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1、新概念英语词汇随身听速记手册3新概念3词汇 1-3puma美洲狮Pumas are large,cat-like animals which are found in America.美洲狮是一种体形似猫的大动物,产于美洲。The ears and tail tip of pums are generally dark.美洲狮的耳和尾尖通常是呈深色。Kitten pumas are playful and begin to follow the female on hunts美洲狮幼仔好嬉戏,when they are about two months old.约两个月后就开始跟随母狮捕食。s

2、pot看出,发现When reports came into London Zoo当伦敦动物园接到报告说,that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London,在伦敦以南45 英里处发现一只美洲狮时,they were not taken seriously.这些报告并没有受到重视。Michael was the first to spot the danger.迈克是最先发现危险的人。Do you know him well enough to spot him in a crowd?你和他有多熟?能从一群人里认

3、出他吗?evidence证据However,as the evidence began to accumulate,可是,随着证据越来越多,experts from the Zoo felt obliged investigate.动物园的专家们感到有必要须进行一番调查。The police declared they had enough evidence to prove the suspect guilty.警方声称他们有足够的证据证明嫌疑犯有罪。You do solemnly swear that the evidence you shall give in this court你要郑

4、重宣誓,你在本法庭提供的证词将是实情,shall be the truth,全部实情,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth,so help you God.除实情以外别无他物,上帝保佑你。accumulate积聚Its easier to accumulate a fortune than to keep one.聚财容易守财难。The family accumulated a good cellar through the work of generations.经过几代人的经营,这个家族积聚起一个上好的酒窖。oblige使.感到必须,强迫He

5、felt obliged to say something at the very moment.他感到此时非得说点什么不可。Susan was obliged to sell her necklace at great sacrifice.苏珊被迫以低价出让她的项链。hunt追猎,寻找The hunt for the puma began in a small village搜寻美洲狮的工作是从一座小村庄开始的,where a woman picking blackberries sawa large cat那里的一位女在采黑莓看见“一只大猫”,only five yards away fr

6、om her.离她仅五吗远。The collector managed to findthe thingafter a long and desperate hunt.收藏家经过苦苦搜寻,终天找到了他向住的“那一件”。A police hunt has started.警察开始搜捕。blackberry黑莓Blanche ordered two blackberry drinks.布兰奇要了两杯黑莓饮料。Having stuffed himself with blackberries,蒂米塞了一肚子的黑莓,Timmy could only sit staring at the dinner t

7、able.在饭桌上只好干瞪眼了。humam being人类Experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.专家证实,美洲狮除非被逼得走投无路,否则是决不会伤人的。-He agreed?-他居然同意了?-Well,he is also a human being咳,他毕竟也是个人嘛。Human beings are the only animals that blush,or need to.人类是惟一会脸红,或者有必要脸红的动物corner使走投无路,使陷入困境。Never co

8、rner an opponent,and always assist him to save his face.永远不要把对手逼入绝境,相反,要帮他挽回面子。We at last found a question to corner our professor.我们终于找到了一个能把教授问倒的问题。trail一串,一系列Wherever it went,无论它走到哪儿,it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.总会留下串鹿,兔子之类的小动物的尸体。She was frightened to fin

9、d a trail of blood on the ceilling.她在天花板上发现一道血迹,吓坏了。It is difficult for Burney to find a partner伯尼很难找到合伙人,because he always leaves a trail of trouble behind him.因为他总会惹下一大堆麻烦。print印痕Paw prints were seen in a number of places.在许多地方发现了爪印。The thief took care not to leave his finger print on the furnitur

10、e.小偷很当心不在家具留下指纹。The past left deep prints on him.过去在他身上留下了深深的印痕。cling黏附,依附Puma fur was found clinging to bushes.灌木丛中也发现了粘在上面的美洲狮毛。She absent-mindedly played with some hairs which clung to the comb.她心不在焉地玩弄着梳子粘附着的几根头发。The children cling to their father for more pocket money.孩子们黏着爸爸,要他再给此零花钱。convince使

11、信服The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma.专家们如今已经深信不疑,那只动物就是美洲狮。This final proof convinced the jury of his innocence.这最后的证据终于使陪审团相信他是无鼙的。As soon as I am convinced,只要你们能使我信服,I myself will be the first to seize my writings and tear them up.我会第一个把我写的东西撕个粉碎。somehow不知怎么搞地,不知什么原因地T

12、his one must have been in the possession of a private collector这只美洲狮一定是某位个人收藏家驯养的,ans somehow managed to escape.不知怎么设法逃出来了。The $750 million deficit somehow got rounded up to #800 million.7.5亿美元的赤字不知怎么升到了8亿。Somehow I dont like that million.说不出什么道理,反正我就是不喜欢那个人。disturb令人不安It is disturbing to think that

13、 a dangerous wild animals想到一头危险的野兽仍在宁静的乡间逍遥,is still at large in the quiet countryside.真是让人提心吊胆。The news disturbed him so that he coundt get any peace of mind.这条消息弄得他心里七上八下,怎么也不得安宁。One could easily be disturbed by the sharp contrast这两种生活方式的鲜名对比,between these two ways of life.极易使人心绪不宁。Lesson 2equal等于

14、Thirteen equals one.十三等于一。Three times three equals nine.三三得九。In ability he equals and perhaps surpasses his brother.论起才干,他跟他哥哥不相上下,或许还有过之而无不及。vicar牧师Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another.我们教区的牧师总是为各种各样的事情筹集资金。The vicar showed us around the vicarage.牧师领我们参观了他的住所。The vicar gave a

15、sermon on the evils of gambling.教区牧师作了一次布道,宣讲赌博的危害。raise筹集They went on a protest march to raise funds for their campaign.他们上街示威行,为运动筹款。If everyone believes charity ends at home,如果人人都相信“慈善止于至亲”,how can charitable institutions raise money?慈善机构又是怎么筹集善款的呢?torchlight电筒光In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure.借着电筒光,他看见一个人。He read the note in the dim torchlight.他借着微弱的电筒光看了条。The torchlight ripped a hole in the darkness.电筒光划破黑暗形成一个光洞。

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