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1、 The legislation1 (was proclaimed/was promulgated2a/was introduced1b/was passed2c/ was enacted2d/came into force/took effect2e) yesterday.*一个(提倡不吸烟的行动主义团体)1把(加紧)2(禁止在公众地方吸烟的法例)3(把战争带去法庭)4: A (non-smoking activist group)1 is (taking its battle to court)4 in (tightening up)2 the (laws against smoking

2、in public places)3.*直至(吸用)1(大麻/ditto)2转为(非犯法化)3(不论)4(辩论)5会是怎么样(有说服力)6现在还是(非法)7: (No matter)4 how convincing6 the arguments5 may be, smoking1 (marijuana/ pot)2 is still illegal7 until it is decriminalized3.*这个(邻近地区)1成为(毒品买卖2a/毒品贩卖2b), (嫖妓/ditto)3, 和(其他的非法活动)4的(温床)5: This neighborhood1 has become a ho

3、tbed5 for (drug-dealing2a/drug-pushing2b), (prostitution/sex trade)3, and (other criminal activities)4.*一个(法官的)1(角色)2是(实施)3(立法者)4(写在法律里)5的(意愿)6而不是(从法官席)7(立法)8: A judges1 role2 is to (carry out)3 the wishes6 of the legislators4 (written in the laws)5 and not to legislate8 (from the bench)7.*我们(筹集资金)1

4、来(兴建)2新的(厂房)3将会以(发行4a/出售/ditto4b)(没有担保的债券)5 (的方法/ditto)6: Well finance1 the construction2 of a new plant3 (by means of/by/ through/by way of)6 (issuing4a/selling/ floating4b) (unsecured bonds)5.*新(警察部长的)1(首要事项)2是(追捕)3(做坏事的人4a/罪犯4b/ 在逃的罪犯4c)(把他们绳之以法)5: The new (police commissioners)1 (top priority)2

5、is to (hunt down)3 the (evildoers4a/criminals4b/outlaws4c) and (bring them to justice)5.*那(便利店)1因(非法秘密地)2(售卖)3(香烟)4和(酒类)5给(未够合法年龄的儿童/ditto)6(被罚款)7: The (convenience store)1 (was fined)7 for selling3 cigarettes4 and liquor5 (under the counter)2 to (minors/underage children)6.*新的(国家检察官)1说: “我对(维护)2(我管

6、辖范围)3的(法规)4(毫不苟且)5在(这国家没有一个人会有宽免)6.”: The new (Attorney General)1 said: “Im upholding2 the laws4 (within my jurisdiction)3 (to the fullest)5 and (nobody in the country gets a pass)6.”*(法官)1拥有(挺多自由度/ditto2a/广阔决定自由度2b)去(解释法律)3是(世界各处)4 (每一个法制的)5(基本元素)6: It is inherent6 in (every legal system)5 (around

7、the world)4 that judges1 have (plenty of leeway/a lot of freedom/wide latitude2a/ broad discretion2b) in (interpreting the laws)3.*他(出狱)1后(尝试)2做(奉公守法的好市民)3但那(不容易)4因为(没有很多人)5(愿意)6给一个(前度囚犯/ditto)7一个(机会)8: He (tried to)2 (go straight/become a law-abiding citizen/ live a clean life)3 after he (got out o

8、f jail)1, but it (wasnt easy)4 because (not many people)5 were willing6 to give an (ex-con/ex-convict)7 a chance8.*她的朋友说: “(我已经极力尝试/ditto)1但我(记不起)2她(臭货丈夫的)3名字.” 她说: “(在没有更适当的说法下)4现在让我们(叫他做臭货)5.”: Her friend said: “(For the life of me/I have tried hard)1 but I (cant remember)2 her (scumbag husbands)3

9、 name.” She said: “(For lack of a better term)4, lets (call him a “scumbag”)5 for now.”*在一个(恶意的)1(婚姻分手)2, 一对人把他们的(争执)3(放在)4(法庭手上)5(来决定)6(时常)7(发现)8(结果)9是(出人意料地)10(有毁坏性)11: A couple who places4 their conflicts3 (in the hands of the court)5 (for resolution)6 in a nasty1 (marriage breakup)2 often7 finds

10、8 the results9 are surprisingly10 devastating11.*那(人所共知的)1(犯罪首脑)2对(记者)3说: “我们做的每一件事都是(光明正大合乎法例4a/合法4b)这里没有任何事(违反/ditto)5(法例)6.”: The known1 (crime boss)2 said to the reporters3: “Everything we do is (aboveboard4a/ lawful/legal/legitimate/legit/on the up and up/kosher 注: “kosher” 本意指合犹太人宗教或法例, 一般适合跟犹

11、太人有关情况但也常用于普通情形4b) and nothing here (is in violation of/conflicts with/falls afoul/strays from)5 the law6.”*那(专横的/ditto)1(经理)2对他的(员工)3说: “我们(偶然/ditto)4 会(意见有分歧)5但(当我们有这情况时)6我要你记得我是老板我要你(照我方法做)7.”: The (dominant/domineering/overbearing)1 manager2 said to his staff3: “Were going to disagree5 (from tim

12、e to time/now and then/occasionally)4 but (when we do)6, remember Im the boss and I want you to (do things my way)7.”*(企业劫劫掠者)1对(收购目标公司的)2(总裁)3说: “我们(不论什么方法)4也会(夺得你公司的控制权)5, 对是否将会是(友好还是敌意/ditto)6没有(偏好/ditto)7.”: The (corporate raider)1 said to the CEO3 of the (acquisition target company)2: “Were (ta

13、king over your company)5 (one way or another)4, and were not (choosy/particular)7 whether its going to be (the easy way or the hard way/the friendly way or the hostile way)6.”*(法律界执业师)1(批评)2(这一个新的移民法例)3说它的(意思是含糊)4, (用词是古旧)5, (内容)6(与现今情况)7(脱节/ditto)8, 和(它的应用)9跟其他的(法例/ditto)10(有抵触)11: (Legal practitio

14、ners)1 criticize2 (the new piece of immigration legislation)3 and say its (meaning is obscure)4, its (language is archaic)5, its substance6 is (out of harmony/ out of sync)8 (with modern conditions)7, and (its application)9 is (in conflict)11 with other (codes/laws)10.*公司(依靠)1(提供)2(次等产品)3和(不达水准/ditt

15、o)4(服务)5于(更高的价钱)6来(改善)7(利润率)8, 但当(顾客)9(大量逃走10a/迅速消失10b)时(成为自己手法的受害者)11: The company (resorts to)1 offering2 (inferior products)3 and (substandard/subpar)4 services5 at (higher prices)6 to improve7 (profit margins)8, but has (fallen victim to its own devices)11 as customers9 (are fleeing in droves10a

16、/are fast disappearing10b).*一个记者问道: “请你可以(评论)1警方对你(提出)2的(诉讼)3吗?” 他说: “我(急切地等待/ditto)4我(上法庭的那天)5 (来诉说我这方面的实情6a/ 那时事实将会知道6b): A reporter asked: “Can you please comment1 on the charges3 filed2 against you by the police?” He said: “I (look forward to/cant wait to)4 have (my day in court)5 (to tell my si

17、de of the story6a/when the truth will come out6b).”*似乎(积极1a/严格/ditto1b/ 适当1c/足够1d/不偏袒/ditto1e/有效1f/一贯/ditto1g)地(执行)2(劳工法例)3是令所有工人都会 (公平/ditto)4(被对待)5的(唯一保证)6: It seems (vigorous1a/rigid/strict1b/proper1c/adequate1d/ indiscriminative/impartial1e/effective1f/uniform/consistent1g) enforcement2 of the (

18、labor laws)3 is the (only guarantee)6 that all workers will be treated5 (fairly/equitably)4. *那(具争议性)1关乎(重婚案子)2(涉及)3(从旧日国家的婚姻)4(有罪的裁决5a/严惩的裁定5b)是由一个(偏见于)6 (社会体系共有构思)7的(激进主义)8(法官)9所(施行10a/宣判10b): The controversial1 (guilty verdict5a /harsh sentencing5b) in a (bigamy case)2 involving3 (marriages from

19、the old country)4 was (imposed10a/handed down10b) by an activist8 judge9 with ideological6 bias7.砝: (码) weights for scalesf: 发髮: () hair头发: hair发刷: hairbrush假发: (wig/hairpiece/toupee/ rug口)发夹: hairpin烫发: a perm发油: hair lotion发膏: pomade理发: a haircut喷发剂: hair spray(洗发露/洗发精/香波洗頭水): shampoo*他有(一整把)1(天然的

20、)2(卷发)3: He has (a full set of)1 naturally2 (curly hair)3.*他有一个(短而直的/陆军装)1(发型)2: He has a (spiky/ditto)1 haircut2.*这(有钱太太)1时常(穿着)2(最新款的)3(时装)4和(发型)5: This (rich lady)1 always wears2 (the latest)3 fashion4 and coiffure5.*他是个有整(套1a/头1b)(灰头发2a/黑发2b)的(中年人)3: Hes a (middle-aged man)3 with a full (set1a/h

21、ead1b) of (gray hair2a/ black hair2b).*他对妻子说: “如果你走出去(那雨)1将会(弄糟/ditto)2你的(发型)3.”: He said to his wife: “(The rain)1 is going to (mess up/ruin)2 your hairdo3 if you go outside.”*他的(头发)1(笔直竖起来/ditto)2看来像他刚(把手指插进电插座)3: His hair1 (stands straight up/stands on end note: not “ends”)2 that looks like he ju

22、st (stuck his finger into an electrical socket)3.”*他的(小男孩)1喜欢在(剪完平头发型后)2(把他的手指扫过)3那(硬而短的头发)4: His (little boy)1 likes to (run his fingers through)3 the bristles4 (after he has a brush cut)2.*她有(淡褐色的眼睛)1, (苗条2a/肉感2b)的(身材)3, 和(染上几缕金色的棕发)4: She has (hazel eyes)1, a (slim2a/ voluptuous2b) build3, and (b

23、rown hair with golden highlights)4.*他的男朋友看来(相当)1(滑稽)2有(中间分界发型)3和一个(大缺口)4在(两只前面牙齿之间)5: His boyfriend looks rather1 comical2 with a (zipper-head hairstyle)3 and a (big gap)4 (between two front teeth)5.*她是个(金发女郎1a/天然金发女郎1b/染成的金发女郎/ditto1c/红发女郎/ditto1d/ 深棕色头发女郎1e/赤褐色头发女郎1f): Shes (a blonde1a/a natural b

24、londe1b/a dyed blonde/a bottle blonde/a bleached blonde1c/a redhead/a carrot top 口1d/a brunette1e/an auburn-head1f).*她每一个星期去(美发厅)1去把她的头发(修整成型/ditto2a/ 烫发2b/卷曲/ditto2c/编成辫子2d/染发2e/剪短2f/ 修剪2g/洗净2h/修理2i): She goes to a beauty salon to (set/style/coif1a/perm1b/curl/ twirl1c/braid1d/dye1e/ cut1f/trim1g/w

25、ash1h/ fix1i) her hair once a week.*他(充满)1(股票/ditto)2的(投资组合)3在最近的(股票市场下跌)4(遭受打击)5, (仅是)6(忧虑)7(减少的)8(储蓄/ditto)9是否(足够)10他(年老11a/退休11b)他(头发变白/ditto)12: His (investment portfolio)3 (loaded with)1 (equities note: not “equity”/shares/stocks)2 has (taken a beating)5 in the recent (stock market downturn)4,

26、and he is (turning gray/getting gray/getting gray hair)12 just6 worrying7 about if his depleted8 (savings/nest eggs)9 are sufficient10 for his (old age11a/retirement11b). *有(几个晚上)1这个(没有智慧2a/没有天才2b)的(专栏作家)3在(尝试)4(产生)5(有趣的)6(引起刺激反应材料)7来给(一篇文章)8(及时)9(赶及)10 (报刊的11a/印刷的11b)(报纸的截稿限期)12(受挫折地)13 (把头发扯出来)14:

27、 There were nights1 that this (unintelligent 2a/untalented2b) columnist3 was (tearing his hair out)14 (in frustration)13 in trying4 to (come up with)5 interesting6 fodder7 for (an article)8 (in time)9 to meet10 the (press11a/ print11b) (deadline of the newspaper)12.*那一个人(有个非洲发型1a/ 留着刘海色发型女1b/剪成短发型女1

28、c/把头发编成辫子1d/留着蓬松发型女1e/把头发设计为盘绕的圈状女1f/把头发梳成高髻1g/有一个用剃刀刮得短短的发型1h/有一个非常短的发型1i/有一个莫霍克发型1j/留着辫子1k/留着马尾式辫子1l): The person (has an Afro hairstyle1a/ wears her hair in bangs 女1b/cuts her hair in a bob 女1c/wears her hair in braids1d/wears a bouffant hairdo 女1e/styles her hair into coils 女1f/ combs her hair into a high bun1g/has a buzz cut1h/has a crew cut 男1i/has a Mohawk cut1j/wears a pigtail1k/ wears a ponytail1l).*那一个人有(深黑色1a/漆黑色/ditto1b/深褐色1c/金黄色/ditto1d/淡银灰色1e/带金黄的棕色1f/带金黄的红色1g/染金黄色1h/天然金黄色1i/漂白金黄1j/赤褐1k/ 波浪形1l/卷1m/短1n/长1o/短而竖直1p/直1q/卷曲1r/编成辫子1s/ 灰色/ditto1t/末端分

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