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1、big nose大鼻子 10. small小的small nose小鼻子11. round圆的round face 圆圆的脸 12. wide宽的wide face 宽宽的脸13. we我们We have small mouths.我们都有小嘴巴。二、重点句型1.I have a big nose = My nose is big.I have big eyes. = My eyes are big.She has a big nose. = Her nose is big.She has big eyes. = Her eyes are big.2. Who s that boy?那个男孩是

2、谁?这是由 Who 引导的特殊疑问句,询问某人的身份。如: Whos that girl over there?Who s 是Who is的缩写形式。名词和代词和am ,is ,are ,have ,has的连词都可以使用缩写形式。助动词和情态动词的否定形式也可以缩写。Who is =Who That is =That s Who are =Who s can not=can re tWhat is =What do not =don s What are = What t does not =doesntTom is =Tom sthey are =they3. Where is he fr

3、om? 他来自哪里?此句是 where 引导的特殊疑问句,旨在询问别人的家乡在哪里或对方的出生地。询问 (某人)是哪里人 ,常用可改为: Where does he come from?Where from? 结构。be from相当于come from,因此上句4. That s right是.的,你说的对。That s right是对某一观点、 判断或回答作评判的用语,right, 表示 是的, 对了,你说的对 等意思。 有时也可以用或对对方的说法表示赞同,You re right或 Right, OK常用 That s来代替。Are you in Class One?你在一班吗? Tha

4、t s right是.的 /没错。5. I m thirteen years old. = I m at the age我 13of thirteen岁了。.6.Please give this letter to Maria. She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.请把这封信给玛丽亚,她在七年级四班。( 1)give 动词, 给 。 give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人 相当于 give sb. sth. 。 Please give this knife to Zhang Hua. Please give Zhang Hua this knife.(2

5、) Class Four, Grade Seven 七年级四班 , 英语中一般先说小的地方,后说大的地方。这就是英语和汉语语序的区别。7. Sorry, I don t know her.对不起,我不认识她。(1)I m sorry是英语中最常用的交际礼貌用语之一,意为 对不起 ,口语中也可直接用 Sorry。(2) I don?t know her.我不认识她。其中, know 有两种意思, 一是 知道 ,二是 认识 。在此句中,就是第二个意思。 I dont know how to do this work. 我不知道如何去做这项工作。Do you know this man? 你认识这个

6、人吗?8. What does she look like? 她长什么样子?这是用来询问人的外貌的句型 ,可根据人的外貌特征直接进行回答。 What does he look like? He has a round face and big eyes.句中 look like 看起来像 , look 为连系动词 , 意为 看起来 ,看上去 ,like 为介词 ,意为像 如 :I look like my mother.辨析:look like / be like( 1)look like 看起来像 看上去像 , 指 外观像 。( 2)be like 像 一样 ,指 品质、性格。 What d

7、oes he look like?他长什么样子?What is he like?他是一个什么样的人?三、重点语法have/has 的用法。动词 have 作为 有 使用时,表示 某人 (物 )有 用于第一、二人称单数其单数第三人称形式为 has,用于第三人称单数 he、 she、 it 和单数主语。I 、 you和复数主语,肯定句:主语have / has宾语。例如:1. I have an English book. 2. Lily has a dog.3. They have many friends.否定句 :在 have、 has 后直接加 not。主语 have not / has

8、not+宾语。1. You have not a red car.2. She has not a new bike.3. Lily and lucy have not a big family.一般疑问句 : 在英语中,要借助于助动词变为问句和否定句,但 has 要变为 have。在作回答时也要用do 或does的形式。否定句中,用 主语 dont / doesnt+have+宾语 。1. I dont have an English book.2. She doesnt have a new bike.一般疑问句中,用 Do / Does+ 主语 have+宾语 1. Do you hav

9、e an English book?Yes, I do. (No, I dont.)2. Does she have any friends? Yes, she does. (No, they doesn特殊疑问句中,用 特殊疑问词 do/ does+主语 +have+ 其它 。1. What do they have? 2. How many friends does Lucy have?Unit2Topic2What does she look like?一、核心词汇 both black blue color pink red purple brown white green yello

10、w here give letter sorry liketall will young man woman T-shirt shoe cap skirt dress at photo strong cool二、常用词组 look the same give to look likelook atlook different三、重点句子We both have black hair and black eyes.We don t have the same looks, but we are good friends.What color is/are .?She is tall like y

11、ou,I ll give it to her.The girl in yellow is Maria.She has short brown hair.He is in a black cap and blue shoes.四、交际用语Please give this letter to Maria. Sorry I don t know her.What does he/she look like?Oh, I see.Am I cool?五、语法精粹否定句 We dont have the same looks. He doesnt have gray hair.特殊疑问句 What col

12、or is h er hair? Its (red .)主谓一致 What color are these shoes? They are (green.)What color is his cap ? It s (yellow .)介词短语作后置定语 The boy in blue pants is peter.定冠词 the 的用法 I have a pen. The pen is red.六、重点讲解1.We both have black hair and black eyes. 我俩都长着黑头发、黑眼睛。both pron (与复数名词连用)意为 两个,两个都 。Both 放在 be

13、 动词,助动词或情态动词后面,实义动词的前面。We are both from Sichuan. 我俩都来自四川。 They both work in Toronto. 他俩都在多伦多市工作。2 But you look the same. 但是你们看起来一样。We don t have the same looks, but we are good friends!我们没有相同的外貌,但我们是好朋友!以上两句中出现了 look the same 与 the same looks 两个短语。虽然是由三个同样的单词组成的两个短语,但是由于它们的位置不同,意思就不一样。look the same中

14、的 look 是动词, 意思是 看起来 . ,而the same looks 中的 look 为名词, 常用复数,意思是外表, 外貌,样子 。因此 look the same 意为 看起来很像 ,而 the same looks意为 相似的外貌 【链接】 look at 看 .; look like 看起来像。 Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。He looks like his father. 他看起来像他的爸爸。【拓展】 look the same 的反义词组是: look different.3.Please give this letter to

15、Maria. 请把这封信给玛丽亚。give 给 give sth to sb 或 give sb sth把某物给某人。 因此,此句也可改为: Please give Maria this letter. 但是当用代词 It (它), them( 他们 )代替某物时,只能用于 give it/them to sb 结构中。 Please give it to him. 请把它给他。4. What does she look like? 意为某人看上去是怎么样? 该句常用来表示对某人相貌、 身材等的提问。 -What does your sister look like? 你姐姐看起来怎么样? -

16、She is tall and thin 她又瘦又高。-What do your parents look like? 你的父母看起来什么样? My mother is short but my father is tall. 我的妈妈矮,但是我的爸爸高。( 2) look like 意.为看上去像 ,like 为介词,意为 像 .一样 。Mary looks like her mother. 玛丽看起来像她的妈妈。 The girl is tall like you. 这个女孩像你一样高。5 I have blond hair and blue eyes.我有金黄色的头发和蓝色的眼睛。 Sh

17、e has short brond hair and a small nose.她流着金色的头发并且长着小鼻子。Unit2Topic 3 Whose cap is it?一、核心词汇mine whose bike cat our banana their baby bag shirt jacket think new classmate clothes find help us him 常用词组help sb do sth二、重点句子-Is this your cap,Jane? -No, it s minenot.-Whose cap is it,then? -It s Sally s.-W

18、hose banana are these? -They re their bananas/theirs.I think it s Kangkang s/Li Ming s.We look the same, but we are in different clothes.His pants are blue and mine are white.This man is from Canada.三、交际用语Guess! Who is he ?Please help us find him.四、语法精粹形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词They are our shoes. They are ou

19、rs. s表示名词的所有格This is Li Ming s shirt.五、重点知识讲解1 -Whose bike is this? 这是谁的自行车?-It s his bike./ It 是他的(shis自行.车) 。第一个 his 是形容词性物主代词,相当于形容词。置于名称之前,用来修饰,限定名词;第二个 his 等于 his bike, 是名词性物主代词,其后不加名词。Our books are new.= The new books are ours.His bag is green.=The green bag is his.Their desks are all here.= T

20、he desk here are all theirs2 Whose cat is that?那只猫是谁的?-It is her cat./It s是hers她的.(猫) 。( 1)whose 疑问代词,意为 谁的 ,其后加名词,再加一般疑问句,或whose 加一般疑问句。 Whose computer is that?= Whose is that computer?那是谁的电脑?( 2)hers 为名词性物主代词,意为 她的(猫) ,其后不在加名词。3 I think it s Li Ming我认为(想s.)是李明的。( 1)I think 可作为插入语,通常放在句尾或句首。 - What

21、s that?那是什么?- A plane, I think. 我想是飞机。( 2)当不能简单的用Yes 或 No 回答的时候,可用 I think 来表达。 -Can you spell it?你会拼写(它)吗? -I think so. 我想我会。( 3)Li Ming s是名词所有格, 意为 李明的 。 名词所有格一般表示所有或所属关系,意为 : 的,在名词后加上 s. Maria s book is here玛.利亚的书在这里。【拓展】 1) 单数名词词尾加 s.复数名词词尾没有 s 的,也要加 表s,示所有格。 the boy s food男孩的食物mens room 男厕所2)名词

22、已有复数(即词尾已有s) ,则只加 ,表示所有格。 a girls school女子学校Teachers day3)如果两个名词并列并且分别有则s,表示分别拥有;如果只是最后一个名词后有s,则表示共有。 Johns and Mary s room约翰和玛丽各自的房间。 (各有一个房间)John nd Mary s room约翰和玛丽共同的房间。 (共有一个房间)4.We look the same, but we are in different clothes. 我们看起来很像,但我们穿着不同的衣服。Clothes 总以复数形式出现, 统称各种衣服, 包括上衣、 裤子、裙子、帽子和鞋等, 不

23、指单件衣服,也不和具体数字的数词连用。它作主语时,谓语用复数。My new clothes are from Guangdong.我的新衣服产自广东。Dont judge a person by the clothes he wear. 不要以貌取人。【链接】我们已学过关于服装的名词有:dress女服,连衣裙;cap 帽子; shoes 鞋, coat 外套,大衣; skirt 短裙; shirt( 男士 )衬衫; T-shirt T恤衫; pants 裤子5.This man is from Canada. 这位男子来自加拿大。Man (男人)的复数形式是men; woman(女人 )的复数

24、形式是 women, 注意 women 的读音是 / wimin/.【拓展】当 man, woman 作定语修饰名词时,如果名词是复数,那么man 和 woman 也用复数形式。 men teachers 男教师, women doctors女医生6.Please help us find him. 请帮我们找到他。( 1)注意此句中动词help 的句型。 帮助某人做某事 可以是 help sb do sth,也可以是 help sb to dosth.或 help sb with sth.She help me (to) learn English.=She helps me with my English. 她帮我学英语。( 2)此句中的 us, him 分别是 we,he的宾格。动词和介词后面的人称代词要用宾格的形式,I canhelp him. 我能帮助他。 I go to school with her. 我和她去上学。

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