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高中英语The Attributive Clause I教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思Word格式.docx

1、1) Jinan is a beautiful city. 2) Ive got Li Mings number.3) I have two dogs and three cats.4) The boy there is from America. 5) Id like to have something to eat.6) Students like songs sung by Mao Buyi. 7) The woman sitting there looked very sad. 8) I need to buy a washing machine this weekend.9) The

2、 exercise books on the table are bought for Su Mingyu.10)The boy who/that is standing in front of me is our monitor.【小结】1) 从以上句子可知,定语是修饰_词或代词的一种句子成分。做定语的可以是_词(句1)、名词所有格(句2)、_词(句3)、副词(句4)、_ (句5)、_分词短语(句6)、_分词短语(句7)、动名词和_词(句8)、_词和_短语(句9)、_物主代词和一个句子(句10)。2) 定语从句是指修饰_词或_词的一个句子; 被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。Step 2. Gro

3、up research:关系代词(that/which/who/whom/whose)引导的定语从句Activity I关系代词怎么用?以小组为单位,仔细观察以下定语从句:1. 找出每个句子的先行词(人?物?);2. 分析关系代词在定语从句中的句子成分;3. 说出哪些关系代词,在什么情况下可以省略? 1) I am not the woman that I used to be. 2) Those who break the rules should be punished.3) The man whose car was stolen called the police.4) The dic

4、tionary whose cover is blue is very helpful.5) Do you want a friend (whom/who/that) you could tell everything to? 6) Do you still remember the stories (that/which) your mother told you 10 years ago?7) She gave me a determined look - the kind that/which said she would not change her mind.8) Some peop

5、le who/that live in the mountains of the eastern USA speak with an older kind of English dialect.【Summary】1. 关系代词的用法:关系代词先行词指人?指物?还是两者皆可?充当从句什么成分?thatwhichwhowhomwhose 2. 关系代词_、_、_和_在定语从句做_语时可以省略。【Practice】Fill in the blanks with which / that / who / whose.1. The baby trousers are blue is Jack.2. Th

6、e baby wears blue trousers is Jack.3. The world map _ is drawn by Yu Miao is so wonderful!4. The students _ are studying very hard are from Class 12, Senior 1. Activity II定语从句的来历 小组合作,观察以下例句,思考:将两个简单句合并为一个含有语从句的复合句时,如何选定先行词和关系代词?例: a. The girl was Jims sister. b. We saw the girl yesterday. 【分析】:a、b两

7、句中都有the girl,把a句中的The girl确定为先行词,指人,b句中的the girl做saw的宾语,故可以用关系代词that/who/whom引导定语从句,且可以省略。(注:合成复合句时,引导词一般紧跟在先行词之后,b句中的the girl 因为已经用关系代词替换掉,不能再出现在复合句中。The girl (who/whom/that) we saw yesterday was Jims sister.1) a. I thanked the woman. b. She helped me. 【分析】: _ I thanked the woman who/that helped me

8、.2) a. Did you hear about the earthquake? b. It happened in Wenchuan. _3) a. The movie wasnt very good. b. We watched it last night. _ 4) a. The young man is Lu Han. b. His girlfriend is Guan Xiaotong. _ Or: The young man is Lu Han whose girlfriend is Guan Xiaotong.5) a. I cant buy this phone. b. It

9、s price is so high. _ 将两个简单句合并为一个由关系代词引导的定语从句的复合句的步骤:1. 首先,确定先行词。即找出两个简单句中指代内容相同的_词或_词。2. 其次,确定关系代词。如果先行词指人,关系代词在定语从句中做主语、宾语或表语,可以用_或_; 如果关系代词在从句中做定语,则只能用_;如果先行词指物,关系代词可以用_、_或_。3. 最后,合并句子。注意:关系代词常常紧跟在_词后面,被关系代词替换掉的词不再出现在复合句中。Step 3. Practice 1. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 这就是那位

10、帮助过我的人。 This is the person _.2) 你昨天遇到的史密斯夫人是我的一个朋友。 Mrs. Smith _is a friend of mine.3) 你认识一位叫刘芹的英语老师吗? Do you know an English teacher_?4) 我收到的那份礼物是我儿子送的。 The present _was from my son.2. Challenge yourself. Each group will be given a card with a picture on it. Discuss with your group members and writ

11、e down a sentence according to the clues on the card, using attribute clauses. Step 4. Summary What have we learned in this period?Think over and try to answer the following questions. 1. 什么是定语从句? 2. 什么是先行词? 3. 引导定语从句的关系代词有哪些? 4. 什么情况下,哪些关系代词可以省略?Step 5. Homework 假如你刚交了一名英国网友Tom,他最近写e-mail来说想进一步了解你。

12、请你根据以下提示从三个方面介绍一下自己吧。词数50左右。1. Appearance: short / tall / medium height / big-eyed / round-faced 2. Personality: easy-going / warm-hearted / humorous / hard-working /considerate 3. Hobbies: watching movies / listening to music / reading / learning English / playing basketballSuggested sentence patte

13、rns:1)I am a girl/boy that/who_. 2)I am a senior school student who/that_. 附录1: 学习效果测评:1)自评:我在这节课的表现如何?我学会了什么?还存在哪些困惑?今后如何解决? _2)互评:本节课我们小组谁表现最为积极?谁表现不太积极?为什么?_3) 教师点评:_附录2:Challenge yourself 所用图片1. Please describe the novel according to the clues, using attributive clauses: Title: Harry Potter Writ

14、er: J.K.Rowling Harry Potter is a famous novel _. 2. Please describe the film according to the clues, using attributive clauses:Title: The Wandering EarthDirector: Guo Fan (direct: v. 导演) The Wandering Earth _became world- famous this year. 3. Please describe the film according to the clues, using a

15、ttributive clauses: MulanBased on: a Chinese traditional storyMulan is a film _.4. Please describe the film according to the clues, using attributive clauses: Wolf WarriorsDirector and actor: Wu Jing I like the film Wolf Warriors _ very much. 5. Please describe the film according to the clues, using

16、 attributive clauses: The Pursuit of Happyness Actor: Will Smith The Pursuit of Happyness is one of the most famous films _6. Please describe the picture according to the clues, using attributive clauses:Action: singing songsLocation(位置): Mount Tai This a picture of our school students_ on Mount Tai

17、.7. Please describe the picture according to the clues, using attributive clauses:Taken by: our English teacherName: Baotu Spring The beautiful picture _ is Baotu Spring.8. Please describe Cai Xukun according to the clues, using attributive clauses:Appearance: womanish/girlishI dont think boys shoul

18、d learn from Cai Xukun _.9. Please describe Pan Changjiang according to the clues, using attributive clauses:Job: comedian (喜剧演员) Feelings: sad and puzzled Pan Changjiang, _ is feeling sad and puzzled because of Cai Xukun.10. Please describe the film according to the clues, using attributive clauses

19、: ZootopiaMain character: a bunny (兔子) I have watched the film Zootopia many times_.人教版必修一Unit 4 Grammar The Attributive Clause(I)学情分析自入学以来,我发现高一学生对于什么是定语和定语从句还是有一定基础的,因为他们从初二起就接触过这一语法。不过学生的句子成分分析能力不足,而定语从句的学习又离不开句子成分分析,所以教师所能做的就是引导他们学会用句子成分分析法学习关系代词引导的限制性定语从句。在课前预习阶段,教师引导学生通过对定语知识的回顾,建立起定语和定语从句之间的联

20、系,为引出定语从句做好准备。探究活动I目的是让学生自己学会观察关系代词的用法,以总结出它们所引导的定语从句的规律。探究活动II的目的是让学生在合并简单句的过程中,观察被关系代词所替换的词在从句中的句子成分,进而总结出关系代词的使用跟从句中的句子成分密不可分这个规律。课堂上的翻译句子和看图说话环节选材尽可能地贴近学生生活,让学生在轻松愉快的学习氛围中体会到学以致用的乐趣。课后作业的布置侧重了语言的实用性原则,将语法学习和写作有效结合在一起。人教版必修一Unit 4 Grammar The Attributive Clause(I)效果分析本节课整体来说课堂气氛活跃,学生们能积极参与到各种练习及活

21、动中,并能较好地完成本节课的教学目标,具体各个环节的教学效果分析如下:1. 预习导航部分,学生的课前准备比较充分,能够总结出作定语的词类或词性;2. 在课堂探究环节,学生们的小组合作表现不错,可以准确发现并总结出关系代词的使用规律。3. 在挑战自己的看图说话环节,学生们通过与小组同学讨论,很好地完成了补全句子的任务,而且各别同学还超水平发挥,不仅仅局限于教师德提示信息,写出了复杂的定语从句,效果很棒。人教版必修一Unit 4 Grammar The Attributive Clause(I)教材分析本单元的语法学习内容是定语从句(I),即由that/which/who/whom/whose引导

22、的限制性定语从句。这是人教版必修一第四单元的语法重点,也是整个高中阶段重点语法项目之一。定语从句可分为两大类:限制性定语从句和非限制定语从句。本单元的语法教学内容仅涉及到由关系代词引导的限制性定语从句。由简入难,这样有利于学生循序渐进地掌握这一重点语法。教材的阅读(Reading)部分,含有不少定语从句,所以学生在学习课文的过程中已经初步了解了定语从句的结构。这堂语法课起到了巩固知识和探寻规律的作用,目的是让学生不仅“知其然”,还要“知其所以然”。教师有意识地引导学生在今后的写作中尽可能地使用定语从句,提高表达能力。人教版必修一Unit 4 Grammar The Attributive Cl

23、ause(I)课后巩固练习I. 用所给的关系代词which, that, who, whom, whose完成以下从句:1. The force _ causes everything to fall towards the ground is called gravity.2. A friend _ helps you in time of need is a friend indeed.3. He saw a house _ windows were all broken. 4. Everything _ can be done today mustnt be done tomorrow.

24、 5. This is the best hotel _ I know.6. The boy with _ John spoke is my brother.7. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows,most of _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year.8. The ninth lesson _ we are learning is the most difficult in Book One. 9. Will you please lend me the very book _ you bought yesterday?10. The house _ Lu Xun once lived in is a museum now.11. This is the museum _ we visited last Saturday. 12. Is this museum the one _

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