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1、 paper campfire turning barbecuepicnic exit everybody monitor signature postcard footbridgepotice away along another surprised correct hotel acrosstowards farewell invite complete 2.不完全爆破 qui(ck)ly corre(c)t pos(t)card foo(t)bridge3.句子重音和语调 How do you getthere? Do you know theway? Which map is the c

2、orrectone? Shall we take differentroutes?B 词汇1.单词2.词组3.日常用语1. We will take the bus to the Summer Palace.2. Walk over the bridge to South Road and then turn left.3. Eddie is jumping over the chair.4. I am going to take another route.C 语法一般将来时一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反常发生的动作。常与表示将来的时间状语连用。如:i

3、n a few days, tomorrow, next week, next year等。例如:I will go to my hometown next week. We will come to see you every Sunday.基本技能Listening: 停止令,并画出路线图,培养精听能力。学会使用指示语中的关键信息,并能在听力材料中获取相关信息的特定顺序。Speaking: 引入有关地点和交通的话题。谈论参观访问和交通方式,并辨别方位。Reading: 学会阅读剧本故事,能根据语境推测故事内容的发展,理解故事中发生的一系列事件以及人物采取行动。Writing: 了解邀请函的

4、写作格式。能在写邀请函的语境中组织信息并指明路线。【指点迷津】巩固方位及行走路线的表达方法,确保学生学会并掌握本单元教授的语法和词汇,帮助学生了解因特网,懂得利用因特网查找信息。Period 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unitTeaching goals To introduce the topic of places and transport To activate existing vocabulary and identify the meanings of new words related to the topic To guess meanin

5、g from pictures To talk about visits and means of transport using model sentencesTeaching proceduresStep 1 Presenting 1. (show them a picture about the birds flying to the south)T: Where do birds fly in autumn?S: They fly to the south. Where do they fly in spring? They fly back to the north.Get them

6、 ready for the words about directions.2. Show them the chart about directions.north-west, north, north-east, west, east, south-west, south, south-east Can you say the directions out with correct words? Now please read these words after me for two times.3. T: Now I want you tell us something about yo

7、ur living community. You can tell your partners about your own community. You must use some words about directions. You can draw a picture first.(a hospital, a restaurant, a supermarket, a school, a bus stop, a hotel, a shopping mall)Step 2 Presenting 1. Take one picture from the student and ask the

8、 others. Where is the hospital/restaurant/hotel? The hospital is north/east/ of my house.2. The students can work in pairs and ask each other some questions. e.g.S1: Where is the supermarket?S2: The supermarket is 3. Ask several pairs to do the dialogue.4. T: Now I have a question. How do you usuall

9、y go to school? S: I usually go to school by bike/ by bus / on foot1. Ask students to make up new dialogues using different transport means, then ask them to role-play it.Step 3 Presenting1.T: The Class 1, Grade 7 students are planning a spring outing. Read the instructions. Look at the map and find

10、 the places they plan to visit. Then write the numbers in the boxes. (The teacher read the three sentences to them and let them write down the correct numbers)2. T: How can we get to the Park Lake/ the Zoo/ the Sunnyside Garden? Lets go there by bus/underground T: We also can use other expressions t

11、o give suggestions.Why dont we?What about ?Why not? Now please work in pairs and make up a new dialogue, and then ask them to role-play it.Step 4 Practicing1. Show them a picture and ask them work in a group of four students. Where is the park/? The park/ is Lets go to the park/OK.How can we go ther

12、e?We can go there by bus/on foot/2. Ask some pairs to practice the dialogue.Step 5 Presenting1. Ask the students to look at the comics on page 42. Hobo and Eddie are going to a spring outing. Now please listen to the tape and answer the questions.Where are Hobo and Eddie standing? (On top of a hill.

13、)How does Hobo go down the hill? (Hobo jumps down.)What does the sign say? (It says Dogs this way.)Do they have to go up the hill again? (Yes, they do.) Now please listen to the tape. Ok, lets read the dialogue together. Now, Ill give you 2 minutes to read the dialogue with your partner. Then Ill in

14、vite some of you to come to the blackboard and role-play it. Step 6 Doing homework1. Read the dialogue after class.2. Recite the new words and the structures today.3. Finish the exercises on the workbook. 【课堂释疑】一 单词辩音:(选出划线部分一个与众不同的选项)( )1.A. catch B. campfire C. trafficD. paper )2. A. winB. bridgeC

15、. driveD. uniform)3. A. stepB. barbecue C. entrance D. everybody )4. A. postcard B. complete C. towards D. correct )5. A. use B. suddenly C. tunnel D. just二 用所给词适当形式填空.1. Ill go (boat) instead of (swim).2. The car is (slow). Can you drive (quick)?3. She goes to the (dance) Club every morning.4. Plea

16、se give a (sit) to someone in need.5. We thought Chen Dan should get (a) award.6. If you want to get (good) results, you must do (many) exercises.7. (keep) a (learn) record is good for a student.8. It is the (parent) meeting.9. He loves (China) history a lot.10. He is good at (write), but I am weak

17、at (write).11. It is (snow) in Canada. Lets go (ski).12. He often tells (young) students to be (careful) when they play water sports.13. Last week, Lily (fall) into the water.14. We shall all (be) very (please).15. Is she getting (good) now?16. Im sure that Ill (lose) the game.17. I (catch) a fish a

18、fter (wait) for many hours last time.18. Im looking forward to (hear) from you. Period 2 Reading () To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge To understand a series of events and simultaneous actions. To identify specific details by following a route and marking points on a map.

19、New words: call, robber, drive, quickly, at once, police, uniform, just, push, van, away, fail, use, knife, work, police station, route, along, right, another, stop, traffic, light, jump, later, suddenly, surprised, catch, in the end, crossroads Teaching methods: task-based approach Teaching aids: t

20、ape recorder, tapes, slide projector, slides Step 1 RevisionReview the words about directions. 1. T: Look at me. Can you try to guess what I am doing? (push, pull.) I have some more new words, please look at these pictures and tell me what they are.(police station, police uniform, robbers, green van

21、, traffic lights, knife, building)3.Then make up a new dialogue with these words. Look! There is a building. Its a police station. In the police station, there are three robbers. They are in police uniform. There is a green van nearby. In the van there is a knife. The policemen find the robbers at t

22、he traffic lights. Why are the three robbers in police uniform in the police station? Can you guess? Now please look at the picture on page 46 C2. Can you find the following places?(restaurant, hotel, Hill Building, police station, Park Road, 4th Street, 5th Street, 6th Street, 7th Street,8th Street

23、) Ok, you know about the places, lets do part B1 on page 45.Step 3 Reading Now please listen to the tape, and try to answer the questions.How many people are there in the story?Who are they? (the twin brothers, Susan, and the policeman.)Do the twins go to the police station?2.T: Ok, you can open you

24、r book now and check the answers. Please read the text quickly and answer the following questions.Who is making a call to the twin brothers? (Susan.)Where are the robbers? (They are in Hill Building.)How do the twins go to Hill Building? (They drive there.)What do the robbers push the twins into? (T

25、hey push them into a van.)How do the twins open the back door of the van? (They use a knife.)Who do the twins see at the police station? (They see the robbers.)Step 4 Reading1. Now please work in a group of 4 students. Try to draw out Justins and Pauls route to the police station on the map. ( check

26、 the answers) Lets look at these True or False questions, and write T if it is true, write F if it is false.The twins use a knife to open the back door of the van. (T)The twins run to the police station on 5th Street. ( F)When the van stops at Hill Building, the twins jump out of it at once. (F)Just

27、in and Paul take different routes to the police station. (T)At the police station, the twins are happy to see the robbers. (F)The twins catch the robbers. (F)Check the students answers and provide help if necessary.3.Now please read after the tape for one time.4.Please work in a group of 4 students,

28、 each student read one person.(Susan, policeman, Justin, Paul) Ask the best group to show their play to the others.5. Finish the exercises of B2 on page 45 and C1 on page 46.Step 5 Summary Today we learned about the story of a robbery, now please read the story again.Language points:1.nearby=not far

29、 away e.g. I live nearby in the building. 2. robber(n.) rob(v.) e.g. The two robbers ran away from the back quickly. 3. quickly=fast (adj.) quick (adj.) e.g. She walked quickly away. 4. fail失败 e.g. Tom failed in his math examination. 5. work起作用 e.g. Something is wrong with my watch. It doesnt work. 6. route路线take different ro

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