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1、ABIKE & WALKING TOURS of BOSTONCity View Tour 2.5 hours long Daily at 10am and 2pm Most popular Boston bike tour! Riding on city streets Departure: 103 Atlantic Ave (Bostons North End)The City View Tour covers most of the City of Boston. This tour will take you through 6 different neighborhoods, and

2、 countless historical and cultural sites throughout the city.Tour operator: Urban Adven ToursTour de Boston Daily at 2pm Ride along the Charles River on bike paths 103 Atlantic Ave (North End)The Tour de Boston is a family-friendly tour for families with young children or those who are not as comfor

3、table on a bicycle. This route is almost entirely on bike paths along the Charles River.Boston Movie Mile Walking Tour 1.5 hours long Thu & Sun at 12pm Sit on the famous park benches from TedandGood Will Hunting 139 Tremont Street (Boston)The Boston Movie Mile Tour will start at the Old Town Trolley

4、 Stop Store, and into the beautiful neighborhood of Beacon Hill. Aptly nicknamed The Movie Mile, Beacon Hill is the most filmed area of Boston. Movie locations seen on this tour include The Thomas Crown Affair, Parent Trap, The Real World, The Departed, Boondock Saints ! On Location Tours Boston1.If

5、 Miss Li is planning to take the Urban Adven Tours, she will start from_. A City of Boston B North End C Beacon Hill D 103 Atlantic Ave2.When you go on the movie tour, how many movie locations will you see? A. 5 B. 6 C.7 D. 83. The information above may come from a _. A. driving school B. travel ser

6、vice C. sports center D. bus station BSo many of us hold on to little complaints that may have come from an argument, a misunderstanding, the way we were raised, or some other painful events. Stubbornly, we wait for someone else to reach out to usbelieving this is the only way we can forgive or reki

7、ndle a friendship or family relationship.A friend of mine, recently told me that she hadnt spoken to her son in almost three years. She said that she and her son had had a disagreement about his wife and that she wouldnt speak to him again unless he called first. When I suggested that she be the one

8、 to reach out, she said, “I cant do that. Hes the one who should apologize.” After a little gentle encouragement, however, she did decide to be the first one to reach out. To her amazement, her son was grateful for her willingness to call and offered an apology of his own. As is usually the case whe

9、n someone takes the chance and reaches out, everyone wins.Whenever we hold on to our anger, we turn “small stuff(问题)” into really “big stuff” in our minds. We start to believe that our positions are more important than our happiness. They are not. If you want to be a more peaceful person you must un

10、derstand that being right is almost never more important than allowing yourself to be happy. The way to be happy is to let go, and reach out. Let other people be right. This doesnt mean that youre wrong. Everything will be fine. Youll experience the peace of letting go, as well as the joy of letting

11、 others be right.Youll also notice that, as you reach out and let others be “right,” they will become less defensive and more loving toward you. They might even reach back. But, if for some reason they dont, thats okay too. Youll have the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your part to

12、 create a more loving world, and certainly youll be more peaceful yourself.4The underlined word “rekindle” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”Arecover BdevelopCaccept Dreplace5In the authors opinion, we hold on to our anger often because we think _.Awe can turn small issues into big onesBour positions

13、 are higher than othersCour own opinions matter mostDothers will be less defensive 6The best thing to do after a quarrel is to _.Alet go of our own rightsBrealize that you are wrongCexpect others to give inDapologize to others first7What would be the best title for the passage?ABe Peaceful BReach Ou

14、t and GiveCSmall and Big Stuff DEnjoy Your Friendship CThe number of American students who learned a language other than English decreased by about 100,000 between 2009 and 2013. For many, taking a class in economics might seem more beneficial than a French course. But is it real?The Chinese dialect

15、s combined already have more native speakers than any other language, followed by Hindi and Urdu. English comes next with 527 million native speakers. Arabic is spoken by nearly 100 million more native speakers than Spanish, which has 389 million speakers.Which languages will dominate the future? Pr

16、edictions vary, depending on your location and purpose.You want to make money in growth markets? These will be your languages.A recent UK.focused report features languages spoken in the socalled BRIC countriesBrazil, Russia, India, Chinathat are usually known as the worlds biggest emerging economies

17、. Hindi, Bengali, Urdu and Indonesian will control much of the business world by 2050, followed by Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Russian. If you want to get the most money out of your language course, studying one of the languages listed above is probably a safe bet.You want to speak to as many pe

18、ople as possible? How about Chinese, Spanish or French?1Chinese. Although Chinese has three times more native speakers than English, its still not as evenly spread over the world. Moreover, Chinese is rarely used in sciences and difficult to read and write.2. Spanish. Spanish makes up for a lack of

19、native speakerscompared with Chinaby being particularly popular as a second language, taught in schools around the world.3. French. French has lost grounds in some regions and especially in Europe in the last decades. French, however, could gain influence again if west Africa where it is frequently

20、spoken were to become more politically stable and economically attractive.8How many native speakers of Arabic are there?A100 million. B389 million.C489 million. D527 million.9Those who want to make money in growth market might be more interested in _.ASpanish, Arabic and ChineseBBengali, Urdu and In

21、donesianCPortuguese, German and FrenchDJapanese, Italian and Chinese10What do we know about Spanish from the passage?AIt is learnt mostly by themselves.BIts popular as a second language.CIt is widely spoken by native speakers.DIt will be spoken most in the business world11Whats the authors attitude

22、towards foreign language learning?AFavorable. BNegative. CDoubtful. DNeutral.D According to a survey, only 4% of the people in the world are left-handed. Why? One theory centers on the two halves of the brain. For example, the left half and the right half, each of which functions differently. Medica

23、l science believes that the left half of the brain dominates over the right half. The foundation of this theory is the fact that nerves from the brain cross over at neck-level to the opposite side of the body, and nerves from the other side of the brain reciprocate (互换). The end result is that the o

24、pposite sides of the body are controlled by the opposite sides of the brain. The dominant left half of the brain, which kindly supplies the right half of the body, theoretically makes it more skillful in reading, writing, speaking, and working, and makes most people right-handed. Lefties, however, w

25、hose right half of the brain dominates, work best with the left side of their bodies. Theory number two focuses on the asymmetrical nature of the body. Examples of the asymmetry, which flows from head to toe, are that the right side of our faces differs slightly from the left, that our legs differ i

26、n strength, or that our feet vary in size. One aspect of this asymmetry is that for most people the right hand is stronger than the left. There is no doubt that all exist in a “right-handed society”, which produces most basics, including scissors, doorknobs, locks, screwdrivers, automobiles, buttons

27、 on clothing, and musical instruments for the 96%. Left-handed people make up for the unfairness by being members of an elite (精英) society, which includes many of the greatest geniuses, including Michelangelo and Leonardo Davinci.12. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage

28、?A. Left-handed people are better at speaking B. Left-handed people are believed to have stronger left halves of the brains C. Right-handed people work best with the right side of their bodies D. Right-handed people are cleverer than left-handed people 13. Which of the words or phrases is closest in

29、 meaning to the word “asymmetrical”? A. not balanced B. valuable C. not typical D. negative14. What can be inferred from the passage?A. This is an equal society for the left-handed peopleB. Most great geniuses are left-handed C. Left-handed people are considered to be disabled D. Left-handed people

30、may feel inconvenient in this right-handed society 15. Whats the best title for the passage?A. Which proves to be the better way to live, right-handed or left-handed?B. How do left-handed people differ from right-handed ones?C. Are left-handed people equally treated in society?D. Why are some people left-handed?第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Everyone faces problems in his/her daily life._16_Dont worry. As long as you are breathing, you can solve problems. Be aware of problem. First of all, it is important to know and understand the problem cl

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