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1、bosses are much more accessible to their employees; theyre much moresensitive and intimate with their employees.2 Female bosses today are stil finding they face subtle resistance. There isstil a segment of the population, both men and, surprisingly, women whoreport low tolerance for female bosses. T

2、he growing presence of femalebosses has also provoked two major questions that revolve around styles: Domen and women manage differently, and, if so, is that a good thing?3 Monica is disposed to think so, on both counts. Now a 40-year-old mother offour, she is president of a public sector labor unio

3、n with 45,000members. Relations with my employees are probably different from those ofmale managers preceding me, she says. I know what its like to have to caland say my kid got the mumps so I wont be coming in. I have a more flexiblestyle not soft, just more understanding. The man who is Monicas as

4、sistantagrees, She tends to delegate more and is always looking for a consensus.People are happy and flourish because they have an input into decisions andthey are not mere bystanders; their energies are harnessed. On the otherhand, consensus takes longer.4 So, are the differences symbolic or real?

5、Plausible studies suggest that menare typical y hierarchical, goal-oriented and feel entitled. Women, by contrast,manage diplomatical y, and share power. That point of view is oftenchal enged and argued. Some proclaim that men and women of similarbackgrounds, experience and aspirations basical y man

6、age in the sameway. This view is echoed by younger women, especial y those who haveencountered little gender discrimination. That was certainly the lesson forNicole. When her father died of a heart attack, she was an employee ata petroleum products export company. She quit and took over her familys1

7、60-acre fruit farm in St.Davids County. On her first day in the field, a workercal ed her darling. He was trying to test me. I was shaking with anger, saysNicole, now 34. I stood erect and said, You wouldnt have cal ed my fatherdarling and youre not going to take that liberty with me. If you do, Il

8、fire you.5 When women work for women, a different dynamic often takes over. Susan,a cashier in a Toronto auction house, says that she has explored friendshipswith some of her female bosses and feels she can rely on them more. Whilewomen may feel more at ease with a female boss, men often have tomake

9、 concessions to the new working styles. Brian, a marine biologist, says,It took me a couple of years before I felt comfortable enough to relax around afemale manager. In fact, my relations with her were much more businesslike.6 To some extent, the male-female differences come down to conflictingstyl

10、es. One female vice-president discussed the time she burst into tearsduring a meeting. Men think that tears are a nuclear weapon in a conventionalwar. They take exception to a woman crying, inferring that shes feelingunhappy or violated. The men failed to understand that what prompted hertears was n

11、ot hurt but genuine rage. When we cry, its because we have althis valid rage that has no appropriate release, she says.Women cry; menget relief by going on with the offense or by veiling their feelings toappear composed.7 Deborah, president of a firm with its headquarters in Toronto, says that even*

12、if men do understand, they sometimes react differently tothe identical information and to her cooperative management style.8 Deborah says that her authority is sometimes undermined by perceptionsabout her gender. It stems from the whole social context of traditional roles formen and women,Mom would

13、tel you to do things, but perhaps youwouldnt take as much notice as when Dad told you to do things. Men alsohave a stronger urge to control, she says.9 For female bosses, the great expectation of some female employees is onemore obstacle. Junior women assume a female boss wil promote them morequickl

14、y than a man would. But, they also expect female bosses to be moreself-sufficient. They ask, Why cant you scan your own stuff? or Why cantyou do your own filing? says one senior female executive.10 On the other hand, there is no dispute that a few decades ago they would*rarely have had a female boss

15、 in the workplace.Nina, amanagement consultant says shes vaguely optimistic. Im looking forward tothe day, before I die, when we recognize that the best management styles wilbe composed of the best that both genders bring to the table . Wel , shepauses, maybe not before she dies, perhaps in her daug

16、hters lifetime.Language Points:1 When Monica applied for a job as an administrative assistant in 1971, she wasasked whether she would rather work for a male or a female attorney. (Para. 1)Meaning: Monica was asked if she would like to work for a male or a female lawyer whenshe applied for a managing

17、 job at a law firm in 1971.Sentence structure note: “would rather”句型1 would rather 的意思是“宁愿;宁可;更;最好;还是为好”,后接动词原形,表示优先选择的一种方式。其否定形式是 would rather not do sth., would rather 没有人称和数的变化, 所有的人称一律用 would rather。例如:*If you/he would rather be alone, wel al leave here. 如果你/他宁愿独自呆着,那我们会都离开这儿。2 would rather 后接从句

18、时,从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时,表示希望或宁愿某人按某特定的方式做某事,这个结构常常表达的是现在或将来的行为。*Id rather you didnt make any comment on the issue for the time being. 我想目前你还是不要对此事发表任何评论。2 “I felt that a male-boss/female-employee relationship was more natural, needingno personal accommodation whatsoever.” (Para. 1) I felt that there was no

19、 need to compromise in a relationship between a maleboss and a female employee since it was more natural.3 But 20 years later, when she was asked the same question, she said, “I waspleasantly surprised that female bosses are much more accessible to theiremployees; theyre much more sensitive and inti

20、mate with their employees.” (Para.1) However, when she was asked the same question 20 years later, Sheresponded that it was a nice surprise to find out that female bosses had been much easierto approach, more understanding, and closer to their workers.Meaning beyond words: Her answer was entirely di

21、fferent from what she had responded20 years before. It can be assumed that she gained this particular feeling gradual y.4 Female bosses today are still finding they face subtle resistance. (Para. 2) Female bosses today are stil experiencing genderdiscrimination, though it may not always be obvious o

22、r noticeable.5 There is still a segment of the population, both men and, surprisingly, womenwho report low tolerance for female bosses. (Para. 2) A portion of people, men and, unexpectedly, even women state that they canhardly bear working with female bosses.6 The growing presence of female bosses h

23、as also provoked two major questionsthat revolve around styles: Do men and women manage differently, and, if so, isthat a good thing? (Para. 2) With the number of female bosses increasing, two questions have been raisedin terms of styles: Do men and women work differently? Are the differences good f

24、ormanagement if there are any?7 Monica is disposed to think so, on both counts. Now a 40-year-old mother of four,she is president of a public sector labor union with 45,000 members. (Para. 3) Monica, a 40-year-old mother of four children and president of a public sectorlabor union with 45,000 member

25、s, is inclined to look at these two points positively:Women do manage differently from men and that is a good thing.Note: “A public sector labor union” (also public sector trade union) refers to a labor unionwhich primarily represents the interests of employees within public sector(government-owned,

26、 supported or regulated) organizations. Public sector unions havebecome some of the larger or more influential unions in certain areas of the world inrecent times as private sector union membership has declined sharply.8 “Relations with my employees are probably different from those of malemanagers

27、preceding me,” she says. “I know what its like to have to call and say mykid got the mumps so I wont be coming in. I have a more flexible style not soft,just more understanding.” (Para. 3) She said that she was perhaps different form the previous male managers inrelation with the employees because s

28、he knew what it meant when someone had to makea phone cal telling her that he or she wouldnt go to work due to the il ness of their child.She added that she was more flexible and understanding but not weaker in terms ofworking style. In a broad sense, female bosses are better than male bosses inboss

29、-employee relations because they are more understanding and tend to show moreconsideration to their employees.9 The man who is Monicas assistant agrees, “She tends to delegate more and isalways looking for a consensus. People are happy and flourish because they havean input into decisions and they are not mere bystanders; their energies areharnessed. On the other hand, consensus takes longer.” (Para. 3) The man who is Monicas assistant holds the same opinion that she usuallygives people more rights and is always seeking agreement. Since people have their voicehear

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