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1、juniora.having a low position, level, or rank (地位、水平、层次)较低的She started work as a junior reporter on a local newspaper before working her way up to higher positions.Students spend six years in elementary education and three years in junior middle school.1. C sb. who is younger年少者He is my junior by se

2、veral years.She married a man seven years her junior.2. C sb. of low or lower position(地位或等级)较低者;晚辈She joined the firm a year ago and is now my junior.The senior officer should have been aware of what his juniors were doing.5.positive1. helpful and encouraging in achieving sth. 积极的Everyone went to M

3、ary for advice, because Mary was known for having a positive attitude and being able to make other people feel good.We need to take positive steps to improve the situation of families in poverty.2. definite; allowing no room for doubt确实的,明确的It seems unlikely to me, but she seemed very positive.Im ab

4、solutely positive I havent made a mistake.6.seniorhaving a higher position, level, or rank (地位、水平、层次)较高的Students leave middle school at the end of their senior year.The delegation consists of senior figures from education and business.1. C sb. who is older较年长者Seniors can get a 10% discount in this d

5、epartment store.Her husband was nine years her senior.2. C sb. of high or higher position(地位或等级)较高者;长辈Only the seniors made the decisions among us.The three vice ministers are my seniors.7.formerof an earlier period 在前的,以前的,旧时的In former times, people were hanged for stealing in Britain.The park has

6、been reduced to half its former size.(the ) the first of the two people or things just mentioned前者Between small changes and big changes, the former are more likely.Given the choice between a white T-shirt and a green one, most people would choose the former because green is not popular.8.unlikeprep.

7、not like; different from 不像;和不同He was firm and steady unlike other men she knew.他坚毅、稳健Her recent report is quite unlike her earlier work.9.intimidatecreate a feeling of fear 恐吓,威胁They intimidated him into doing what they wanted.John intimidated his brother into not telling their parents the truth.10

8、.opportunityC, U a good moment or chance for doing sth. 机会,时机He loved music, but because his family was poor, he didnt have an opportunity to take lessons.All he needs is an opportunity to show his ability.11.onlineconnected to other computers through the Internet 联线的;联网的;在线的He took an online course

9、 to improve his English.The result of the online survey has proved to be sth. online联线地;联网地ll just go online and look up her address.Today more than 80% of customers questions are answered online.现今,顾客80%以上的咨询都给予在线答复。municationU the action of sending and exchanging information 交流;交

10、际;通讯Mobile phone is an important means of communication.Generation gap arises from a lack of communication between the young and the old.代沟的产生是由于青老年间缺乏交流。13.mediumC (pl. media or mediums) a method for giving information 媒介,媒体TV is a medium for giving information and opinions.电视是传递消息和观点的媒体。Light trav

11、els through the medium of air.of middle size, amount, or quality中等的They have a medium-sized house in the heart of the city.What size shirt does he wearmedium or large?14.modemC 调制解调器He forgot to get a modem when he bought his computer.A modem is necessary for connecting to the Internet.15.access1. U

12、 the right to have or use sth. 享用权The people in the school have access to that computer lab for free.Students have access to many different courses to satisfy their individual interests and career plans.学生可以选择多种课程以满足他们的个人兴趣和职业规划。2. U the means of entering a place通道;入口That is the only access into the

13、 building.The road was the only access into and out of the small village.16.participatevi.take part 参与,参加Some members refused to participate.Only persons aged 8 years or over may participate in the spelling contest.17.virtual1. created by the computer to be similar to the experience of real life 虚拟的

14、This device helps make virtual reality a more usable and accessible technology.该设备有助于提高虚拟现实技术的实用性和易用性。Their recent online studies began with an introduction to the demands of the virtual classroom.他们新近的在线研究是以对虚拟教室需求介绍开始的。2. almost what is stated实质上的;实际上的It is a virtual certainty that you will become

15、 the best student in this class; youve always been the best in everything.事实上已肯定你将是班上最好的学生;你一直在各方面都是最棒的。Finding a parking space in the busy season is a virtual impossibility.想在旺季找到停车位是不现实的。mitment1. U the hard work and loyalty that sb. gives to an organization, activity, etc. 投入, 致力,献身My commitment

16、to study has made me the most successful person in my small town.Its a part-time program, but its still a big time commitment.2. C a promise to follow certain beliefs or actions承诺,许诺,保证Marriage is a lifelong commitment.The governor has made a strong commitment to creating more jobs in the state.州长信誓

17、旦旦地保证要给州里创造更多工作机会。19.discipline1. U a state of order and control; self-control 纪律;自制能力He did not like the army because of the strict discipline.It takes a lot of discipline to eat less and lose weight.要做到少吃减肥得遵守许多清规戒律。2. C a branch of learning学科She has not yet decided which discipline to take at col

18、lege, but she might study history.The traditional academic disciplines are less popular among students, who now prefer subjects such as business studies.传统的学术科目受学生欢迎的程度有所降低,而今工商类的课程更受他们青睐。20minimumthe least, or the smallest possible 最低的,最小的The minimum age to buy cigarettes is 18.The minimum amount o

19、f money to open an account at that bank is ten dollars.sing. the smallest amount最低限度;最少量You have to stay for a minimum of seven days.你起码要呆上7天。The price is her minimum; she refuses to lower it any more.这是她开的最低价,她拒绝再降价。21assignmentC a piece of work given to a particular person 任务;作业Half the workers we

20、re given different assignments.The teacher asked her students to finish their assignments every day.22embarrassmake sb. feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable 使尴尬,使难堪Getting up on stage without knowing what to say embarrassed me.I hope I didnt embarrass you in front of your friends.23.embarrassingm

21、aking sb. feel embarrassed 使人尴尬的;令人难堪的Dont ask me such embarrassing questions.。The situation is embarrassing.24.frustrationC, U the feeling of being disappointed, annoyed, or upset 沮丧;不安;灰心Poetry helps me express some of the frustrations I feel at the world.I was close to tears with frustration whil

22、e trying to complete the difficult math exam, but I held back.数学考试很难,做题时我沮丧得差点掉泪,但还是忍住了。25.postput up sth. on a screen, wall, or notice board 发帖子;张贴Could you photocopy the advertisement and post it on the notice board for us?They post notices on the Internet, recommending that all users, whether fre

23、quent or casual, have their disks(软盘) checked.26.continual1. continuing without stopping 不间断的,不停的The continual noise is making me angry.Despite continual pain, he refused all drugs.2. happening again and again多次重复的;频繁的There have been continual requests for improved working conditions.The continual n

24、ews reports about the economy have scared many manufacturers.有关经济状况的频繁新闻报道使很多生产厂家担心不已。27.continually1. continuing for a long time without stopping 不间断地,不停地The Museum is continually developingtheres something new to see every year.No matter how hard you try not to think about past failures, they cont

25、inually cross your mind.2. repeatedly for many times and over a long period of time多次重复地;频频地The child was continually changing his mind.小孩的想法老是在变。28.reap1. get sth., esp. sth. good, as a result of what one has done 获得,得到Now they have come to reap the benefits of their hard work.现在他们该摘取他们的劳动成果了。Those who take risks often reap great rewards.2. cut and gather a crop of grain收割;收获The women

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