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1、I heavier than u3 T: I ften lean r n the eeend T: hat d u d n the eeend ? I ften lean r n the eeend (多操练)Tda ell learn U2 Last eeend (板书教读)Step 2 新内容展示(用时18分钟)Lets learn 1Ne phrases: leaned ,ashed ,athed ,staed ,leaned r ,ashed lthes ,staed at he ,athed TV (1)T 板书下列单词的原形lean ,ash ,ath,sta,并用I ften l

2、ean r /造句。(2)T 板书以上单词原形并且加ed后,用I leaned r /last eeend 造句。(3)学生观察两个词组的不同之处T:eg:leaned 是lean的过去式,当我们要表达过去发生的事情时,就要用动词的过去式,规则动词的过去式一般在原型后面加edleaned的ed 发/d/ 师带读(4)用同样的方式教“sta/staed at r,ash/ashed lthes,ath/athed TV” 注意:ashed,athed的ed 发/t/2 T: H as ur eeend ?It as fine ,thans hat did u d ?I I staed at he

3、 and athed TV3 Listen t the tape f Lets learn and fll itStep 3 合作交流,师生共建(用时7分钟)1领读Lets learn 中的短语及句子,并纠正读音。2自编hant,边做动作边hant : I leaned r hat did u d ? I ashed lthes hat did u d ? I staed at he hat did u d ? I athed TV (注意:d 的过去式did )3教学D surve and reprt :学生利用表格,进行问卷调查。4学唱歌曲Last eeendStep 4 达标检测(用时9

4、分钟)二、写出下列动词的过去式。1 ash_ 2sta_ 3ath_ 4lean_ d _三、读一读,选一选。( )1你想问同学周末过得怎样,可以说:_A H as ur eeend ? B H ld are u ?( ) 2你想问同学有多高,可以说:_AH heav are u ? BH ld are u ?( )3你想告诉同学:你周末过得很好,可以说:_A I taller than u B It as fine( ) 4你想问同学上周末做了什么?可以说_A hat did u d last eeend ?Bhat are u ging t d next eeend ?( )你想说:它比我

5、们俩加起还高,可以说:AIts taller than bth f us tgether BIts taller than the elephant 学生小结:这节我学到了_Step 布置后作业(用时1分钟)1抄写新单词,句子。2完成配套的相关练习。Step 6板书设计:Unit 2 Last eeend rds: leanleaned ashashed athathed sta -staedSentenes:-H as ur eeend ? -I fine,thans-hat did u d? -I staed at he and athed TVPerid 2 Setin A Lets t

6、r/Lets learn P141复习单词或词组leaned, ashed, athed, staed, leaned r, ashed lthes, staed at he, athed TV。2四会句子:H as ur eeend ?It as gd ,than u hat did u d ?I staed at he ith ur granda Did u d anthing else?3三会单词:dran 、sh 掌握四会句子。掌握一般过去时的句式特点并能正确运用。1 G ver the ld rds and phrases :T : lean S:leaned /leaned r T

7、: ath S: athed/ath TV sta S: staed/staed at he T:ash S: ashed/ashed lthes2Free tal : I ften lean r/ hat did u d? I athed TV/3hant tgether1、T:H are u tda ? Ss:I fine,thans板书:It as gd,than u (is 的过去式as,师生互答) 2、T:hat d u ften d n the eeend ?I ften ath TV板书:hat did u d last eeend?S: I staed at he ith ur

8、 granda(教读)3、(1)单词:drin dran, dran是过去式,师带读,生跟读。引出喝茶 drin teadran tea I dran tea last eeend (2)句子:出示ies爷爷奶奶喝茶、看电视的图片,hat did the d ?引导学生答:The dran tea and athed TV,师板书并教读:e dran tea in the afternn and athed TV。4、板书呈现:sh,hildrens sh,I athed se hildrens sh n TV学生说意思,板书并教读。、T:hat did u d last eeend ?I a

9、thed TV/T:Did u d anthing else? Did u pla ftball ?Did u d ur her ?学生说说意思并带读。6、学生小组阅读对话并回答问题。(1)hat did ies grandpa d lasteeend ? (2)hat did ie d ?7、学生讲解对话,教师补充答疑。8、Listen t the tape f Lets tal and fll it1教读对话,分角色朗读。2学生灵活运用本时单词、词组编对话。Eg:I ashed lthes/3 Listen t the tape and finish Lets tr 一、读一读,选一选。(

10、 )1H as ur eeend ? A我们喝了下午茶还看了电视。( )2 H are u ? B你还做了其他什么事吗?( )3I staed at he ith ur granda 你周末过得怎么样?( )4e dran tea in the afternn and athed TV D 你好吗?( )Did u d anthing else ? E我和你奶奶在家里。二、填一填,读一读,译一译。1hat _(d/did)u d last eeend ?2I _ (sta/staed)at he ith ther esterda3H _ (is/as) ur eeend ?4Did u d _

11、(anthing/an)else ?e _(drin/dran)tea last SundaAie leaned his r last Sunda Ba ing is taller and strnger the anThis egg is bigger than that ne DI dran tea in the afternn Ehen ie staed at he esterda 1、正确的格式抄写句子,并写出中意思。2、熟读P14Lets talStep6:板书设计 drin -dran sh -I staed at he ith ur granda -e dran tea in t

12、he afternn and athed TV-Did u d anthing else?Perid 3 Setin B Lets learn /L and tal P17Learning ais(学习目标)1掌握四会单词、词组:had , slept, read, sa, last, esterda, befre, read a b, sa a fil, had a ld2理解认读句子:“ hat did u d last eeend ? I sa a fil Did u lie it ? es, I did I t as great”1重点:听、说、读、写四会单词和短语。2难点:掌握不规则

13、动词的过去式。 预习温故(用时分钟) 1G ver the rds : leaned, ashed, athed, staed, leaned r, ashed lthes, staed at he, athed TV2Free tal: It as gd, than u hat did u d ? I staed at he and dran tea Did u d anthing else ? es, I leaned r and ashed lthes1、教学单词have-had ,sleep- slept ,read-read ,see-sa和相关词组出示hn感冒的图片T: hn ha

14、d a ld esterda S he didnt g t shl He slept all da 板书并教读:had a ld ,slept ,造句:I had a ld/read a b/sa a fil/ last eeend同样方法教“read a b, sa a fil”2、板书呈现短语:last eeend/last night/last nda/esterda/the da befre esterda ,并告知学生所有与last相关的时间短语都是指过去的时间。hat did u d last nda ?hat did u d last Tuesda ? (用过去时间短语造句,可用

15、开火车方式操练,)4、师生共同操练句子T: hat did u d last eeend ?I sa a fil Did u lie it ? S:es ,I did It as great、Listen t the tape f Lets learn and fll it2学生灵活运用本时词组造句。3L and tal T:hat did hn d esterda ?He sleptDid he sleep esterda ?es,he did一、写出下列动词的过去式。1 sleep_ 2 have _ 3 d _ 4read_ is_ 6see_三根据中提示,选短语完成句子。A had a

16、 ld B esterda sa a fil D dra se pitures E slept all da 1 parents _(看电影)last night2Se hildren _(感冒)last nth3here did u g _ (昨天)?4T as ver tired S he _(睡了一整天)I ging t _(画画)in the par1学生正确的抄写四会单词及词组。2背诵四会单词及词组。 rds: befre last have-had see-sa sleep-slept read-read -hat did u d last eeend? - I sa a filP

17、erid 4 Setin A Lets tr/Lets tal P161掌握四会句子:I ant t bu the ne fil agazine hat did u d last eeend ? Did u see a fil ? N, I had a ld I staed at he all eeend and slept并能在实际情境中运用。2能听说认读单词:agazine、better、faster3能够完成Lets tr部分听录音选出正确答案。diffiult pints(重难点) 掌握四会句型, 流利朗读Lets tal 部分中对话agazine的发音。1G ver the ld r

18、ds: had ,slept, read, sa, last, esterda, befre, read a b, sa a fil, had a ld Eg:have S:had ,had a ld,I had a ld 2Free tal T: It as gd I sa a fil / (替换练习)Learn Lets tal1 教学单词agazine fastfaster,gdbetter T 出示杂志,hats this ? Its a agazine I ant t g t the bstre, I ant t bu the ne agazine板书并教读。板书句子:I happ

19、u feel better n Its faster than aling 板书句子:Did u see a fil ?-N, I had a ld I staed at he all eeend and slept教读,帮助学生理解意思。2Listen t the tape f Lets tal tie3As Ss t read the tal fr tie then anser the questins(1) Did hn see a fil last eeend ? (2)hat did he d ?4学生讲解对话,教师补充答疑。6 Read the dialgue tgether1Rl

20、e pla2灵活运用本时单词、词组及句子编对话。Lets hat did u d?Step 4 达标检测(用时9分钟) 二、选择填空。( )1-_u sing English sngs esterda ? -N,I didnt A D B Did ill ( )2The _ a fler sh last eeend A sa B seeing see ( )3 father usuall _ t r b ar A g B ges ging ( )4I plaed the pipa _ A trr B ever da esterda ( )e ant t _the Great all A vis

21、it B visits visited ( )6His shlbag is _than ine A ute B bigger sall 三、根据Lets tal 判断正(A)误(B)。( )1A ants t bu the ne agazine( )2hn sa a fil last eeend ( )3hn had a ld ( )4The ill g t the bstre n ft( )hn staed at he and slept all eeend1正确的格式抄写句子,并写出中意思。2熟读p16的对话。板书设计:agazine fast-faster gd-better -I an

22、t t bu ne fil agazine -hat did u d last eeend ? D id u see a fil ?-N ,I had a ld ,I staed at he all eenend and sleptPerid Read and rite p18-191三会单词:htel, fixed ,bren, lap ,lud ,en, sta 2 能完成Read and rite 的理解和练习题。理解Read and rite。找出中所有的动词,并写出它们的原形。1G ver the ld rds:全班抽读单词或词组had,slept,read,sa,last,este

23、rda,befre,had a ld 2ae sentenes :S1:I had a ld / last eeend Step 2 新内容展示(用时1分钟)1教学单词:htel, lap, bren, lud, en, sta ,fixed 2学生独立阅读,播放磁带,学生跟读,理解内容。4全班共同理解以下句子:1)ur friend Rbin leaned ur r and fixed a bren hair2) dad gt se haburgers fr the htel ithen , but the ere ld and bad3) I srr, but e didnt en ur

24、sta ver uh T pla the tape again and Ss fll it Step 3 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)1 Finish the sentenes that desribe Pitures 13 ( 可选上 )2 irle all the verbs in the text and plete the table 3 Read and finish the letter一、选出与正意思相符的单词。( )1旅馆 A htel B he ( )2更好的 A gd B better ( )3演出 A fil B sh( )4台灯 A light B lap ( ) 更快的 A faster B ler ( )6 喧闹的 A lud B bren 二、给下列问句找出正确的答句。( ) 1 H ld are u ? A N ,I had a ld( ) 2 hat did u d esterda ? B It as fine , thans( ) 3 H as ur eeend ? I 12 ears ld( ) 4 H tall are u ? DI ashed lthes( ) Did u see a fil ? E I 162 eters三根据P18Read andrite判断

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