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1、不见不散Be there or be square.If I dont meet you, I wont leave.I wont leave until I see you.改错练习1. Especially, you can see the cute pandas, which have good manners and kind to visitors.*(改为are kind to visitors)2. Nanjing has a lot of places of interest. Such as Xuan Wu Lake, *(改为, such as)3. Mix the flo

2、ur with water, wait until it gets bigger, cut it into pieces.*(改为and cut)4. He came on, and stood in front of the girl, said that it was nice to see you.*(将and置于said之前)3. 长句V.S. 短句Mr. Yu failed twice in the NMT.Mr. Yu, who is currently the president of the New Oriental Education & Technology Group,

3、failed twice in the NMT, which is the national matriculation test intended for those senior high school graduates who wished to study in the universities and colleges.Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was ofte

4、n bitterly cold.Continually与continuously区别Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he could contact by radio, unless there was a ship nearby, would be on an island 885 miles away. 练习:翻译词句为中文答案:他禁不住寻思起来,要是果真有什么意外,除非附近有条船,他用无线电能联系上的最近的人远在885英里以外的岛上。4. 从句 V.S

5、. 分句Can you answer a question which I want to ask and which is puzzling me? 译文:我有一个问题弄不懂,想请教你,你能回答吗?汉语用三个分句表达原文的意思,显然效果很好,如果译成:你能回答一个使我弄不懂而又想问你的问题吗 主语从句;What we see in front of us seems to be a handsome boy. 表语从句;Thats who teaches us English reading this winter. 定语从句;Beijing, which is located in the

6、 north of China, is his hometown. 同位语从句;The news that he is just over 25 years old and has been married really surprises all of us. 宾语从句;But he told us that it was not true. 状语从句;Whenever we asked his actual age, he always smiled with kindness. 感叹句What a lovely teacher he is!How lovely he is!5. 多代词

7、V.S. 多名词 人称代词,替换前文出现的人名 物主代词my, his, her, mine等 指示代词this, that, these, those等 疑问代词what, when, which, where等As simple as the question may seem, it represents the doubt of most people here. 关系代词,引导定语从句 反身代词 不定代词He is very brave. (rather? Quite?) - Nothing could make him feel scared.6. 多被动 V.S. 多主动1) 不

8、清楚动作的执行者The window was broken and a broom was left on the floor.2) 强调客观发生的事实,淡化句子的主语Newtons theories had been replaced with Einsteins and our understanding of the universe had been changed.3) 出于修辞的原因,更好地安排句子结构I went to the party yesterday, and was asked by my friend to sing a few songs. 还有其他常用的被动语态句

9、型(录音里没有说,可以作为补充材料提供) It is said that.据说 It is believed that.据认为 It is reported/ estimated/ suggested that.据报道,估计,有人建议 It is agreed that.人们同意 It must be pointed out that.必须指出 it must be admitted that.必须承认 It must be realized that.必须认识到 It will be seen from this that.由此可知 It is (generally) considered

10、that.大家(普遍)认为写作技巧之如何用词1. 应用高级词汇Ultimately, awesome, terrific等例子 Johnson will come to China around 28th, October.- Johnson is expected to come to China around 28th, China.The question is really difficult to understand.- The question is really confusing.He had to face all the potential difficulties.-

11、He had to cope with all the potential difficulties.练习 Our school lies in the suburb of the city. (be located in) Even if dinner looks a little bit terrible, it doesnt mean it will taste that way. (looks disgusting) I cant find any way to solve the problem. (solutions) No matter how much you learn, t

12、here is always something you dont know. (some stuff)2. 同义词的使用例子 It is very interesting. -amusing; It is great fun. Last summer, I visited New York with my parent. - paid a visit to/ toured练习 That is a good idea. - great/ brilliant He is a kind friend. - He is kind to us.3. 使用短语代替单词例子 Suddenly I had

13、a good idea.- came up with/ thought of Take a moment to see what is happening around you.- taking place/ going on Everyone should do his or her best.- do ones utmost/ make every effort练习 He is a famous teacher. - He is well-known as a dancer. To twelve-year-old Hannah, this answer was too difficult

14、to understand. - not make sense at all (请忽视这句话录音,谢谢)Generally, our friendship remained within four classroom walls.- What you do will be very important. - What you do will make a difference.如何表达“喜欢”词语 like, love, enjoy, prefer, sth is awesome/ wonderful短语 be interested in, take an interest in, be fo

15、nd of, be keen on, be pleased with, care for, take a liking for句型 Id like to do; sth is what Im fond of; sth is my favorite; Id feel like doing.第二课了解简单句、并列句和复合句简单句定义:只包含一个主谓结构的句子叫做简单句,句子成分是由词或短语来充当的I used to cook my own food in the past.Cook: Every morning I got up very early at about 6 oclock. I wa

16、shed my face and brushed my teeth, and after that, I cooked my father, my mother and myself. I cooked them every day.Cook for sb. / cook breakfastIt becomes nearly impossible to catch up with her, the No. 1 student in our class.并列句包含两个或多个互不依从的主谓结构,通常由一个或多个并列连词来连接的句子叫做并列句。Come to the English corner,

17、and youll have great fun here.并列连词和分号是并列句的标志,是区别简单句与并列句的根本。1.联合关系的并列句由and, or, neithernor和not only but also/as well 等连接He not only cleans the room, but also washes the clothes.2.转折结果关系的并列句由but, however, while, yet, so, therefore, for等连接复合句包含两个或多个主谓结构,并且,其中一个主谓结构充当主句,另一个或多个主谓结构为从句,充当该主句的主语、表语、宾语、定语或状

18、语,这样的句子叫做复合句。简单句五大基本句型主谓句型-Do you _ take _ to be your lawful wife/ husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?-I do. 该句型延伸形式为:主不及物状语 The door opens suddenly. There +不

19、及物主语 There comes a tall guy. (区别gay) 主 + 不及物不定式 He wants to see the girl.主系表句型He looks handsome/ You look beautiful.look, seem, touch, sound, feel, smell常见的“It”句式也是属于第二基本句型1It + be + adj./n .+ to v(不定式) 例:It is surprising to see him at the wedding. It is my duty to take care of you, my dear. 2It + b

20、e +adj. +for +sb. + to V It is difficult for us to be together. It is very sweet of you to send me the greeting card.主谓宾句型I love you.该句型谓语必须为及物动词吗?He looks at the girl silently.主谓宾宾He gives the girl a ring.She returns him a, give, send, sell, lend, teach, write, show, return, bring, pass,

21、offer, hand.有些动词接for: buy, sing, make, do, play(弹奏,播放)主谓宾宾补引导这种句型的动词有let, make, have, see, watch, hear, notice.补语一般由名词,形容词,副词,动词不定式,分词结构充当。You make my life complete.The wedding makes the groom sad.The husband sees the man take away his bride.常见的I think it + adj. for do I think it important to

22、have you in my life. 如何写记叙文(叙事篇)以写事为主的记叙文,注意:1)交待六要素(时间、地点、人物、事件、原因、结果),2)描写先后顺序以及记事的相对完整,3)把握好事情的开始、发展、高潮及结局。内容:六要素-When, where, who, what, why and how顺序:时间顺序或逻辑发展顺序人称:第一或第三人称要求:语句通顺且连贯,内容表达一致。 the door opens suddenly. There comes a young man. He wants to see the girl. He looks handsome. Its surpri

23、sing to see him at the wedding. Its his duty to take care of her. Its difficult for them to be together. I love you. He looks at her silently. He gives her a golden ring. She returns him a gentle kiss. You make my life complete. This makes the groom very angry.He sees the man take away his bride.三篇学

24、生习作 Suddenly, the door opened. There came a good-looking young man, who wanted to see the bride. “I love you!” he said to her. She felt surprised to meet him at the wedding. But it was difficult for them to be together. It seemed too late. However, the man slowly showed a golden ring to her, who ret

25、urned him a gentle kiss. This made the groom mad, and finally he saw the man take away his bride. When the door opened suddenly, a handsome young man came in. He wanted to see the bride. It was too surprising. Though it seemed difficult for them to be together, they still loved each other. The man h

26、anded slowly a beautiful ring to the girl, and she returned him a kiss. At that time, the groom got quite angry. However, he could only quietly see the man take away his bride. This was too bad. A handsome young man entered the church just at that time. He rushed to the bride, which frightened every

27、one present. No one knew who he was and why he came here, except the girl. He took out a glittering golden ring and gently gave it to her. To our surprise, she kissed him on the forehead. We began to know what really happened. I guess, the groom must have been rather angry and disappointed. It was his bad day.第三课如何写记叙文第二部分(写人篇)记叙文是以写人、记事、状物为主要内容,以叙述和描写为表达方式的文章。以写人为主的记叙文,应该注意肖像描写、行动描写、语言描写、心理描写以及对细节的描写,考生应根据写作的要求,灵活掌握,突出重点。记叙文要求:主题明确,内容充实完整;层次分明,有条有理;主次分明,详略得当。

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