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1、 等级评价内容优秀满意/合格需要努力内容有思想、有情感、有意义、有趣有一定意义/趣味性,观点不够明确,内容比较平淡内容平淡/无趣味性逻辑性表达清楚,逻辑性强表达比较清楚有一定逻辑性表达不清楚,缺乏语言逻辑性语法运用反映当前学习水平,有个别错误有一些错误,如主谓搭配、时态等,没有完全反映学习水平有很多语法错误,如时态仅限于现在时拼写与标点符号完全正确有一些错误有很多错误努力程度超出要求符合要求努力不够,有拼凑现象创造性有创造性,表现力强,真实、整洁有一定的创造性思维,简要、完整、比较整洁缺乏创造力或计划性,内容不完整,事例不真实对写作能力的评价可以从单词拼写和标点符号的使用、语法运用的恰当程度、

2、写作的内容、写作态度、表达的逻辑性和创造性等进行评价。写作的基本要求 内容:文体恰当中心统一(主题句与展开句)用词准确文字通顺 形式:格式正确(应用文体之书信,明信片)过渡连贯段落完整高一写作需要的基本技能:整理思路、组织素材、规划结构 列出提纲、起草文章、组织语言、遣词造句、修改文章、正确使用标点符号和字母大小写。Part 3 如何写自我介绍 自我介绍非常重要,申请学校、新朋友新老师、面试、求职等等场合,需要思考如何突出个性,如何创新,如何给别人留下深刻印象等。1 时态2 写作顺序3 信息点:姓名,家乡及学校,爱好及特点;案例:I have a very large head while m

3、y father has a small one.Im short, Im fat and Im proud of that! -Xu Xiaoping My name is , and my English name is . Im a 16-year-old boy. I come from Beijing New Oriental School. Xinjiang is my hometown(避免句式重复), and I was born in Urumqi, the provincial (province形容词) capital city(添加同位语). Its a beautif

4、ul place, and many people go there to spend their holidays in the summer. They can visit lakes and deserts, taste delicious food and fruit, and enjoy the special culture. (详细介绍家乡,突出特色)By the way, I like roller skating best, and I think it will do a lot of good to my body. Youre welcome to make frien

5、ds with me. Distinctive Features Example: Fred yao Whats your feature different from others? Hints: hometown, hobby, favorite food, star or sports, etc. Useful Sentence Patterns 介绍姓名My name is, I am, You can call me, This is, In front of you stands a very confident girl, Its an honor to introduce me

6、, to everyone of you, Here is a brief introduction to . 介绍家乡或工作I come from, is my hometown, . is where I was brought up, I spent my last 18 years living in , which is a 写作任务:写一篇突出自己特点的自我介绍,词数80左右,要求有突出的重点,内容连贯,结构完整。Part 4 如何写好记叙文(第一部分) 记叙文写作中,写人、记事和写景是统一的,不能随意分开,要注意有机结合。需要交代几大要素(5W1H),需要按照一定的顺序叙述,比如

7、事件发展顺序,需要突出重点,注意详略安排,人称安排,时态安排等。1 参考经典文章(高一同学可以参照新概念英语第二册Unit 3&4的文章)Last week, I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I didnt enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I couldnt hear the actors.

8、 I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. I cant hear a word! I said angrily. (13)Its none of your business, the young man said rudely. This is a private conversation! Last week, I went to the th

9、eatre and had a very good seat. The play was quite interesting but I didnt enjoy it. Because a young man and a young woman were talking loudly behind me. I got angry with them. I couldnt hear the actors, so I turned round and looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. I

10、n the end, I could not bear it any longer. I turned again and said,I cant hear a word!(8) Its none of your business, the young man said rudely. This is a private conversation!2. 模仿Last week, I went to a restaurant and had a very good seat. The food was delicious but I didnt enjoy it. Because I found

11、 a cigarette end in the dish. I got angry at it. I couldnt eat anymore, so I asked the waiter to explain it. He said nothing. In the end, I couldnt bear it any longer. I found the manager and said, “Why is there a cigarette end here?“Its our fault,” he said slowly, “please forgive us this time.”改进篇:

12、 Last week, I went to Fu Man Lou, one of the best restaurants in Yangzhou. I was very excited.(短句) When we arrived, I was satisfied with the environment and service.(时间状语从句) I was very angry with the cigarette end in the dish.(败笔之一,如何修改?In spite of this, I found a cigarette end in the dish and was r

13、ather angry with it.) So I asked the waiter to explain it He didnt pay any attention.(败笔之二,如何修改?However, he didnt pay any attention.) I couldnt bear it. Finally I found the manager, and he just took away the food, even without saying sorry to me.(just, even用词精妙;without结构很好) I was mad at them and the

14、 restaurant. (mad非常形象) This was my bad day!文章的优点:语句通顺,上下文连贯用词恰当句式多样,避免重复应用多种语法结构长短句结合Part 5 写作技巧之同位语的使用概念解释:当两个成分同时表示一个事物并且放在同等的位置上时,一个成分起解释说明的作用,那么它就是被解释成份的同位语,位置一般在所说明的词语之后。举例Fred is from NOS.(4)Fred, our English writing teacher, is from New Oriental School, one of the largest training schools in

15、China.(18)其实代词(we all)、数词(you two)等都可以做同位语,但是名词或名词词组充当同位语的偏多。Liu Xiang won a gold medal in Rome Olympic Games, a medal that could make all the Chinese excited and proud.如果是从句做了同位语,就变成了同位语从句The news that ChangE has flied to moon soon spreads to all the country.同位语的先行词通常为Fact, news, idea, thought, que

16、stion, report, 引导词大多为that.同位语的作用1 表意更完整,清楚2 有助于拓展句型练习,请添加合适的同位语1 Have you ever been to Mount Tai, one of the five most well-known mountains in China?2 It is said that Professor Walker, a good friend of our school, will deliver a speech to us.3 Mr. Qi, a stone collector for more than ten years, found

17、 a unique white stone at the Yellow River bank last week.(摘自)第二课Part 1 如何写记叙文(方法步骤篇)记叙文写作 Narration是以记叙人物的经历或事物的发展变化过程为主的一种文体,分记人,记事,状物三种。 基本要求 1 交代清楚人物(who/whom), 时间(when), 地点(where), 事件(what), 发展(how)等 2 按照事件发展或者逻辑顺序依次叙述 3 层次分明,条理清晰段落意识 4 主题鲜明,内容紧凑连贯意识 5 详略得当,主次适宜课堂练习 以“My Chinese Teacher”为标题写一篇字数

18、80100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下: 1 孙老师今年36岁,中等身材 2 她关心,热爱学生,工作认真负责 3 她语文课讲得生动有趣写作步骤 第一步:审题 分几段? 是否添加内容,哪个部分是详写? 人称(第三人称),时态(一般现在时)? 第二步:思考要点 中等身材?neither too tall nor too short 关心热爱同学体现在哪些方面?“任何学生掉队,她都尽力帮助” 认真负责又体现在哪些方面?“每天晚上,都忙于改作业、备课、看书和学习。有时晚自习回家,发现她还在工作” 讲课生动有趣? 第三步:连词成句,连句成段 My Chinese teacher Mrs. Sun(要审题

19、,女性) is a 36-year-old woman. She is of medium height/ build. She often takes care of her students and is loved by them too. She tries her best/ makes her every effort to help those who fall behind in studies. She is very hardworking and always strict with us. Every evening she becomes devoted to her

20、 work/ throws all her energy into her work. She is always busy correcting students exercises, preparing lessons and reading books. When she gives a lesson, we often find the classes very lively and interesting. 第四步:连接,添加,修改润色 强调关心热爱同学篇 Our Chinese teacher Mrs. Sun is a 36-year-old woman. She has bee

21、n a teacher in our school for nearly 15 years. (添加细节必须合理) She is of medium height, and is always strict with us in class. But after class, she is kind and friendly to the students. So long as anyone falls behind in studies, she will make every effort to help him or her. Whats more, shes good at teac

22、hing. And we find her lessons quite lively and interesting. In a word, shes not only our teacher but also our friend. We all respect and love her.(101)强调认真负责篇 Mrs. Sun is teaching us Chinese at present. She is 36 this year, and not very tall. We all like her very much, not only because she is kind t

23、o us, but also because she is a responsible teacher. What impresses us most is that every evening she is always busy with her work. She has a lot to do, such as to correct students exercises, to prepare lessons and so on. How hard-working she is! Of course, we feel very happy to have her class which

24、 is quite interesting and lively. She is really an excellent teacher.(101)Part 2: 写作技巧 应用插入语所谓插入语,即插入在句子之间的成份,包括单词,短语和句子;可放在句首、句中或句末,一般用逗号或分号隔开。插入语的作用主要有两个,一个是突出主语,第二个作用是解释说明,比如说:People, especially students, should work hard.a. 副词indeed的确,surely无疑,however然而,obviously显然,fortunately幸好,honestly真的There

25、is no need, honestly, for you to hide this book. Luckily, the rain stopped when they went out.b. 短语in a few words(或in sum, in short)简而言之, in other words换句话说, to tell you the truth说实话, in general一般说来, in my view在我看来, in his opinion, in fact事实上, in the first place首先, in addition此外, of course当然, to my

26、delight(surprise)使我高兴(惊讶)的,for example例如, What on earth are you talking about?She suddenly turned around, and to my surprise kissed me.d. 句子I am sure我可以肯定地说, I believe我相信, I wonder我不知道, you know你知道, you see你明白, that is也就是说, it seems看来是, as I see it照我看来, what is important (serious)重要(严重)的是, Im afraid

27、恐怕, it is said据说等This movie is worth seeing, I believe.The toy, Im afraid, has been broken.第三课如何写应用文(书信篇)Part 1书信格式*Class 4, Grade 10Jingjiang Senior Middle SchoolJingjiang, Jiangsu. 534000Wang BingYangzhou Summer CampNo. 59, Zhong Guan Cun Ave.New Oriental Science & Technology GroupBeijing, 1001001

28、. 信封格式说明(补充同步内容)收信人地址居中,寄信人地址在左上角或信封背面。road, street, avenue缩写为 rd., str., ave.地址从小到大,单位,门牌号,道路,城市,省,邮政编码,国家。2。信件格式说明称呼:最常用Dear + 名字或身份,如Dear Amy, Dear teacher; 也可以用Dear Miss. Wang, My dear friend; 对不熟悉的人Dear Sir, Dear Madam.注意:如果对方是有头衔的人物,如教授,主任,经理等,为了表示尊重,需要加上头衔,如Dear Prof. Hu, Director Zhang, Mana

29、ger Liu Part 2 常用信件内容三大部分: 问候话语 信件主体内容 结束话语常用开头问候用语Hi, and how are you?Hello, are you getting on well recently?How are you doing?Its good / I am glad to hear from you.Thanks for your information in your last letter.Id like to take this opportunity to inform youYour letter of Sept. 20th has been received with thanks. In answer to your kind letter,What interesting/ exciting news!Hi, I am surprised/ delighted/ happy/ excited to hear that youve got a new baby.Congratulations on your success in the exam.结尾用语Looking forward

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