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1、知识点讲解】1In the letter he was asked to call at the station.星期二他收到当地警察局的一封信,要他到警察局去一趟。call 后加不同的介词,表达的意思不尽相同。常见的搭配方式有:号召,call back 回电话, 收回 call in 召集, 召来, . call on 拜访 , 请求 call out 出动, 召集, 大声叫喊 call at 拜访 call up 给 . 打 电话 .Im very busy now. Please call back later.我现在很忙,请过一会儿再来电话吧。He is ill; you should

2、 call in the doctor right away.他病了,你应该立即请大夫来。Tomorrow Ill pay a call on him.明天我将要去拜访他。2Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away.那位警察对他说,那辆自行车是 5 天前在 400英里外的一个小村里发 现的,现在正用火车给他运回家来。(1)本句中, the policeman told him 是个插入成分,在讲故事时经常 使用这种表达法。

3、(2)pick up 此处是“意外找到”地意思捡起,还有收集、 继续、 得 到、 接人、偶然结识等意思He bent down to pick up the coin.他弯下腰来,捡起硬币。She soon picked up French when she went to live in France.她到法国居住後很快就学会了法语。(3)five miles away 这个类结构能够直接作定语,放在被修饰词后面。Ilive in the house five miles away 我家离这里有五英里远。3It is now being sent to his home by train.现

4、在正用火车给他运回家来。当被动语态用在现在实行时中,要在助动词 be后面加上-ing,再加上现在分词。The building is being repaired by the workers.工人们正在装修大楼。4Dan was most surprised when he heard the news.丹听到这个消息后,惊奇万分。most surprised 中的most不是表示级,而是相当于 very,作形容词 使用,常常与起形容词作用的过去分词连用。When I heard this news, I was most shocked.当我听到这个消息后,我万分震惊。This is th

5、e area that attracts the most attention.这是极受注重的地区。新概念英语第二册第 35课 Stop thief 捉贼How did Roy stop the thieves?Roy Trenton used to drive a taxi. A short while ago, however, he became a bus driver and he has not regretted it. He is finding his new work far more exciting. When he was driving along Catford

6、Street recently, he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. One of them was carrying a bag full of money. Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight at the thieves. The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag. As the thieves were trying to get away in

7、 their car, Roy drove his bus into the back of it. While the battered car was moving away, Roy stopped his bus and telephoned the police. The thieves car was badly damaged and easy to recognize. Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested.课文翻译】 罗伊. 特雷顿原是开出租汽车的,不过就在前不久,他

8、开上了公共汽车, 也并不为此而感到后悔。他发觉自己的新工作令人兴奋得多。最近, 当他正开车在凯特福德街上行驶时,看到有两个小偷从一家商店里冲 出来,奔向等在那里的一辆汽车,其中一个提着一只装满钞票的提包。 罗伊行动迅速,开车直冲窃贼而去。拿钱的那个小偷吓得把提包都扔 了。当那两个小偷企图乘车逃跑时,罗伊驾驶他的公共汽车撞在了那 辆车的后尾上。当那辆被撞坏的车开走后,罗伊停下车,给警察挂了电话。小偷的车损坏严重,很容易辨认。没过多久,警察就截住了那 辆车,两个小偷都被抓住了。生词和短语】rush v.act v. 行动 straight adv. 径直fright n. 害怕battered a

9、dj. 撞坏的 shortly adv. 很快,不久 afterwards adv. 以后知识点讲解】 1 A short while ago, however, he became a bus driver and he has not regretted it.不过就在前不久,他开上了公共汽车,也并不为此而感到后悔。(1)a short while ago ,不久前的意思 (2)however 在句中做插入语,意思为“不过”(3)你会为此而后悔的regret v. 后悔,常用搭配有: regret sth. You will regret it. regret to do :很遗憾要去做

10、regret doing :很遗憾已经做 regretthat 遗憾+从句I regret to tell you a bad news.我很遗憾地告诉你一个坏消息。I regret telling him the news.我很遗憾我告诉了你这个坏消息。We regret that we are unable to reconsider your case.我们很遗憾无法再考虑你的情况。2He is finding his new work far more exciting.far 在本句中是副词,放在比较级的形容词前,表示水准,能够译作 “很”、“大大地”The problem is f

11、ar more difficult for me.这个问题对我来说太难了。3He saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car.他看到有两个小偷从一家商店里冲出来,奔向等在那里的一辆汽车。在动词 see 后面接不定式时,不定式要省去 to ,如本句中的 rush 和 run 两个不定式。I saw him go down the stairs.我看见他下楼梯了。4The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag.拿钱的那个小偷吓得把

12、提包都扔了。句中suchthat的结构有“如此以至于”的意思 such 后要跟名词。He is a such a person that everyone wants to make friends with him.他是这样的一个人,每个人都想和他交朋友。5While the battered car was moving away, Roy stopped his bus and telephoned the police.当那辆被撞坏的车开走后,罗伊停下车,给警察挂了电话。battered adj. 撞坏的它的构成是“动词+ed”,这类的形容词表示 “被”damaged被刮坏了 dest

13、royed car :车子坏了不能修 damaged car:车子坏了能修 battered car :车变形 battered bag :破旧不堪的包新概念英语第二册第 36课 Across the Channel 横渡海峡What is Debbie going to try to do?Debbie Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow. She is going to set out from the French coast atfive oclock in the morning. Debbie is o

14、nly eleven years old and she hopes to set up a new world record. She is a strong swimmer and many people feel that she is sure to succeed. Debbies father will set out with her in a small boat. Mr.Hart has trained his daughter for years. Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the lon

15、g distance to England. Debbie intends to take short rests every two hours. She will have something to drink but she will not eat any solid food. Most of Debbies school friends will be waiting for her on the English coast. Among them will be Debbies mother, who swam the Channel herself when she was a

16、 girl.课文翻译】 黛比.哈特准备明天横渡英吉利海峡。她打算早上 5 点钟从法国海岸出 发。黛比只有 11 岁,她希望创一项新的世界纪录。她是一个游泳能手, 很多人认为她一定能成功。黛比的父亲将乘一条小船同她一道出发。 哈特先生训练她的女儿已经多年了,明天他将焦急地注视着女儿游过 这段漫长的距离到达英国。黛比计划每两小时休息一下。她将喝些饮 料,但不吃固体食物。黛比的绝大部分同学将在英国海岸等候她。他 们当中还会有黛比的母亲,她本人还是个姑娘时,也曾横渡过英吉利 海峡!train v. 训练anxiously adv. 焦急地 intend v. 打算 solid adj. 固体的,硬的知

17、识点讲解】 1 She is going to set out from the French coast at five oclock in the morning.她打算早上 5 点钟从法国海岸出发。本句中出现了一个旧短语: set out 表示“出发”,其它与 set 搭配的 短语参见第 33 课。2 Debbie is only eleven years old and she hopes to set up a new world record.(1)record 做名词时的意思有:记录,记载,唱片,动词有:记录, 显示, (将声音等 )录下的意思。She holds the wor

18、ld record for long distance swimming.她保持着长距离游泳的世界纪录。I recorded the score in a notebook.我在笔记本上记下了分数。(2)set up 此处的意思是建立,创立。How long will it take to set up the projector?把这个放映机安放好需要多长时间 ?3 Debbie intends to take short rests every two hours.intend to do sth=be going to do sthHe intends to do it at once.

19、他打算立刻着手做这事。注: intend, mean 这两个动词均有“想要、打算”之意。intend :较正式用词,但常用,指对未来的行动做出打算,并力争实 现。mean 口语多用,指怀有做某事的想法或希望得到某物,特别用于效 果不好而动机良好的场合。I mean to make his acquaintance.我想和他熟悉了解下。4 Among them will be Debbie他们当中还会有黛比的母亲,她本人还是个姑娘时,也曾横渡过英吉 利海峡!这是个倒装句,为的是与后面的定语从句相连。正常的语序应该为 Debbies mother will be among them.类似的句子有

20、: Over the river is a house, whose roof is red.在河对岸的那间屋子的房顶是红色的。5She is a strong swimmer and many people feel that she is sure to succeed.她是一个游泳能手,很多人认为她一定能成功。succeed 有继承、成功,接着发生等意思。它的形容词是 successful , 成功的succeed in (doing something) 成功做到某事 succeed to 接续 , 继承 succeed with 在 . 上获得成功Hold out and you will succeed in time.坚持下去,你最终会成功的。He has succeeded to his fathers estate.他继承了父亲的产业。

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