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11Recognizing signal words文档格式.docx

1、unlikedespiteyetotherwisedifferent fromrather thanoppositewhileeven thoughin contrastwhereason the other handComparison wordsWhen you read these words, you can infer that the writer compares two sides and point out their similarity. Then these words guide you on in the same direction. For example, w

2、hen you read, 1. My brother was taught to write by my mother; similarly2. Politics is a deleterious profession, like some poisonous handicrafts.In the first example, the word “similarly” makes it quicker and safer to move on reading because you know that something similar or repetitive is to follow.

3、 In the second one, the comparison with “like” help readers form more vivid image of politics.likeequallysimilaritysamelikewisein the same wayjust asanalogous tojustalikeas in a similar fashionalsoAdditional Words Like contrast words, this group of words become signals to present two or more ideas.

4、But different from the contrast ones, the ideas continue along the same line of thought as a previous idea. Therefore, they can be treated as a warning that there are more ideas to come. 1. Our landlord recently repainted our apartment. Also, he replaced our faulty air conditioner. 2. Bicycling is a

5、 good exercise; moreover, it doesnt pollute the air.The word “also” signals that the landlord did some additional things and “moreover” other advantage of bicycling. Additional words are typically used to signal enumerations. You can find them in the following chart:furthermorefirstthusfist of allmo

6、reoverequally importantthereforelast of allat the same timeaccordinglyandin additionas a resultfinallyanothernextbecausefor one thingconsequentlysinceTime-sequence WordsThe sequence words signal that the writer tells us a group of things or events arranged in an order especially following one anothe

7、r in time. Moreover the writer also makes clear the dates or times of day to mark the order events take place. It is easier to help readers to understand the information that is presented in some kind of sequence. Therefore, when you see these words in reading, you know there is an order to these id

8、eas or when something happens. You may read, I am opposed to state-supported lotteries for a number of reasons. First of all, by supporting lotteries, states are supporting gambling. Another objection I have isLast. “First of all”, “another” and “last” in this sentence help you keep the writers idea

9、s ordered.after a short timeultimatelysoonin the futureeventuallysubsequentlyimmediatelybeforeafterwardsat lastduringin the pastmeanwhileat the beginningsecondlysuperiorfirstlybeneath all elseforthabove all elsethirdfourthlysecondthirdlyinferiorIllustration WordsWhether ideas are simple or complex,

10、they can be better understood if the writer gives an example or an illustration. Then the illustration words signal that examples or illustration will follow to clarify, define, explain, or develop an idea or a generalization.1. We absorb radiation from many sources in our environment; for example,

11、color TV sets and microwave ovens, among other things, give off low-level radiation.2. On Halloween night, children often dress different costumes like some characters such as princess, pirates, vampire, spiderman and so on.The examples led by “for example” and “such as” make the idea about radiatio

12、n more clearly understood and accepted. Therefore, when an idea or concept is difficult and you see one of these signal words, you should take notice and know this is what the principle means in reality.for exampleoncein other wordsspecificallysuch as namelyfor instanceincidentallyto illustratein fa

13、ctthat is to sayin the same way assimilar tomuch likeCause-effect WordsWhen you come across some difficult material, it is easier for you to understand the content when the writer presents the reasons for it. The cause words tell us that the writer will describe the reason or explain why something h

14、as happened or will happen. For example, you may read “The temperance movement in this country sought to ban alcohol,” you might not know how or why or even question the fact. But if the writer goes on to add “because drinking liquor led to violence, poverty, prostitution, and insanity.”, you would

15、find the information easier to understand and accept. Seven women were honored last week in Washington for their efforts to expand democracy and womens rights in their countries. The word “for” provides you with the reason why the seven women were honored. When you see these words, it is necessary f

16、or you to tell the relationship of the parts before and after the signals and tell which is cause or effect. whetherforresulting fromifin order thatthatfromunlessasthenofdue toso thatuntilsowithoutSummary or Conclusion WordsAfter a writer makes a point or many points, especially at the end of a para

17、graph, a passage, or a chapter, he will rephrase his main ideas or conclude his works in a way that remains consistent with what he has written. Most often, they try to finish by using the most accurate and strongest point, argument or statement. The summary or conclusion words signal that a conclus

18、ion or summary is to be expected. 1. The children could play as long as they liked, they had no work to do, and nobody scolded them, in short, they were happy.2. Fish die when lakes are contaminated with acid rain. The dangers in our environment will eventually affect all life on earth. Therefore, w

19、e must pay attention to these early warning signals. If we dont, we may die, as did the fish. The phrase “in short” and “therefore” signal that the main point of whatever has been said before is about to be summarized.from what has been saidin shorton the wholein briefin summarysimply puthencein con

20、clusionto concludeEmphasis Words The emphasis words are frequently used when the writer wants to show you that a particular idea or detail is especially important, just like markers to places. Think of such words as red flags that the writer is using to make sure you pay attention to an idea. 1. One

21、 of the most important assumptions of economics is that the total human wants can never be satisfied.2. If you want to live a happy life, remember that you always look at the positive side of life. It is very obvious with the phrase “the most important” and “remember that” you know what is important

22、 and necessary to read.important to noteremember thata distinctive qualityespecially valuableabove alla key featurethe chief factora primary concernthe principal itemmost of alla major eventespecially relevantmost noteworthya central issuethe main valuea vital forcethe most substantial issuepay part

23、icular attention toa significant factora chief outcomeit should be notedIn addition to the words, the writer sometimes uses nonword forms to signal emphasis. Here are some of the forms:exclamation point (!),underline,italics,bold type,subheads, like The Conclusionindentation of paragraphgraphic illustrationsnumbered points (1, 2, 3)very short sentence: Stop war.“quotation marks”M

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