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大学英语综合教程教案Book 1 Unit 3Word格式文档下载.docx

1、-a likely topic for investigation前景可观的调查主题-likely young men有希望的青年人 II) ad. probably (often preceded by “most”, “more than”, or “very”. You dont use it as an ad. on its own.)可能-It is reported that another sandstorm will very likely come in the next 24 hours.-We will most likely stay home during the S

2、pring Festival.3.privileged: a. (修饰人) having a special advantage有特权的-the privileged classes (those who enjoy the advantages of the best education, of wealth, and secure social position)特权阶级-be privileged to attend the party有幸参加那宴会privilege: I) n. (c) the right or advantage available only to a person

3、, class or rank, or the holder of a certain position, etc特权,特惠-the privileges of birth (e. g., the privileges that come because one is born into a wealthy family 与生俱来的特权(如因生于富家)-enjoy privileges (享受特权或优惠)-grant sb. the privilege of doing sth. II) vt. 给予特权(或优惠)4.minority: n. (c) the smaller number or

4、 part; small racial, religious, etc. group in a community, nation, etc.少数,少数民族, 少数宗教等 -be in a/the minority (be in the smaller of two groups) 于(两个团体中的)较小团体,是少数派minor: a. 1) smaller, less important较小的,次要的-minor repairs小修理-minor injures 轻伤-play a minor part in the play在剧中担任次要角色 2) comparatively unimpo

5、rtant 比较不重要的-the minor planets 小行星-minor poets不太重要的诗人-majority without: (及,不及)manage to survive, continue, or succeed although you do not have sth. you need, want, or usu. have没有而设法对付过去;不用,不吃,不要-Youll have to do without your dinner if you dont get back in time.-Can you do without tobacco

6、for a week?-I cant afford a car, so I guess Ill have to do without.6.highly: ad. 1) (多修饰p.p.或adj.) very; to a high level or standard 很,非常; 高度-Mr. Smith was a highly successful salesman.-It seems highly likely that she will take the job.-highly pleased/interesting/enjoyable-The Chinese were a highly

7、civilized people long before Europeans were.-the highly developed industrial life-Most of the people present at the meeting are highly educated women.-The chairman of the department was the most highly paid member of faculty. 2) (和praise, speakof, think of等动词连用) to a high level or standard 很高,高度,很好,

8、 非常-The publishers had praised his novel pretty highly.-I have always thought very highly of him.-Very likely you will disapprove highly of what I have done.-They spoke very highly of him.-I recommend this game highly.7.risky: a. full of danger; full of the possibility of failure, loss, etc.危险的;有风险的

9、8.nasty: a. very unpleasant; dirty; disgusting令人难受的;脏的;令人厌恶的9. brutish: a.野兽般的,野蛮的9.anyway: ad. (used to change the subject of a conversation or to support an idea or argument) anyhow不管怎么说-A: “Ive got a terrible cold.”B: “Have you? Oh, hear. Anyway, so youre no going to go away this weekend?”-We oug

10、ht to spend less on the defense missiles, which I think are pretty useless anyway.-Anyway, I wouldnt let any trouble come to you.-Thats not my fault, anyway.10.put/turn the clock back: return to a situation that used to exist, usually because the present situation is unpleasant把时钟往回拨, 使时间倒转,回溯,倒退,开倒

11、车-The employment bill in which women are not allowed to take jobs will put the clock back fifty years.-Forget all about it and look to the future; you cant turn the clock back.11.cut off: 1) (+sth.) stop providing (sth.); remove (sth.) by cutting切断,中断;切下,剪下 -Water and electricity supplies in the cit

12、y have been cut off because of the American air attacks.-Their phone has been cut off because they havent paid the bill. 2) (+sb./sth.) 隔绝,挡住-We were cut off by the tide and had to be rescued by boat.-The floods cut us off from out homes.-The woods cut off the view.-The village was cut off by the sn

13、ow for more than a month. 3) (+sb.) 使电话中断-We were cut off in the middle of our (telephone) conversation.-The telephone operator cut us off before we had finished our conversation.13. competition: n.竞争,比赛14. bring about: make (sth.)happen引起,导致,致使-bring about a war/reform/sb.s ruin (引起战争,导致改革,致使某人破产)-

14、Some educators are hoping to bring about major changes in the educational system.15. technology: n. (u) 技术16. moreover: ad. in addition to what has been said; further; beside而且,再者-Local people would like a new road. Moreover, there are good economic reasons for building one.-She saw that there was a

15、 man immediately behind her. Moreover he was observing her strangely.17. inquiring: a. showing an interest in knowing about things 好问的,爱探索的,带有疑问的-an inquiring mind (showing a desire to learn喜爱探讨的精神)-inquiring looks (好奇的表情)-He looked at his father with inquiring eyes.inquire: v. (= enquire)(+sth. (of

16、 sb.); +about sth.; +wh-clause) ask; seek information by questioning问;询问;查问-inquire a persons name-I rang up to inquire about train times.-inquire what a person wants/where to stay/how to do sth-“Is something wrong?” he inquired.inquire about (sb./sth.): 问,打听(某事或某人的情况)inquire after (sb./sth.): ask a

17、bout (sb. health, welfare) 问候-inquire after sbs healthinquire for (sth./sb.): ask for (goods in a shop), ask to see (sb.) 查询(商店中的货物),设法买到;求见某人-inquire for a book in a shop 在一店中查询一书inquire into (sth.): look into 调查,了解,追究inquire sth. of sb. 向某人问某事18. global: a. worldwide, of the whole earth世界的,全球的19.

18、suppress:vt. keep from appearing; put an end to the activity or existence of 抑制;压制,镇压,取缔,制止-suppress ones feeling/fear/ a laugh/anger-suppress the slave trade (制止奴隶贩卖)-suppress the revolt/rebel/movements20. initiative: n. (u) the ability to make decisions and take action without waiting for sb. to t

19、ell you what to do首/开创精神;主动;进取心-I wish my son would show/have/display a bit more initiative.act/do sth. on ones own initiative: act/do sth. without an order or suggestion from others 主动地做某事-The workers are able to solve the problems on their own initiative.have the initiative: be in the position to

20、make the first move, e.g. in a war处于主动的地位(如在战争中)take the initiative (in doing sth.): be the first person to take action to improve a situation or relationship, esp. when other people are waiting for sb. else to do sth. 采取初步行动 -Why dont you take the initiative and arrange a meeting? -Dont stand aroun

21、d waiting for someone else to take the initiative?21. inventiveness: n.发明才能,创造力22. slow down: (不及,及) become slower, or make sb. or sth. slower; make slower减慢,(让)某人工作、生活不要过于紧张-It seems likely that the economy will slow down over the next twelve months.-There is no cure for the disease, although drugs

22、 can slow down its rate of development.-The driver slowed the bus down when he saw a boy standing in the road.-If I could find some way of slowing my father down I would; hes taking on far too much work.23. rate: n. (c) 1) the speed at which sth. happens over a period of time速度-walk at a/the rate of

23、 3 miles an hour-The rate at which hair grows can be very slow.-The worlds forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thought. 2) a certain amount of one thing considered in relation to a unit of another thing 比率;率-the birth/marriage/death/divorce rate -Businesses (商店,商行) are c

24、losing all over that country at a rate of fifty a week.-rate of exchange (relationship between two currencies (两种货币间的兑换率,外汇比价)at any rate: in any case; whatever happens在任何情况下,不管怎样-At any rate, I shall do all I can to help this/that rate: if this/that is true, if we may assume that this/that i

25、s the case; if this/that state of affairs continues如果这样的话,如果这样继续下去-At this rate we wont be able to afford a holiday.-At that rate, he ought soon to be here.24. ensure: vt. 1) (+sth.; +that-clause) make sure保证,确保-ensure success/safety-This new treaty will ensure peace.-Come early to ensure that you g

26、et a seat. 2) (+sb. sth.; +sth. to sb.) secure; assure使一定得到-This medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep.-These documents ensure to you the authority you need.ensure (sb.) against sth.: make safe使不受,防止-We ensured (ourselves) against possible disappointment.25. democratic: a. 民主的26. informed: a.

27、 having or showing knowledge; knowledgeable有知 识的,了解情况的;明智的; 见闻广的; 有见识的-an informed mind见闻广博的人-People are much better informed since the advent of the computer.自从电脑问世以来人们的消息灵通得多了。 -informed sources/a well-informed man消息灵通人士-an informed opinion基于可靠信息做出的见解;明达的见解-informed public opinion明达的舆论-the informe

28、d consumer有知识的消费者-Science is now enabling us to make more informed (明智的) choices about how we use common drugs. inform: vt. tell (used in the patterns: inform sb. of/about sth., inform sb. that clause, inform sb.) (It is a fairly formal word. In conversation you usually use tell.) 告诉,通知-They informed us of their arrival

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