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1、1 INTRODUCTION 1引言 Keys and keyways commonly connect shaft and hubs. 键和键槽常用来连接轴和轮毂。The designs of these are controlled by differen键和键槽的设计由不同的标准而定,如参考 1。根据standards, eg reference 1.。不同的设计原理,键可以分为Different design princi-平键,锥形keys, or Woodruff keys, see eg references 2 and 3.键或半圆键。Among these, the most

2、 common is the parallel key,其中,最常见的是平键,也which is the subject of the present paper.是本文的主题。键和keyway design is fully controlled by the standards键槽的设计,完全是根据一个参数-轴直径的标准来控制based on only one parameter the shaft diameter.。就提高疲劳强度的设计而言,这方面的成果寥寥无几,比如minimizing the stress concentrations.应力集中的最小化。目前笔者所知,这方面虽然由O

3、rthwein指出,但current authors knowledge, very little has been done之后没有进行。其它设计或许在文献中提出,例如文献7和8。 大概是菲隆首次提出有键槽的The first paper addressing the torsional stiffness of首次首次一种轴的扭转刚度shafts with a kind of keyway is probably that of Filon 7。该文中,轴的建模是elliptical cross-section and the keyways were mod-椭圆形横截面形状,键槽的建模

4、是双曲线形状elled as hyperbolae.。Following this analytical paper,这篇分析文章发表之后,there have been a number of experimental papers很多实验性论文论述了dealing with the stress concentrations of key and键和keyway connections.键槽连接的应力集中问题。 Many of these papers have这些论文中(所讨论的方法),有许多used photoelastic analysis, see eg references 8

5、to使用的是光弹性分析方法,例如文献8到13。其他的是在表面电镀铜,例如文献14到15。addition to references 7 and 8, other papers have除了文献7和8,其他论文论述dealt with experimental stress concentration verifica-了实验性的应力集中证明,请参阅在Orthwein的文献4。 The most commonly used reference with respect 最常用的关于to stress concentration factors is Peterson 16应力集中因素的论述是P

6、eterson提出的,which is reproduced and extended in Pilkey 17.Pilkey进行了转载和扩展 17。The keyway results reported here are taken from the本文的键槽结果报告就是取自文献8、9、15。references 8, 9 and 15.The use of finite element采用有限元(FE) modelling and computational power makes it(FE)的建模和计算可以对结果改善possible to improve these results,

7、but it seems that,但目前this has not yet been done.尚未完成。The purpose of the present paper is therefore 因此,本文的目的有两个:首先,通过使用有限元analysis of existing standard designs, and secon分析现有的标准设计,找到应力集中;然后,通过降低stress concentratio应力集中improve/optimize the keyway design by lowering the改进/优化键槽设计。The keyway related stres

8、s is键槽应力的三维效果indeed fully three dimensional as also stated in实际上正如彼得森所述。通过分析发现,许多不同的因素,都会对复杂的an influence on the needed FE analysis complexity有限元分析以及计算最大应力产生影响。analyses这些因素是:(a) loading: tension, bending, or torsion; (一)负载:拉伸,弯曲,或扭矩;(b) key: loaded with or without the key inserted in (二)键:有负载的键(有/无插

9、入the keyway;键槽);(c) stress: at the keyway end or in the prismatic (三)应力:在键槽末端或圆柱形部分 图1 两个标准平键键槽末端。(a)圆头平键键槽(b)平头平键键槽由于数值分析的局限性,本文deals only with torsion; with respect to the other load仅论述扭矩;关于其他负载or any load combinations the reader is referred t或负载组合,读者可以参考Fessler et 费斯勒9To make an easy comparison w

10、ith the。numerical and experimental work in Leven 8Leven对数值和实验做了简单的比较8。possible, the keyway is loaded in torsion without t试验条件可能是加载扭矩时键槽中没有键,说明这种情况没有必要做接触analysis, which would complicate the numerical分析,这使得数值analysis considerably分析相当复杂。该报告的结果(在Okubo15)指出,不通过the key relative to torsion applied through

11、 the key键而施加纯扭矩载荷下的最大应力,与通过键施加扭矩载荷的情况有所区别。experiments presented in reference 15 were in two 这篇文章中的实验 15分为两groups (group A and B) for the different relative sizes 组(A组和B),以对应轴直径不变情况下不同尺寸the keyway to the shaft diameter的键槽。experimental result is that in the prismatic keyway实验结果是,相对于无键的情况下,A组中圆柱形键槽part

12、 the maximum stress is 812 per cent for group A的最大应力大于8-12,B组的大于and 47 per cent for group B greater with a key relati4-7。不同的是,A组键末端的最大应力大于16-24 group A and 1214 per cent for group B at the key end.,B组大于12-14。These values were relatively unaffected by different这些数值不受ratios of fillet radius to shaft d

13、iameter.圆角半径对轴直径的比值的影响。 This leads to thconclusion that the true stress concentrations can be结论是,应力集中可以通过研究发现。研究的方法不是通过键施加扭矩,而是在键槽圆柱形部分施加大于应力最大值12的应力。 the key by adding a maximum 12 per cent to theThe end of a keyway has two standard designs, 键槽末端有两种标准设计,如shown in Fig.图1。 圆头平键The profile keyway is c

14、ut by an end-键槽是由一个立铣刀铣出,平头平键mill while the sled-runner keyway is cut by an键槽(sled-runner keyway)是由普通铣刀铣出。 在圆头平键键槽中,键槽末端The stress concentrations at的应力集中最严重。keyway, so with respect to fatigue the sled-runner is所以对于疲劳测试,平头平键mill while the sled-runner keyway is cut by an键槽是the best design.最好的设计。 Orthw

15、ein 4 suggested a designOrthwein 4提出一种改变平头平键mill while the sled-runner keyway is cut by an键槽末端的设计,该设计能够change to the sled-runner keyway end that further末进一步提高键槽的疲劳性能。improves the fatigue properties.Leven 8 found thLeven8发现,圆头平键键槽末端在stress concentration factor for pure torsion for 纯扭矩作用下,应力集中系数profil

16、e keyway end to be K=3.4,该键槽的宽度to diameter ratio equal to b/d 5 1/4.与轴直径之比b/d=1/4。这个值unaffected by the keyway bottom fillet radius.不受键槽底部圆角半径的影响。如果圆头平键profile keyway end design is to be improved we键槽末端的设计能够改进的话,我们可以不用圆形设计,这would most probably increase the machining cost很可能会增加加工成本,and is not discusse

17、d further in this paper并且不是本文进一步讨论的内容。如果用同样的铣刀加工cutter is used for the hole cutting operation加工孔,相对于键槽末端而言,平头平键sled-runner keyway in pure torsion the stress con-键槽在纯扭矩作用下的应力集中系数比圆柱形键槽高centration factor is higher in the keyways prismaticpart relative to the keyway end if the same milling。本文中,通过简化(模型)

18、,使得分析的With the simplification made the analysed stress应力集中系数concentration factor in the present paper is fully完全取决于圆柱形键槽底部的圆角。该设计的二维图如图2所示。Obeying the standards, the only way to improve 按照标准,改善应力集中的唯一方法如the stress concentrations for the design in Fig.如图2中的设计,即select the maximum fillet radius r.选取最大圆

19、角半径r。以往对于机械元件形状优化的成果(see references 19 and 20, has shown that见参考文献19和20)表明,由changing from the circular shape to an elliptical由圆形变为椭圆形对应力集中影响shape significantly affects the stress concentrations.显著。这也在This is also demonstrated in the present paper.本文中得到了证明。The current paper is organized as follows. 本

20、文的结构如下:在第2 the torsional problem is formulated mathematicall2节用数学公式阐述扭矩问题and the FE implementation is presented.,并且介绍有限元处理过程。第3节介绍了介绍标准设计的结果,和基于一定比值r/ d(t/d和b / d是确定值)的应力集中实际曲线的拟合方程。第42 the torsional problem is formulated mathematicall44节提出优化设计方案,同时对标准设计做出不同的修改,从而大大减少了应力集中。因此,第5are proposed, resulti

21、ng in large reductions in the节中提出了新的键槽标准设计。图2. 平键键槽 (a) end-milled or profile keyway; (b) sled的圆柱形截面way, the coordinate system is placed at,轴心为坐标系原点shaft axis.。The relative dimensions correspond根据DIN 6885-11,相关尺寸为to a d5100mm shaft according to DIN 6885-为轴直径d=100mm(t=10mm,b=28mm,0.4mmr0.6mm)2 MATHEM

22、ATICAL FORMULATION AND FE2 数学公式和有限元分析(Fe) 扭矩如下G-剪切弹性模量J-横截面的扭转刚度系数,-扭转截面的旋转角度l-轴的长度在文献中经常使用=L,即单位长度的旋转角度。这是假设一个圆柱形轴与笛卡儿坐标系X,Y和Z方向对齐。例如,轴线与Z方向对齐。Saint-Venant给出了变形函数y(x,y),其中力矩作用下轴的位移函数如下根据定义,JSA6Using this definition the cross-section shearge截面剪切stresses (all other stresses are zero) are given by应力(所

23、有其他应力为零)如下:With zero volume force the force equilibrium give根据零体积变化和力的平衡the Laplace differential equation that the warpin进行拉普拉斯微分方程变换,变形function must fulfil函数必须满足 To solve this differential equation the boundary为了解决这个微分方程,需要有边界条件。conditions are needed自由边界There is no surface traction没有表面牵引力for free b

24、oundaries.。如果把正交的表面defined as n定义为Nxx,, ,。Nyyyyy,Tthen the condition of no surfa则没有表面牵引力的边界条件traction is given by由下式给出:This can be reformulated into a Neumann bound- equation (3通过使用等式(3),上式可以改写成变形函数 的Neumann边界条件:图3利用对称性显示half the cross-section of a shaft is shown.显示了轴横截面的一半。It is possible to utilize

25、 symmetry, see Fig.boundary condition for a symmetry line is given by对称线的边界条件如下:If the symmetry line demonstrates that y 5 0, as in如果对称线y=0,如Fig.图3,对称线(7)的边界条件可以简化。由于nxx=0和nyy=1,the boundary condition becomes t,边界条件变为tZX=5 0 or by using=0或根据方程(3)DY / DX=0。这与Dirichlet边界条件是相同的。where C is an arbitrary

26、constant.其中,C为任意常数。由于只有derivative of the warping function is of interest, w变形函数的一次导数有用,我们可以让C=0。 By formulating the torsional 通过边界条件tions (6) and (8) it is possible to use a standard(6)和(8)阐述扭矩problem as equation (4) with the boundary condi问题(4),可以使用标准偏微分方程(PDE)求解。本文中用到程序COMSOL21。 It should be noted

27、 that the displacements (2) are应当指出的是,位移(2)是相对于扭矩中心的坐标系定义的。然而,所涉及的应变和应力的计算,是不受movement or rotation of the coordinate system.运动或坐标系统的旋转影响的。Fig.图3. 图像是图2中的轴的一半。例(a)是有限元网格划分,插图有917个网格。狄利克雷Dirichle边界条件(8)应用于底部的边,而Neumann边界条件(6)应用于其余的边。(b)是由此产生的应力水平线,该图说明了边角的应力集中情况。corner 2.1 Stress concentration 2.1应力集中

28、 The stress concentration is most often defined as 应力集中一般定义为 Stress concentrations in keyways在键槽应力集中其中NOMis the nominal stress, ie the maximum是公称应力,即没有键槽的最大应力,stress without the keyway and smax是有键槽的最大应力。 Both stresses are the greatest 这两者都是最大的principal stress.主应力。下标t表示,这仅是理论上基于几何形状和载荷/边界条件的应力集中,不包括材

29、料敏感度。对于对于扭转问题的应力集中,可以由以下等式求出 where for the present torsional problem 当前扭转问题 公称应力和最大应力是在The nominal stress and the maximum stress are相同外部荷载作用下的应力。根据。assumption of linear elasticity the external load size。线性弹性(linear elasticity)的假设,外部负载大小不影响应力集中。 Mt的The size的大小应由下式选取公称This leads to the nominal stress and maximum stressnormal应力和最大应力的计算为where J其中J是圆轴横截面的扭矩刚度系数 factor for the circular shaft and Jis the cr

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