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Book8 Unit4 Pygmalion集体教案Word格式.docx

1、Professor Higgins自傲于自己的成功,完全忽略了Eliza的感受。Eliza盛怒之下,离开了Higgins。她走之后,Higgins才发现不能没有她。最后Eliza回到了Professor Higgins身边。两人言归于好。剧中Higgins教授希望把一个街头卖花的姑娘转变成一个有修养的能跻身上流社会的人。从人物的对话中我们也可以清楚地看到不同人物的性格特征,比如Eliza的粗鲁,Higgins的缺乏耐心,Pickering的礼貌等都反映得淋漓尽致。1.4Comprehending分为两部分。第一部分根据课文,让学生回答相关问题;第二部分要求学生从课文中找出这三个不同社会阶层的人

2、物对不同于自己阶层的人们所持的态度;第三部分要求学生思考除了语言以外,哪些方面还能显示出人们社会地位的不同;第四部分要求学生运用所给词汇描述剧本中不同人物的性格特点;第五部分要求学生纠正Eliza语言中的语法、拼写等方面的错误。1.5Learning about Language分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分要求学生能在具体语言环境中运用所学词汇和短语;语法部分主要通过大量的例句和习题要求学生自主学习,总结-ed形式在句子中作状语用法。1.6 Using Language中Reading and acting部分紧承Reading部分的剧情。这一幕的地点是在Higgins的家里,主要人物有Eli

3、za, Higgins, Pickering和Mrs Pearce。主要讲述的是Eliza来这里找Higgins教授,并请求他担任她的老师,帮助她改变命运的事。该部分从听、说、读、写四个方面来学习和巩固所学语言知识。1.7Listening要求学生听一段关于Higgins如何给Eliza授课,如何帮助她纠正发音以及其教学方法的录音,并完成关于Eliza在发音和语法方面正确的地方以及需要改进的地方的表格。1.8Speaking部分有两个任务。其一是让学生运用所给的表示猜测的语句展开联想,说出他们的第二课该如何进行;其二是让学生通过教师的引导总结出希腊神话故事和萧伯纳的剧本两者之间的共同和不同之处

4、。教师可以通过Speaking Task中的提问来引导学生,让学生自己得出结论。II. 课型设计与课时分配 1st Period Speaking2nd Period Reading3rd Period Grammar4th Period Extensive reading 5th Period Listening 6th Period Speaking and writingPeriod 1 Reading1. Teaching goals Enable the students to talk about the Greek story Pygmalion. Enable the stud

5、ents to talk about the play and use the play to work out the characteristics of each social group.2. Ability goals Enable the students to talk about the play and use the play to work out the characteristics of each social group. 3. Learning ability goals Help the students learn how to talk about the

6、 play and use the play to work out the characteristics of each social group. Teaching important points How to talk about the play. Teaching difficult pointsHow to use the play to work out the characteristics of each social group. Teaching methodsListening, reading and discussion. Teaching aidsA reco

7、rder, a computer and a projector.Step Lead-in Has anyone heard of “the Pygmalion Effect”?What is it? The Pygmalion Effect is that people tend to behave as you expect they will. If you expect a person to take responsibility, they probably will. If you expect them not to even try, they probably wont.S

8、tep Warming upToday we are going to learn about a Greek story Pygmalion. First, look at the pictures on page 28. Please work in pairs and work out the story. The first picture-Pygmalion was a very gifted artist. He spent a long time making a stone statue of a beautiful woman. It was so beautiful tha

9、t he couldnt help loving it and wanted it to be his wife. The second picture-But it was only a stone. How could he make his dream become true? He thought and thought and at last he asked the Greek Goddess to help him to bring it to life. The third picture-The Greek Goddess agreed to help and his wis

10、h was granted. Then ask some students to present the complete story based on the above description.-Pygmalion was a gifted artist. One day, he decided to make a stone statue of a beautiful woman. He worked day and night and at last he finished. Then he clothed the figure, decorated it with the jewel

11、lery, and even named it the Sleeping Love. The work was so beautiful that he couldnt help thinking that if the statue could be brought to life, hed very much like it to be his wife. Therefore, he asked the Greek Goddess to help make it alive. Finally the Goddess was moved by his sincerity. His wish

12、was granted. Pygmalion threw himself to his feet, the girl smelt down at him. Afterwards, they fell in love with each other and married. lets have a discussion. Do you think that Pygmalion and his statue-wife will be happy together?Step III Pre-reading The story is so interesting that it was made in

13、to a film My Fair Lady, which was based on the play by Bernard Shaw. Introduce some basic information about him. Step IV Skimming1. How many characters are there in the play? Who are they?-there are three characters in the play. They are Eliza, Professor Higgins, and Colonel Pickering.2. Whats the m

14、ain idea of the first Act?-A poorly-educated flower girl Eliza encountered professor Higgins, a rude gentleman, who bet with Pickering, a polite general, to change the girl into a lady by improving her English.Step V Scanning Read the part of the play once again and finish the following tasks:Charac

15、tersClassRelations/attitudesEvidenceHenry HigginsColonel PickeringElizaStep VI ComprehendingAsk the Ss to finish exercises on page 45.Step VII Homework 1. Read the play repeatedly and try to act out the play.2. Preview the grammar part.Period 2 Learning about language过去分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语通常是句子的主语,与主语关系是动宾

16、关系,即被动关系。一、过去分词作状语时的具体用法:1过去分词作时间状语相当于一个时间状语从句。Asked (When he was asked) what had happened, he lowered his head. 当他被问问题的时候,他低下了头。2过去分词作原因状语相当于一个原因状语从句。Frightened (=Because / As she was frightened) by the tiger, the girl didnt dare to sleep alone. 因为害怕老虎, 这个女孩不敢单独睡觉。3过去分词作条件状语相当于一个条件状语从句。Grown (If th

17、ese seeds are grown) in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast. 如果种在肥沃的土壤里, 这些种子能长得很快。Given (If we were given) more time, we could do it better. 如果给我们更多时间的话,我们可以做得更好。4过去分词作让步状语相当于一个让步状语从句。Left (Although he was left) at home, John didnt feel afraid at all. 虽然John被单独留在房间里, 他一点都不害怕。5过去分词作状语表示伴随动作或状态。The

18、teacher entered the classroom, (and he was) followed by a group of students. 老师进入教室,后面跟着一帮学生。二、现在分词与过去分词作状语的区别。现在分词做状语与过去分词做状语的最主要区别在于两者与所修饰的主语的主动与被动关系的区别。a.现在分词作状语时,现在分词的动作就是句子主语的动作,它们之间的关系是主动关系。He went out shutting the door behind him.他出去后将门随手关上。Not knowing what to do, he went to his parents for h

19、elp.由于不知如何办是好,他去找父母帮忙。b.过去分词作状语时,过去分词表示的动作是句子主语承受的动作,它们之间的关系是被动关系。Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.如果对这些树多关心一些,它们本来会长得更好。Faced with difficulties, we must try to overcome them.在遇到困难的时候,我们必须设法克服。三、过去分词在英语学习中是较难掌握的语法知识,同时又是高考中的热点之一。掌握过去分词作状语可从以下几个方面考虑。1理清过去分词作状语时与句子的主语的关系 1)过去分词作

20、状语时,过去分词与主句中的主语形成逻辑上的被动关系,有时也表示动作已完成。Seen in the dark night, lights on top of tall buildings look like stars in the sky.(seen表示被动,分词的动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生) Scolded by the teacher, the girl began to cry. 被老师责怪,女孩哭了起来。(scolded表示被动且动作已完成) _ into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting

21、 water and heating supply breakdowns.A. Put B. Putting C. Having put D. Being put Lost in thought, she nearly ran into a tree. 陷入沉思,她差点撞到树上。(lost意为“迷失的”,与逻辑主语连接起来相当于Because she was lost,作原因状语)与lost类似的过去分词还有disappointed, dressed, determined, devoted, tired, exhausted, prepared, seated, caught等。After

22、his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, _. A. exhausted B. exhausting C. being exhausted D. having exhausted 2注意过去分词作状语时在句中的位置 作状语的过去分词或短语可置于句子的开头,中间或句末,但是必须用逗号隔开以便与主句分开。The PE teacher stood in the middle of the playground, surrounded by a group of students. 那位体育老师站在操场中间,被一群学生围着。(过去分词作

23、伴随状语) _ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm. A. Attracting B. Attracted C. To be attracted D. Having attracted 3掌握过去分词作状语与状语从句的变换 过去分词作状语在功能上相当于状语从句,在句中表示时间原因条件方式伴随让步等。所以经常会遇到过去分词前带有once, when, while, if, as if, even if, though, unless等连词,我们将这种

24、结构看成在连词与过去分词之间省略了与主句相同的主语和be动词。例如:Once published, this book will be popular with the students.=Once it is published, this book will be popular with the students.这本书一旦出版,它将会受到学生们的欢迎。(过去分词作时间状语。注:分词前once可省略) _ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. A. Compare B.

25、When compared C. Comparing D. When comparing No matter how frequently _, the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. A. performed B. performing C. to be performed D. being performed 3独立主格结构 如果句中过去分词的逻辑主语不是句子的主语,这时必须在过去分词前加上主格的逻辑主语。这就叫作独立主格结构。The town seen from the hill, we can se

26、e it more clearly.=If the town is seen from the hill, we can see it more clearly. 如果从山上看这座城市,我们能看得更清楚。Everything taken into consideration, the party was a success. 将所有的事情考虑在内,晚会算是成功的。 (taken的逻辑主语不是the party, 所以添加其真正的主语everything) He sat silently, eyes closed. Period 3 Using LanguageTeaching contents

27、:Act Two, Scene1:Making the BetListening on page 35(Act Three:Training) and listening on page 73(Act four:Testing)Act Five:AfterwardsTeaching goals:Enable the Ss to learn the rest parts of the playTeaching methods:Task-based method, listening and readingTeaching procedures:Step I Revision and Lead-i

28、nAsk the Ss to review Act one:Fateful meetings. And the retell the story of this part: A poorly-educated flower girl Eliza encountered professor Higgins, a rude gentleman, who bet with Pickering, a polite general, to change the girl into a lady by improving her English.Step II SkimmingAsk the studen

29、ts to skim the part and tell me the main idea of this part:-Higgins made a bet with his friend Pickering and then began the teaching.Whats the bet?-Higgins would turn the lower class Eliza into a lady that will fool high society through a change in dress and speech; While Pickering would pay for it if Higgins won the bet. The only thing in the bet for Eliza is that she might be able to open her own flower shop and somewhat escaper her lower class roots.Step III ScanningAnswer questions:1. Do you

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