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1、 Lesson NineSection One:Tapescript. Dialogue 1:-我准备去擦黑板 - Im going to clean the blackboard. -但你不能这么做 -But you cant do that. -为什么我不能? -Why cant I -我们没有黑板擦 -We havent got a duster. Dialogue 2:-我准备去喝一些这种牛奶 -Im going to drink some of this milk. -但是你不能这么做 -But you mustnt. -为什么我不能呢 -Why not?-因为牛奶已经酸了 -Bec

2、ause its sour. Dialogue 3:-打扰一下,女士, -Excuse me, Madam. 您丢了您的手套吗? Did you drop your glove?-请再说一遍。 -I beg your pardon?-我说,您丢了您的手套吗? -I said “Did you drop your glove”. -噢,是的,我丢了手套。 -Oh, yes, I did. 非常感谢你 Thank you so much. -别客气。这是我的荣幸。 -Not at all. Its a pleasure. Dialogue 4:-你是一个百万富翁吗,彼得? -Are you a m

3、illionaire, Peter?-我当然不是。 -Of course, Im not. 为什么你会这样问,罗伯特? -Why do you ask, Roberto?-我只是想联练习一下我的英语。 -I only wanted to practice my English. -噢,我知道了。 -Oh, I see. 你想利用我。 You want to make use of me. Dialogue 5:-你去哪了? -Where have you been?-去了电影院。 -To the cinema. -你和谁一起去的? -Who did you go with?-我和Jone Ju

4、dge一起去的。 -I went with Jone Judge. Dialogue 6:-我能为你做什么?-What can I do for you? -我伤着了我的手腕,医生。 -I have damaged my wrist, doctor. . -你怎么伤着的? -How did you do that?-在我打网球的时候, -While I was playing tennis, 我摔倒压在了手上面。 I fell on it. Dialogue 7:-怎么了? -Whats wrong?-我胸口疼。 -I have a pain in my chest. . -为什么不去看医生?

5、 -Why not go and see your doctor?-对哦。那是个好主意。我会去的。 -Yes. Thats a good idea. I will. Dialogue 8:-打扰一下,现在已经七点钟了吗? -Excuse me, but is it seven oclock yet?-抱歉,我没有带表。 -Im sorry, but I havent a watch. 你可以试着问一下那边的那位女士。 Try the lady over there. 她可能知道。 She will know. -谢谢,我会去的。 -Thank you. I will. Dialogue 9:-

6、你今晚准备去干什么? -What are you going to do this evening?-我准备去打牌。 -Im going to play cards. -你明天晚上也准备去打牌吗? -Are you going to play cards tomorrow evening, too?-不。我准备去做一条新裙子。 -No. Im going to make a new dress. Dialogue 10:-你喜欢煮鸡蛋吗? -Do you like boiled eggs?-是的。我喜欢煮鸡蛋。谢谢。 -Yes. I love them. Thank you. -你更喜欢硬一点

7、的还是软一点的? -Do you prefer hard ones or soft ones? -我真的不介意。谢谢你。 -I really dont mind. Thank you. Dialogue 11:-你在镇上的时候买了什么东西吗? -Did you buy anything when you were in the town?-是的。我买了一件衬衣。 -Yes. I bought a blouse. -它是什么样子的? -Whats it like?-它是一件蓝色高领衬衣。 - It is a blue one with a high neck. Dialogue 12:-你步行去

8、的比赛吗? - Did you walk to the match?-不。我坐车去的。 -No. I went by car. . -约翰也是坐车去的吗? -Did John go by car, too?. -不。他骑车去的。 -No. He cycled. Dialogue 13:-你好,你假期怎么过的? -Hello, and how did you spend the holiday?-我打网球直到午饭时间。 -I played tennis till lunch time. -午饭后你做了什么? -What did you do after lunch?-我和约翰一起去游泳。 -I

9、went for a swim with John. Dialogue 14:-你好,为什么你不打网球? -Hello, why arent you play tennis?-我还没买到我的球拍。 -I havent bought my racket. -你可以借我的,如果你喜欢的话。 -You can borrow mine, if you like. -噢,谢谢你。你真是太好了。 -Oh, thank you. Thats very kind of you. Dialogue 15:-那些衬衫是什么做的? -What are those shirts made of?-它们是棉布做的。 -

10、They are made of cotton. -衬衫都是棉布做的吗? -Are shirts always made of cotton?-不。 -No. 有时它们也用羊毛或者尼龙做。 They are sometimes made of wool or nylon. Section Two:Tapescript. A. 一个排球赛的邀请An invitation to a volleyball Match女:我拿到了两张今晚排球赛的票。你来吗?Female:Ive got two tickets for a volleyball match this evening. Why dont

11、you come?男:噢不,谢谢。我我对排球不太感兴趣。Male:Uhno, thanks. II m not very interested in volleyball. 女:噢,为什么不感兴趣?你之前看过打排球吗?Female”Oh, why not?Have you ever seen it played?男:不,我没有。但是我真的不Male:No, I havent, but I really dont女:那就是我之前想的。你不知道你将要错过什么。Female:Thats what I thought. You dont know what you are missing. 男:我不知

12、道?为什么?Male:Dont I?Why?女:因为它节奏非常快,动感十足。Female:Because its very fast, with lots of action. 男:真的吗?这场球赛是谁打的啊?Male:Really?Whos playing?女:世界最棒的女子团队中的两组,一队来自芬兰,另一队来自比利时。Female:Two of the best womens teams in the world, one from Finland and the other from Belgium. 男:嗯。听起来很激动人心。Male:Hmm. It sounds exciting. 女:是啊,它很令人激动。非常激动!Female:Yes, it is! Very!男:嗯。好吧,或许最后我会去的。Male:Hmm. Well, perhaps Ill come after all. 女:太棒了!现在额你能不能额我能不能收你五磅钱?Female:Good!Nowuhcould youuhcould I have five pounds, please?男:五磅?做什么?Male:Five po

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