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1、 Para. 3 总结建议 Pay attention to the Reason &Trend of the change.2. Model The chart gives us an overall picture of the _(图表主题). The first thing we notice is that_ (图表最大特点). This means that as _, _ (进一步说明). We can see from the statistics given that _ (图表细节一). After V.ing_ (细节一中的第一个变化), the _V.ed+幅度+时间(

2、紧跟着的变化). The figures also tells us that_ (图表细节二). We can see that _accounts for _ (进一步描述). The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that_ (给出原因). Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that_ (结论). It is high time that we V.ed(发出倡议). According to the bar chart / pie chart / li

3、ne graph displays the changes in the number of_(图表整体趋势). There was an increase in _(图表细节). At the point of _, _reaches its peak value of _ (数据或变化). What has caused these changes? There are mainly three reasons. Firstly, _ (原因一).Secondly, _(原因二). Finally, _(最后一个原因). In conclusion / We can safely draw

4、 the conclusion that _(结论). Therefore, _(进一步谈论更多个人想法).3. ExamplesPara. 1 总述图表趋势 Analyzed from the chart above, the weekly earnings people obtain progressively mount up (上升) with the rising of the educational level that people achieve. In detail, people with an education degree of college or above ea

5、rns at least 300 dollars more every week than those with a lower one. Consequently, this chart has forcefully proved that the more one learns, the more he or she will earn. Para. 2 具体论述人们对于教育得不同态度,并分析其中原因 Nowadays, the great availability of information makes opportunities to success seemingly abunda

6、nt. Thus, the views toward education are divided. Some think that education is time and money consuming for they have seen a huge number of unemployed college graduates but heard plenty legends of less educated but successful celebrities. However, jobs seem to be much more demanding as a result of t

7、he booming economy. So most people still believe education is a worthy investment in the future.Para. 3 给出个人观点,落脚点在教育带来的回报上 As for me, I definitely believe that more education will benefit me a lot. It helps improve me in both knowledge and innovation and thus making me more competitive in the job m

8、arket.教育提高人的知识水平和创新能力,增强个人就业竞争力。 The bar chart given by US Bureau of Labor Statistics reflects the unemployment rate in 2010 among people with different educational backgrounds. From these statistics, it can be seen that the higher degree one possesses, the less likely he is to be unemployed. Genera

9、lly speaking, two factors have contributed to this phenomenon. For one thing, thetechnology and the adjustment of industrial structure lead to a dramatic demand of workforces with high educational degrees. Therefore, it is natural for people with higher educational degrees to enjoy a steadier and be

10、tter-paying job. For another, those with lower educational degrees tend to be dismissed and substituted more frequently because their jobs which usually feature low technologies can be done by anybody. As far as I am concerned, education is indeed a worthy investment. First, as individuals, we shoul

11、d attach great importance to education. Second, the government and authorities should adopt relevant measures to ensure the equity of education. Only in this way can we get the tickets to a much more comfortable life. 4. HomeworkMore People Choosing Overseas Destinations for Their Holidays漫画型作文(Cart

12、oon)2.Model: This illustration depicts_ (图画中的人物)Ving, with_(补充说明). Recently it has become common for people in many walks of life to_(进一步阐释)It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _(图画主题), which is _(进一步的说明). He seems to be saying that_(给出细节). In my opinion, _(个人阐述).This simple

13、 picture is a wake up call for _(所涉群体,如the whole of the human race). Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to _(问题所在). On the one hand, we must _(建议一). It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _(进一步说明). On the other hand, _(建议二) . Only in th

14、is way can we_(展望前景). 3. Example 1: 父亲和男孩子的对话,孩子说“ Dad,I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclear weapon. (爸爸,我有点担心清除核武器这个问题)”,父亲则回答“ If you can empty the dustbin, you can do anything. (如果你能把垃圾桶倒掉,你就能坐好任何事情)” ,说话间,手指着垃圾桶。Model one:The importance of doing small things From the carton, we can clear

15、ly see that the boy is worried about disposing of nuclear waste, while his father tells him to empty the dustbin first. This carton reminds me of a Chinese saying: If you dont clean the room (solve your problems), then how can you control the world(一屋不扫何以扫天下). However, most people always attach grea

16、t importance to something big, but neglect small things. In my opinion, it is necessary and important to do small things. On the one hand, doing small things well helps us to develop good habits, which set a good foundation for our future development. There is no doubt that one of the greatest diffe

17、rences between success and failure is the importance placed on little things. On the other hand, the big is the little. If something needs to be done, it is big. No matter what kinds of task, if it is worth doing, it can be big. Taking all these into account, we can easily notice that it is reasonab

18、le to do small things before big ones. So before doing important things, lets empty our dustbin first!Model Two:The Big is the Little Nothing can be done except little by little, the French poet Baudelaire Charles once said. Most people, however, often ignore such a truth. So does the little boy sho

19、wn in the picture. He expresses his worries to his father about disposing of nuclear waste, but is told that he can achieve nothing if he doesnt empty the dustbin first. Every single little thing you can do today matters. The truth has been tested for ages, and thousands of great people have set goo

20、d examples for us. For instance, Leonardo da Vinci, the world-renowned master in painting, starts his career with repeated egg-drawing. Lu Xun, the great man of letters, reminded himself to get up early by inscribing the character “morning” on his desk. As university students, in my opinion, we shou

21、ld aim high, but at the same time, we shall never measure a task by its size. All in all, only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. 4. Example Two 图画中,师生站在一个教师里,老师给学生一本书,挺厚的,孩子讶然震惊并由几分不情愿。老师就安慰并鼓励学生:“ 你就当做是在读一个长篇短信就行了”。 这幅图说明

22、一个什么主题? 说明的是,学生代表的现代人,都没有耐心阅读长篇的文字,比如文学作品,而更倾向于阅读短篇的、速食的信息。心态浮躁,没有耐性。这是一个负面现象。Model: Para. 1 图画描述,将师生的动作、对白都要写出来。 From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there is a teacher and a student standing in the classroom. When receiving a literature book given by her teacher, the little girl seems

23、 to be quite nervous and unwilling. Having observed her students response, the teacher tells her that “Just think of it as if you are reading a long text-message.”Para. 2 分析原因,分析一下现代人,或者是学生,为什么不太喜欢读长篇的、信息量大的文学作品 The cartoon aims at informing us of the phenomenon that quite a few students or youngste

24、rs are reluctant to read literature nowadays. With the Internet and electronic communication tools such as micro blogs, mobile phones and QQ becoming increasingly widespread, quite a few people are more used to reading short context. They hold that, compared with long contents such as literature, th

25、ese short ones are more convenient and timesaving. 一、现代人已经更加习惯于读来自互联网和电子交流工具诸如微博、手机和QQ的短篇信息,认为这样省时省力; Whats more, many students refuse to read literature in that they believe that literature is boring and of little use in modern society. 二、相当多的人认为文学作品枯燥乏味,而且在现代生活中没有什么用处。 Para.3 进入主题,阅读文学的重要性.阅读文学有什么

26、意义呢? However, no one can disclaim the importance of reading literature. It enables people to enrich their knowledge and expand their horizons (一、可以丰富知识拓展视野). Moreover, reading literature also inspires people to think critically and independently(二、可以激发人们批判性的、独立性的思维) . Last but not least, by spending

27、 time in reading literature, we can also develop and perfect human personality such as being patient and optimistic(三、可以完善人格,使人变得耐心和积极乐观。 ). Hence, why not just get out of the reality temporarily and spend some time on literature?5. Example Three 图画中,一群学生坐在教室里,样子都傻傻地。老师正在讲解乘法口诀表,教的不亦说乎!这个时候一个傻孩子突然提问

28、:“老师,我无意冒犯,但是等到我们工作的时候,这些你教的东西不会过时吗?”Para. 1 图画描述。描述的时候,你要把学生提问的那句话写出来,把老师教课的动作写出来,以及老师听到学生挑衅性的提问之后的表情,也要写出来。 As is vividly depicted in the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are many students sitting in a classroom. When listening to the teacher, one of the students just interrupts the

29、teacher and says “ No offense, but by the time were in the job market, wont that stuff be outdated?” Having heard this question, the teacher stops demonstrating the Multiplication Table and seems to be quite shocked and embarrassed.如图中生动的描绘那样,我们可以观察到有很多的学生坐在教室里。当在听老师讲课的时候,一个学生打断了老师并且说道:“老师,我无意冒犯,但是,

30、等我们工作的时候,你教得这些东西难道不会过时吗?”听到这个问题,老师停止了演示乘法口诀表,显得相当震惊和尴尬。Para.2 提炼挖掘图画的内涵 孩子对老师教的知识,确切地说,是对老师教授的基本知识、非实用性知识的一种质疑。所以,可以在第二段分析一下原因:为什么学生,也就是现代人的代言,对这种不能马上用于工作的、带来回报的、理论性的基础指示和技能不懈? The cartoon informs us of the phenomenon that quite a few students undervalue the importance of learning basic skills these days. Confronted with fiercer competition from society and employment market, students are more focused on practical skills which can be applied in daily work immediately. Moreover, they also fears that the basic knowled

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