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1、汉译英U51.She felt excited when she won the first prize in an English speech.她在英语演讲中得了一等奖,感到非常兴奋。2.The boy feels it is difficulty to fit into the new school environment.那个小男孩发觉自己很难适应新学校的环境。3.He is very satisfied with everything here, and he never complains about it.他对这里的一切都很满意,从不抱怨任何事情。4.If I can pass

2、the school text, I will be filled with a sense that I will soon become perfect.如果我能通过学校的考试,心里就会洋溢着这样一种感觉:我很快会变得完美无瑕。5.Some parents buy stories of child geniuses for children, hoping the child will become remarkable in the future.有些父母选购神童故事给孩子看,希望孩子将来有一天会出人头地。U61.One of the most beautiful and happies

3、t events in ones life takes place on the day in which ones wedding is held.一个人一生中最美好,最幸福的重大事件之一发生在举行婚礼的那天。2.Her mother slaved over the task of sewing cotton items.她的母亲辛辛苦苦地缝制棉织品。3.Many people spend a lot of time and money in preparing for their weddings parties.许多人为准备婚礼而花费很多时间和金钱。4.In the past, at h

4、er wedding a girl was expected to bring many things to her husbands home, including quits sheets, a large chest and so on.过去,姑娘出嫁时都要带许多东西到丈夫家去,包括被褥,床单,大衣橱等。5.Its a traditional custom that a couples wedding takes place one year after they are engaged.男女订婚一年后举行婚礼,这是一种传统习俗。U71.The football team he led

5、took part in many international games, it lost its first game after 10 straight victories.他率领的足球队参加了许多次国际比赛,10次连胜后,才第一次输了一场比赛。2.The professor should focus on key and difficulty point in classroom teaching, so that their students car really grasp them.教师授课时应突出重点和难点,以便让学生真正掌握。3.He takes a postive atti

6、tude to his work and pours all his energy into whatever he does.他对工作采取积极地态度,无论做什么总是全力以赴。4.Wallenda would not have fallen to death if he had not worried so much about his safety during that midday walk.如果沃伦德那天中午走钢丝时不过分担心自己的安全问题,他就不会摔死。5.As an excellent manager, he is immediately corrects any wrong de

7、cision he has made.他是一个优秀的经理,一旦做了错误的决定,便立即纠正。U8. Every day, when the young man has to make a report to his boss, he struggles with what and how much to tell 那个青年人每天要向老板做汇报,为了讲什么,讲多少而绞尽脑汁。. Edward and I have become engaged -but please keep it to yourself! 爱德华和我已经订婚了,但请为我们保密!. The policeman is just ma

8、king guesses as to who the murderer is. 这个警察只是对谁是凶手作出猜测。. A host of a television news program was against reporting the news without the official permit . 某一电视新闻节目的主持人反对在没有官方准许的情况下就报道这则新闻。. Andrew was very angry in that the report was not true at all. 安德鲁很生气,因为报道根本不真实。U91.No one believes what he say

9、s and his argument is only skin deep.没有人相信他说的话,他的论点十分肤浅。2.The little girl is clever and attractive ,so she receives more help and is punished less at school.这个小女孩又聪明又漂亮,因此在学校里得到更多的帮助,受到较少的惩罚。3.As children, we learn that people are divided into good people who are beautiful and bad people who are ugl

10、y.在孩童时,我们就知道人分好人坏人,好人是美的,坏人是丑的。4.Its very likely that a man with a good education can do better in this work and rise to a higher position faster.一个人受到良好的教育,就非常有可能工作干得更好,也能更快地提升到更高的位置。5.Although beauty may get our attention, we have to remember that it can change in a matter of moments.虽然美貌可以吸引我们的注意

11、力,但我们应当记住它可在瞬间发生变化。U101. The earthquake which came at dawn that day destroyed all of a twentieth-century city.那天拂晓发生的地震摧毁了一座20世纪的城市所拥有的一切奇迹。2. The strong earthquake which broke out 26 years ago put the communication system out of order, and killed thousands upon thousands of people.26年前发生的那次强烈的的地震使通

12、讯系统陷入瘫痪,成千上万的人在地震中丧生。3. The north wind of super strength was blowing on the fire and it was burning more and more violently, with flames rising upward before long the entire factory went to ruin. 强劲的北风吹来,大火越烧越旺,火焰升腾,没过多久整个工厂就被烧毁了。4. A bomb exploded in a car, great masses of people were running in al

13、l directions in fear, yelling and shouting for help. 一枚炸弹在一辆汽车里爆炸了,成群的人吓得四处奔跑,大呼救命。5. This is a little city with a small population. On rainy evenings the high way is nearly empty of people. 这是一座小城,人口很少,在下雨的晚上,公路上几乎没有人。U11.Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course,but

14、 they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.对于网络课程,学生不仅可以选择何时何地学习,在回答问题之前他们还可以有时间思考答案。2.She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless.网上学习的想法使她非常兴奋,而他认为网上学习毫无意义和用处。3.Communicating with native English speakera is a very rewardi

15、ng experience from which we can learn a lot .与以英语为母语的人交谈时非常有益的体验,从中我们能学到许多东西。4.Today,more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need.如今,越来越多的人可以利用互联网查找他们需要的信息。5.He want her to give up working and stay home to look after the children ,she feels ,

16、however,that this is too much for her.他要她放弃工作在家照顾孩子,但是她觉得这个要求太过分了。6.Now that we have finished the course ,we shall start doing more revision work.既然我们已经学完这门课程,就应该多做些复习。U21.As she was about to turn off the music ,her father burst into her room and shouted at her ,”Cant you turn down the music a little bi

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