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1、on_(he)own. 【答案】his3. 掌握定冠词、不定冠词的各种基本用法及零冠词的各种基本用法;4. 掌握基数词、序数词的构成及其用法;Hehadneversunginpublicbefore.Nowwassingingfor_ (one)【答案】first 5. 掌握介词后面接动词的现在分词doing形式;After_ (explain)somethingclass,askedhisstudentsiftheyunderstood. 【答案】explaining6. 掌握形容词、副词之间的相互转化及比较级和最高级的构成和用法;A.Theycantunderstandtheirteach

2、er _ (clear).B.itmaybe(good)thanthink. 【答案】clearly better7. 掌握动词的种类、动词短语和各种时态及语态的基本用法。 例:Bequite!(listen)toradio.Itsjustbecauselooklikemyson,whomI(notsee)longC. Thedoctorsaidfather_ (get)welltwomonths. 【答案】havent seen listening would get二、解题技巧,如下: 1. 认真阅读全句,理解句意; 2. 分析应填词充当的句子成分,准确判断应填词的词性;surprised

3、with_ (develop)Shanghai.例题中由句意可知,需要用develop的名词形式development。 3. 综合考虑,判断所填词的正确形式。A. 找出提示词Therearemany(child)classroom.例题中空前有many,应填child的复数形式。B. 注意动词短语固定搭配如:usesthdosth;allowsbspendtime(in)doing; minddoinginterestedin三点剖析考点:单词填空主要考查名词、数词、代词、形容词和副词、动词及常用动词短语等。名词:名词单复数、名词所有格等;形容词和副词:形式转化、级别变化及用法;数词:基数词

4、、序数词及用法;动词:动词过去式、现在分词、过去分词及动词不定式、动词短语的用法。题模精选题模一:根据中文提示填空例1.1.1 The girl tried her best, but she got _ (少) progress.例1.1.2 - Have you handed in your project?- No, I _ (检查) it again right away.例1.1.3 - I like this camera! Is it yours?-Yes, I _ (花费)1,200 yuan on it last year.题模二:根据英文提示填空例1.2.1 Its not

5、 polite to ask a stranger question about his _ (person) life.例1.2.2 It will be Helens _ (nine) birthday.例1.2.3 You should do your homework as _ (careful) as your sister.随堂练习随练1.1 January and _ (二月) are the coldest months in Beijing.随练1.2 I _ (相信) that a better environment can be created in Binzhou a

6、nd we should work together to make it come true.随练1.3 Please keep _ (安静) when you are in a library.随练1.4 Students should answer questions loudly and _ (清楚) in class.随练1.5 Jack looked through the _ (介绍) about the book before he decided to buy it.随练1.6 Do you need _ (讨论) the problem in groups?随练1.7 I

7、left my book at home. May I borrow _ (你的)?随练1.8 You must look at the traffic lights before you go _ (穿过) the road.随练1.9 The _ (越早) kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.随练1.10 They are busy _ (准备) for the picnic on Sunday.随练1.11 Its _ (polite) of Tom to push in before other

8、sin public.随练1.12 We will be _ (punish) if we take no action to protect the environment.随练1.13 At exam is just like any other exam in _ (student) studies in that middle school.随练1.14 The survey, carried out in that university, shows that three _ (five) of the teachers wear glasses.随练1.15 The more yo

9、u read, the _ (wealth) you will feel in spirit.随练1.16 Its nice of you to provide us with the _ (value) inpormation.随练1.17 Some people like reading on Wechat, _ (other) dont.随练1.18 Cut the strawberries into pieces and put _ (they) into the yogurt.随练1.19 Mike _ (celebrate) his grandpas birthday next S

10、aturday.随练1.20 Would you mind _ (take) out the trash, Jerry?自我总结课后作业作业1 I really love the song because it _ (听起来) wonderful作业2 It rained _ (大) on my way home yesterday afternoon.作业3 Our school is ready to _ (募捐) money for the old people in the poor mountains area.作业4 Mark got a new bike from his unc

11、le on his _ (第八) birthday.作业5 My cousin used to be very interested in _ (收集) postcards.作业6 Edison is one of the greatest _ (发明家) in the world.作业7 Its very _ (有帮助的) to discuss your problems with your parents.作业8 Excuse me, sir, but you are not _ (允许) to smoke here.作业9 As people grow more green-minded

12、, more of them take actions to reduce _ (他们的) carbon footprints.作业10 Toms garden is quite nice but I prefer _ (my).作业11 The journey to the lake _ (normal) takes about two hours.作业12 Chinas population of wild pandas has _ (incease) by around 7% in the last ten years.作业13 On weekends, the supermarket

13、is usually full of _ (customer).作业14 It is nearly three years since we _ (study) inthis school.作业15 If the river is _ (pollute), famers cant use the water for their crops.作业16 The Internet is more _ (power) than books. It is influencing our lives a lot.作业17 Youd better think _ (two) before you take

14、the final action.作业18 Could you please turn down the TV? Your brother _ (review) his lessons.作业19 Lin Zexu was one of the most famous national _ (hero) in recent history.答案解析例1.1.1【答案】 little【解析】 考查代词。but表转折关系。progress为不可数名词,little少、几乎没有。再由句意可知“这个女孩尽力了,但是她确没什么进步。”例1.1.2【答案】 will check【解析】 考查时态。由上下文语

15、境可知为一般将来时。check检查。例1.1.3【答案】 spent【解析】 考查动词。last year为一般过去时的时间状语。spend花费,其过去式为spent。例1.2.1【答案】 personal【解析】 考查形容词。personal“个人的”为形容词,修饰life。例1.2.2【答案】 ninth【解析】 考查数词。此处需要序数词,ninth“第九”,海伦的第九个生日。例1.2.3【答案】 carefully【解析】 考查副词。asas“像一样”。副词carefully修饰do your homework。随练1.1【答案】 February【解析】 考查月份。二月February

16、。随练1.2【答案】 believebelieve相信。随练1.3【答案】 quietkeep quiet操持安静。随练1.4【答案】 clearlyclearly清楚地修饰动词answer。随练1.5【答案】 introduction【解析】 考查名词。introduction介绍。随练1.6【答案】 to discussdiscuss讨论。随练1.7【答案】 yours名词性物主代词yours相当于形容词性物主代词+名词your book。随练1.8【答案】 across【解析】 考查介词。across表面穿过。随练1.9【答案】 earlierthe+比较级,the+比较级“越越”。随练

17、1.10【答案】 preparing【解析】 考查固定搭配。be busy doing忙于做某事。随练1.11【答案】 impolitepolite加前缀-im构成否定词。impolite不礼貌的。随练1.12【答案】 punished【解析】 考查被动语态。由句意可知we与punish构成被动关系。be punished被惩罚。随练1.13【答案】 students【解析】 考查名词所有格。名词students的复数的所有格。学生们的学习students studies。随练1.14【答案】 fifths分数的表达分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于1分母加s。随练1.15【答案】 weal

18、thierthe+比较级,the+比较级。随练1.16【答案】 valuablevaluable有价值的。随练1.17【答案】 othersothers其它的人或物。随练1.18【答案】 themput them into 代词放在短语中间。随练1.19【答案】 will celebratenext Saturday为一般将来时的时间状语。随练1.20【答案】 taking【解析】 考查固定句型。would you mind doing sth.? 你介意做某事吗?作业1【答案】 sounds【解析】 考查系动词。sound听起来。后面接形容词。作业2【答案】 heavilyheavily修饰

19、动词rain。作业3【答案】 raise【解析】 考查动词短语。raise money募捐钱。作业4【答案】 eightheighth第八。第八个生日eighth birthday。作业5【答案】 collectingbe interesting in doing sth.对做某事感兴趣。作业6【答案】 inventorsone of the +形容词最高级+可数名词复数。inventor发明家。作业7【答案】 helpfulhelpful有帮助的。作业8【答案】 allowedbe allowed to do被允许做某事。作业9【答案】 theirtheir“他们的”为形容词性物主代词。作业

20、10【答案】 minemine为名词性物主代词相当于形容词性物主代词+名词my garden.作业11【答案】 normallynormally正常,修饰动词take“花费”。作业12【答案】 increasedin the last ten years为现在完成时的时间状语,have done。作业13【答案】 customers可数名词复数customers“消费者”。作业14【答案】 studiedsince为现在完成时的时间状语,其后面接动词的过去时studied。作业15【答案】 pollutedriver与pollute之间是被动语态。be done。作业16【答案】 powerfulpowerful为形容词。作业17【答案】 twicetwice两次。作业18【答案】 is reviewing由前文语境可知是现在进行时。review复习。作业19【答案】 heroes可数名词复数heroes英雄们。

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