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1、21世纪大学英语读写教程复习资料Unit41. 在一项对教育方法的研究中,一位教师被告知她的新班中全是有非凡天赋的孩子。“你应该使他们的成绩高于平均水平,”有人这样对她说,而到了期末果真如此-成绩超出了平均水平。 In a study of educational techniques, a teacher was told that her new class were all gifted children. You should get above-average results from them, she was advised, and by the end of the term

2、 she was getting just that, better than average work.2. 这件事的引人注目之处在于事实上这个班的学生并不超常。他们只是一群水平中等,智商一般的学生。对这位老师所说的这些孩子的潜力是假的。The remarkable thing about it all was that in reality the class was not unusual. They were just an average group of students with IQs within the normal range. The teacher had been

3、deceived about their potential.3. 这项研究揭示了关于教学和孩子的诸多问题的诸多答案,但它留下的未予回答的问题更多。它十分清晰表明的一点是,当孩子相信老师的期望是真诚的时候,他通常是不会辜负这种期望的。This study uncovered many answers to many questions about teaching and children, but it left even more questions unanswered. One point it did make with unusual clarity is that a child

4、 will usually live up to a teachers expectations when the child believes those expectations are honest.4. 一个未予回答的问题是:老师以什么方式让学生们知道自己是特殊学生的,是能够取得优异成绩的呢?她没有对他们明说,但显然在她的态度中有某种东西使学生们确信他们是有非凡天赋的。An unanswered question was: In what way did the teacher communicate to the students that they were special and

5、 could do superior work? She didnt tell them that in so many words, but obviously something about her attitude convinced the students that they were gifted.5. 进一步的研究表明,老师态度中那种特别的“东西”,一部分在于她给全班布置什么样的作业,一部分在于她布置作业的方式。但最强有力的“东西”还是老师本人和她对全班学生及其能力的态度。Further studies showed that the special something in t

6、he teachers attitude was, in part, the type of work she gave the class, and in part how she presented it. But the strongest something was the teacher herself and her attitude toward the class and toward their ability.6. 当她说“你们是聪明的孩子”时,她的声音中带有更多的信心和兴趣。始终有一种鼓励的语气在告诉他们他们会取得进步,会取得很大的进步。孩子们收到了这些信号,并对它们作出

7、积极的反应。There was an extra amount of confidence and interest in her voice that said, Youre bright children. There was a constant reassuring tone that told them they would do well, very well. The children picked up these signals and reacted positively to them.7. 学生的成绩达不到老师的期望是常有的事。当这种情况发生时,那个学生面对的不是失望、

8、气愤或恼怒。相反,老师认为这是一个例外,一次意外事件,倒霉的一天,一次暂时的失误-而学生相信了她,并消除了疑虑。下一次,他更加努力了,决心做到老师知道他能做到的事。When a students work did not measure up to the teachers expectations, as often happened, the student was not treated with disappointment, anger, or annoyance. Instead, the teacher assumed that this was an exception, an

9、 accident, a bad day, a momentary slip and the student believed her and felt reassured. The next time around, he tried harder, determined to live up to what the teacher knew he could do.8. 在老师传达的信息中到底是哪一点告诉了孩子“我期待着最好的成绩”,这很难精确说明。其中一部分是显示信心的平和声调,是没有言语上的不耐烦,是不讽刺,不贬低,不发火,不带有诸如此类的消极因素。期待着最好成绩的老师满怀信心地提问,

10、因为她知道她得到的答案将是正确的,而孩子也感受到了那种信心。The exact part of communication that tells a child, I expect the best, is difficult to pinpoint. In part it consists of a level tone showing assurance, a lack of verbal impatience, an absence of negative qualities such as irony, put-downs, and irritation. The teacher wh

11、o expects the best asks her questions with conviction, knowing the answers she gets will be right, and the child picks up that conviction.9. 这大多是通过声音传递的,但也有相当一部分表现在态度、接触和脸部表情上。Most of this is transmitted through the voice, but a surprising amount is in the attitude, in touch, and in facial expressio

12、n.10. 类似于在这些“很有天赋的”儿童身上所做的实验也在一些“很有天赋的”老鼠身上做了。一位科学家拿到了一群普通的老鼠,但却被告知它们是一个特殊的品种,要接受在创记录的时间里穿越迷宫的训练。在对这些老鼠的训练中,这位科学家发现它们确实比其它老鼠学得快,穿越迷宫也的确更迅速。An experiment similar to the one done with gifted children was done with gifted mice. A scientist was given a group of ordinary mice, but told that they were a s

13、pecial breed, trained to run a maze in record time. Working with these mice, the scientist found that they did learn faster than other mice and did run the maze more quickly.11. 但是老鼠对我们的语言一无所知。那位科学家是怎样将他的期望成功地传达给它们的呢?对实验中所有可变因素的检查表明,这种优异成绩产生于他对待老鼠的方式,他对老鼠讲话的方式和语调、他声音中的信心、安抚和坚定。老鼠接受了所有的信息,并照着做了。But m

14、ice know nothing of our language. How was the scientist able to communicate his expectations to them? An examination of all the variables in the test concluded that the unusually good results were due to the way he had handled the mice, the way he talked to them and the tone, the confidence, the rea

15、ssurance, and the certainty in his voice. They absorbed all the messages and performed accordingly!12. 从更广泛的角度看这两个实验,老师和科学家运用了各个社会的各个阶层都通用的一个原则-特征标签原则。我们所有的期待都带有偏见,我们对于不同的人有着完全不同的期望,甚至对各个民族也是如此。我们依据民族特点来看人。我们认为美国人贪婪,想赚大钱,在心里就这样去标注他们的特征。我们把德国人标为井井有条,英国人冷漠保守,意大利人易动感情,日本人彬彬有礼-如此等等。我们给一个非常广泛的、远非同一的群体上标上

16、了一种非常狭隘的特征。我们对各个种族也是这样。黑人有音乐感,印第安人坚忍,东方人藏而不露。我们甚至对性别也有特性标签-男人积极进取,女人消极被动。In a broader view of both these experiments, the teacher and the scientist used a principle common to all societies at all levels the principle of labeling. All our expectations are prejudiced, and we have very different expectations for different people, even on a national level. We think of people in terms of national characteristics.

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