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1、1 The vocabulary: New York City summer camp, museum2 Language: Where did you/ he /she/they go on vacation ? I /He /She/They went to the mountains.难点:Use the language to talk about past events.四、教法选择、学法指导教法:以任务型教学法为主,辅助于听说法、读写法、认知法、交际法、图片直观引导法,自主学习与合作探究法。学法:结合学生的已有的知识经验,根据教法的引导,学生也相应的采取听说与读写相结合,自主学习与

2、小组合作探究相结合,知识学习与技能培养相结合。五、资源准备录音机、磁带、课件、多媒体六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1、创设情境,导入新知。(3分钟)1Greet the Ss.2. T: Time goes by quickly. We had a t wo-month summer vacation. What did you do on your vacation?1. Greet each other.2. Answer the teachers questions.为集中学生的有意注意,调动主体参与的积极性,达到温知知新的目的,在与学生的交流中通过谈论暑假活动进

3、入到本节课的中心话题。Step 2、出示单元课题和本节课的教学目标。T: Today well talk about something happened on vacation. Ss listen出示单元课题和本节课的学习目标,使学生明白本节课要做什么,为学习过程做好心理准备。Step 3、引导观察,探究新知。Task 1Revision 11 Show the regular and irregular past tenses. 2.Cheak your pronunciation1 Read and remember2 Read correctly对动词的过去式的变化规则及其读音进行复

4、习回顾,为后面的学习做好铺垫。Task 2Revision 2 (3分钟)Play the game and find who is the fastest one ?Speak out these verbs past tenses as quickly as possible.以游戏方式设计一个竞猜活动,进一步巩固动词的过去时。Task 31a MatchingMatch the activities with the pictures (a-g)Match and read them loudly 通过这一环节引导学生熟悉本课时的重要短语,积累词汇。Task 4Game (5分钟)Che

5、ck the key words :eg:st-yed at h-me Fill in the blanks and translate each phrase 穿插一个游戏,一方面检查学生对1a中的短语的掌握,同时激发学生的学习热情,活跃课堂气氛,也帮助学生及时掌握本节课的重点短语。Task 5Look and say Show two pictures and ask , Questions:Where did they go ?Did they have a good time?Students talk about and give answers:They went to the b

6、each .Yes ,they did .从对动词过去式的变化规则复习,到兑猜游戏再到话题复习,使学生对知识的回顾有个循序渐进的过程,从而引出中心句“Where did you?”句型。Step 4 变式训练,应用新知。Free talk and pairwork (5分钟)1Show six pictures and practice conversations like this:A:Where did you go on vacation?B:I went to New York City.Did you have a good time ?Yes, I did./No ,I didnt

7、.2.Talk about the persons in 1a and make new conversations.Students talk about 通过以上环节的听说,这里继续引导学生口头操练Where did you?句型,以提高学生读和说的能力,从而学习巩固习得语言。 Task 21b Listening and pairwork (7分钟)1. Listen and number the people (1-5) in the picture 2. Pairwork to talk about the people in the picture.1. The first tim

8、e , listen ,.The second time number the pictures 2. Talk about the people in pairs.从听力上感悟“Where did you?”句型及重要的短语。再通过对话形式巩固运用,习得语言。ExerciseDo the exercise in class Fill in blanks together 课堂练习巩固本课知识。本环节通过练习题了解学生对知识的掌握情况,及时巩固学以致用。Step 5 归纳总结,内化新知。 (2分钟)1.Review the key phrases2.Review the key sentenc

9、esRead them loudly为使所学新知识尽快纳入已有的认知结构,帮助学生理清40分钟的收获,建构知识网络,小结采取学生自主小结与引导概括相合。小结中学生“谈收获、议困惑”及时梳理记忆。使学生加固知识结构,一目了然。Step 6分层作业,延伸新知。(1分钟)1. Choose 3 phrases to make conversations. 2. Write 5 things you did on your last vacation.Ss choose and do the homework.为进一步了解学生对知识的掌握情况,以便进行跟进式反馈矫正,体现面向全体、分层要求、分类指导、

10、异步达标、全员合格。根据英语课程标准建议教师把“任务型”教学活动延伸到课堂之外的学习和生活之中。针对不同学生的实际,本次节作业分为homework1 and homework 2两项作业,以适应不同层次的学生。作业a比较简单,作业b要求根据所提供的信息编一组对话,无疑是为中上等学生准备的一道丰盛的午餐。这种分层设计使每一个学生都有所获,有事做。七、板书设计go-went Where did you go on vacation?visit I went to the Where did he go on vacation?八、总结和帮助(反思及改进) Period

11、 2一、教材内容分析本节课是人教版义务教育新目标Go for it八年级上册第一单元Section A的2a-2d部分。这节课以谈论假期活动展开话题,通过这一话题的展开,引导学生复习巩固对一般过去时的理解及运用,并学习常用不定代词以及不定代词的用法。学生通过上一节课的学习,对Where引导的过去时态的特殊疑问句,已经基本掌握能口头上运用。能自然地与本课知识相衔接,让学生回忆他们的假期情况,引出一般过去时态的句型。本节课在继续巩固学习的基础上主要教学任务应该为学习Did you/ she/ he/we/they do .? 句型及其肯定和否定回答。并进一步学习How be句型。二、教学目标(知识

12、,能力,情感态度与价值观)(一)知识与技能1. Master the vocabulary: central, exam, rainy, were, relaxing, awful2. Master and use: Did you/he/she go to central park? How was your vacation? How were the beaches?3学习不定代词的用法。通过听说活动,引导学生学会谈论去哪,和谁去,去干了些什么,感觉怎么样,并初步掌握不定代词以及形容词后置修饰不定代词的用法。(三)情感态度与价值观:通过谈论国内外的名胜风景,使学生了解中国了解世界旅游文化

13、。重点:1. Language:Did you go to the beach? How was the vacation? How were the beaches? 2不定代词的初步运用。以任务型教学法为主,辅助于朗读法、启发性讲解法、听说法、读写法、认知法、交际法、图片直观引导法,自主学习与合作探究法。录音机,磁带,多媒体。Review(4分钟)1Greet Ss.2. Show pictures and practice these sentences:Wheredid you/he/she/they go on vacation?Students ask and answer in

14、pairs.为了很自然地导入到本节课的话题学习,在与学生寒喧交流之后,通过出示几组图片引导学生复习巩固句型“Where did you/he/she/they go on vacation?”和动词过去式短语。通过图片直观引导既能激发学生对对上节课的重点句型,短语进行复习再现又能导入本节课的学习。Step 2、出示单元课题和本节课的教学目标。 Today well talk about past things and do some listening practice.2d(8分钟)1. Show 3 pictures of Huangguoshu Waterfall. Ask Ss: Wh

15、at is it? Where is it?2. Introduce Huangguoshu Waterfall .3. Show the conversation.4. Ask Ss to answer the questions.5. Discuss how to use the Indefinite pronouns6. Complete the conversation with the information in 2d.7. Role-play the conversation.1.Answer the questions.2. Listen and appreciate.3. R

16、ead the conversation.4. Answer the questions.5. Discuss and summarize.6. Finish the conversation.7. Role-play the conversation. 从上一环节引导学生谈论假期游玩过的地方引入到黄果树瀑布,通过这段对话的学习,学生尝试谈论某个名胜风景,初步认识不定代词并了解不定代词的用法,再通过完成对话和角色扮演充分练习,形成语感,也为后面的学习和话题交流准备好第一手资料。2a ListeningAsk Ss to listen and complete the place.Grace N

17、ew York CityKevinthe beachJuliehomeListen twice, and then check the answers.这一环节从听力上温习句型,Where did you?学生着重注意对地点信息的捕捉。2b Listening(10分钟)1. Listen again. For each question check()“Yes, I did.”“No, I didnt”2. Lead Ss to make conversations with the information in the chart.3. Ask Ss to look at the info

18、rmation in the chart, fill in the blanks.1. Read the activities loudly first. Then check.2. Make the conversations.3. Fill in the blanks and read.通过对听力信息的捕捉与理解,感知新句型过去时的一般疑问句:Did you Yes, I did/No, I didnt.再通过把表格信息转换成对话练习形式,培养学生理解能力,同时加深对不定代词的理解与运用,在学生熟练对话的基础上再对听力内容整合,要求学生完成短文填空,这样训练不仅对听力材料进行了二次处理,同

19、时也能培养学生的综合运用能力。Pair-workThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.1. Point out the example conversation.2. Work with your partner. Make your own conversation about the pictures.1.Two students read.2.Make conversations in pairs.通过口语训练的形式引导学生练习目标语言,及时巩固学以致用。3a 3b1. Show the

20、 conversation and the words in 3a.2. Ask Ss to complete the conversation.3. Check the answer and ask Ss to read together.4. Show the letter and the words in 3b.5. Ask Ss to finish the blanks.6. Check the answers and read.7. Lead Ss to understand the meaning.Ss follow the teacher to finish 3a and 3b,

21、 then read and understand.这两部分主要针对不定代词进行练习,以对话和短文两种不同形式反复操练,使学生充分理解运用不定代词,习得巩固语言。Summarize and read them aloudMake a survey:1.Ask and write: Ask your group questions in the box, and write down the information. 2. Report like this: In our group, everyone ate something special at a restaurant. 作业a比较简单

22、,作业b要求根据所调查的信息写一份报告,无疑是为中上等学生准备的一道丰盛的午餐。让每一个学生“跳一跳,够的着”,避免 “一刀切、一锅煮”现象,体现新课程的理念尊重学生的个体差异。swimswam Did you go to Central Park? anything specialstudystudied Yes, I did. anyone interestingam/iswas How was your bus trip?arewere It was relaxing.Period 3 本节课是人教版义务教育新目标Go for it八年级上册第一单元Section B的1a-1e部分。S

23、ection B第一课时的内容既是对Section A中How be句型学习的延伸,同时也是对Section A中句型的归纳总结。如1a、1b中增加了新的形容词:delicious,expensive,crowded等。继续用how be句型来谈论对服装价钱,食物好坏等的看法。此外,2a、2b听力完全是对Where did you go ? Did you go ? How was / were 句型的总结训练。所以说,本单元的第三课时新内容较少,以谈论假期活动展开话题,更侧重于对前面知识的复习巩固,增加表达对事物的看法及感受。1. Master the vocabulary : delici

24、ous, awful, expensive, crowded. 2.Master and use :Where did Vera go on vacation? Did Vera like the vacation? How were the stores? They were very expensive.(二)过程与方法:通过学习使学生掌握一定的听说策略,并能正确得体地运用相关形容词描述假期活动,表达自己的感受或对事物的看法。(三)情感态度价值观:教育学生热爱生活,积极参与班集体活动。1. The vocabulary :delicious , awful , expensive , inexpensive. 2. Language : Where did you / they / he / she go on vacation? I / They / He / She went to Japan. How were the museums / people / stores? They were crowded / friendly / expensive?Use the language to talk

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