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Unit 2 English around the world Period 3 Important Language Point 教学设计公开课优质课人教必修1精品Word下载.docx

1、2. Get the students to understand some useful sentence patterns: 1)Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English. (even if. . . )2)It became less like German, and more like French because those who ruled England at that time spoke French. (those w

2、ho. . . )3)Believe it or not, there is no such a thing as standard English. (Believe it or not. . . )4)The US is a large country (in which. . . )5)These men spent nearly all of their lives trying to collect words for their dictionaries. (spend. . . (in)doing. . . )Ability aims:1. Enable the students

3、 to use some useful words and expressions correctly.2. Enable the students to learn how to understand new words, expressions and difficult sentences according to the context.Emotional aim:Develop the students spirit of cooperation and teamwork.教学过程设计方案(一)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercise

4、s.2. Ask some students to tell something about different English dialects.Step 2 Reading and exerciseGet the students to try to find out the words and expressions as quickly as possible in the related parts and let them learn some important new words and expressions by studying their contexts, clues

5、 and word-formation.The teacher shows the following on the screen.Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions in this unit to complete the following sentences.1. He likes to help us_ he is very busy.2. Weve known for years._, since we were babies.3._, John cheated in the exam.4. There is a_ of

6、 stone on the road.5. He has played all kinds of_ in his life.6. He learnt to use body language to_ with deaf customers.Step 3 CheckingExplain the problems the students meet while checking the answers.Suggested answers:1. even if2. Actually3. Believe it or not4. block5. roles6. communicateStep 4 Lan

7、guage Points1. include vt. to be one of the parts; to make something or someone part of a larger group包括;包含The price includes postage charges.价格包括邮费在内。The university includes ten colleges.该大学有10个学院。including & included:There were twelve of us, including Tom and me.我们有12人,包括我和Tom在内。Everyone has to go

8、 to the dentists, you included.人人都得去牙科诊所,你也不例外。1)Last Sunday, Sara took with a few of her friends,_, to the World Park where we enjoyed ourselves very much.A. I includingB. me includingC. included meD. including me2)Mary has ten story books,_ _5 Chinese ones and 5 English ones_.A. including; includi

9、ngB. including; includedC. included;D. included;答案:1)D2)B2. role n. the character played by an actor in a play or film; the position that someone has in society or an organization角色;作用Matthews plays the role of a young doctor in the film.Matthews在这部电影中扮演一名青年医生。Women are often forced into a supportiv

10、e role in the family. 妇女往往被迫在家庭中成为辅助角色。play a leading/major/key role in be important in making changes happen在起主要作用;起带头作用Mandela played a leading role in ending apartheid in South Africa.Mandela在结束南非种族隔离方面起了重要的作用。They are playing an important role in safeguarding peace.他们在保卫和平中起着重要作用。play a role & p

11、lay a part:play a role to act, take the actors part in a play扮演角色He has played all kinds of roles in his life.他一生中扮演了各种各样的角色。play a part to be involved in an activity参加某活动She played an active part in the local community.她积极参与地方活动。两个短语都可表示to make a contribution to sth. ; have a share in sth. (对某事起作用、

12、有贡献)She played an important role/a major part in winning the match.她对这场比赛的胜利起了重要作用。Everyone played_ the full.A. his role in B. their roles to C. their roles as D. his role toB3. because of as the result of a particular thing or someones action因为;由于;为了He had to retire because of poor health.他因健康原因不得不

13、退休。I didnt go out because of rain.因为下雨,所以我没有出去。because & because of:because conj. for the reason that因为。用于从句的开头,放在主语和谓语动词之前。because of prep. by reason of(sb. /sth. ); on account of因为(某人/某事物)。用于名词或代词前面。She got the job because she was the best candidate.她得到了这项工作因为她是最佳候选人。They are here because of us.他们

14、是为了我们来到这里的。Tom was absent_ school_ the illness.A. from; because of B. in; for C. at; because D. out of; because ofA4. native1)adj. associated with the place and circumstances of ones birth出生地的;与出生地有关的They never saw their native land again.他们再也没有看到过他们的祖国。native language/tongue the language you spoke

15、when you first learned to speak母语2)n. a person who was born in a particular place当地人Are you a native of New York?你是纽约人吗?5. come up1)to be mentioned被提出A lot of new questions came up at the meeting.会上提出了许多新的问题。2)to be about to happen soon临近Dont you have a birthday coming up soon?不是快到你的生日了吗?3)to move n

16、ear someone or something by walking走近Come up to the front of the room so everyone can see you.请到房间的前面来,让大家都能看到你。4)(of plants)to appear above the soil(指植物)长出地面The grass is just beginning to come up.草刚开始长出来。5)(of the sun)to rise(指太阳)升起We watched the sun come up.我们观看了日出。6)to occur; arise发生;出现Im afraid

17、something urgent has come up. I wont be able to see you tonight.很抱歉,有些急事,今晚不能见你了。come about to happen in a way that seems impossible to control发生come across to meet or find something or someone by chance碰到;偶遇come along to get along; to encourage sb. to try harder一起来;同意,赞成;进展,进步come by to obtain some

18、thing that is difficult to find弄到,获得;偶然搞到,偶然得到come up with to think of an idea提出(建议);找到(答案、解决办法)(1)Mary_ her old classmate on the street yesterday evening.A. came up B. came along C. came across D. came about(2)Much to our surprise, the airline has_ a new solution to the problem of jet-plane.A. put

19、up withB. come up withC. catch up withD. keep up with(3)A lot of questions which are related to everyday life have_ at the meeting.A. come to B. come around C. come up D. come out1. C2. B3. C(The word “come” has many phrasal verbs. It is better to ask students to refer to a good dictionary. )6. pres

20、ent adj. 1)be present(1)to be in a particular place(opposite of “absent”)出席;在场How many people were present at the meeting yesterday?昨天的会议有多少人出席?(2)to be remembered for a long time呈现The memory of the disaster last year is still present in her mind.去年那场灾害现在还时常呈现在她的脑海中。2)(only before noun)existing now现

21、存的;现在的,目前的Whats your present address?你现在住在哪里?at present现在;目前be present to出现在面前for the present暂时;暂且live in the present顺应当前形势;只顾眼前up to/until the present直到现在7. such as like; for example(used to give an example of something)诸如,譬如说; 像那样的(用于列举)The local economy still relies on traditional industries such

22、 as farming and mining.当地经济依然依赖于传统的工业,比如农业和矿业。My doctor told me not to eat fatty foods such as bacon or hamburgers.我的医生叫我不要吃油腻的食物,如咸肉或汉堡包。8. command1)vi. & vt. to tell someone officially to do something, esp. if you are a military leader or a king to get something such as attention or respect指挥,命令;博

23、得,得到Who commands here?谁在这儿指挥?The general commanded that the regiment(should)attack at once. /The general commanded the regiment to attack at once.将军命令部队立刻发起攻击。Dr. Yang commands a great deal of respect as a surgeon.作为外科医生,杨博士博得了(社会的)敬仰。2)n. get/have a good command of to get/have a good mastery of精通;能自由应用We should have a good command of English.我们应该精通英语。9. request1)vt. to ask for something politely or formally(郑重或正式)请求,要求,恳求,邀请Your pres

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