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1、b. 能正确运用 “ What should I / he / she/ they /you /we do?” 句型寻求帮助;c. 能灵活运用or/maybe/ I think等词委婉地向对方提出建议;d. 能正确运用 “I dont know why. I dont know what to do.” 等句型来表达自己的困难;e掌握并运用“Whats the matter? Whats wrong?” 等句型询问对方遇到的问题。 3、情感态度目标a. 通过合作学习,发展学生人际交往的能力;开阔思路,寻求帮助。b. 通过与别人交流思想,达到互相学习和拓展知识的目的。c. 通过对话训练和模仿训练

2、,解决实际中的问题,既巩固所学知识, 又通过实践活动,培养学生的实际运用语言的能力,调动学生的情感态度,兴趣等非智力因素。4、学习策略目标与思维技巧 a. 交际策略:通过pairwork,用得体的语言陈述问题和烦恼并能给对方提出建议;在 对话交流中,培养学生与人沟通的能力以及对所提供建议的评判取舍能力; b.资源策略:充分利用录音材料进行听说模仿训练,了解有关电视台、电台、报纸杂志、 心理辅导及求助机构的职能,通过向以上机构写信、打电话、发e-mail等方式提高学 生实际运用语言的能力; C认知策略:通过与同学沟通交流,对同学的建议作出推理和判断,培养学生的综合分析和判断能力;通过调查报告、制

3、定帮助他人计划等方式,提高学生调查分析能力和解决实际问题的能力;通过听录音,提高学生抓细节信息的能力。5、文化意识目标 a. 了解谈论问题、寻求帮助和提供建议的基本方式,学会用得体的语言进行表述; b. 初步了解英美等西方国家的学生在学习生活中遇到的主要问题与烦恼,以及获取帮助 的渠道。课时安排5/6课时第一课时: Section A 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c第二课时: Section A 3a 3b 4第三课时: SectionB 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c Self Check 1第四课时: Section B 3a 3b 3c 4 Self Check 2第五课时: M

4、aybe you should learn to relax! Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4教学计划第一课时Teaching contents(教学内容)Section A 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2cTeaching aims(教学目标)1学会谈论在学校和家庭中遇到的种种麻烦和问题2为他人找到合理的解决办法,提出相应的建议 3为自己的问题找到解决办法Language points(语言点)1要求掌握以下句式: Whats wrong?= Whats the matter? My clothes are out of style.Mayb

5、e you should buy some new clothes.What should I/he/they do? You should write him a letter. They shouldnt say argue.2要求掌握以下词汇: keep out; serious; play; loud; argue; wrong; out of style;could; call sb. up; ticket; surprise; on the phoneDifficulties(难点):本课难点是区分情态动词should和couldTeaching steps(教学步骤):1. Wa

6、rming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)(1)Daily greetings to the students(日常问候)(2)Enjoy a song: London Bridge is falling down. T: London Bridge is falling down. What should peole do? S: People should build it up with iron bars (学生可随意发挥)(3)Revision:Look at the pictures below and say out the problems. Then giv

7、e some advice. Using : Whats the matter/ wrong? What should he / she /you do? Help the students to say: If you are -, you should -教学设计说明 通过课前热身flash的欣赏,引出should句型, 再由图片进一步复习情态动词should的运用。2. Presentation(呈现新知识)T: (从复习中引出) I want to buy a new guitar but I dont have enough money . What should I do ?Ss

8、think it over ,and try to give his/her advice .Write their advice on the Bb .1. Borrow one .2. Buy a second-hand guitar .3. Get a part-time job .4. Dont buy a guitar .5. Wait until next year .Practice reading the advice by the Ss . In this unit we are going to talk about problems people have and lea

9、rn how to give these people advice to tell people what we think they should do,using the words “could”, “should”, “shouldnt”. ( Write the words on the Bb. And read the problem to the class again and help the class give advice using the words. Repeat each piece of advice to help students understand i

10、t.)教学设计说明 由学生熟悉的问题:没钱买吉他引入,运用should,could提出多种不同的建议,激发学生说的欲望,再带动学生学习本课新词组:argue with sb out of style play CDs too loud等,让学生运用自己的经验积累提供相应的建议。由旧带新,降低难度,同时也给学生创设更多的说的机会。3. Work on 1a(完成P10 1a)T:There are sometimes some problems in our life. Some are serious, but others are not serious. Look at these pro

11、blems in 1a. Are they serious or not? Write them in the appropriate box.Read each sentence and ask students to explain in their own words what each sentence means. Tell students serious problem is a very bad problemm a very big problem.Ask students to write the problems in the Serious or Not serious

12、 columms.教学设计说明 学习新词汇、词组。用英文解释argue with = disagree in words with sb., out of style = no fashion in clothes. 可以让学生自由造句来巩固所学词汇。4Work on 1b(完成P101b) Please look at the pictures. Lets see:Whats wrong with the girl?S1: I think she argued with her mother about something.S2: She thinks her clothes are out

13、 of style.S3:- Now lets listen to the conversation to check what you guess and circle the problems you hear the girls talking about. Now lets listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape.教学设计说明 第一遍让学生只听,第二遍再圈出所听内容。5Work on 1c(完成P101c)First ask two students to read the sample dialo

14、gue.Then let the students do group work.Eg: A:B:A: Maybe you should buy some new clothes. I dont have enough money.C: You could sell your old clothes.D: Its not important. .教学设计说明 This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.6Work on 2a(完成P112a) Peter has a problem and asks

15、his friend for advice. Whats his problem? And whats his friends advice? Lets look at 2a, listen and circle.Play the recording the first time. Students listen and write down Peters problem. Whats Peters problem?S: He argued with his best friend. You are right. Now read the five sentences in this part

16、. They are given by Peters friend. Listen to the conversation again. circle the word “could” or “should” you hear.(then check the answers)教学设计说明 This activity provides students listening practice using the target language.7Work on 2b(完成P112b)This activity provides students listening practice using t

17、he target language.First read the instructions. Show students the example match.1. You could write him a letter. I dont like writing letters.Ask students to listen again and draw lines to match the advice and the reasons. Like the sample match. Then play the recording again. check the answer at last

18、.8. Groupwork 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.This activity demands students to role play the conversation between Peter and his friend. First tell students how to do this activity.Point to the example in the sample dialogue. Ask two students to read the conve

19、rsation to the class.Aks two students to role play a conversation between Peter and his friend using these two sets of sentences.教学设计说明 Have students work in pairs. First one student is Peter and the other si his friend. Then the two students change places. At the end check the answers by calling on

20、 different pairs to say a conversation to the class. Praise them for their good job.9. Follow up Do you have some problems in your daily life or in your study? Write down your most serious problem, then ask your partner for some advice. What should I do? / Whats the matter? You should Thats a good i

21、dea. But Tell the students: A friend is never known till a man has need. 需要之时方知友。 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。教学设计说明 通过谈论本身的实际问题,同学相互帮忙,给与建议,即促进相互了解,增进友谊,又综合检测对本课目标语言的掌握情况。10. Grammar Focus Review the grammar box .Ss say the questions and the responses .Explain the differences between

22、 could/should .11. Consolidation Do some exercises.HomeworkOral work:(1) Listen to 1b, read and recite it.(2) Go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it. Written work:(1) Copy the phrases and words (2) Changes in assignments ( Ss find out what problems their classmates had

23、and write down the advice they give them.)第二课时Section A 3a 3b 41学会为他人找到合理的解决办法,提出相应的建议 2. 学会判断什么是good ideas, okay ideas and bad ideasLanguage points(语言点) What should I do ? Then I think you should get a part- time job. either, part-time job, okay, bake, Teen Talk, tutor, need, maybe, pay for, ask fo

24、r, need to do, borrow - from, get a tutor, good idea, bad idea, okay idea to give somebody advice, and judge which are good ideas, okay ideas and bad ideas(2)Have a competition: I / He / She should- Ask students to give pieces of advice using the words could, should and shouldnt Praise them for thei

25、r good work.教学设计说明 通过男女生竞赛对一些问题作出相应的情景反应,提出建议,带动气氛进步英语课堂学习;再通过复习第一课是所学内容检查学生掌握情况,有课内再到个人实际情况进行问答,倾诉问题,提供帮助。2 Work on 3aIn this activity first write this sentence on the board.I need to get some money to pay for summer camp.Then get the students to give some possible responses on the board.Have stude

26、nts discuss the responses and be sure that students understand how the responses are used.Then ask four students to read the conversation to the class. Have students raise any parts they dont understand and explain these sentences to students. write the phrases on the Bb: need to do; pay money for s

27、th.; ask sb. For sth.; borrow from-then get some individuals to make up sentences with these phrases. “Either” has the same meaning as “too” , “also”, but it must be used in sentences with “not”.Then ask students what they think of these advice. Have students write “good idea” “okay idea” or “bad id

28、ea” next to each suggestion. Ask them to do the activity on their own.Then talk about the students answers. Read the first piece of advice and ask students to raise their hands if they think it is a good idea. Then ask students who think this advice is an okay idea to raise their hands. And then ask students who think it is a bad idea to raise their hands. Write the scores on the board.Repeat for the other pieces of advice.教学设计说明

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