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1、船东在进行面试时,往往提问船长的问题最多,也最复杂,考察的时间也最长。提问船长的问题涉及到国际安全管理规则、安全管理体系、船长资历、船舶管理、各种具体商务和技术问题等等。 下面收集了一部分面试试题,供广大面试船长参考。其中的部分问题,不但船长必备,其他干部船员,尤其是大副也必须看,轮机长也应该参考一下。1. Can you tellme about your education background? Please refer to an Masters self-introduction in Part One of this book. 实事求是,最好告诉人家在某个学校学了多长时间,最好也

2、要告诉人家你接受某些社会培训的情况,谦虚好学毕竟是一个美德嘛。2. What is aclassification society? What is the purpose of classification survey? Pleaselist some famous classification societies in the world. A classification society is usually an independentorganization that carries out classification surveys, statutory surveys,sur

3、veys related to notarial matters for ships, offshore installations, marinefreight containers, materials and marine equipment. It also provides safetymanagement certification services to shipping companies and their ships. Thepurpose of classification survey is to evaluate the situation of a ship and

4、 themanagement of a company and its ship. Some of the famous classification societies are: NK(Japanese 日本海事协会),CCS(Chinese classification society), ABS(American), DNV(Norwegian), SL(BritishLloyd 英国劳氏), GL(German Lloyd 德国劳氏), KR(Korean), RINA(意大利船级社)。 3.Can you talk about the previous vessels worked

5、on board? Please refer to an mastersself-introduction in Part One of this book. 实事求是,若没有做过,千万不要伪造。并且服务簿、书面简历以及你口头介绍的资历的内容一定要一致,特别是时间、船型、航区、吨位、船员情况、外派公司、船东及租船公司情况,因为你是船长,应该对自己管理的船有非常深的印象。4. What type of cargo was carried on boardyour last vessel? 曾经在什么船上工作过,运过什么货物也是船东非常关心的问题,因为船东在考虑把他的一条船交给你时,对你是运过某种

6、他们的船舶载的货物非常关键。因为你只有运过某种货物,才对这种货物的特性、装卸时需要注意的事项、运输中需要注意的事项有所了解和经验。其实,你如果运过某些货物,你也应该说出来。 下面提供几种货物的名称,供参考: Bulk cargo: cement, cementclicker, nickel, ore, iron, sand, phosphorus rock, potash in bulk, salt, grain,pet coke, coal etc. General cargo:vehicle, loader, wagon, heavy lifts, over-length cargo, m

7、ine equipment, steelconstruction material. Other: log,plywood, container, and so on. 5. Where was your last vessels trading area?Which ports have you called? I have richexperience in calling the ports in the US, some developing countries and in thepassage through the Suez Canal, Panama Canal, and De

8、nver Strait, and DenmarkStrait. Some useful expressions fortrading areas: 全球航线ocean-going, world widely, globally, worldwide; 固定航线 fixedroute. 6.Can you tell me the differences between the Chinese stateowned shippingcompanies and foreign shipping companies? Basically, in my opinion, there are not bi

9、g differences at all. It seemsto me that foreign owners are more concerned about the masters overridingauthority on board while the Chinese shipping companies tend to ask their localagents to do more for the vessel. Another major difference between them is thatthe Safety Management System of the Chi

10、nese companies is in Chinese and theworking language on board is Chinese. Whats more, most of the Chinese ownersuse the CCS for classification while foreign owners may use differentclassification societies. 各个国家的船公司都有自己的特点和特色。至于您如何回答这个问题并不重要,关键是不要妄自菲薄;试想一下,如果中国的船东一无是处的话,我们中国船员的素质又会如何。7.In case of ca

11、rgo damage, for example, before the vessel arrives at thedischarging port, you find the quality of the surface cargo has changed, howwould you handle it? I have to look intothe reason and volume of the damage first, and then Ill contact the owner ofinstruction. In the event of small quantity of grai

12、n, I shall just throw itinto the sea to avoid disputes. Or I will follow the owners instruction tocontact its the P & I correspondent or local agent for their advice. If necessary, Ill prepare a Sea Protest toclaim that the ship owner and the crew have exercised their due diligence. 关于货损方面的处理程序,各个公司

13、都有相关的操作和程序文件,上面只是一般的处理原则。8.How do youunderstand the Masters overriding authority under emergency situations? If the situation and time permit, the Mastershould always report to the company first before taken actions. However, whenthe ship is in immediate danger, the Master shall exercise his overrid

14、ingauthority and take whatever actions necessary in dealing with an emergencysituation in order to protect the safety of the seafarers, the cargo, thevessel, the port and the environment without considering too much the demandsof the ship owner and the charterer. Nevertheless, the Master should repo

15、rt tothe company in detail what has happened after the event. 9.Can you tell me about your experience as a Captain? Hints: Your experience may include such things as the duration you haveworked as a Captain, the places or ports you have ever been to, the types ofvessels you have ever served, the typ

16、es of cargo you have ever experienced, thetypes of cargo you have ever experienced, the management styles on the vessels,and so on. Please also refer to chapterone for more detailed answers. 10.What is the Masters StandingOrder? It is basically the Masters ownset of instructions and orders for the v

17、essels operation. The contents mayinclude the watch-keeping duties for the officers, when to ask for order fromthe master, the port entry procedure, and how to deal with emergency situationslike oil pollution, fire disaster, collision, grounding, as well as when tocall the master to the bridge, and

18、so on. For special vessels (tanker, LPG orcar carriers, etc.) the standing orders may have some more contents. The Standing Order is normally found on thefirst pages of Deck Log Book and in the Bridge Order Book. Besides, somewarnings shall be prominently posted on the bridge and read and signed by

19、allduty officers. 11.How do you understand the importanceof keeping good and harmonious relationship with the Chief Engineer and otherOfficers and Engineers? Withoutharmonious relationship with the Chief Engineer and the other officers andengineers, the Master cannot manage the ship well. But how ca

20、n the Masterachieve it? First of all, the Master must have close contact with thedepartment heads because the daily management is delegated to them although theMaster himself is responsible for the overall safety and personnel management.Secondly, the Master himself must know his job well and know w

21、hen to do what andhow. Thirdly, the Master should be very strict in himself in discipline andbehavior. Fourthly, he should be fair in job assignment, pay distribution andother daily management. But if someone on board breaks the Masters order orthe rules on purpose, the Masters order or the rules on

22、 purpose, the Masterwill have to penalize the offender and can consider firing him according to theprocedure of the ship owner. 这是一个考验船长管理能力的问题,可能不同船长有不同的管理经验和办法,但是船东希望船长在这方面有较好的办法。有些船长在回答这类问题时,会不假思索地说:“I will dismiss those who do not listen to me”。我们这样的和船长未免太霸道了。上述答案只是笔者个人见解,公供参考。12.Did you have th

23、e experience ofworking with foreign crews? Yes, I haveworked on four ships of mixed crew from China, China Taiwan, Philippine,Vietnam, Russia, South Korea, Japan, Burma and Ukraine. 实事求是。但是,外派资历是外国船东很看中的事,如果你有很好的外派资历,可千万不要错过让船东知道的机会。13. How doyou differentiate the Chinese crews and the Philippine cr

24、ews? Or how do youlike the Philippine (Korean, Vietnamese, Indian, Burmese, Ukrainian, Russian,British etc.) seamen? I had theexperience of working with the Filipino crew. The Filipinos are mostly veryprofessional and obedient. Sometimes they are also demanding in terms of wages.As a whole, they are

25、 very nice seafarers. 在回答这类问题时,切忌把其他国家的海员说得一无是处,如果你认为人家什么都不是的话,那么很难想象你在未来的工作中能和人家配合发。何况,不论哪个国家、哪个文化的人都有好人和坏人。要尽量说出人家的长处。船员队伍本来就很国际化,在一个类似“联合国”的工作团队里,能和不同国籍的、不同文化的、不同性格的人相处,显得十分重要。14. Canyou tell me about the companies you have worked for? What are the differencesamong these companies? The company Ih

26、ave worked for the past ten years is a state-owned company. It is a goodcompany. But the management of the company is, in some ways, different fromforeign shipowners companies. 实事求是。同样,也不希望你过多地贬低你曾经工作过的公司,因为既然你憎恨所有原来的公司,你也可能会憎恨你即将服务的新公司。而事情往往是,在船东认为,公司和船东发生冲突时,并不见得你公司的问题,也许是你本人就不适合在原来的公司工作。15. How i

27、sa passage/voyage plan made on board ships? What materials do you need to referto when you make such plans? Usually, apassage plan should be made before a new voyage starts. The Master should givethe Second Officer the sailing instructions and his intentions on the sailingroutes and before the Secon

28、d Officer prepares the draft plan. Then the Masteris supposed to check it very carefully. If something wrong is found in thepassage plan, the Master should ask the Second Officer to correct itimmediately. If nothing is wrong about the draft, the plan shall be ratifiedand implemented. When the Second

29、 Officeris making the draft plan, the Master should help provide some importantinformation sources for the Second Officer, such as the port entry guidance,the sailing directions, lists of lights, tidal stream tables, deep draughtvessel planning guide, the IMO ship route guidance, government and port

30、authoritys regulations, pilot charts, notice to mariner, weather information,and the voyage plan and so on. TheMaster should ensure that the plan covers “berth to berth” area in thepassage. And the Master should help the Second Officer to select the bestsailing route that will save fuel and time, an

31、d avoid bad weatherconditions. 16. Canyou describe the preparation procedures before entering the US ports? First, I must check all the certificates forthe vessel and the seamen to make sure all the necessary certificates areavailable to deal with the customs clearances, the sanitary checks and othe

32、rport checks. In addition, I must prepare such publications as currentlycorrected navigational charts, US costal pilot guide, light list book, lightlist book, tide tables, US inland rules of navigation, and recent notice tomariners. Forty-eight hours prior toentry to a US port, I shall conduct the following emergency steering drills andlog them into the record books: operation of the main steering gear fromsteering compartment, communication between

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