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1、A.Accendentally B.Incidentally C.Eventually D. Naturally73. After a long delay, she _D_ replying to my away with B. got back at by D. got round toget around to doing something :to find time to do something. I wanted to see that movie but never got around to it.74. Personal compute

2、rs are no longer sth beyond the ordinary people. They are _C_ available these days.A.gwowingly B.instantly C.readily D. quickly75. In my first year at the university I learnt the _A_ of journalism.A. basics B. basic C.elementary D. elements76. According to the new tax law, my money earned over that

3、level is taxed at the _D_ of 39%.A. ratio B. percentage C. proportion D. rate77. Thousands of _C_ at the stadium came to their feet to pay tribute to an outstanding performance.A.audience B. participants C.spectators D. observers78. We stood still, gazing out over the limitless _C_ of the desert.A.

4、space B.expanse C.stretch D. land79. Doctors often _C_ uneasiness in the people they deal with.A.smelt B.hear C.sense D. touch80. Mary sat at the table, looked at the glare and _C_ her lips.A. smacked B. opened C.parted D. separated51. 正确答案为C). as。考核的是as+adj/adv(+n)+as的结构.52. 正确答案为B). remains. 这里All

5、 the Presidents Men是书名. 谓语动词用第三人称单数. 53. 正确答案为D). can 表示许可/建议,在口语中常用can. 表示给与“许可”通常用can/may而不用could/might. 这里provided引导条件状语从句,意思等于if/on condition that54. 正确答案为A). If only引导的虚拟语气,解释为”要是?该多好啊!”. 与现在的事实相反的则if only后接过去式did,和过去事实相反的则接过去完成时had done.这里是说要是这个病人接受了不同的治疗方式(其实那个时候并没有接受),与过去事实相反用过去完成时. 句意: 如果那个

6、病人不使用抗生素而是采用其他疗法,他现在可能还活着呢. 55. 正确答案为B). be to do是固定用法. 由于start the experiment这个动作先于change her mind,所以用过去完成时be to have done表示在过去的事情对现在的影响.56. 正确答案为D). 对过去事情的肯定推测用must have done, 否定推测用couldnt have done.57. 正确答案为C). much .as与其说,不如说,固定用法,历年专四考试中也是重点和难点. 句意:与其说是语言还不如说是背景让这本书难以理解.58. 正确答案为B). has

7、anticipated现在完成时,意思是已经预料到,不可能对过去发生的事预料,只能是对未发生的进行预料,所以只能选一般将来时. 句意:委员会已经预料到那些问题将在道路建设方案中提起.59. 正确答案为 A). 发现难以理解这个动作先于”说”之前发生,故用过去完成时.60. 正确答案为C). had就是have的过去式了,没有had had to的说法. 且but后面的句子是单纯叙述过去发生的事情,用一般过去式.61. 正确答案为B). than后面是省略了it,还原应该是.than it has been put in. than作为专四语法的重点,考试中出现很多次了.常见的考法有如下两种:?

8、 连词 than 引导比较状语从句,有时省去部分谓语,保留了主语和助动词,此时助动词可以移到主语前。如:John drives much more carefully than does his father. (=than his father drives) 连词 than 引导比较状语从句,常省去主语,保留谓语部分,这种结构多见于正式文体中。Dont eat more than is good for you.62. 正确答案为B). 本题是该年专四考试中语法较难的一题. not more?than的意思是与其说?倒不如说?这里意思是: 人口过多对人类的威胁还不如对环境的破坏更为严重。A

9、选项的意思是: 人口过多跟环境破坏一样对人类构不成什么威胁。通过这道题,试比较如下两句句子:John is not better than Tom约翰不如汤姆好。 (但是两人都不错) John is no better than Tom约翰比汤姆好不了多少。 (两个人都不怎么样)63. 正确答案为 D).专四考试中两个常见there用法: for there to be, of there being. (即:有介词for一律用to be,其他介词用there being)64. 正确答案为 B). 非限定动词.the situation作为look的逻辑宾语.所以用过去分词,表示一种条件.

10、C结构用于表示原因较多.65. 正确答案为C). 这里是省略了should的虚拟语气用法.常见考法有It is essential/imperative/important that sb (should) do sth.66. 正确答案为C). crude:粗糙的,拙劣的; man-made人造的.人造赝品说法不同67. 正确答案为A). turn ones back on sb不理睬某人,拒绝帮助,固定搭配68. 正确答案为B). for the exclusive use of sb仅供?使用, 固定搭配. extensive广泛的,广阔的; inclusive从include派生出来,

11、意思是”在内的”;comprehensive综合的,广泛的,理解的69. 正确答案为D). affordable:支付的起的.不太昂贵的; approachable易接近的;payable应付的, reachable可达成的,可获得的. 句意:学费对于那些来自低收入家庭的学生来说也是能够支付得起的.70. 正确答案为B). aftermath:(不幸事件如事故,暴风雨,战争等的)后果,余波.in theaftermath of?之后; consequence:结果,后果,其词组是in consequence of由于,作为?的结果;71. 正确答案为A). becomes常见的意思是变为,成为

12、, 殊不知,它还有另外一个少见的意思:适合(某人),与?相称.就有这么一句话:Such behavior did not become her.这种举止与她的身份不相称. fit:适合于,合适(大小,尺寸,形状). 这道题目如果能正确排除BCD也就不难选出A了.72. 正确答案为B). incidentally顺便说一句,Accidentally意想不到地. Eventually最终地, naturally自然地 句意: 我现在不得不走了. 顺便说一句,如果你要那本书的话下次我会带来的.73. 正确答案为D). get round to doing sth腾出时间来做某事,开始做某事. get

13、 away with sth侥幸逃脱, get back at报复, get back返回,取回74. 正确答案为C). readily快捷地,便利地,无困难地, readily available是固定用法:方便地获得; promptly敏捷地; instantly立即地,即刻地;75. 正确答案为 A). basics:基本因素/原理/原则/规律; basic(adj.)基本的,初步的; element:元素76. 正确答案为D). rate比例, 强调的是一个数量quantity, ratio是比率,强调的是两者之比, percentage百分率; proportion部分,份额. 且r

14、ate通常和死亡率,出生率,优秀率,及格率,折旧率,贴现率等搭配,而ratio通常的搭配和用法如:男女生比率,老少比率,新旧比率等. proportion的惯用法是in proportion to合乎比例,匀称协调. Ratio:指某物对某物的比值(比例的数值),以数字表示Rate:指每计量的单位,有多少量.如每百人有多少人失业,每小时跑多少英里,每天的房价 Proportion:指某成分或组成的比例.也可指某物对某物的比例77. 正确答案为C). spectator(尤指体育比赛的)观看者,观众; audience(戏剧,音乐会或演讲等的)观众,听众; participant参与者; obs

15、erver观察者; 这里有stadium体育场/运动场一词, 显然应该选C. come t ones feet to pay tribute to意思是:对?给予高度赞扬; 从本题也可以看出专四词汇题的趋势是更加强调同近义词之间的细微差别.78. 正确答案为B). expanse. 很显然,space和land与题目不相符,先排除。只剩下expanse和stretch了。expanse表示“宽阔的空间/区域,辽阔;广袤”,stretch表示“一片地域,一个地段,(尤指肢体)伸展,拉长,通常指狭而长的区域”,而判断本题的依据主要看limitless(无垠的),形容沙漠的宽广很显然要用“ limi

16、tless expanse ”。 79. 正确答案为C). 感知,察觉. sense the uneasiness感受到不自在.80. 正确答案为 A). smack ones lips是固定用法,意思是: (馋得)舐嘴唇; 垂涎三尺 2006年51. _dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive.A Although B whatever C As D However52. If only I _play the guitar as well as you!A would B could C should D

17、 might53. The party, _I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable.A by which B for which C to which D at which54 Its high time we _ cutting down the rainforests.A stopped B had to stop C shall stop D stop55 The student said there were a few points in the essay he _ impossible to comprehend.A

18、has found B was finding C had found D would find56 Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone_ an opportunity to hear the speech.A ought to have B must have C may have D should have57 I am surprised_ this city is a dull place to live in.A that you should think B by what you are thinking C

19、that you would think D with what you were thinking58 Susan is very hardworking, but her pay is not_ for her work.A enough good B good enough C as good enough D good as enough59 It is imperative that the government _ more investment into the shipbuilding industry.A attracts B shall attract C attract

20、D has to60 Land belongs to the city; there is _ thing as private ownership of land.A no such a B not such C not such a D no such61 My daughter has walked eight miles today. We never guessed that she could walk_far.A / B such C that D as6 The statistics _ that living standards in the area have improv

21、ed drastically in recent times.A proves B is proving C are proving D prove63 There are only ten apples left in the baskets, _ the spoilt ones.A not counting B not to count C dont count D having not counted64 It was _ we had hopedA more a success than B a success more thanC as much of a success as D

22、a success as much as65 There used to be a petrol station near the park, _?A didnt it B doesnt there C usednt it? D didnt there66 It is an offence to show _ against people of different races.A distinction B difference C separation D discrimination67 A great amount of work has gone into _ the Cathedra

23、l to its previous splendour.A refreshing B restoring C renovating D renewing68 The thieves fled with the local police close on their _.A backs B necks C toes D heels69 The economic recession has meant that job_ is a rare thing.A security B safety C protection D secureness70 Many people nowadays save

24、 money to _ for their old age.A cater B supply C provide D equip71 The tone of the article _ the writers mood at the time.A reproduced B reflected C imagined D imitated72 This is not the right _ to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listenAmoment B. situation C. imagine D. imitated73 The job

25、 of a student accommodation officer_ a great many visits to landladies.A concerns B offers C asks D involves74 Our family doctors clinic _at the junction of two busy roads.A rests B stands C stays D seats75 She was so fat that she could only just _ through the door.A assemble B appear C squeeze D ga

26、ther76 After the heavy rain, a builder was called to repair the roof, which was _.A leaking B trickling C prominent D noticeable77 The reception was attended by _ members of the local community.A excellent B conspicuous C prominent D noticeable78 Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in

27、 the morning but _slightly in the afternoon.A regained B recovered C restored D revived79 His brain has worked away on the idea of a universal cure.A rich B quick C productive D fertile80 The couple has donated a not_ amount of money to the foundation.A inconsiderable B inconsiderate C inaccurate D

28、incomparable51.正确答案为D).however引导的让步状;52.正确答案为B).could表示能够,是一种;53.正确答案为D).atwhich.先行词th;54.正确答案为A).stopped.Itis(;55.正确答案为C).hadfound.考察定语;56.正确答案为C).may.sothat引导目;57.正确答案为A).本句中should表示惊讶;58.正确51. 正确答案为D). however引导的让步状语从句,意思是无论(怎么样),从句需要倒装,即However+adj/adv+主+谓. However dull he may be=Dull as he may be. although和as引导让步状语从句,指”尽管”, whatever用来引导名词从句,意思是: 无论什么. 句意: 无论他多么地令人感到乏味.他还是一位非常成功的顶级行政人员.52. 正确答案为B). could表示能够,是一种能力. If only引导的虚拟语气,表示”要是?.该多好啊!”. 句意: 要是我能像你那样把吉他弹得那么好该多好啊!53. 正确答案为D). at which. 先行词the party作介词at的宾语. 即I was the gue

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