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本文(电影爱丽丝梦游仙境2Alice Through the Looking Glass台词剧本中英文对照.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

电影爱丽丝梦游仙境2Alice Through the Looking Glass台词剧本中英文对照.docx

1、0,0:01:16.53,0:01:18.66先生 四面都是浅滩Sir, shoals on every side. 0,0:01:19.53,0:01:20.70不知道是沙滩还是礁石Sand or reef, I cannot say. 0,0:01:23.54,0:01:26.54船长 马来的海盗把我们围困住了Captain, the malay pirates have us cornered. 0,0:01:26.96,0:01:28.05必须弃船投降We must surrender. 0,0:01:30.67,0:01:34.34放弃我父亲的船 也不能保住你的命 费尔普斯先生Sur

2、rendering my fathers ship will not guarantee survival, Mr. Phelps. 0,0:01:42.81,0:01:44.69有浅水Shallow water. 0,0:01:44.85,0:01:46.86正前方向 满帆前进Dead ahead, full sails! 0,0:01:47.69,0:01:49.61船长 船要搁浅了Captain! The ship will run aground. 0,0:01:49.98,0:01:51.11这完全不可能Its impossible! 0,0:01:51.98,0:01:54.23没

3、有什么是不可能的 费尔普斯先生You know my views on that word, Mr. Phelps. 0,0:01:56.32,0:01:58.54满帆前进 满帆Full sails. Full sails! 0,0:01:59.70,0:02:00.87满帆 伙计们Full sails, boys. 0,0:02:01.28,0:02:02.65满帆前进Full sails! 0,0:02:07.04,0:02:08.96全力向左转 哈珀Hard to port, Harper! 0,0:02:09.63,0:02:12.63满帆向左转弯 会让我们翻船的Turning to

4、port at full sail will tip us over. 0,0:02:13.38,0:02:14.47一点没错Exactly! 0,0:02:19.34,0:02:21.84伙计们 把船帆放下来Lads, get those sails down! 0,0:02:21.93,0:02:23.81我们时间可不多啊We havent got all day! 0,0:02:29.06,0:02:30.56大家坚持住Hold on, everyone! 0,0:02:36.99,0:02:38.24水太浅了Its too shallow. 0,0:02:40.03,0:02:41.3

5、6我们必须满帆We need full sails! 0,0:02:44.08,0:02:46.50威尔 挺住 兄弟 救命-Will! Hold on, lad! -Help! 0,0:03:10.98,0:03:11.98船要翻啦Shes going over. 0,0:03:16.48,0:03:17.65挺住 伙计们Hold on, boys! 0,0:03:23.95,0:03:24.95挺住 伙计们Hold on, lads! 0,0:03:54.61,0:03:55.94船长 你成功了You did it, captain! 0,0:04:08.49,0:04:12.83战胜不可能

6、的唯一办法就是要相信凡事皆有可能The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible. 0,0:04:13.96,0:04:16.51把航线设往伦敦 哈珀Set a course for London, Harper. 0,0:04:17.63,0:04:19.63这里的任务已经完成了Our work here is done. 0,0:04:20.34,0:04:23.14拉起主桅操桁索 伙计们 我们回家啦Splice the mainbrace, lads! Were going home! 0,0:05:1

7、1.56,0:05:13.23欢迎船长上岸Captain ashore. 0,0:05:14.48,0:05:15.73船长好Captain. 0,0:05:24.40,0:05:25.40母亲Mother. 0,0:05:26.57,0:05:29.08你总算回来了Here you are. Finally. 0,0:05:29.58,0:05:30.62金斯利小姐Miss kingsleigh? 0,0:05:31.74,0:05:33.82大家等你和奇迹号已经一年了You and the wonder have been expected for over a year. 0,0:05:

8、34.00,0:05:35.21途中遇到点麻烦事 海盗之类的There were complications. 0,0:05:35.66,0:05:36.58世人皆幻影Pirates and such. 0,0:05:36.75,0:05:38.09账册在船舱里The ledgers are in my cabin. 0,0:05:38.50,0:05:41.33麻烦您转告艾斯科男爵 我想马上见他And would you please let lord ascot know i should like to see him immediately. 0,0:05:42.25,0:05:45.

9、17当你在海上的时候 艾斯科男爵已经过世了Im afraid lord ascot passed away whilst you were at sea. 0,0:05:45.59,0:05:47.09他的爵位传给了儿子继承了The titles been passed on to his son. 0,0:05:47.76,0:05:49.27海密仕 没错-Hamish? -Indeed. 0,0:05:49.76,0:05:50.88他是董事会主席Now chairman of the board. 0,0:05:52.26,0:05:53.68真是悲哀How unfortunate. 0

10、,0:06:06.78,0:06:08.79你写给我的信太少了Your letters were so infrequent. 0,0:06:09.20,0:06:11.29我简直搞不清你前后都去过哪里I hardly know where youve been all this time. 0,0:06:11.74,0:06:13.11母亲 中国真不可思议Mother, Chinas incredible. 0,0:06:13.54,0:06:15.58我们顺着长江一直深入到内陆We followed the yangtze deep into the interior. 0,0:06:16

11、.54,0:06:19.55那里大多数人从没见过黄头发的人Most of the people had never seen a person with yellow hair before. 0,0:06:19.71,0:06:21.46当时你不害怕吗 当然怕-Were you never afraid? -Of course. 0,0:06:22.88,0:06:24.59但是一想到父亲就不怕了But, when I was, I thought of father. 0,0:06:25.59,0:06:26.97你跟他可真像啊You sound just like him. 0,0:06

12、:29.72,0:06:30.77我真想他I miss him. 0,0:06:32.14,0:06:33.64我也想I do, too. 0,0:06:34.22,0:06:36.39只是这时间过得好快But the years pass quickly for me now. 0,0:06:37.39,0:06:39.43时间真是太残酷了Time is a cruel master. 0,0:06:40.40,0:06:43.36时间是小偷 还是恶棍Time is a thief. And a villain. 0,0:06:43.86,0:06:46.99听说今晚艾斯科家要举办爵位继承典

13、礼I hear the ascots are marking Hamishs succession tonight. 0,0:06:47.15,0:06:47.86太好了Perfect. 0,0:06:48.32,0:06:49.58我们可得去We should go. 0,0:06:49.74,0:06:52.29我们的邀请信就当是被邮局搞丢了吧Im afraid the invitation must have been lost in the post. 0,0:06:52.74,0:06:55.03才不是呢 艾斯科夫人以前说过 永远欢迎我们Nonsense. Lady ascot on

14、ce said we would always be welcome. 0,0:06:57.00,0:06:58.04况且我还要给海密仕提个建议Besides, I have a proposition for Hamish. 0,0:06:58.66,0:07:00.66海密仕去年结婚了 爱丽丝Hamish married last year, Alice. 0,0:07:01.04,0:07:03.08你当众拒婚的事 好像已经过去了He seems to have got over your public rejection. 0,0:07:03.25,0:07:04.50我要提的是商业建

15、议 母亲A business proposition, mother. 0,0:07:05.75,0:07:07.00你又要离开家Youre leaving again? 0,0:07:07.42,0:07:08.46这么快吗So soon? 0,0:07:10.18,0:07:13.52家里有些事情你要是能操一下心 说不定更有用There are matters here which might benefit from your attention. 0,0:07:14.01,0:07:15.34等我完成下一次航行After my next voyage. 0,0:07:15.76,0:07:17.51你就什么都不用担心了You wont have to worry about anything. 0,0:07:17.85,0:07:20.11那么今晚的事能不让我担心吗Am I permitted to worry about tonight? 0,0:07:31.53,0:07:33.50你要是穿那件黄色的连衣裙就好了I do wish youd worn that yellow dress. 0,0:07:3

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