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1、Unit OneLanguage Tools-Suggesting PossibilitiesMaybePerhapsIt may beOne possibility isIt is possibleIt is/seems likely that e.g.It seems likely that they will win.很可能他们赢。e.g.Take a coat along;its likely to be cold down there.带件上装去,那边可能很冷。Brainstorming-The mystery of Bill(P.2)Goal:Practice suggesting

2、 possibilitiesProcedure:Step 1:Everyone should suggest as many ideas as possible.(individul work)Step 2:Every idea,no matter how silly it seems,should be written down.(individul work)Step 3:After a long list of ideas has been generated,you disscuss and evaluate each one with your group members.(grou

3、p work)Step 4:Each group reports just one most possible idea.(class work)2 min3 minEncounter-The TaxiProcedure:Step 1:Listen to the presentation of the situation.(individul work)Step 2:Write down several possible interpretations of the situation no matter how wild or nasty they may be.(individul wor

4、k)Step 3:disscuss and evaluate each one with your group members.(group work+group recorder)Step 4:Each group reports just one most possible idea.(class work)Some likely interpretationsThere are extra charges for luggage/tolls that Lee doesnt know about.There is an honest misunderstanding.Maybe there

5、 is something wrong with the meter,or fares have recently gone up and the meter hasnt been adjusted yet.Lee misunderstood what the driver said,or didnt hear what he said clearly.The driver has included a tip for himself an unreasonably large one.The driver has included a generous but not entirely un

6、reasonable tip for himself,perhaps because he knows Lee is a foreigner and thinks she doesnt know that she should tip,or because in the past other foreigners have given him very stingy tips.Culture Notes:Taxi charges(e.g.luggage charges,tolls)Tipping(a tip of 10%-15%)Taxies in the USWhy would you gi

7、ve such kind of possible interpretations of the situation as you did just now?(voluntary work)(P.3)If something like the experience above were to happen to you in China,what would the most probable explanations be?(voluntary work)(P.2)If you are Lee in the story above,what should you do?(voluntary w

8、ork).I.C.ReadingPre-read the passage as homeworkSuggestions:1.first look over the Before You Read questions.2.Read the passage one time quickly for the main ideas,marking unfamiliar words or questions,but not stopping to look them all up.3.Check comprehension using the Before You Read questions.4.St

9、udy the Usage section.5.Re-read the passage,paying special attention to the Usage word combinations,and also noting any questions.Before You Read Questions1.What are some reasons why people of different cultures may misunderstand each other?2.What is“intercultural communication”?3.What are the goals

10、 of this textbook?Word Combinationspushy trying constantly to draw attention to oneself and gain an advantage;self-assertive 爱讨便宜的;坚持己见的;一意孤行的 e.g.He made himself unpopular by being so pushy.他特别喜欢一意孤行,所以人缘不好。Word Combinationslie in (of abstract things)exist or be found (指抽象事物)存在,在于 e.g.I only wish i

11、t lay within my power to help you.我但愿能够帮助你。e.g.The cure for stress lies in learning to relax.消除紧张的办法在于学会放松。e.g.Its obvious where our interest lies.我们的利益所在是明摆着的事情。(Bri.)=(US)sleep in stay in bed after the normal time for getting up 睡懒觉 e.g.Its a holiday tomorrow,so you can lie in.明天是假日,你可以睡懒觉了。Small

12、group task:Problems in I.C.(P.5)Goal:think about difficulties experienced in I.C.Procedure(group work):Step 1:Everyone should participate in and contribute the difficulties you can think of.Step 2:Group recorder writes down what the group discusses.Step 3:Each group reports just one difficulty(tryin

13、g not to repeat other groups).4 minSupplementary NotesBarna(1994)six main“stumbling blocks”tendency to assume more cultural similarities language differences misinterpretation of non-verbal communication stereotypes and preconceptions pre-evaluation feelings of anxiety or stressSupplementary NotesLu

14、stig and Koester(1996)three features tendency of generalization and over-simplification tendency to identify and define groups by a few key characteristics tendency to assume that all people of all cultures see the world similarlyEffective I.C.One aspect of effective ensuring that messages ar

15、e communicated accurately.As Gundykunst(1998)writes:“To communicate effectively,we must transmit our messages in a way that strangers people of other cultural backgrounds can understand what we mean,and we need to interpret strangers message in the way they meant them to be interpreted.”However,as L

16、ustig and Koester(1996)point out,effective I.C.requires more than simply getting ones message across;it also requires communicating in ways that are considered appropriate by the involved parties and dont result in unnecessary offense.Foreign language skills alone is not enough.Introduction of Pro.Myron W.LustigSmall group task:Why is it hard to learn a foreign culture?(P.5)Procedure(group work):Step 1:Everyone should participate in and contribute the difficulties you can think of.Step 2:Group r

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