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1、T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?S: Did you go traveling on Nationals Day? Where did you go? Good. Did you buy any souvenir?1 Do you know what this is in English? Wonderful. Its a Read after me Step: Presentation Whats this in English? Its an eraser. How do you spell that? Whats that in

2、English? How do you spell it? What color is it? 2 Step 3: DrillPractice the drill “Whats this in English?” in pairs with the things on the screen. Id like to give you 30 seconds to practice this simple dialogue, then Id like to invite some groups to act it out in front the classroom.S1:S2:Step 4: Gu

3、essing game. Boys and girls, lets play a guessing game. Look at the big screen. Whats that, can you guess what that is? You may guess like this: “Is that a/an ” Is that a pen? No, it isnt.3 Is that an eraser? Yes it is. And its her eraser. You got it. Congratulations. Whats that?Step 5 Presentations

4、. This is my pen. Is this your pen?4 No, it isnt. Its her pen. (Hold the students pen.) Is this your pen? Yes, it is. Its my pen.Step 6 Pair work. Practice the drill “Is this your ” in pairs with your own school things. Pay attention to the use of my, your, his or her. Id like to give your 30 second

5、s to practice this simple dialogue. After that, Id like to invite some pairs to practice it in front of your classmates.Step 7: Listening task. Please open your books and turn to page 7,1b. Are you ready? And now please turn to page 8, 2a and 2b.Homework:1. Read and recite the new words. (读背诵新单词)2.

6、Copy the new words in 1a four times.3. Make a similar dialogue in 2b.1. 通过展示自己带来的纪念品,然后教souvenir这个单词。2. 用相同方法教pencil, pencil sharpener, pencil case, pencil box, backpack, knife, dictionary.3. 通过这样的游戏,让学生接触新句型,并且又复习先前学的物主代词。4.利用实物引入句型,使用不同人的物品来引入形容词性物主代词和名词的搭配的用法。教学反思:整堂课下来,我觉得有点沉闷。有些环节没有设计好。虽然我有设计些游

7、戏进去,但是学生积极性不高,我想主要是我的活动没有设计好。我在思考,在以后的教学中,要多开展两人一组的交际活动,两人的交际活动可以包括,两人间的对话活动,还可以要求学生就某一话题,某一张图片进行一问一答的对话,也可以要求学生一个发指令,一个做动作,然后在进行竞赛,学生的积极就被调动起来了。还有一个很重要的活动,就是训练学生角色扮演,这是情景教学的一个很好的应用,在这节课中,我复习的是一篇故事,那角色扮演就是很好的教学方法,一来可以调动学习气氛,二来提高学生学习英语的情趣。Period TwoTeaching aims:1 学会辨认物品的所有者2 根据不同场景,能用英语对物品的所属进行提问和问答

8、。3 能识别不同句式的语调(陈述句,疑问句)Is this your/my/his/her pen? Yes, it is. No, it, computer game, key, ring, watch, notebook. Teaching procedures: Warming up and revisions. Good morning, boys and girls. Now we are going to have a little quiz. Please take out your pens and papers. Write down the an

9、swers in your papers.1 Have your finished? Now, exchange with your partners. Lets check the answers.Review the dialogue. Excuse me, Tom. Is that your book? Yes, it is. Its my book. Excuse me, Daisy. Is that your eraser? No, it isnt. Its not my eraser. Its Helens eraser. Its her eraser. Thank you. He

10、len. Is this your eraser? Yes, it is. Its my eraser. Here you are. Thank you. OK. Now, practice in your groups.2Step 2 :Presentation:Guessing game Can you guess what is in my box? No, it isnt. No, it isnt. Its a baseball. Read after me, baseball, B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L, baseball.3按照以上方法引出新单词 “key, baseball

11、, ring, watch, notebook, computer game.” Work on Section B 1a on P.10.(完成P.10 1a)Match the words with the things in the pictures.4 Memory challenge.5 Its time to test your memory. Id like to see which group has remarkable memory. Ill show a group of pictures in the screen. When the thing flashes in

12、the screen, you should tell me which things appear in the screen and how to spell the word. For example, when a pen appears in the screen, you should tell me “pen, P-E-N, pen”. Do you all understand? Yes. Lets begin. Step 5: Make up a dialogue. What this in English? Its a ring. R-I-N-G. Is this your

13、 ring? No, it isnt. I think its Lucys ring. Its her ring.6Step 6: Homework Oral work: Read and recite the new words. Read the dialogue. Written work. : Make up a similar dialogue. Copy the new words for 4 times.1. 这些练习是为了学生进一步巩固上一堂课学过的内容。2. 复习巩固上节课的对话。3.利用这个游戏,复习前面所学过的物品的单词,又自然过渡到新单词的教学。4. 对新单词的第二层处

14、理。 5.在幻灯中快速地呈现出不同的物品,让学生回答6.对话练习,既巩固了生词又训练了句型。今天在课堂中进行了听写,学生的成绩并不是很理想。我发现课堂上反复操练的句型,学生居然还不知道是什么意思。这引起我了深思。我思考英语课堂上是不是应该全部英语授课。学生听不懂怎么办?是不是可以穿插点中文的讲解,这样更适合学生学习。Period Three灵活使用Is this your/my/his/her pen?1. 要求熟练运用以下句式:Whats this in English? Its a/an Is this your/my/her/his ruler? Yes, it is. No, it i

15、snt.2要求会写失物招领或寻物启示。Difficulties(难点):会写失物招领或寻物启示。3. Teaching procedures: Daily greetings and revision. Im fine. And you? Not so good. Why? Because I lost a set of keys of my home. And I was scolded by my parents all the night. Its a silver key. Did you see it? 1 What did you do when you lost your thi

16、ngs? Who can tell me?Step2: Yes, I first found outside and in of my bag. But unfortunately, I did not find it. So, I made a bulletin board of lost. Look!2(展示自己的寻物启示,然后教新单词。) Boys and girls, please look at the screen. This is a bulletin board. Read after me, bulletin board. OK, now, please read the “

17、lost” carefully. And then tell me the important information.3 The lost thing. Name. Telephone number. Picture. Quiet good. If we write “lost”, we must write the lost thing, the persons name, telephone number and color, we can also put a picture of the thing on it. Next, if you pick up my key or some

18、thing else, what should you do? Give it to you. Yes. And if you pick up something else, what should you do ? How to find the owner of the thing? Look at “Found” and then tell me the way to write “Found” The thing. Telephone number.S3: The person who picked up the thing.S4: Place. Excellent. All of y

19、ou are very clever. If we write “Found”, we should write the thing, telephone number, the people who the owner should call, also write the place where the thing is. Practice Please look at the notices on the bulletin board in 3a. Who would like to read it?(Ask four students in turn to read the notic

20、es.) Its time for you to read the notices yourself and circle the words from Activity 1a. Who would like to five us your answer? Please read the words. 4 Make a message. Please look at the 3b. This is a bulletin board message. But they are in the wrong order. You should make it clearly by putting th

21、em in the right order. The first one is done for you. (Show students the first part with the word “Found”) This is the first part of the message. Write numbers 2 3, and 4 in the boxes to complete the message Well, who would like to read the message?多制作一些小卡片,让学生进行正确排序。 Writing OK. Now lets try to wri

22、te your own bulletin board message. You may use the one in 3a or the one in 3b as model. Lets read some of your messages.5 Homework.Oral work:(1) Listen to, read and recite 2b dialogue. Written work:(1)Write your own bulletin board message.1. 自然引导学生过渡到lost&found的写法。2. 向学生展示自己的寻物启示。3. 让学生通过老师展示的寻物启示,

23、发现写寻物启示的要点。4. 这个活动的目的在于培养学生的阅读能力5.用英文写简单的失误招领寻物启示。把学生的作品在实物投影仪上展示,便于修改。Period Four要求学生能熟练并灵活运用本单元的知识。Teaching steps: Review all the new words. Lets play a game, ok? Whats this? Is it a pen? Well, is it a key? Yes, it is. How do you spell the key? K-E-Y, key.1(然后让学生自己操练对话)Step 2. 阅读下面一段对话,完成相关任务。A: J

24、enny. Is this your watch?B: Yes, it is. Thank you. And the backpack? No, it isnt. Its Franks backpack. Oh, look! Is this your pencil-case, Ann? No, its my friends pencil-box. Whats your friends name? Her name is Dianna. Whats her phone number? Its 515-23465. Lets call her. OK, lets go.根据对话正确填写表格。 Ob

25、ject(物品)Owner(物品的主人)watchbackpackpencil caseStep 3将下面对话进行排序,然后编成一对话。 Yes? No, my bag is at home. Ask that woman. I think its her bag. Excuse me. Is this your bag? Is this your bag? Byebye. Oh, yes. Its my bag. Thank you very much. You are a good boy. Here you are. You are welcome. Goodbye. Thanks. Excuse me, madam?根据实际情况编一相似的对话。(学生活动)Step 4学生辩论:在上学路上捡到一双肩背包,里面有身份证,钱和其它物品。假如在原地等又怕上学迟到,你会怎么办?(渗透培养学生拾金不昧和讲诚信的良好品质)。Step 5Homework:Written homework:Write down your own idea.1. 复习本单元所学过的所有单词,还可以复习下句型。2两个活动训练阅读能力。

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