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1、Introduction 简介The masses regard food as their heaven 民以食为天Chinese philosopher Confucius 中国先贤孔子diet and love-making, all primal needs of every human being 饮食男女,人之大欲之所存焉。epicurean lifestyle 享乐主义生活方式culinary techniques 厨艺cookbook 食谱Chinese cuisines 中国美食pasta 面团pastry 糕点Beijings lamb hotpot (fondue) an

2、d roast duck 北京涮羊肉火锅和北京烤鸭principal foods 主食dietary fibers 膳食纤维the hot and heavily spiced Sichuan food 辛辣的四川食物sweet and delicate Huaiyang food 甜而精致的淮扬菜color (aesthetic beauty), aroma, and taste 色香味aestheticism 唯美主义scallion 葱ginger 姜garlic 蒜cooking wine 料酒;米酒aniseed 八角cassia bark 桂皮black pepper 黑胡椒ses

3、ame oil 芝麻香油shiitake mushrooms 香菇fry, stir-fry, roast 炸,炒和烤steam, deep-fry, quick-fry, simmer 蒸,深炸,快炒,煨soy sauce 酱油vinegar 醋spices 调味料spicy pepper 胡椒seasoning 调料tomatoes 番茄cucumber 黄瓜elegant and intricate decorations 优雅精致的装饰calories 卡路里cholesterol 胆固醇food and medicine sharing the same roots 药食相通dise

4、ase prevention 防病health preservation 养生balanced nutritional intake 均衡的营养摄入manners and customs 风俗习惯etiquettes 礼仪proactively 主动的;积极地contemporary Chinese 现代中国soothing and joyous topics 安抚和快乐的话题Italian pizza 意大利披萨French gourmet 法国美食Japanese sushi 日本寿司American burgers 美国汉堡German beers 德国啤酒Brazilian barbe

5、que 巴西烧烤Indian curry 印度咖喱Swiss cheese 瑞士奶酪Eat in China 吃在中国Traditional Foods 传统美食ecological environment 生态环境population volume 人口数量level of productivity 生产力水平population density 人口密度status quo 现状mountain residents 山民spring water 泉水terraces 梯田originating source 源头Yellow River region 黄河流域foxtail millet

6、粟the Yangtze River 长江;扬子江sticky or non-sticky rice 黏米和糙米glutinous types of rice 糯米agricultural age 农业时代principal food 主食Huangdi Neijing 黄帝内经The Five Grains as life support, the Five Fruits as complimentary aide, the Five Meats as added benefits, and the Five Vegetables as substantial fill 五谷为养,五果为助,

7、五畜为益,五菜为充pod-bearing crops 豆荚作物prehistoric times 史前时期archeological sites 考古遗址sorghum 高粱Good Harvest of the Five Grains 五谷丰登beans 大豆rice 大米millet 小米proteins 蛋白质fatty acids 脂肪酸carbohydrates 碳水化合物buns 馒头pancakes 煎饼noodles 面条stuffed buns 包子dumplings 饺子wonton 馄饨plain rice 白米饭thin rice noodle 米线thick rice

8、 noodles 河粉rice cakes 年糕stuffed glutinous rice balls in soup 糯米丸子汤steamed 蒸baked 烘烤fried 炸dough-made foods 面食sesame seed cake 芝麻饼air-dried 风干boiling water or soup 沸水或沸汤Chinese festivities 中国节日the second day of the second month (lunar calendar) 农历二月二Dragon Whisker Noodles 龙须面Longevity Noodles 长寿面roll

9、ing 滚rubbing 摩擦stretching 拉kneading 揉curling 卷pressing 压slicing 切flour fermentation techniques面粉发酵技术steam basket 蒸笼Chinese griddlecooking utensils 炊具,厨房用具plain steamed bun/mantou 馒头Plain steamed rice 白米饭Chinese porridge (congee)/zhou 粥grains, vegetables, fruits 谷物,蔬菜,水果flowers, herbs and meats 花卉,草药

10、和肉类fine foods 精细食物rough foods 粗粮corn 玉米millet 小米sorghum 高粱buckwheat 荞麦oats 燕麦yams 洋芋,山药,番薯beans 豆类tofu/bean curd 豆腐bureaucrats and the literati class 官僚和文人阶级premium sauces 优质酱料soybean oil 豆油,大豆油vegetable seed oil 菜籽油peanut oil 花生油corn oil 玉米油peaches 桃子plums 李子jujubes 枣子,果胶软糖pears 梨sour plums 话梅 apri

11、cots 杏子hazelnuts 榛子persimmons 柿子melons 瓜类hawthorns 山楂mulberries 桑树,桑葚Chinese wolfberries 枸杞子Chinese crabapplescherries 樱桃temperate zones 温带ceremonial offeringstangerines 橘子,金橘shaddock (pomelo) 柚子mandarin oranges 蜜桔oranges 柑橘,橙子lichee 荔枝longan 龙眼loquat 枇杷red bayberries 杨梅fishing-and-hunting society 渔

12、猎社会sacrificial animals 祭祀动物sacrificial rituals 祭祀仪式horse, cattle, sheep, chicken, dog and pig 马,牛,羊,鸡,狗,和猪beef 牛肉mutton 羊肉lamb 羔羊肉poultry breeding 家禽繁种veggies 蔬菜Chinese cabbage 大白菜turnip 萝卜,白萝卜radish 萝卜eggplant 茄子cucumber 黄瓜peas 豌豆Chinese chive (leek) 韭菜wax gourd 冬瓜edible fungi 食用菌appetizers 开胃菜nutr

13、itional intake 营养摄入provision 供应品,规定,条款Grape 葡萄pomegranate 石榴sesame 芝麻lima bean 青豆,立马豆walnut 胡桃,核桃cucumber 黄瓜watermelon 西瓜muskmelon 甜瓜carrot 胡萝卜fennel 茴香celery 芹菜Chinese parsley (coriander) 香菜Sunflower seeds 葵花子,瓜子mung bean 绿豆Spinach 菠菜Emperor Taizong (627-649 A.D.) of the Tang Dynasty 唐太宗Northern an

14、d Southern Dynasties (420-589 A.D.) 南北朝balsam pear 苦瓜red chili peppers 红辣椒hot pepper 辣椒,小辣椒sharks fin 鱼翅birds nest 燕窝lavish foods 丰富的食物 popsicle 冰棒drafted and implemented 起草和实施Chic building styles 别致的建筑风格Coffee-making utensils 咖啡器具Tools of the Tradehairs and feathers 毛发和羽毛gourmet foods 美食chopsticks,

15、 knives, forks and spoons 筷子,刀,叉和汤匙dining utensils 餐饮用具culinary techniques and dietary habits 烹饪技术和饮食习惯from stone and pottery to bronze, iron and other metals 从石器和陶器到青铜,铁和其它金属porcelain 瓷器,陶瓷material and craftsmanship 材料和工艺earthenware 陶器pedestals 基座,底座sacrificial rites 祭礼wok 锅,炒锅plates and bowls 盘子和碗gunpowder 火药compass 指南针

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