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1、5、学习策略的指导 本课将在对话课堂活动中把学生分成两人一个小组,在写作活动中,把学生分成四人一个小组,让他们围绕着课堂任务分工合作,在活动中相互探讨、相互交流、相互合作,从而获得知识,技能和情感体验,发展他们的能力。创建开放式、探究式的课堂,有意识渗透学习策略的训练。6、教法运用:为了充分体现以学生为主体的课堂教学,并考虑到学生认知特点和年龄特征,我对本课主要采取了如下几种教法: 1)、开放式教学法。以有限的课堂为载体,利用多媒体辅助手段带学生进入广阔的知识天地。2)、兴趣激发法。只有让学生真正有了参与的欲望,才能点燃他们的思维火花。3)、任务型教学法,辅助多媒体教学。图片使抽象的语言变得直

2、观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情景,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。 4)、循序渐进和尊重差异。由简到繁,由易及难,为有困难的学生搭好梯子, 5)、归纳总结法,给出例句,让学生归纳总结原理,使学生有成就感和学习兴趣。7、教学准备:教师准备 制作课本图片及对话内容的多媒体课件。学生准备 课前预习第三单元内容,。设想个人未来的生活,尝试用简洁的英语口头或书面表达。3. Important points:1) To learn to express quantities with more, less, fewer.2) To learn to use Will+ do3) To lea

3、rn to use there will be4) To be able to describe personal life in the future correctly and fluently with the simple future tense.4. Difficult point:To be able to describe personal life in the future correctly and fluently with the simple future tense.Teaching procedures:Task1 Greeting and lead-inGre

4、et the class with following sentences:T: Nice to meet you again, boys and girls!S: Nice to meet you too, Miss Xu. Whats the weather like today? Do you finish homework? Yes, I do. Do you want to live to the moon? Yes, I do/ I hope so. Do you have robots in your home now? No, I dont. Will you have rob

5、ots in your home in the future? Yes, I hope so. / Yes, I do./Yes, probably.Task 2 Warming-up1.Show some pictures in ten years, in twenty years and in 200 years. Ask students some questions and get the students to guess the meaning.Questions:1) What will your life be like in ten years?2) What will yo

6、ur life be like in twenty years?3) What will your life be like in 200 years?2.Show four pictures about robots in the future. Ask students two questions and get them to guess the meaning.1) What do you think they will look like?2) What can they do?Task 3 Reading practice1 Get the students to read the

7、 following predictions one by one, then ask them two questions:Predictions:1). People will have robots in their homes.2). People wont use money. Everything will be free.3). Will people live to be 200 years old?Yes, they will.4). There will be more pollution.5). There wont be any books on paper.6). W

8、ill there be fewer people?No, there wont / Yes, there will.1) What tenses are these?2) Who can conclude positive, negative and question forms of the simple future tense?Check the answers.肯定式:主语+ will+ 动词原形否定式:主语+ wont + 动词原形一般疑问句式:will+ 主语+ 动词原形There be 句型的一般将来时:There+ will be+ 其他There+ wont be+其他一般

9、疑问句:Will there+ be+ 其他 Yes, there will./No, there wont.2. Get the students to read the sentences below, then answer one question.Sentences:1) There will be more people. People will live under the sea. 2) There will be less pollution. There will be fewer tress. 3) Robots will do most of the heavy wor

10、k. People will have more free time.Question:More, less and fewer embellish what kind of noun?Check the answers:More+可n./不n. less+不n. fewer+可n.Task 4. Feedback practices(反馈练习)Get the students to finish the exercise and let students give the class reasons.Fill in the blanks with more less or fewer.1.

11、In the future, there will be _ fresh water because there will be _ pollution in the sea.2. In 100 years, there will be _ cars because there will be _ people in the cities.3. There will be _ jobs for people because _ robots will do the same jobs as us.4. I think there will be _ cities because people

12、will build _ buildings in the country.5. In 50 years, people will have _ free time because there will be _ things to do.Task 5 Work on 3b.Complete the predictions with what you think will happen.Task 6 Pair workGet the students to make conversations about the predictions in 2a, 2b and 3b.A: Whats yo

13、ur prediction about the future?B: I think there will be more pollution. Really? I dont think so. But I think there will be fewer tress.Task 7 BrainstormingShow some pictures and ask students some questions.1) What will you be when you grow up?A computer programmer, a pilot, an engineer, an artist, a

14、n astronaut, an actress, a pianist2) How will you go to work in the future?Bike/bus/subway/rocket3) Where will you live in the future?A big house/an apartment/a big city/in the country4) What kind of pets will you keep?Snake/goldfish/mouse/cat/dog/cat/parrotTask 8 Pair work1)Get the students to make

15、 up their conversations according to the sample below. What will you be when you grow up? Ill be a computer programmer. How will you go to work in the future? Ill go to work by bike. Where will you live in the future? Ill live What kind of pets will you keep? Ill keep What about you?2)Show some pict

16、ures, next get the students to describe them, finally get the students to use their imagination to make up their conversations according to the sample below. What were you doing ten years ago? Ten years ago, I was a student. I went to school by bike.I lived in a small house. What are you doing now?

17、Now I am a teacher. I go to work by car .I live in an apartment. What will you do in ten years? In ten years, I think I will be an astronaut. Ill fly rockets to the moon. I will live on a space station. In 100 hundred years, what will the earth be like? People will live on the moon. Cars will fly in

18、 the sky. People will see the doctor at home on computers.Task 9 WritingWork on 3c. First get the students to discuss 3c in groups of four, next write down the passage about the city in the future will be like, finally report it to the class.Sample: There will be more people in the future. Because p

19、eople will live to be 200 years old People will mostly work on the internet. There will be more robots working in the factory.Task 10 Summary Now, lets make a summary to this lesson. What have you learnt in this lesson? The simple future tense, the use of more/fewer/less, some conversations about ma

20、king predictions and how to write an article about the city in the future. We can use the simple future tense to talk about the events in the future. I want to share some sentences with you, lets study harder from now on and play an active part in protecting the earth. We are looking forward to a my

21、stery and beautiful world. Do you think so?Homework:1) Write your fathers life ten years ago, now, in ten years and report it to the class tomorrow.2 ) Preview reading. Blackboard design Unit 3 Will people have robots?Well= we willWont= will notThere will be more/ less/ fewer + n.Will there be?Yes, there will. / No, there wont.

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