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1、So what does this mean for us? It means that anybody who tells you that we can drill our way out of this problem doesnt know what theyre talking about, or just isnt telling you the truth. (Applause.)And young people especially understand this, because I think - its interesting, when I talk to Malia

2、and Sasha - you guys are so much more aware than I was of conserving our natural resources and thinking about the planet. The United States consumes more than a fifth of the worlds oil - more than 20 percent of the worlds oil - just us. We only have 2 percent of the worlds oil reserves. We consume 2

3、0; weve got 2.And that means we cant just rely on fossil fuels from the last century. We cant just allow ourselves to be held hostage to the ups and downs of the world oil market. Weve got to keep developing new sources of energy. Weve got to develop new technology that helps us use less energy, and

4、 use energy smarter. Weve got to rely on American know-how and young engineers right here at the U who are focused on energy. (Applause.) That is our future. And thats exactly the path that my administration has been trying to take these past three years.And were making progress. Thats the good news

5、. In 2010, our dependence on foreign oil was under 50 percent for the first time in over a decade. We were less reliant on foreign oil than we had been. In 2011, the United States relied less on foreign oil than in any of the last 16 years. Thats the good news. And because of the investments weve ma

6、de, the use of clean, renewable energy in this country has nearly doubled - and thousands of American jobs have been created as a consequence.Were taking every possible action to develop, safely, a near hundred-year supply of natural gas in this country - something that experts believe will support

7、more than 600,000 jobs by the end of the decade. We supported the first new nuclear power plant in three decades. Our cooperation with the private sector has positioned this country to be the worlds leading manufacturer of high-tech batteries that will power the next generation of American cars - th

8、at use less oil; maybe dont use any oil at all.And after three decades of inaction, we put in place the toughest fuel economy standards in history for our cars and pickup trucks - and the first standards ever for heavy-duty trucks. And because we did this, our cars will average nearly 55 miles per g

9、allon by the middle of the next decade. Thats nearly double what they get today. (Applause.)Now, I remember what it was like being a student. You guys probably have one of those old beaters. Who knows what kind of mileage you guys get. (Laughter.) I can tell you some stories about the cars I had. I

10、bought one for $500. (Applause.) But by the middle of the next decade, you guys are going to be buying some new cars - hopefully sooner than that. And that means youll be able to fill up your car every two weeks instead of every week - something that, over time, will save the typical family more tha

11、n $8,000 at the pump.And it means this country will reduce our oil consumption by more than 2 million barrels a day. Thats not only good for your pocketbook, thats good for the environment. (Applause.)All right, but heres the thing - weve got to do more. Weve got to act even faster. We have to keep

12、investing in the development of every available source of American-made energy. And this is a question of where our priorities are. This is a choice that we face.First of all, while there are no silver bullets short term when it comes to gas prices - and anybody who says otherwise isnt telling the t

13、ruth - I have directed my administration to look for every single area where we can make an impact and help consumers in the months ahead, from permitting to delivery bottlenecks to whats going on in the oil markets. Were going to look at every single aspect of gas prices, because we know the burden

14、 that its putting on consumers. And we will keep taking as many steps as we can in the coming weeks.Thats short term. But over the long term, an all-of-the-above energy strategy requires us having the right priorities. Weve got to have the right incentives in place. Ill give you an example. Right no

15、w, $4 billion of your tax dollars subsidize the oil industry every year - $4 billion. They dont need a subsidy. Theyre making near-record profits. These are the same oil companies that have been making record profits off the money you spend at the pump for several years now. How do they deserve anot

16、her $4 billion from taxpayers and subsidies?AUDIENCE MEMBER: Preach it, Mr. President! (Applause.)THE PRESIDENT: Its outrageous. Its inexcusable. (Applause.) And every politician whos been fighting to keep those subsidies in place should explain to the American people why the oil industry needs more

17、 of their money - especially at a time like this. (Applause.) I said this at the State of the Union - a century of subsidies to the oil companies is long enough. (Applause.) Its time to end taxpayer giveaways to an industry that has never been more profitable; double down on clean energy industries

18、that have never been more promising - thats what we need to do. (Applause.) This Congress needs to renew the clean energy tax credits that will lead to more jobs and less dependence on foreign oil.The potential of a sustained, all-of-the-above energy strategy is all around us. Here in Miami, 2008, M

19、iami became the first major American city to power its city hall entirely with solar and renewable energy. Right here in Miami. (Applause.) The modernization of your power grid so that it wastes less energy is one of the largest projects of its kind in the country. On a typical day, the wind turbine

20、 at the Miami-Dade Museum can meet about 10 percent of the energy needs in a South Florida home, and the largest wind producer in the country is over at Juno Beach. Right here at this university, your work is helping manufacturers save millions of dollars in energy bills by making their facilities m

21、ore energy efficient. (Applause.)So a lot of work is already being done right here, just in this area. And the role of the federal government isnt to supplant this work, take over this work, direct this research. It is to support these discoveries. Our job is to help outstanding work thats being don

22、e in universities, in labs, and to help businesses get new energy ideas off the ground - because it was public dollars, public research dollars, that over the years helped develop the technologies that companies are right now using to extract all this natural gas out of shale rock.The payoff on thes

23、e public investments, they dont always come right away, and some technologies dont pan out, and some companies will fail. But as long as Im President, I will not walk away from the promise of clean energy. Your future is too important. I will not - (applause) - I will not cede, I will not give up, I

24、 will not cede the wind or the solar or the battery industry to China or Germany because some politicians in Washington have refused to make the same commitment here in America.With or without this Congress, I will continue to do whatever I can to develop every source of American energy so our futur

25、e isnt controlled by events on the other side of the world. (Applause.)Today were taking a step that will make it easier for companies to save money by investing in energy solutions that have been proven here in the University of Miami - new lighting systems, advanced heating and cooling systems tha

26、t can lower a companys energy bills and make them more competitive.Were launching a program that will bring together the nations best scientists and engineers and entrepreneurs to figure out how more cars can be powered by natural gas, a fuel thats cleaner and cheaper and more abundant than oil. Wev

27、e got more of that. We dont have to import it. We may be exporting it soon.Were making new investments in the development of gasoline and diesel and jet fuel thats actually made from a plant-like substance - algae. Youve got a bunch of algae out here, right? (Laughter.) If we can figure out how to m

28、ake energy out of that, well be doing all right.Believe it or not, we could replace up to 17 percent of the oil we import for transportation with this fuel that we can grow right here in the United States. And that means greater energy security. That means lower costs. It means more jobs. It means a

29、 stronger economy.Now, none of the steps that Ive talked about today is going to be a silver bullet. Its not going to bring down gas prices tomorrow. Remember, if anybody says they got a plan for that - what?AUDIENCE: Theyre lying. Im just saying. (Applause.) Were not going to, overnight, solve the

30、problem of world oil markets. There is no silver bullet. There never has been.And part of the problem is, is when politicians pretend that there is, then we put off making the tough choices to develop new energy sources and become more energy efficient. We got to stop doing that. We dont have the luxury of pretending. We got to look at the facts, look at the science, figur

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