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高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 Period5Module3 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication文档格式.docx

1、Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and SkillsTo train the students speaking.To make the students learn to write a reply to an invitation.To make the students practice expressing themselves by using both everyday English and body language.Process and StrategiesMake the students learn how to use

2、 some simple Everyday English in a conversation.Through the analysis of the steps in writing a short reply to an invitation,the students may learn some strategies in writing comparisons.Feelings and ValueThrough the study of this period deepen their understanding of different customs and culture of

3、different countries and areas.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Revision (Greet the students as usual.)Check their workbook exercises.Have a dictation:communication,aggressive unconscious threatening involve deal spread give away hold up informal etc.Step 2 Grammar 3 Adverbial Clause of ConcessionT:Good job

4、s,all of you!In last period we have learned something more about adverbial clause of condition.Remember?Ss:Yes.It introduces two situationsa normal everyday situation and a possibility in the future.Very good!This period well learn another kind of adverbial clause,that is,adverbial clause of concess

5、ion.Please look at the screen.(Show the following sentences on the screen.)1.Whatever you do,dont leave immediately after the meal is finished.(a)It is important to leave immediately after the meal has finished.(b)Dont do anything after the meal has finished.(c)You can do anything you like after the

6、 meal has finished.(d)It is important not to leave immediately after the meal has finished.2.However hungry you are,you shouldnt start to eat before your host does.(a)If you are very hungry you can start to eat.(b)Even if you are hungry you should wait.(c)It is important to start eating before your

7、host.(d)Dont eat anything if youre not hungry.Read the sentences and choose the correct meaning.You can discuss with your partner if you have difficulty in understanding them.(After a short discussion call back the students answers by asking one students to read the sentence and another to read the

8、correct definition.Then show the answers on the screen.)Suggested answers:1)d2)bWell done.Can you summarize the grammatical rules of this adverbial clause through this exercise?Sa:Sometimes the adverb clause is placed at the beginning of the sentence.When it introduces the sentence,it is always set

9、off with a comma.Quiet right.Any different idea?Sb:I think that the interrogative pronouns act as object in the clause,however,interrogative adverbs only modify adjectives or other adverbs.Good summary,ha?Lets have a brainstorm.Please think of as many interrogative nouns and adverbs ended with ever

10、as you can.(The students say these words and the teacher write on the blackboard.)interrogativepronounswhoeverwhicheverHave known interrogative pronouns and adverbs,lets practice using them.Here are some sentences on the screen.Discuss with your partner and fill in the blanks with whoever,whenever,w

11、herever or however.(The teacher shows the sentences on the screen.)1._I feel lonely,I think about you.2._he is,he is very rude to me!3._I go,I always meet interesting people.4.You can invite_you like to the party.5._late you arrive,Ill come and meet you.6.I feel shy_she say hello to me.7.I hear that

12、 song_I switch on the radio.8._much I study,I find these exercises difficult.(A few minutes later.) Are you ready?The right answers are on the screen.You check them by yourself.Then translate them into Chinese.(The teacher shows the right answers on the screen.)1.Whenever2.Whoever3.Whenever4.whoever

13、5.However6.whenever7.whenever8.HoweverStep 3 WritingYou all give wonderful performances.Now follow me to the next partWriting.Read the invitations and answer the questions on the screen.(Show the questions on the screen.)1.Who is the first invitation from?2.Who is the second invitation from?3.Which

14、is formal or informal?How do you know?(A few minutes later.) Have you finished your reading yet?Yes.Question 1,who gives your answer?S:Let me try.The first invitation is from Mr.& Mrs.Harry.Good.Sit down,please.What about the second one?In my opinion,it comes from Sylvia.Completely true.The last que

15、stion might be a little bit difficult.Any volunteer?Me.As far as I am concerned,the first invitation is formal because the language is formal.Thanks a lot.Step 4 Everyday EnglishThe writing practice gives us a chance to contact two different styles of invitations,that is,formal and informal.Choosing

16、 the right level of formality is important on social occasions.For example Good morning is formal,but Hi is very informal.Next time you listen to a speech in a conversation,try to guess if it is formal or informal by the words people use.You can then use them in similar situations.When we talk with

17、foreigners we may often be confused by what they say.For example,if we hear somebody say “Mary has gone bananas.” maybe well be puzzled.But actually he means “Mary has gone mad.” Sometimes it is difficult for us to make sense of some English expressions.Here are more examples.Read them through and d

18、ecide what they mean.If necessary,you can discuss with your partner.(Show the phrases on the screen.)1.Can I ask you a favour?A.Can I do something for you?B.Can you do something for me?2.How are you doing?A.How are you?B.What are you doing?3.What on earth can I talk about?A.Theres lots to talk about

19、.B.I dont know what to talk about.4.Have a great time!A.Enjoy yourself.B.Stay a long time.(A short while later.) Have you catch what they mean?Maybe.Pairs of guys are required to give out your choice.Volunteer?(One reads the phrase,the other shares your choice.).b,a,b,aStep 5 Summary and homeworkThi

20、s period first we learned another adverbial clause and then we practiced using the formal and informal expressions to write a short reply to an invitation.In Everyday English we learned some useful expressions.Your homework today is to make up a dialogue trying to use the useful expressions we have

21、learned.This is the end of this class.You are dismissed.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardModule 3Body Language and Non-verbal CommunicationThe fifth periodbe rude to sb.switch on requestsocial occasionsRecord after Teaching_Activities and Research1 Practice more Everyday English.2.Practice

22、 writing formal and informal style invitations.Reference for TeachingGrammar连词连词在词、短语、从句、或句子之间起连接作用的词,按其在句子中的作用分为并列连词和从属连词。并列连词表示词、短语、句子彼此之间意义相关,层次相同,句法功能也相同。从属主要作为语意上分清主次的手段,所谓从属就是把次要的思想内容置于从属地位,从而突出句子的主要思想。本模块主要介绍引导让步状语从句的从属连词。让步状语从句由连词though,although,as(尽管),even if,even though,whoever,whatever,wh

23、ichever,whenever,wherever,however,no matter+疑问词引导。例如:Though we were very tired,we felt very happy.尽管我们很累,却感到很开心。I will get there,even if I have to walk.我就是走也要走到那儿去。She is lovely,even though she is annoying sometimes.尽管有时她挺烦人,但她还是挺可爱的。We will make a trip even if the weather is bad.尽管天气不好,我们还是要去旅行。No

24、matter what will happen,we will support you.Whatever will happen,we will support you.不论发生什么,我们都会支持你的。Whenever you come back,do not wake me up.No matter when you come back,do not wake me up.不管你什么时候回来,都不要吵醒我。He carries a book in his pocket wherever/no matter where he goes.不管他去哪,他都在口袋里装一本书。 引导让步状语从

25、句as 引导让步状语从句,从句部分要用倒装语序。Child as he is,he can speak fluent English.尽管他是个孩子,英语却说得很棒。Much as I like it,I will not buy it.尽管我很喜欢这东西,我也不会买。2.although/though引导状语从句的although和though同义,用法基本相同。前者较正式,多置于句首;后者较通俗,口语化,也可置于句末。He didnt light the fire though/although it was cold.Although he is quite old,he still j

26、ogs every day.He said he would come;he didnt,though.He didnt tell me where he had been,but I know it,though.引导倒装的让步状语从句只能用though。Much though I love it,Ill not buy it.注意:二者皆不可与并列连词but连用,但可与yet/still 连用。Though the sore be healed,yet a scar may remain.(谚)伤口虽然愈合,但伤疤留下了。3.however/but两者都表示转折”但是”,但词性不同。however作此意讲是副词,故不能连接并列分句而需另起一句,且位置灵活;but 是并列连词,可以连接并列分句。The problem was difficult,however,I worked it out.I bought my sister a shirt,but she d

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