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1、1) Dont hesitate _ (告诉)your teacher if there is any problem.2)我毫不犹豫地接受了那份工作。_. =_. = _.3) 她犹豫着是否要接受这份邀请。_.3. betray_1) But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.2) The tremble in his voice betrayed his nervousness/that he was nervous. His accent betrayed the fact that he was forei

2、gn.3) Judas betrayed Jesus to the authorities. She betrayed his trust over and over again.习语: betray ones beliefs/principles/ideals句型转换1) A. From his accent, he showed who he really was. B. From his accent, he _ _.2) She felt _ when she found out the truth about him. (用betray的适当形式填空)3) 他把消息泄露给他所有的朋友

3、。4) 他脸上的表情显示他在生气。 _.4. condemn_1) The English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days. The prisoner was condemned to death.2) As an old person, one is often condemned to live alone. The judge condemned the killer to spend all his life in prison.3) The papers were quick to condemn

4、him for his mistake. The law has been condemned as an attack on personal liberty.1) She knew that society would _. 她知道社会会谴责她遗弃孩子。2) 他们不得不过着艰难的生活。_.3) He was judged guilty and condemned _. A shooting B to shoot C shot D to be shot5.acquaintance_1) I still keep up acquaintance with him2) I have a /som

5、e acquaintance with the language3) She has many acquaintance in the business community.4)Linda tried many ways to make the acquaintance of that famous film star.5) I cut my acquaintance with Lily because I heard she took my name in vain.1.Mary is not my_, but a (an) _ A.friend; acquaintance B. acqua

6、intance; friend C.friend;acquaintance D.acquaintance;friend五年前我和我的妻子在这个城市相识At this place I _of my wife five years agopromise_v. (compromises) OK, I will teach you.She was forced to compromise in order to avoid a major argument.I wanted to go to Greece, and my wife wanted to go to Spain, so we compro

7、mised on Italy.Cant you boys compromise with each other ?compromise your principles /beliefs /ideasn. The treaty represents a political compromise between the two nations. After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise.用介词填空:1) We had so many disagreement, but we compromised _ the la

8、st point.2) The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful compromises _ the need for profitablity and the demands of local conservationists(自然环保者).7. fade1) How about beginning with the alphabet? (fades out as they go off stage together)Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to be fading away.Fade out

9、 the music at the end of the scene. 2) Will this material fade? Flowers soon fade when cut. The strong sunlight faded the curtains.1) A. As evening came, the coastline disppeared gradually into darkness. B. As evening came, the coastline _ into darkness.2) 欢呼声在远处逐渐消失了。_.8. fortune U 成功;好运,幸运1) Fortu

10、ne smiled on him. 他事事顺利.2) By good fortune he was not hurt.C 1)未来的命运;运道;运气3) What will be our fortune?4)One day good fortune befell him.2) 财富He received a large fortune when his father died.Fortunate adj. 幸运的 fortunately adv. 幸运地短语: make a fortune 发财 seek ones fortune 外出找出路try ones fortune 碰运气 be fo

11、rtunate to do sth./ in doing sth. 幸运地做某事Period 2 phrases1.pass off asThe dernonstration passed off without incidentThe numbness in your foot will soon pass offHe escaped by passing himself off as a guardThey bought up pieces of old furniture and passed them off as valuable antiques.相关短语pass off_pass

12、 by_ pass on_pass thought_1. in terms of 有两个意思:一个意为“根据”、“依照” “从角度”;另一个意为“以的措辞”。例如:In terms of money were quite rich but not in terms of happiness.Let each child read in terms of his own tastes and choices. He referred to your work in terms of high praise.拓展 come to terms with _ be on good /bad terms

13、 with_ in the long /short term_从钱的角度来讲,这不是一份完美的工作。但是我能够从这份工作中学到很多Its not a perfect job_But I can learn a lot from the job.Exercise I.单词拼写:1. The play is an _(改编本)for children of a ply by Shakespeare.2. She replied without _(犹豫). 3. Children make some people feel _(不舒服).4. The play was a _(杰出的)succes

14、s. 5. The raiders(袭击者)_(装扮)themselves as a security guards.6. He has some little a_ with the Japanese language.7. She has difficulty learning English p_. 8. There are 26 letters in the English a_.9. Failing to return the money he b_ our trust. 10. The enemy forces were s_ in numbers.II. Choose the b

15、est answer1. I was_ about it. I thought you were responsible and thats why I scolded you. Please forgive me.A. curious B. worried C. particular D. mistaken2. The September 11 attack has been _ by the entire international community.A. condemned B. scolded C. criticized D. blamed 3. He is not a(n)_, o

16、nly a(n) _. A. friend; acquaintances B. acquaintance; friend C. friend; acquaintance D. acquaintances;4. In our school students are _ according to how much they know and how old they are.A. classified B. combined C. listed D. made 5. _, what you did is right. So dont be worried about it any more. A.

17、 General speaking B. Generally speaking C. General spoken D. Generally to speak 6. Charles Darwin considered _ to be the process by which evolution took place.A. adjust B. accompany C. abandon D. adaptation 7. He is not very confident and always _ before making a decision.A. considers B. hesitates C

18、. reflects D. waits 8. She thought herself _ to her friends because her family was rich.A. higher B. better C. richer D. superior9. Agriculturalists are very popular with the farmers as they are_ agricultural science and technology. A. in great need of B. in greatly need of C. greatly need of D. ver

19、y much need of10. When day dawned , the stars _ of sight. A. kept away B. faded out C. faded into D. died out 11. What a _ smell! How long was it since you last cleaned the house? A. smelly B. tasty C. sweet D. disgusting 12. Many people went to the southern parts of China to _their fortune.A. find

20、B. search C. make D. receive . Complete the sentences using the given the other day in disguise make ones acquaintance take awaypassoff as in amazement once more in need of fade out in terms of generally speaking1. He stared at me _ for my sudden appearance.2. I went to visit a museu

21、m in our city _.3. The idea seemed to _ and the club was never formed.4. Your visit will _ the sting of her sorrow.5. _ money, hes quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.6. He_ glass _ a gemstone and sold it to a buyer.7. The congenial host and hostess_ their guests _ the party room.8. They made

22、every effort to save the crops _ water on this dry land.9. _,youths of eighteen are too young for such work.10. Im very pleased to _ your _.11. He sent her a blessing _, in fact , he hated her a lot.12. I failed in the experiment, I decided to do it _ and I believe I will make itPeriod 3 Pre-reading

23、, ReadingLearning Goals:1. To learn about the content of Act One of the play.2. To develop Ss some basic reading skills3. To arouse Ss interest in appreciating literature.Step 1. Pre-readingPurpose: To arouse Ss interest in learning about the play.1. Show some pictures from My Fair Lady. Ask Ss to a

24、nswer the following questions. (1) Have you ever seen the film?(2) Do you like it? Why?(3) What is the theme of it?2. Ask Ss to go through the information on the main characters below and try to match the main characters in the play and in the Greek story.(1) Pygmalion A. Pickering(2) Statue B. Higgins(3) Greek God C. ElizaStep 2. Fast reading To get a brief understanding of Act One.1. Ask Ss if they are curious about the plot in the play and then give them some time to read the text. While reading, Ask them try to find out the information as quickly as possible whenwherewhowhath

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