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1、18. 科学之美从我认识的科学工作者和丛书中读到的科学家的经历来看,只要去探寻自然法则,不用多久,就能与美不期而遇。一位朋友说,“我不敢肯定这就是夕阳西下时的那种美,但感觉上两者是相同的。”这位朋友是位物理学家,长期致力于破译天体内部的必然变化。他会想起第一次领悟狄拉克的量子力学等式和爱因斯坦的相对论等式时的兴奋感,“他们太美了,你一眼就可以肯出他们必定是正确的,或至少是接近正确。”当我问及是什么能使理论变得美丽时,他回答说:“简单、匀称、优雅、力量。”自然界为何会与我们觉得美的理论相一致?这一问题远未明了。正如爱因斯坦所言,宇宙最不可理解之处就在于它是可以理解的。人类,一种生活在一个微不住道


3、神力。我们这个时代的科学家们多半已摒弃了创世主这一概念。他们认为这是毫无必要,或至少是无法验证的假说。当他们与牛顿一样,坚信宇宙万物均由一套合乎逻辑的规则所制约时,作为科学家,他们不能断言这些规则具体是如何左右事态的。从事科学研究可不信上帝立法之说,但决不可不信其法则的存在。6、上海位于长江入海口口,是中国最大的城市,同时也是一座历史文化名城和著名的旅游城市。上海市中国最大的经济中心,是全国最重要的工业基地,也是重要的贸易金融和文化中心。 在古代,上海就曾经是贸易港口、全国最大的棉织业中心、贸易大港和漕粮运输中心,被称为“江海之通津,东南之都会”。鸦片战争之后,上海辟为通商口岸,设立租界,设银

4、行、办工厂、开洋行,中国主权一度失落。在近代,上海曾被称为“冒险家的乐园”,称为一个工商业畸形发展的城市。“两千年历史看西安,已千年历史看北京,一百年历史看上海”。上海市近现代中国的“缩影”。 今日的上海,交通四通八达,是中国最大的港口、华东地区最大的交通枢纽,沪宁、沪杭两条铁路干线的起点,又是中国重要航空中心和航空港之一。这里有发达的商业,是中国特大型综合性贸易中心和国际经济、金融、贸易中心之一。 上海具有中西交融的独特气质,极具现代化而又不失中国传统特色。在上海,有外滩老师的西洋建筑,也有浦东现代的摩天大厦,有徐家汇大教堂,也有玉佛寺。在这里沪剧、滑稽戏和交响乐、芭蕾舞同时被人们所欣赏,大

5、家可以品尝本帮佳肴、各地小吃,也可以吃到法国大菜、美食快餐。译文: Located on the Yangtze River(长江), Shanghai is not only the largest city in China but also a famous city of history, culture and tourism. It is the biggest economic center and the most important industrial base in China, a hub of trade(贸易中心), finance and culture as w

6、ell. In ancient times, Shanghai was a big trading port, the largest textile(纺织品) center in the country, and the center to transport grain(粮食,谷物) to the capital. People used to say Shanghai was the “port connecting rivers and oceans, and the capital of the southeast China”. After the Opium Wars(鸦片战争)

7、, Shanghai was the opened to the West as a trading port. Western countries secured concessions, set up banks, established factories and opened their stores in Shanghai. Chinas sovereignty was then severely challenged. In modern times, the lopsided(adj.不平衡的,倾斜一方的) development of industry and commerce

8、(n.贸易) gave Shanghai a reputation as a city for adventurers(n.冒险家,投机商) . It is said that Xian reflects Chinas history of 2,000years, while Beijing mirrors its history of 1,000 years. To know Chinas history in the largest 100 years, youd better look at Shanghai-the epitome(n.缩影,摘要) of modern and cont

9、emporary China(当代中国). Shanghai now has transport lines extending in all directions. It is the largest port in China, the largest transportation hub in East China, the starting point of Huning (Shanghai-Nanjing) and Huhang (Shanghai-Hangzhou) railways, an important aviation(n.航空,飞行术,飞机制造业) center of

10、China, and one of the international aviation ports. With its advanced commerce, Shanghai is a super large comprehensive(adj.综合的,广泛的,有理解力的) trading center of China, and one of the international economic, financial and trading center. Shanghai has the unique atmosphere of mixture of West and East , ol

11、d and new. In Shanghai, the west building of the Bund retain much of their previous grandeur, while the skyscraper in Pudong are just as spectacular. There are also Xujiahui Cathedral and Jade Buddha Temple(玉佛寺). In Shanghai one can enjoy the pleasure of watching Hu (Shanghai) Opera, farce(n.闹剧,喜剧)

12、and ballet(芭蕾舞), appreciating symphony(欣赏交响乐). One can only taste local dishes (地方风味)and delicacies (佳肴)all over the country, but also enjoy French cuisine(法国菜) and American fast food(美国快餐).19、推荐信尊敬的女士/先生:我是清华大学人文学院的一名教授,郑重向您们推荐我校中文系四年级学生张秀芳女士去贵校研习。张秀芳在清华大学人文学院中文系实验班读书四年,表现突出,绽露天才,如有机会深造,将来必有成就。清华学院

13、人文学院中文系实验班引导大学生从文学和文化的角度去攻读中外文学,力求他们在中西学术融汇方面打下坚实的基础。这个实验班卓有成效,培养了许多品学兼优的学生;张秀芳就是其中的佼佼者。他多次获奖并已经出版长篇小说两本,在多种报刊上发表作品数十篇。她在语言学、哲学、艺术、计算机、电影、戏剧等领域都选读过课程,并在多门兴趣浓厚的课程中取得了第一名。如果她有机会到美国研习,逐渐熟悉西方文化,将来在中西文化或中西文学的相互比较研究上将会有创造性的成就。 清华大学人文学院教授 张国泰 二00二年一月五日于中国北京Dear Sir of Madam, As a professor of School of Hum

14、anities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, I seriously recommend Zhang Xiufang, a senior student of our department, to pursue her postgraduate student at your department. Ms. Zhang has been studying in the experiment class of School of Humanities and Social Science for nearly four years, and

15、she has distinguished herself in her studies and displayed her remarkable talent in almost every aspect. Give the chance of advanced education abroad, she will surely make great achievement in the near future. The experiment class trains students to study Chinese and Western literature from the lite

16、rature and culture perspective, trying to pave(vt.铺设,安排) a solid foundation for the students who are supposed to be accomplished in both Chinese study and Western Study. This class turns out to be quite a success, having brought up a lot of students of good character and fine scholarship, among whom

17、 Ms. Zhang is an outstanding one. She has been awarded scholarship every semester. She has published two novels and dozens of literary writing in several kinds of magazines and newspapers. Whats more, she has attended a lot of courses such as language, philosophy(n.哲学), art, computer, film, drama(n.

18、戏剧艺术), ect., many of which with the highest marks in her class. If she is given the chance of advanced education in USA, and get acquainted with(开始知道) western culture, I believe shell make some pioneering achievements in both Chinese and Western cultures and literatures. Therefore, with great pleasu

19、re I write this letter to recommend her for her future study at your department.I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours Zhang Guotai Professor of School of Humanities Tsinghua University16. The Method of Science Investigation The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the

20、 expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind; it is simply the mode by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanation. There is no more difference, but there is just the same kind of difference, between the mental operations of a man of science and t

21、hose of an ordinary person, as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher weighing out his goods in common scales, and the operations of a chemist in performing a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graded weights. It is not that the scales i

22、n the one scale, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but that the latter is a much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the former.You will understand his better, perhaps, if I give you some familiar e

23、xamples. You have all heard it repeated that men of science work by means of induction and deduction, that by the help of these operations, they, in a sort of sense, manage to extract form Nature certain natural laws, and that out of these, by some special skill of their own, they build up their the

24、ories. And it is imagined by many that operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training. To hear all these large words, you would think that the mind of a man of science must be constituted differently for

25、m that of his fellow men; but if you will not be frightened by terms, you will discover that you are quite wrong, and that all these terrible apparatus are being used by yourselves every day and every hour of your lives. There is a well-known incident in one of Molieres plays, where the author makes the hero express unbounded delight on bei

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