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1、 (在构词过程中,我们要注意到活跃性和边缘性问题。必须记住,规则都有例外。) 1. Affixation (词缀法) Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-form or derivational affixes to stems. This process is also known as derivation, for new words created in this way are derived from old forms. The words formed in this

2、way are called derivatives. According to the positions which affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subclasses: prefixation and suffixation. 1) Prefixation (前缀法) Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the

3、stem but only modify its meaning. However, present-day English finds an increasing number of class-changing prefixes, for example: asleep, alike, alive (a- + v. adj.) a- ( in, to, at, on) encourage, entrain, endanger (en- + n. v.) en- (to put or get into) enlarge, enrich, enable (en- + adj. v.) en-

4、(to cause to be) belittle, becalm (be- + adj. v.) bedazzle, bewitch (be- + n. v.) be-(to make, to cause to be ) deplane, detrain (de- + n. v. ) de- (to get off) postwar, postliberation (post- + n. adj.) post- (after, later than) inter-laboratory, intercollege (inter- + n. adj. ) inter- (between, amo

5、ng) These make up only an insignificant number in the huge contemporary vocabulary. The majority of prefixes are characterized by their non-class changing nature. Their chief function is to change meanings of the stems. Accordingly, we shall classify prefixes on a semantic basis into nine groups.1)

6、Negative prefixesPrefixationv Orderv Literatev Symmetryv Governmental v Relevantv Productivev Believable v Vulnerablev Sanev Related v Alignedv Maturev Disorderv Illiteratev Asymmetryv Nongovernmental v Irrelevantv Unproductivev Unbelievable v Invulnerablev Insanev Unrelatedv Nonalignedv Immature Of

7、 this group, un- is by far the most productive and can usually replace in- or dis- with adjectives for actual use as in unreplaceable, unmovable for irreplaceable and immovable.2) Reversative Prefixesv Centralizev Planev Infectv Zip v Regulatev Possessv Pollute v Decentralizev Deplanev Disinfect v U

8、nzip v Deregulatev Dispossess v Depollute 3) Pejorative prefixesv 4) Prefixes of degree or sizev Computerv Criticalv Consciousv Naturalv Sensitivev Simplev Numberv Statementv culturev Minicomputerv Ultracritic /hypercriticv Subconsciousv Supernaturalv Hypersensitive/ultrasensitivev Oversimplev Outnu

9、mberv Understatementv Subculture5) Prefixes of orientation and attitudev 6) Locative prefixesv Prefixationv Viewv Conferencev Continentalv Groundv Castv Specificv Racialv Shore v Interviewv teleconferencev Intercontinentalv Foregroundv Telecast v Transpacificv Transracial v Foreshorev 7) Prefixes of

10、 time and orderv 8) Number prefixes Miscellaneous prefixes: auto (self):autobiography, autonomy, autonym. v noe- (new): neoclassicism, neologism, neonatal (初生的)v pan- (all): pan- European, panacea (万灵药), panorama (全景,全图).v vice- (in place of): vice-president, vice- minister, vice-govemor 副州长 2) Suff

11、ixation 后缀法 Suffixation is the formation of words by adding suffixes to stems. Suffixes are of two kinds: class changing and class maintaining. Class-changing suffixes change the word class of the word to which they are added, e.g. ity in electricity. Class-maintaining suffixes do not change the wor

12、d class but changes the meaning of the derivative, e.g hood in boyhood. Unlike prefixes, most of the English suffixes are class-changing.Suffixationv The classification of suffixes Since suffixes mainly change the word class, we shall group suffixes on a grammatical basis intov 1) noun suffixes v 2)

13、 adjective suffixesv 3) adverb suffixesv 4) verb suffixesv 1) Noun suffixes Noun suffixes may be subdivided into the following five kinds.v Denominal nouns (来自名词的名词)v Deverbal nouns(来自动词的名词)v De-adjectival nouns(来自形容词的名词)v Noun and adjective suffixes v 2) Adjective Suffixesv 3) Adverb Suffixesv 4) V

14、erb suffixesv Fa lsev Sterilev Intensev Fatv Horrorv Memoryv Apologyv Falsifyv Sterilizev Intensifyv Fattenv Horrifyv Memorizev ApologizeSome modern affixesv 1. Mega-(very large)v Megacity特大城市v Megadestruction大毁灭v Megagame大赛v Megastructure超级建筑v Megarich十分富有v Megaversity超级大学v 2.Cyber-(automatic/compu

15、terized)v Cyberculture电脑化文化/电脑化社会v Cyberbrain电脑v Cyberart电脑艺术/计算机技术v Cyber-security 网络安全v Cyber-space网络虚拟空间v Cyber-privacy网络隐私v Cyber-sex网络色情v Cyber-punk网络高手v cyberfiction网络小说v 3.Hyper-(super/too much)v Hypermedia超媒体v Hyperlinks超级链接v Hyperfriction过度摩擦v Hyperslow极缓慢的v Hyperverbal说话过多的v Hyperaccess超级访

16、问软件v Hypertext超文本v 4. Info- (information)v Infotech信息技术v Infocenter信息中心v Infotainment信息娱乐节目v Infomercial信息商业化的/商业信息片v 5. nano- (one billionth)v Nanotech纳米技术v Nanofabrication纳米加工v Nanocomputer超高速电脑v 6.techno- (technology)v Technomania技术热v Technophobia恐技术症v Technocracy专家政治、技术专家治国制度v techno-centric 以技术

17、为中心的v 7. tele- (long-distance transfer/television)v Telead电话约定广告v Telebanking电脑化银行业务v Telebus电话叫车/租车v Telecenter远程计算中心v Tele-education远程教育v 8. E- (electronic)v E-mail电子邮件v E-text电子文本v E-zine电子杂志v E-cash电子货币v 9. Of- (office)v Oftel办公电话v Oflot公司内部停车场地v Ofbank银行办事处v 10. -bot (robot)v Knowbot智力机器人v Mobo

18、t移动机器人v Microbot微型机器人v 11. size (measurements)v Downsize缩小v Upsize放大v Rightsize按比例制作v life-size 按实物大小制作v 12. nick (以.为特征的人;参加. 的人)v Earthnick 地球人v Computernick 电脑迷v Peacenick追求和平者v Jobnick 工作迷v No-goodnick 不怀好意者v 13.-centric (of the center/takingas the center)v Male-centric以男士为主的v Net-Centric War 网络

19、中心战v IBM compatible-centric以销售IBM兼容机为主的User-centric以用户为中心的v 14. ware (articles of the same kind)v Glassware玻璃器皿v Soft/hardware软/硬件v Middleware中间设备v Silverware银器v Warehouse仓库v 15.franken- (转基因的;经过基因工程的)v Frankenfruit 转基因水果v Frankenfood 转基因食品v Frankenplant 转基因植物 2. Compounding (复合法/合成法) Compounding, a

20、lso called composition, is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems. Words formed in this way are called compounds. So a compound is a lexical unit consisting more than one stem and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a single word (Quirk et al 1985).Compoundingv Forms

21、of compounds Solid: bedtime, honeymoon Hyphenated: above-mentioned, town-planning Open: reading material, hot linev Types of compounds Noun compounds Adjective compounds Verb compounds v Noun compounds Headache, housekeeping, hot line, swimming pool, raindrop, breakdown, biological clock, identity c

22、risisv Adjective compounds Weather-beaten rocks, peaceloving people, everlasting friendship, a difficult-to-operate machine, a made-up story, an on the spot inspection, taxfree products, fire-proof dressv Verb compounds Formed by back-formationv house-keep from housekeeper v windowshop from window-s

23、hopping v mass produce from mass production v hen-peck from hen-pecked v spoon-feed from spoon-fed. Formed by conversionv to blue-print, to cold-shoulder, to outline, to honeymoon, to snowball, to chain-smoke, to sweet-talk, to job-hop. 3. Conversion (词类转化法/转类法) The definition of conversion Conversi

24、on is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class. This is a method of turning words of one part of speech to those of a different part of speech. Conversion is a word-formation whereby a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another without the addition of an affix. It is also called zero derivation(零位派生).Conversionv Major types of conversion Noun-verb conversion Verb-noun conversion Adjective-noun conversionv Noun-verb conversion He elbowed his way through the crowd

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