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八上 unit1 活动单导学Word文档格式.docx

1、9. 干净且整洁 10. 讲有趣的笑话 11. 我能喝点什么吗? 是的,可以。 12. There is nothing else in the fridge. 二、预习对话,回答下列问题1.What does Hobo get from Eddie? 2.What is there in the fridge?活动二、课堂合作探究1.what about doing建议做 eg.What about going swimming?2. share sth with sb 与分享 eg.I often share a room with my sister.3 . something to d

2、rink 喝的东西 eg.Can I have something to drink?活动三、课内练习巩固Task2根据汉语意思完成句子1 My friend _ (是诚实的).2 I can _ Amy _ (对讲任何事情).3.There is not enough bread for supper. We need to _ (再买一些).4. _(有多少蛋糕) are there in the cupboard? There are four.5 My best friend often _(让我开心).6 He always helps me when I _(有困难).7.Is t

3、here anything _(其他的)left in the classroom?8.They usually _(分享)their joy with us.9.The old man often tells the children _(有趣的) stories.10.My brother is very _(help) to me.11.Linda is a _(care) girl and she is good at Maths.12.We need _(更多的) computers in our office.活动四、达标测试Task3选择填空。( )1.-Can I have _

4、?- Of course .Here you are.A.some more cakes B.a few food C.quite a few food D. a little eggs( )2.-_ honest boy you are ! -Thank you!A.What an B. What C. How an D.What a( )3.-Which word cant describe (描述)appearance(外貌? -_.A. Beautiful B. Helpful C. Pretty D.Good-looking( )4.Millie is very_,so we all

5、 want to make _ with her.A. friends friendly B. friendly friends C. friendly friendly D. friends friends Task4 单词拼写。1. Peter is our monitor and he never tells lies, we all think he is h_.2.Theres n_ in the bottle. Its empty.3.My friend often shares his _ (欢乐) with me. 4. Dont tell anything to her be

6、cause she cant keep s_ for you .5. We often borrow books and _(杂志) from our school library.6.She cant find her pet dog,so she feels s_.7.We dont want to have _(特殊的) treatment.8.Some of the girls are_(好看的),but very few are活动五、教学效果验收 (1)错题警报(2)错因分析(3)矫正补救(4)自我反思八上 Unit 1 friends ! 第二课时 Reading 1 主备人:

7、1. 通过阅读了解文中所出现的三个好友的基本情况;理解用形容词来描述朋友外貌和个性品质的语篇。 2. 学会使用正确的阅读技巧进行文本解读,获取关于文中三个好友外貌与个性特征的主要信息。3.掌握词汇: generous willing round singer be willing to do one of my best friends a good sense of humour share sth with sb She is slim and has short hair. She wants to be a singer when she grows up.Task1查词典和有关资料解

8、释其意义 slim as willing to do ready to do 4.gibe her seat to someone in need 5.want to be a singer sb with sth 7.have a good sense of humour 8.grow up 9.make someone look smart 10.knock onto the floor Task2预习 根据课文内容,判断下面的几句话是否正确。1) Betty is generous to old people only. ( ) 2) Betty

9、 wants to be a singer and travel around the world. ( )3) Max does a lot of computer work. ( ) 4) Max is very good at telling jokes. ( )5) May is a true friend. ( ) 6) May likes to tell others her friends secrets. ( )Task3 Scan ( 扫描 ) the text on Page 8 to get the main idea of it and then fill in the

10、 table below. NameAppearancePersonalityBettyMaxMayTask4 Write out the important phrases and sentences you think in the text. (重点词句) willing /ready to do sth 乐意做 eg.She is willing to help sb with /do sth 在帮助某人 eg.He always helps me with my kind /friendly to sb 对某人友好。 eg.

11、My teachers are kind to me .Task5根据句意写出单词。1. He is ready _( stay ) with us for holiday.2. She often helps me _( learn) English.3. Betty didnt catch the train because of _( get ) up late.4. Skiing is as _(危险的) as swimming.5. Are you _( will ) to sing us an English song?6. He is one of the _( good ) _

12、 ( teacher) in our school.7. We like the magazine _( name) “ Teenagers.” 8. He is willing _( join) us.9. My mother often _(讲) me stories when I was a little child.10. I feel _ at his _ talk.(厌烦)11.She _ well. She is a good _( sing)Task6翻译词组。1. 和一样苗条 2. 乐于做某事 3. 走过,经过 4. 感到无聊、不开心 5. 碰掉 6. 想起,想到 7. 真正

13、的朋友 8. 保密 9. 准备做某事 10. 为做准备 八上 Unit 1 Friends 第三课时 Reading 2 主备人:1. 巩固与拓展上课时所学基础知识和技能。学会运用本课时的四会单词和重点词组,课前独立完成其中练习,记下所遇到的问题,准备课堂解决。2.掌握词组: tell funny jokes feel bored make me laugh He often knocks our books onto the floor He is kind to people Task1 根据自己的记忆,回答下列问题1.What does May look like?2.What does

14、 Max look like? What is his special quality?3.What is Bettys quality? Whats her future plan?4.What does Betty look like?5.What is Mays quality?1.Make people happy 使人们高兴 a. make ( + sb./sth. ) + adj. 使怎么样My little dog death makes me sad. 我的小狗的死使我难过。b. make 做使役动词,后跟不带to的动词不定式。make sb do stheg.He tells

15、 funny jokes and always makes me laugh. 他讲笑话总把我逗笑。The teachers make us do much work.c. 其它的make 的词组:make friends 交朋友 make the bed 铺床 make tea 沏茶 make cakes 做蛋糕 good at doing sth擅长做(do well in doing ) eg.H eis good at swimming.Task2完成下列句子1. 我们都喜欢历史老师因为他很有幽默感。We all like our history teacher because

16、 he _.2. 这本书很乏味,它让我觉得无聊。 This book is _ and it makes me _.3. 我长大了想当一位歌手。 I want to _ when I _.4. 长长的直发使她看上去很漂亮。 The straight long hair _.5. 我几乎和我父亲一样高。 I am _ my father.Task3 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空1. My friend is always willing _(share ) things and help others.2. Max _(not do ) any computer work after scho

17、ol every day.3. -Is Jack good at _(tell) jokes ? -No, hes honest.4. The man puts on his hat and _(go ) away.5. What about _(drink) some tea ?6. Mike is a _ student. He always does his homework _and seldom makes _mistakes. (care)7. Who draws _ in your class ? (well)8. After she came out of the hospit

18、al, she looked _ than before. (healthy)9. What makes you _ today than yesterday? (happy)10. He did all kinds of _ things when we met again. (fun)11. -Its too _ (noise) in the classroom. Lets go to the playground. -No. Its much _ (noise) there. Wed better go to the reading-room.Task4句型转换1.I have a ni

19、ce bird. It is called Polly. I have a nice _ _ Polly.2. My eyesight is very poor, because I do lots of computer work at night. I have poor eyesight _ _ _ _ computer work at night.3. My teacher likes to share her happiness with us. My teacher _ _ _ share her happiness with us.4. He helps me with my M

20、aths. He helps me _ _Maths.5. She went to bed late because of too much homework. She went to bed late _ she _ too much homework.6. Betty wants to be a singer.(提问) _ _ _ Betty want to be?7. May is a true friend. (提问) _ _ _ friend is May?8. Lucy is a clever girl.(感叹句) _ _ Lucy is !Task4阅读理解Newton (牛顿)

21、 was a great scientist. He thought only about his work. One day he was hungry. He wanted to have an egg. Then he took out an egg from the box. He wanted to boil(煮) the egg for three minutes. But he was thinking about a problem. So he put his watch into the hot water. He stood there and waited. When

22、the servant(佣人)came in , she saw Newton was boiling his watch, but the egg was in his hand.( )1. Did Newton think only about his work?A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. No, he did. D. Yes, he didnt.( )2. Why did he want to boil an egg one day?A. He liked to eat eggs. B. He was hungry.C. The servant

23、 wanted to eat the egg. D. He wanted to sell it.( )3. Where did he take out the egg from?A. From the bag B. From the desk C. From the room. D. From the box.( )4. How long did he want to boil an egg? A. 40 minutes. B. 4 minutes. C. 3 minutes. D. 30 minutes( )5. What did he think about when he put his

24、 watch into the hot water?A. He was thinking about his watch. B. He was thinking about a problem.C. He was thinking about the egg. D. He was thinking about the servant.八上 Unit 1 Friends 第四课时Grammar主备人: 1. 掌握形容词的比较级和最高级的构成和基本用法。2. 能够运用形容词恰当地描述人或事物。 能够初步运用形容词的比较等级来比较人或事物。运用形容词的最高级来比较三个或超过三个的人或事。 worse

25、 worst height weight competition the most expensive shorter than My book is more interesting than his .He is the tallest boy in our class.Sandys hair is longer than Millies hair.This is the most expensive book in the shop.Task1 写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级1. small _ _ 2. thin _ _ 3. early _ _ 4. slim _ _ 5. healthy _ _ 6. ill _ _7. exciting _ _ 8. fine _ _ 9. smart _ _ 10.careful _ _ 11. hungry _ _ 12. dangerous _ _

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