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1、 温室效应使得地球表面的平均气温保持在摄氏15 度。2)n.平均,平均数 above /below (the ) average ;在平均水平以上/以下 on (the)average ;平均地一般地up to (the) average 达到平均1) what is _rainfall for July ?2) _men smoke more cigarettes than women .3) Tom is a good student and his work at school is _.( average ,on average , above the average )Step 3

2、Homework 翻译下列单词或短语1. 发生,造成 2.同意,赞成,订购 3大量的 4. 趋向,易于,照顾 5. 导致 6. 上升,增长,升起 7. 反对 8. 陈述,声明 9.种类,范围 10. 即使 11. 继续 12. 平稳的,持续的 13. 倾向,趋势 14. 分布广的,普遍的 答案:e about 2.subscribe to 3.quantities of 4.tend to 5.result in 6.go up opposed to 8.state 9.range 10.even if 11.keep on 12.steady 13.trend/tendency 1

3、4.widespread【教总74】 第二课时(Reading )Teaching aims:1 Enable the students to talk about the causes and effects of global warming.2. Help the students learn how to talk about the causes and effects of global warming and express ideas about what people should do about it.Teaching important pointsHelp the s

4、tudents learn how to debate over the topic “We should do nothing/something about global warming.”Teaching difficult points Enable the students to learn the writing skills of the text and get a better understanding of articles of this kind.Teaching methods Reading and group work.Teaching procedure St

5、ep 1 RevisionRead the new words aloud Step 2 Fast Reading Scan the text and answer the following questions.(1)Who wrote the magazine article ? What is the name of the magazine ? (Sophie Armstrong ; Earth Care )(2)What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article ?(Janice Foster ,Ch

6、arles Keeling ,George Hambley )Step 3 Careful ReadingRead the text carefully and choose the best answer according to the text .1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph ?A.To introduce the topic . B.To give opinion .C.To ask the readers a question. D.To give data .2.Who studied the amount of carb

7、on dioxide in the atmosphere between 1957 and 1977 ?A. Dr Janice Foster B. Charles KeelingC. George Hambley D. Sophie Armstrong3 What may happen if we do nothing about global warming ?A. There may be a rise of the sea level . B. The temperature will be surely lower .C. The “greenhouse effect will di

8、sappear . D . It has nothing to do with us .4 . Why does George Hambley state that more carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing ?A . It will make plants grow faster . B . Crops will produce more .C . It will encourage a greater range of animals . D . All of the above .5 . What is the purpose of

9、the last paragraph ?A . To make readers disappointed with the problem .B . To make readers think about the problem .C . To show the writers opinion on the problem .D . To begin some discussion about the future .(答案 A B A D B)Step 4 Summary Fill in the blanks according to the text .There is no 1 _tha

10、t the earth is becoming warmer no matter whether it is a natural 2_.Scientists believe that greenhouse effect begins when we add huge 3_ extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning 4 _ . The increased amount of carbon dioxide is causing the global temperature to 5_.Scientists also agree that

11、 the burning of more and more fossil fuels that resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide . On the other hand , Dr Foster thinks that an increase of five degrees would be a 6_. Scientists can not predict the climate well enough to know what to expect .On the other hand .a scientist George Hambley

12、predicts that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental 7_ He 8_that more carbon dioxide will encourage a greater 9_ of animals. However , greenhouse gases continue to 10_ in the atmosphere and the climate is going to keep on warming .(答案1doubt 2phenomenon 3 quantities of 4 fuels 5 go up 6

13、 catastrophe 7 consequences 8 states 9 range 10 build up )Step 5 Homework Read the text again and again and try to retell the story using your own words .【教总75】 第三课时 ( Language Points) Help the Ss understand the text better .Teaching important point :Master the usage of the useful words (1) come abo

14、ut (2) There is no doubt that (3) random (4) subscribe (5) quantities of Teaching difficult point : Help the Ss to analyze the long sentences Teaching procedures :Step 1 Revision Read the new words aloud .Step 2 Language study 1 . come about 发生;造成,强调结果,常用于固定句式How did/does it come about that? 怎么会呢?1)

15、 How did the accident come about ? 事故是怎样发生的?2) How did it come about that he knew where we were ? 他怎么会知道我们在什么地方的呢?2. There is no doubt that 为固定句式,后接从句时用that引导 , 后接名词时用介词 about .1) There is no doubt that he will fail .毫无疑问他会失败的。2) There is no doubt about his kindness .毫无疑问他是善意的。3.random adj. 胡乱的;任意的

16、a random phenomenon 一种任意现象at random adv. 随意地; 无目的地Please choose a number at random .请随便选一个号码。4.subscribe to sth . 同意;赞成;订阅;捐赠1) I have subscribed to several magazines recently. 最近我订了几份杂志。2) Do you subscribe to her idea ? 你同意她的想法吗?3) He subscribed a million yuan to the school .他捐助了100万元给这所学校。5.a quan

17、tity of =quantities of 大量的;许多的,后接可数名词或不可数名词,但要注意a quantity of 短语作主语时,其谓语动词的形式取决于其后的名词,而 quantities of 短语作主语时,谓语动词一律用复数。In quantity =in large quantities 大批地;大量地1) A quantity of books are on the desk .在桌上有很多书。2) A quantity of beer is consumed in summer .夏天消费了大量的啤酒。3) Quantities of water are wasted in

18、our daily life .在我们的日常生活中,大量的水被浪费。4) It is cheap to buy goods in large quantities .大批买东西是便宜的。翻译下列句子。1.当跟其他的自然变化相比,这是一个迅速的增加。 2.你能告诉我这个事故是怎样发生的吗?3.毫无疑问,地球是在变暖,而地球变暖正是人类活动导致而成的,并非是一种随意的自然现象。4.所有的科学家都赞同这种观点:人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料,从而引起了地球温度的升高。5.当我们在大气层中增加了大量额外的二氧化碳时,问题就来了。【教总76】 第四课时(language points ) Master

19、the usage of the useful words (1) tend (2) go up (3) result in (4) oppose (5) consequence (6) state Help the Ss to analyze the long sentences .1) Check out the homework .2) Revise the useful words learnt in the last period .Step 2 language study 1 . It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped

20、 in the atmosphere causing the temperature to go up.a. causing the temperature to go up.为现在分词短语作结果状语。 The cup fell onto the floor ,breaking into pieces . His parents died in the accident ,leaving him an orphan .b. tend 趋向;易于;照顾 tend to do sth .易于做某事She tends to get angry easily .她易于生气。 tend to / tow

21、ards sth .有-的倾向His views tend to the extreme .他的观点趋于偏激。 tend (to) sb.照顾某人Mum was busy tending (to) my sisters .妈妈忙于照顾我的妹妹们。 tendency n. 倾向;趋势c. go up 上升;增长;升起,反义词 go down The price has gone up .价格上涨了。 The sun is going up slowly in the morning .早上,太阳冉冉升起。2. result in =lead to 导致,宾语为结果result from 由-引起

22、的,宾语为原因Our efforts result in success. = Success results from our efforts .The accident resulted in two deaths. = Two deaths resulted from the accident3. oppose 反对;反抗;与某人较量oppose sth /doing sth . I oppose your opinion .我反对你的观点 To be honest ,I oppose your going there alone .老实说,我反对你单独去那儿。oppose sb . W

23、ho is opposing you in the match .谁和你比赛。opposed adj. be opposed to sth /doing sth (to为介词) I am strongly opposed to helping the young man .我强烈反对帮助那个年轻人。4 . consequence n. 结果;后果;影响 as a consequence =in consequence =as a result 结果, as a consequence of=in consequence of =as a result of 由于;因为缘故 be of much

24、 /little /no consequence很重要/几乎不重要/不重要 answer for the consequence 对后果负责 take the consequence of 承担责任5. state v.陈述;声明 state sth / state that She stated her opinion to us .她向我们声明了她的意见。He stated that the story was true .他声明这个故事是真实的。 n.状况;情况;国家In a bad state .状况不好In a good state .状况良好完成练习册导学案2-3【教总77】 第五

25、课时(Language points ) Master the usage of the useful words (1) range (2) even if (3) keep on (4) glance (5) steady Step 1 Revision (1) Check out the homework .(2) Revise the useful words learnt in the last period .1 range (1) n. (气温价格等的)幅度;(知识,知觉,听觉等的)范围;(枪,导弹等的)射程be in /with range ; 在-的范围之内be beyond

26、 /out of range 超出-的范围 The student has a very wide range of interest .那个学生兴趣广泛。 This is beyond my range of knowledge .这超出了我的知识范围。 This gun has a range of 300 meters .这支枪的射程是300米。(2) vi. 变化范围 range fromto /range betweenand 在到的范围内变化 Their ages range from 25 to 50 .他们的年龄在25岁到50岁。 The prices range betwee

27、n 100 dollars and 120 dillars 价格在100美元到120美元之间。2 . even if =even though 即使;尽管(引导让步状语从句)Even if it rains ,he will come on time .即使下雨,他还会准时来。He would not give in even if he failed .即使失败,他也不放弃。3. keep on 继续 keep on doing sth继续做某事Though it was raining ,we kept on working in the field .尽管在下雨,我们继续在地里干活。 He kept on talking af

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