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1、Cuisine 烹饪Curry 咖喱Fried rice 炒饭Plain rice 白饭Crispy rice 锅巴Porridge 粥Casserole 砂锅Hot pot 火锅Preserved bean curd 腐乳Bean curd 豆腐Fermented blank bean 豆豉Pickled cucumbers 酱瓜Preserved egg 皮蛋Salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋Dried turnip 萝卜干Crab meat 蟹肉Prawn 明虾Conch 海螺Escargots 食用蜗牛Specialty 招牌菜西餐:Menu 菜单French cuisine 法国

2、菜Todays special 今日特餐Chefs special 主厨特餐Buffet 自助餐Fast food 快餐Continental cuisine 欧式西餐Aperitif 开胃酒Dim sum 点心French fries 炸薯条Pudding 布丁Pastries 甜点Pickled vegetables 泡菜Kimchi 韩国泡菜Braised beef 炖牛肉Bacon 熏肉Poached egg 荷包蛋Sunny side 煎一面荷包蛋Double side 煎两面荷包蛋Fried egg 煎蛋Over easy 煎半熟蛋Over hard 煎全熟蛋Sramble egg

3、s 炒蛋Boiled egg 煮蛋Stone fire pot 石头火锅Roast meat 铁板烤肉Sashimi 生鱼片Butter 黄油Mustard 芥末Breakfast 早餐Lunch 午餐Brunch 早午餐Supper 晚餐Dinner 正餐Ham and egg 火腿肠Buttered toast 奶油土司Cheese cake 酪饼Pancake 薄烤饼Sandwich 三明治White bread 白面包Brown bread 黑面包French roll 小型法式面包Appetizer 开胃菜Green salad 蔬菜沙拉Onion soup 洋葱汤Potage 法国

4、浓汤Corn soup 玉米浓汤Minestrone 蔬菜通心粉汤Ox tail soup 牛尾汤Fried chicken 炸鸡Roast chicken 烤鸡Steak 牛排Filet steak 菲力牛排Sirloin steak 西冷牛排Club steak 小牛排Well done 全熟Medium 五分熟Rare 三分熟常见饮料与酒水:Beverages 饮料Soya-bean milk 豆浆Syrup of plum 酸梅汤Tomato juice 番茄汁Orange juice 橘子汁Coconut milk 椰子汁Asparagus juice 芦荟汁Grapefruit j

5、uice 葡萄柚汁Vegetable juice 蔬菜汁Ginger ale 姜汁Sarsaparilla 沙士Soft drink 汽水Black tea 红茶Jasmine tea 茉莉(香片)Tea bag 茶包Lemon tea 柠檬茶Honey 蜂蜜Soda water 苏打水Ice water 冰水Mineral water 矿泉水Distilled water 蒸馏水Condensed milk 炼乳;炼奶Cocoa 可可Coffee mate 奶精Coffee 咖啡Iced coffee 冰咖啡Coffee with milk 牛奶咖啡Black coffee 纯咖啡Ice-c

6、ream cone 甜筒Sundae 圣代Ice-cream 雪糕Vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋popsicle 冰棒Milk-shake 奶昔Beer 啤酒Draft beer 生啤酒Black beer 黑啤酒Canned beer 罐装啤酒Red wine 红葡萄酒White wine 白葡萄酒Gin 金酒Brandy 白兰地Whisky 威士忌Vodka 伏特加On the rocks 酒加冰块Rum 兰姆酒Champagne 香槟Sake 日本米酒常见水果:Pineapple 凤梨Watermelon 西瓜Papaya 木瓜Chestnut 栗子Coconut 椰子T

7、angerine 橘子Mandarin orange 柑橘Sugar-cane 甘蔗Muskmelon 香瓜Juice peach 水蜜桃Pear 梨子Peach 桃子Carambola 杨桃Cherry 樱桃Persimmon 柿子Apple 苹果Mango 芒果Fig 无花果Aalmond 杏仁Plum 李子Honey-dew melon 哈密瓜Loquat 枇杷Olive 橄榄常见中餐小吃:Steamed bread 馒头Rice noodles 米粉Fried rice noodles 河粉Noodles 面条Instinct noodles 速食面Spring roll 春卷Frie

8、d dumpling 锅贴Rice glue ball 元宵Glue pudding 汤圆Millet congee 小米粥Steamed dumpling 蒸饺Wonton 馄饨Meat bun 肉包子Shao-mai 烧麦烹调术语:Boiled 水煮Stewed 炖 焖Casserole 砂锅, 煲Quick boil 汆Stewed in gravy 卤Simmered 煨 Braised 焖Deep-fried 炸Double-cooked 回锅Steamed 蒸Braising with soy sauce 红烧Barbecued 烧烤Fried 炒Pan-fried 煎Stir-f

9、ried 爆炒Grill 扒Roasted 烧腊Saut 油泡Scalded 白灼味道:Milder 味道淡Hot 辣的Spicy 辛辣,香Salty 咸的Crisp 松脆的Light 清淡的Heavy 味重的Insipid 无味的Tough 老的Tender 嫩的Sour 酸的Bitter 苦的Greasy 油腻的Sweet 甜的Rich 味浓的Stimulant 刺激的Pungent 刺激的Tasteless 淡的Acrid 涩的Starchy 糊的1.2餐厅员工实用句子篇1.2.1电话预订(Taking a Telephone Reservation)1 询问客人信息(1) How ma

10、ny people are there in your party? (Table for.)请问您一共几位?(2) A party of four. 共有4位。(3) When should we expect you, sir? 先生,请问您什么时间光临?(4) At what time would you like your table? 您想订什么时间的餐位?(5) Id like a table by the window. 我想要一张靠窗边的座位。(6) May I have your name, please? 请您告诉我您的姓名好吗?(7) Under what name is

11、 this booking made, sir? 先生,请问这个预订记在谁的名下?(8) Would you please spell it for me, sir? 请您拼一下姓名,先生。(9) May I have you contact number, please? 请问您的联系电话号码是多少?(10) May I repeat it for you? 我在为您重复一下好吗?(11) Is there anything special? 您是否还有其它要求?(12) Do you like the table in the hall or a private room? 您希望订在大厅

12、还是包间?2 介绍餐厅情况(1) Were open around the clock. /Were open 24 hours 我们全天营业。(2) Were open from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 a.m. 我们营业从早上10点至第二天凌晨2点。(3) There is no corkage fee for brought in liquors 自带酒水是不收开瓶费的。(4) There is corkage free for brought in liquors 自带酒水是要收开瓶费的。(5) There isnt a minimum charge for a p

13、rivate room from 14:00 to 15:30 下午2点至3点半包间不设最低消费。(6) We shall keep your table for fifteen minutes 我们将为您保留餐位15分钟3 确认及更改预订(1) I would like to confirm my reservation for tomorrow night, please. 我想确认明天晚上的订座。(2) Your reservation is for the Xijiangyue Room at 6:30 this evening. What else may I help you wi

14、th? 您今晚6点半预订本餐厅的“西江月”包间,请问是否有什么变更?(3) Your room is confirmed. 您的预订已得到确认(4) When did you make the reservation? 您什么时候预订的?(5) In whose name was the reservation made? 这项预订是用谁的名字订的?(6) Id like to change my reservation from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 我想把预订从晚上6点到7点。(7) Well change the reservation for you. 我们会为

15、您更改预订的。(8) Id like to change / cancel a reservation. 我要更改 / 取消一项预订。4 无法满足预订要求(1) Im sorry. Our restaurant is fully booked at that time. 对不起,我们餐厅在那个时间段的座位都已经满了。(2) Im sorry. The tables by the windows are all occupied 对不起,靠近窗户的桌子全都有人了。(3) Sorry, we do not have reservation service today, because we hav

16、e a banquet service tonight. 对不起,因为承接了晚上的宴会服务,我们今天不对外预订。(4) Sorry, we do not have reservation service for morning tea. 对不起,早茶不设订座服务。(5) Sorry, but there is only one table left that seats six people. 对不起,但是只有一张6人桌了。5 外买服务(1) We will it to you in half an hour / at 12:大概半小时send /12点半就可以送到您那儿.(2) Ive be

17、en waiting for more than an hour. Wheres the food? 我已经等了一个多小时了,我的订餐怎么还没有送到啊.(3) The delivery man left ten minutes ago. Hell be at your house any minutes now 送餐员已经在十分钟前出发了,他很快就要到了.(4) I ordered beef with tomato but I receive BBQ pork. 我订了番茄牛肉,但是你们送来的却是叉烧肉.(5) Im sorry. We will make another beef with

18、tomato and deliver to you immediately 非常抱歉.我们马上再做一份番茄牛肉给您送过去.电话英语服务礼仪:1 铃声三声之内接起电话。使用标准服务用语,Good morning / afternoon / evening. This is Xxx Restaurant XX speaking. May I help you? (早上好 / 午安 / 晚上好! xxx餐厅, 我是XX, 请问有什么可以为您效劳?)2 超过三声应向客人致歉, Sorry to have kept you waiting. (对不起, 让您久等了.)3 尽量不要让客人空等电话。需要查询

19、时, 询问客人是等候还是在特定时间打回电话。Please hung on a minute. Ill check it for you. (我帮您查一下,请稍等。) Would you like wait a moment or let me call you back later? (请问您是稍等, 还是待会儿我打回电话给您?4 信息记录完成后向客人复述一次, May I repeat your orders for you? (我重复您的订单好吗?) 然后请客人确认, 并再次询问客人还有什么补充的。Its there anything else?5 听不懂或者听不清时,应请客人重复。 So

20、rry, I cant follow up, could you repeat it? (抱歉,没有跟上,请您再说一次。)或者请经理来听 Could you wait a second, Ill ask our manager to talk with you. ( 您稍等好吗?我请经理来和您说。) 千万不要瞎猜,以免误会客人的意思。6 接打电话时要保持正确的姿势,集中精力回答电话,不能一边吃东西一边讲电话;说话的时候要慢而清晰,并始终保持微笑。7 通话结束,无论是否达成或预订都应礼貌地向客人致谢, Thank you for calling. We look forward to havin

21、g you with us. (谢谢您致电本店, 希望能够再次为您服务!预订登记要素:客人基本信息客人姓名 (Guest Name)登记编号 (Code)联系电话 (Tel Number) 联系地址 (Address)就餐人数 (Number of Guest)预订就餐时间 (Sit-down Time) 客人要求所须餐位 (Table) 或包间 (Private room) 的种类及数量 (Type & Number)价格标准 (Price Standard)菜品及酒水要求 (Menu)餐厅布置 (Decorations)1.2.2迎送客人、引座(Greeting, Farewell & L

22、eading)1 问候和道别(1) Welcome to Xxx restaurant! (Xxx) 欢迎光临xxx!(2) We are expecting you. (We are looking forward you) 我们正恭候您的光临。(3) Please come again! 欢迎再次光临!(4) Have a nice evening, sir? (Have a nice day!Have a nice weekend! 祝您有一个愉快的夜晚! 愉快的一天!愉快的周末!(5) Hope to see you again! 希望很快能再见到您。(6) Please take a

23、ll your belongings. 请带齐您的物品。2 引导(1) This way, please. 这边请。(2) Ill show you to your table. 我带您入座.(3) Please follow me. 请跟我来。(4) Do you have a reservation? 请问您有预订吗?(5) Where would you like to sit? 您喜欢哪个位置?(6) What / How about this table? 这张台怎么样?(7) Are you expecting anyone? 请问还有客人要来吗?(8) Please be sea

24、ted. 请就座!(9) Would you mind sharing the table with another guest? 请问您是否介意和其他客人。(10) Shall I put the two tables together? 我将两张台拼在一起, 如何?3 请客人稍等(1) Do you mind waiting for a moment? 您是否介意稍等一下?(2) We can seat you in 20 minutes. 20分钟后就能安排您入座。(3) Im sorry, the restaurant is full now. 对不起, 现在餐厅已经满座。(4) Il

25、l call you as soon as the table is available. 只要一有空桌,我立即通知您。(5) We have a table for you now, sir. 先生, 现在有空桌了。(6) We are sorry for the delay. 非常抱歉耽误了您的时间。4 拒绝不受欢迎的客人(1) Im sorry, our restaurant is full now.(2) Im sorry, a private party is being held. 对不起,我们餐厅正在举行私人宴会。1.2.3受理点菜(Taking Orders)1 写菜单(1)

26、Here is the menu, sir. 这是菜单,先生。(2) The waiter will be here to take your order. 服务员一会儿过来为您点菜。(3) Please take your time. 请慢慢选择。(4) May I take your order now? 先生,现在可以点菜了吗?(5) Are you ready to order or just a minute? 请问您是现在点菜还是等一会儿?(6) Are you allergic to any particular food, sir? 先生,请问您对某些食物过敏吗?(7) How would you like your.? 您喜欢怎么样做您点的?(8) Would you like table dhote, or a la carte?

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