariff 工业品关税labeling syste

8、m 贴标签制度agricultural tariff 农产品关税Translate汉译英美国建国后,其第一任财政部长汉密尔顿代表独立发展美国经济的资产阶级的要求,在他1791年提出的制造业报告中表示了这样的观点:为使美国经济自立,应当主要用提高进口商品关税的方法来保护美国的幼稚工业。After the founding of the United Stats of America,A.Hamilton,the first Secretary of Finance,on behalf of the American bourgeoisie requirement to develop Ameri

9、can economy independently,expressed the view that for the purpose of bring about self-reliance for the U.S. economy,the main method of protecting its infant industry was to raise import tariffs on impost.20世纪70年代中期后,在国际贸易自由化中出现了出现了新保护主义。新保护主义的主要特点有:(1)被保护的商品不断增加;(2)贸易保护措施多样化,包括在非关税壁垒不断增高和在“有秩序地销售安排”

10、的借口下绕过“关贸总协定”的基本原则,搞“灰色领域措施”;(3)贸易保护主义转向系统化。After the middle of 1970s there emerged new protectionism in the process of the liberalization of international trade,which is characterized by(1)increasing the number of products for protection;(2)diversifying trade protective measures including going rou

11、nd the basic GATT principles under the pretext of increasing non-tariff barries and“orderly marketing arrangement ”and taking gray area measures;(3)turning to the systematization of protectionism. 东盟自1967年成立以来,虽然推出了一些优惠贸易安排计划,但因各国考虑自身利益较多,该联盟并未带来预期的效果。Although ASEAN has made some preferential arrang

12、ements since its formation in 1976s,so far no benefits have been brought about as expected due to too much consideration of each members own interests.完全经济一体化是经济一体化的最高阶段。在此阶段,域内各国在经济、金融、财政等政策方面均完全统一,在成员国之间完全取消商品、资本、劳动力、服务等自由流动的人为障碍,欧盟正朝着此方向迈进。Full economic integration is the highest stage of economi

13、c integration,at which there is full unification of economic,financial,fiscal policies,etc.among the nations within the region and abolition of all barriers to the free flow of goods,capital,labor,service,etc.The EU is on the road towards this direction.从2003年7月份开始美国财长 斯诺几次在公开场合表示人民币应该升值,美联储主席格林斯潘也在

14、一次国会听证会上表示了对人民币汇率的忧虑。Since July 2003,on several open occasions,Mr Snow,Secretary of the Treasury,expressed his opinions that Chinas yuan should be revalued.And at a Congress hearing Mr.Greenspan,the Fed chairman,also expressed his worries about yuans exchange rate.使人民币大幅升值,不仅对中国经济不利,对在中国进行直接投资的外国公司也

15、不利。The sharp appreciation of the yuan is not only detrimental to Chinas economy but also to foreign companies which have made direct investment in China.一些日本人和美国人并不希望人民币升值,因为人民币升值会导致中国产品在他们国家的涨价,从而影响他们的生活水平。Some of the Japanese and Americans do not expect yuan to be revalued,because it would lead to

16、 prices increases for the Chinese products sold to their countries,thus affecting their standards of living.中国政府已经决定,为了中国的自身利益和在中国的外国投资者的利益要使人民币汇率保持基本稳定。The Chinese government has decided to keep basically stable its yuans exchange rate for its own benefits as well as those of foreign investors.国际收支

17、,有时也成为国际收支平衡表,可反映一国在一定时期的国际收支状况。The balance of payments, also called the balance of international payments can reflect a nations international payments and receipts during a period of time or within certain dates.各国编制国际收支平衡表的方法尽管有差异,但其基本项目是大体相同的。凡支出项目均列入借方,凡收入项目列入贷方。Although different countries have

18、 different ways of presenting the balance of payments,the basic items entered are more or less the same.All the payment items are entered as debits and all the receipts items are entered as credits.如果列入的收支大于支出,则称之为国际收支顺差,反之则称为逆差。When receipts are in excess of payments there is a balance of payments

19、surplus,conversely there is the balance of payments deficit.国际收支主要包括经常项目与资本项目,经常项目记录货物与劳务的流动,国外资产收入,向国外的支付和国外和来自国外的资产收入;资本项目指一定时期内一国对外资本的流进流出情况,或者说它记录一国资产的国际交易状况和能代表国家之间金融要求权变化的其他项目。The BOP is mainly composed of the current account and the capital account.Current account records international flows

20、of goods and services,and property income received from abroad and paid abroad,and current transfers received from abroad and paid abroad;Capital account records internationl transactions in assets and any other things representing a change in financial claims among nations. 对外直接投资是一个国家的投资者(主要是大公司),

21、为获得更多利润,输出生产资本直接到另一个国家建工厂,开办分公司,建立销售网络,并由投资者控制管理权的一种投资方式。FDI refers to a way of making investment in which a countrys investors(mainly big companies),for the purposes of earning more profits,export production capital to build factories ,set up subsidiaries and distribution networks and acquire manag

22、erial control in another country.跨国公司对外进行直接投资的动机可以总结成以下几点:(1)获取更多的利润(2)享受更多的赋税优惠(3)避免贸易限制(4)争夺海外市场份额(5)趁机利用政府为鼓励向外投资所给予的补贴(6)使投资风险多样化The chief motives for MNCs to make direct foreign investments can be summarized into the following.(1)to earn more profits;(2)to enjoy more favorable tax treatment;(3)

23、to avoid trade restrictions;(4)to grab larger market share abroad;(5)to take advantage of various government subsidies to encourage FDI(6)to diversify investment risks. 多哈回合谈判分为五个主要议题:农业与服务,关税削减,环境与投资,世贸组织规则改革与政府采购等,其中“知识产权与公共健康”也是一个重要议题。该议题的核心是在保护世贸组织发达成员新研制和受知识产权保护药品的同时,允许发展中成员和最不发达成员在国内爆发诸如艾滋病、疟疾

24、、肺结核等流行病、传染病时能购买到廉价的药品。The five chief issues negotiated during Doha Round are on agriculture and service,tariff reduction,environment and investment,reforms of the WTO rules and government procurement,etc.Among those to be negotiated are intellectual property rights and public health,which are also

25、important issues for negotiation.The core of these issues is to allow and enable the developing-nation members and the-least-developed-nation members to afford inexpensive pharmaceuticals when there occur epidemic disease like AIDs,malaria,TB,etc.,while at the same time safeguarding those pharmaceut

26、icals developed by the developed-nation members of the WTO and protected by the law of the intellectual property rights.英译汉The NAFTA is an agreement pertaining to the exchange of goods and services among the three North American countries:Canada,the United States,and Mexico.The agreement calls for t

27、he elimination or gradual phasing out of tariffs on goods and services exchanged among these countries.北美自由贸易区是一个关于在北美三国间(加拿大、美国和墨西哥)进行货物与劳务交换的协议。该协议要求废除货逐步取消这三国间对货物劳务交换所征之关税。The NAFTA also calls for rules pertaining to direct foreign investment, protection of intellectual property rights,dispute se

28、ttlement,labour standards,and environmental issues.北美自由贸易区协定还要求制定有关外国直接投资、知识产权保护、争端解决、劳工标准和环境问题的规则。The U.S. Has suffered a great deal in the past three years due to high unemployment.At present,American politicians and businessmen have found a scapegoat for their troubles:China,or to be more pricese

29、ly ,yuan,the currency of China.由于高失业率,美国在过去三年里已饱受了艰难痛苦。现在美国的政治家和商人已经为其面临的困境找到了一个替罪羊-中国,或者更确切的讲是人民币元-中国的货币。The key issue is the value of the renminbi.Beijing has adopted the approach of letting the renminbi be pegged to the dollar.Critics point out:by doing this way the renminbi is undervalued about

30、40%.关键是人民币的价值。北京采取了让人民币钉住美元的方法。批评家们指出,用此方法人民币的价值被低估40%。In recording a countrys international economic transaction a double-entry bookkeeping system is utilized.在记录一国的国际经济交易时,用的是复式簿记制。The capital account of BOP records international transactions in assets and any other things representing a change in financial claims among nations.国际收支的资本项目记录资产的国际交易状况和代表国家之间金融所有权变化的其他项目。Debits-and-credits method is one accounting principle widely used in presenting transactions recorded in the BOP.Another accounting principle also widely used is double-entry bookkeeping.借贷原则是在将交易记录在国际收支中时被广泛采用的一种会计原则。另一个

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