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1、 Sentence Structure常用的“主语+系动词+表语”的句型1. .Be (beneficial, important, essential, required, crucial, vital, critical, challenging, difficult, harmful, detrimental, exposed, subject, vulnerable) to something练习:过度工作对工作者的健康有害。 Overworking is detrimental to workers health.2. Be of benefit (value, importance

2、, interest, concern) to something练习:在有关小孩成长的重要事情上,父母应该和小孩商量。 Parents should consult children on matters of importance to childrens development.3. Be likely (unlikely, able, unable, willing, unwilling ,reluctant, pleased, inclined, prone) to do something练习:环境主义者倾向于反对高密度种植。 Environmentalists are incli

3、ned to disagree with intensive farming.4. The main purpose (objective, function, duty, key, priority) of somebody/something is to do something练习:学校的主要功能是传播知识。 The main function of schools is to impart knowledge.5. Be aware (mindful, wary, conscious) of something练习:很多父母现在意识到儿童早期教育的重要性。 Many parents a

4、re now aware of the importance of early childhood education.6. Be familiar (satisfied, obsessed, preoccupied, concerned) with something练习:很多父母现在满脑子都是他们的职业。 Many parents are completely preoccupied with their careers.7. Be under threat (under pressure, under scrutiny, at sick of)练习:因为缺乏资金,很多的学科项目有倒闭的风

5、险。 Many scientific projects are under threat of closure due to lack of funding.8. It is important (necessary, easy, difficult, reasonable, imperative, pointless) to do something 练习:否认父母在小孩早期教育的重要性是没有理由的。 It is pointless to deny the importance of parents in childrens early education.常用的“主语+不及物动词”的句型9

6、. .disappeared/vanished/emerged/surfaced/occurred/happened练习:当国家付出努力提高经济的时候,问题出现了。 Problems have surfaced when countries make an effort to develop their economies.10. Something increased (climbed/grew/rose/dropped/declined/slid/slipped/plummeted)练习:电子商务在GDP的比重越来越重要。 E-commerce has increased in impor

7、tance as share of GDP.11. Something contribute to (lead to, result in, result from, give rise to, consist of, make up) something练习:工业化导致资源的耗尽。 Industrialisation has contributed to the depletion of resources.12. Somebody focus on (rely on, depend on, belong to) something/somebody练习:有些人的娱乐只有网络。 Some p

8、eople rely exclusively on the Internet for entertainment.常用的“主语+及物动词+宾语”的句型13. Have a positive (negative, adverse, chronic, cumulative, profound) impact/effect on something练习:全球化对一个国家的文化认同感有着深远的影响。 Globalisation has a profound impact on a countrys cultural identity.14. Choose (decide, intend, refuse

9、, endeavour, struggle, arrange) to do something练习:很多打工族选择参加网络课程来提升他们的知识。 Many working people have chosen to update their knowledge by attending online courses.常用的“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补语”的句型15. Encourage (prompt, motivate, require, allow, enable, invite, permit, urge, persuade, empower, expect, anticipate,

10、force) somebody to do something练习:老师要求小孩去遵守规则。 Teachers require children to obey some rules.16. Prevent (discourage, deter) somebody from doing something练习:教育会防止罪犯再次犯罪。 Education can prevent offenders from committing crimes again.17. Consider (regard, perceive, treat, deem, recognise) somebody/somet

11、hing as somebody/something练习:一些国家,尤其是发展中国家,将旅游行业看做是更重要的行业。 Some countries, developing countries in particular, regard the travel industry as an important industry.常用的“被动语态”的句型18. Somebody is encouraged (motivated, required, permitted, invited, urged, persuaded, empowered, compelled, expected, tempte

12、d, entrusted) to do something练习:小孩被鼓励着去发展他们的爱好。 Children are encouraged to pursue their hobbies.常用的主语从句19. It is clear (true, obvious, apparent, unquestionable) that.练习:很明显的是,父母的行为对孩子的世界观有直接的影响。 It is clear that parents behaviour has a direct impact on childrens world view.20. It should be noted (re

13、cognised) that.练习:需要注意到的是,有些动物实验不是为了开发药物。 It should be noted that some animal-based tests are not for the development of medicine.21. It is worth mentioning (noting, emphasising) that.练习:值得一提的是人们的平均工作生涯比几十年前要长。 It is worth mentioning that the average working life is now longer than decades ago.22. I

14、t is widely believed that.练习:众所周知的是,教育帮助小孩为以后的成年期准备。 It is widely believed that education prepares children for adulthood.23. It can be argued that.练习:有人可能会说,在家里做饭比吃快餐要贵。 It can be argued that cooing meals at home is more expensive than eating fast food.24. It is not surprising that.练习:无可置疑的是,劳逸结合对很

15、多人现在都是挑战。 It is not surprising that work-life balance is now a challenge to many people.25. It is not unusual that.练习:不足为奇的是,女人有时候需要辞职,为了照顾小孩。 It is not unusual that women have to quit jobs for childrearing responsibility.常用的主语从句26. .reveals/indicates/suggests/shows that.练习:白手起家的一些富豪的成功展示了正式教育未必像预想的那么重要。 The success of some self-made billionaires indicates that formal education may not be as important as expected.27. .believe/argue/hold/suggest/cla

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