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1、1、revision:小组讨论,回顾形容词比较级变化规则2、对比学习形容词最高级变化规则。四、写出下列单词的比较级、最高级fast_ _ young_ _ strong_ _ugly_ _ beautiful_ _good_ _ many_ _课堂检测Lets have a test :写出下列单词的比较级和最高级much _ _ fat _ _old _ _ high_ _自我评价:K课题 Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class?1. 巩固单词,复习最高级变化规则 2. 掌握短语3. 掌握本课重点句子4. Read全文读熟,会翻译 二、Lets rev

2、iew中间_ 衬衫_ 赛跑选手_首先_ 如果_ shout _farther _ in the middle_词组:talk with _ in the world _ go out _ look for _ climb up _ get down _ 四、Group work (在文中划出词组,小组合作翻译全文,不会的标记出来)五、Practice reading the text翻译:1、 Dont say that in front of an elephant._2、 If I climb up a tree, I can see farther. _3、 I know you are

3、 the biggest and strongest animal in the world. _练习案复习与巩固练习巩固一、拼写单词: 第一_ 呼喊_ 赛跑选手_ 中间_ 如果_ 更远 _ 因此_ 衬衫_ 耳朵 _ 二、英汉互译: 在中间_ 下来_ look for _ climb up _ 出去_ on ones way_三、连词成句: 1、runs, who, fastest, your, in, class(?)_ 2、goes, he, out, to, for, look, elephant, the(.)_ 3、jumps, highest, who, your, class,

4、in(?四、翻译 1、Who runs fastest in your class? 2、The one in the yellow T-shirt. _ 3、Jack jumps highest of the three. _ 4、If I climb up a tree, I can see farther. _重点知识形容词的比较级最高级不规则变化的单词:good/well-better-best bad-worse-worstmany/much-more-most little-less-leastfar-farther/further-farthest/furthest Lesson

5、 2 Its on the fifth floor. 撰写人:.掌握本课新单词。.学习基数词变序数词的变化规则。二、Dictation:_三、Translationfloor_ second_ third_ road_some time_ along_ donkey_ reading room_ get on_四、将下列基数词变为序数词:one_ two_ three_five_ eight_ nine_eleven_ twelve_五、Group work(小组讨论,背基数词变序数词变化规则)默写1至12的序数词_1 巩固单词及基数词变序数词的变化规则 2 掌握短语 3 掌握本课重点句子4

6、Read全文读熟,会翻译 写出下列单词的序数词1、词组:walk along _ look for _ go back _ go on _ get on _ after some time _2.重点句型:Where is _sixth donkey? He _back _ look for the sixth donkey. A friend _ his _ up.翻译:1、 Where is the reading room? _2、 Its on the fifth floor. _3、 A man is walking along a road with his six donkeys

7、.4、What class is she in?. _ Lesson 2 Its on the fifth floor. 撰写人:第三_ 第五_ 楼层_ 沿着_爬 _ 上(车、船等)_ 一会儿_ 寻找_ 阅览室_ 嘲笑 _ go back _ climb up _ 1、class, is, what, she, in (?) _ 2、is, the, where, reading room (?)_ 3、am, counting, I, donkeys, my (.)_ 4、his, a, of, friend, up, comes (.)_五、翻译 1、He gets on one of t

8、he donkeys and goes on._2、 Where is the teachers office ? _3、 After some time he counts the donkeys. _4、 A man is walking along a road with his six donkeys. _ 基数词变序数词的变化规则:一、二、三,单独记;八去t,九除e, ve要用f替,整十基数变序数,先把ty变成tie;要是遇到两位数,十位基数个位序,th最后加上去。 Lesson 3 It will be cold tomorrow. 撰写人:.掌握句型:Whats the weat

9、her like tomorrow? It will be cold. Whats the weather like today? It is fine.热的_ cold _ 温暖的_ cool _春天_ 夏天_ 秋天 _ 冬天_wind_ rain_四、根据提示完成句子:Whats the _ (天气) like tomorrow?It will be _(晴朗的). 五、Group work(小组讨论,完成lets learn.)1、 weather, the, like, whats, tomorrow (?)_2、 cold, be, will, it (.) _1 巩固单词及重点句型

10、。Dictation:_on the ground _ bring about _ come back _ notat all _It _droughts and floods.This warming of the sea will bring _ great changes _ weather. 1、 It brings droughts and floods. _2、 It will blow to many places in the world. _3、 The wind will bring heavy rain to some places. _5、 Where is the t

11、eachers office ?6、 After some time he counts the donkeys. _7、 A man is walking along a road with his six donkeys. _一般将来时是由助动词will加动词原形构成,这个时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句结构可表示如下:肯定句:I (We, You, He, She, They) will go.否定句:I (We, You, He, She, They) will not go.疑问句:Will you (he, she, they) go?课题Lesson 4 What will you

12、do when you grow up?1掌握本课新单词。2掌握重点句型:What will you do when you grow up? I will be a worker.春天_ 夏天_ 秋天_ 冬天_带来_ 雨 _ 成为_ 温暖的_风 _ 雪 _ 三、Translation grow_ soldier_ worker_ building_parents_ teach_ student_ driver _large _singer_ song _四、LetI will be a worker.讲解以上句子,并用课本上17页的替换词替换练习五、Group work(小组讨论,根据自己的

13、实际情况问答) ? .工人_ 学生_ 巨大的_ 生长,种植_建造_ 歌曲_.巩固单词。.掌握重点短语和重点句型 .Read全文读熟,会翻译 1工人_ 学生_ 巨大的_ 生长,种植_2. 等你长大的时候你要做什么? _1.词组:grow up _ build a big house_ grow rice_ teach students _ 2.重点句型 :What will he do when he grows up?He will be a worker. 比较上面两组句子,讲解相关语法知识1、 When I grow up, I will be a worker. _2、 Ill grow rice and wheat for people. _

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