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1、Lesson 10Dialogue 1: Can I help you?我可以帮助你么? Yes, please. Id like some instant coffee.是的。我想要一杯速溶咖啡。 Certainly. How much would you like?好的,你想要多大杯的? A large jar, please. 一大杯。 Dialogue 2: Thats a very nice cardigan. Is it new? 这件开襟毛衣很漂亮。是新买的么?Yes. It was very cheap. I got it in a sale. 是的。它很便宜。我打折买下的。I

2、 like it very much. It suits you very well. 我很喜欢它。你穿着很好看。Oh, thank you. 谢谢。 Dialogue 3: Do you read many novels?你读过很多小说么? Yes. I suppose Ive read about four novels this year.是的,我今年已经读过四部小说了I see. And what was the last novel you read? 我明白了。你最近读过的小说是什么?Let me see. It was A Man in Havana. 让我想想,是哈瓦那特派员。

3、And when did you read it?你什么时候读的? I read it on Tuesday evening.星期二晚上读的。 Why did you read it?为什么你会读它? Well . 呃。 Dialogue 4: Do you smoke?你吸烟吗? Yes, I do. 是的。How long have you been smoking for? 你吸烟多久了?Six years. 六年了。 And how many cigarettes have you smoked during that time?这些年你已经吸了多少支烟了? Thousands! 数以

4、千计。 Dialogue 5: I was just about to have a swim when I saw the shark! 我正打算游泳时候,看见了鲨鱼。Thats nothing. I was in the middle of swimming when I saw the shark.那又如何。我游到中途的时候,看见了鲨鱼。What happened?然后呢。 I started swimming for the shore, of course.当然,我开始向岸边游。 B. Hotel English Yvonne Deraine is staying at the Ho

5、tel Neptune. She goes to the Reception Desk and asks: Yvonne Deraine 待在Neptune.旅馆。她走向咨询台问道: Yvonne: Can I have breakfast in my room? 我可以在房间里吃早餐么? Clerk: Certainly, madam. Breakfast is served in your room from 7 oclock until 10. Here is the menu.当然了,女士。早餐在7:00到10:00可以送到你房间。菜单在这。 Yvonne: Thank you. (l

6、ooks at the menu) Id like to have the Continental Breakfast.谢谢。(看着菜单)我想要欧式早餐。 Clerk: Yes, madam. And at what time would you like it? 好的。你想要什么时候送来?Yvonne: About half past eight, I think.大约八点半。 Clerk: 8:30. Very good,madam. And what kind of fruit juice would you like? We have pineapple, orange, grapef

7、ruit. 八点半。好。那你喜欢什么果汁?有凤梨,橘子,葡萄。 Yvonne: I think Id like the pineapple please.我喜欢凤梨。 Clerk: Pineapple juice. And would you prefer tea or coffee? 凤梨汁。你喜欢茶还是咖啡?Yvonne: Coffee please. 咖啡吧。 Clerk: Thank you very much. Goodnight.很感谢您。晚安。 (At 8:30 the next morning, there is a light tap at Yvonnes door.)(第二

8、天早上八点半,Yvonne的门被敲响) Yvonne: Y-es. Come in.请进。 Maid: Ive brought you your breakfast, madam.我是送早餐的。 Yvonne: Oh yes. Thank you. Could you put it on the desk over there please?谢谢。你可以放在那边那张桌子上么? Maid: Shall I pour you a cup of coffee straight away, madam?我要帮您倒上咖啡么? Yvonne: No, thanks. Ill pour it myself

9、in a minute .不,谢谢。我一会自己倒吧。 Maid: Is there anything else, madam?还有什么需要帮助的么? Yvonne: No-no, I dont think so, thank you.不,不用了。谢谢。 Section 2 A. Discussion. Eddie is talking to Tom. Eddie正在和Tom 交谈。Eddie: Have you ever been really frightened? 你曾经被实实在在吓到过么?Tom: I suppose so, once or twice. 是的。有过一两次。 Eddie:

10、 Can you remember when you were most frightened? 你还记得你被吓得最惨的事么?Tom: That isnt difficult.那并不难。 Eddie: What happened?发生了什么? Tom: Well, we used to have a favorite picnic place beside a lake. We had a boat there. I was there with some friends and I decided to swim to a little island. It didnt look far a

11、nd I started swimming . but half way across I realised it was a lot further than I thought. I was getting very tired. I shouted. Luckily my friends heard me and brought the boat. I thought I was going to drown. Ive never been more frightened in my life. 呃。我们去了一个最适合野餐的湖边。我们在那划船。我是和一群朋友去的。我想游去一个小岛。它看上

12、去不远,我开始游泳。但是半路我发现它比我想象中要远的多。我已经很累了。我大喊。幸运的是,我朋友听见我了,划过来一只船。我以为我会溺毙的。我这一生都再没有过那么恐怖的事了。 B. Forum. Should school children take part-time jobs?学生应该做兼职么? This is a discussion which will appear in a magazine. 这是一份即将刊登在杂志上的讨论。 Editor: This month our panel looks at part-time jobs. Are they good for school c

13、hildren or not?这个月我们的座谈小组将讨论兼职工作:它们是否对学生有好处? Headmaster: Definitely not. The children have got two full-time jobs already: growing up and going to school. Part-time jobs make them so tired they fall asleep in class.当然不是的。孩子已经有了全职工作:成长和学习。兼职工作让他们很累,而且会在课堂上昏昏欲睡。 Mrs. Barnes: I agree. I know school hou

14、rs are short, but theres homework as well. And children need a lot of sleep. 我也赞同。在校时间很短,可家庭作业却很多。孩子们需要大量睡眠。 Mr. Barnes: Young children perhaps, but some boys stay at school until theyre eighteen or nineteen. A part-time job cant harm them. In fact, its good for them. They earn their pocket-money in

15、stead of asking their parents for it. And they see something of the world outside school. 小孩子或许是的。但一些男孩会在学校待到十八岁甚至十九岁。一份兼职工作不会损害他们的。事实上,它会对他们有利。他们自己挣零花钱,而不是直接问父母要。他们也可以了解外面的世界。 Businessman: Youre absolutely right. Boys learn a lot from a part-time job. And we mustnt forget that some families need the extra money. If the pupils didnt take part-time jobs they couldnt stay at school. 你很显然是对的。男孩们会从兼职工作中学到很多。我们不能忽视许多家庭需要这些额外的收入。如果学生不能做兼职,他们就会退学。Editor: Well, we seem to be equally divided: two for, an

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