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1、强调tomato的复数形式是加es. 教师说:I like tomatoes. Do you like tomatoes?引导学生回答。放在I like 或I dont like句型中进行操练. 回到PPT图片,教师说Look at the tomatoes. 引导学生描述:They are red. They are round. They are juicy.3、教学green beans. 教师再拿起一夹青豆,边说边完全呈现:Oh,its long and green. They are green beans. Do you like green beans? 让学生在回答中学习单词。

2、4、 教学potatoes:出示图片问:Do you know it?French fries are made of it. Its a potato. 示多个土豆的图片: 引导学生回答They are potatoes. 板书并用不同颜色粉笔突出其复数es. Do you like potatoes? 学生根据用I like 或I dont like根据自己的实际进行情况表达。5、教学carrots. 请学生猜谜语:They are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them? What are they? 学习单词carrot。三、练习与巩固(Pr

3、actice and consolidation)1、 教师将四种蔬菜分别放在教室的不同位置,然后说单词,请学生指出相应的实物。2、同桌互说Look at the. They are.3、听课文录音模仿。 Listen, point and repeat. Read by students. Ask several students to read. 、I like vegetables. I like tomatoes, I love to eat green beans. But I dont like to eat onions. (简单教学onion)导入Lets chant的学习、播

4、放第39页的录音,要求学生第一次先认真听,第二次轻轻跟唱,第三大声跟唱。(让学生观察歌谣中like后的蔬菜单词形式。启发学生说出like后的名词是以复数形式出现的。教师适当强调tomato和potato的复数形式拼写的变化,carrot的复数形式读音的变化四、总结(Summary) 让学生主动说出这一堂课学到了什么有哪些收获。归纳总结简单明了,让学生自主发挥,自我求知,促进学生思维的活泼和才能的发挥,使得记忆更加深刻,知识更加牢固。五、家庭作业:(Homework): 明白语意听读A Lets learn 三次。用英语和家长说一说自己喜欢的蔬菜,并加以描述。板书设计:A Lets learnt

5、omatoes green beans carrots potatoes onoins第二课时A Lets talk Lets play 1、巩固蔬菜的单词potato, tomato, onion, green beans, carrots.2、能够掌握三会句型:What are these/those? Are they及其简略回答。能结合实际情景运用句型。能“三会”询问蔬菜的句型What are these /those? They are. Are these/those.? Yes, they are .No, they arent.these /those的发音及其运用中的区别。教

6、学准备: 1、准备录音机,相关的录音带和教学光碟。2、准备A Lets Learn 部分的单词卡片和A Lets talk部分的教学挂图。3、制作教学多媒体课件。教学过程:一、热身/复习(Warm up/Revision) 1、Greetings 2、Revision 1) A Lets chant巩固个蔬菜单词 2) Lets do把五个蔬菜图片贴在教室,T:Now our classroom is a big farm. There are many vegetables on the farm. What are they ?Ss:They are onions /tomatoes/po

7、tatoes/carrots/ cucumbers.T: Now Lets do ,I say your group name , You group must say it out loudly.3) 谜语教师说谜语,引导学生用Are they?来猜猜是什么蔬菜。They are red. They look like apples, but they arent apples. What are they?They are tender and green. What are they?They are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them.

8、What are they?They are round, pink and white. What are they?They are brown. French fries are made of them. What are they?学生猜对了,教师回答Yes,they are.并拿出相应的单词卡片请学生拼读;如果猜错了,教师回答No, they arent. 再请其他人猜, 直到猜对为止。二、新课呈现(Presentation) (1)教学these, those利用“Vegetable Farm”这一情景,教师将自己带来的蔬菜分别放在各个组桌面上, 然后教师走到Group Toma

9、to同学们中间,指着这一组的同学说。同时教师做走近走远的动作。 These are potatoes. Ss: These are potatoes. Those are tomatoes. Ss: Those are tomatoes. Those are potatoes.(2)教授Are these /those. ? Yes, they are ./No, they arent.教师打开自制课件,请学生看一遍顾客和服务员的问答。然后提问:顾客为什么要用Are those tomatees问,而不用Are these tomatoes?问,两者有什么区别?教师根据学生的理解情况适当讲Ar

10、e those 的用法。 教师走远Group Tomato指着Group Tomato蔬菜,用Are those .?随意说一种蔬菜名,然后点击,启发学生根据看到的用Yes, they are. / No, they arent.回答。教师进行板书。教师打开自制课件,操练 Are those/these.? Yes, they are. No, they arent.然后点击印证,先让全班一起回答,然后个人回答。(3) Lets chant Are these desks? Are these desks? (配上相应的动作,学生双手拍桌子)Yes, they are. Yes, they a

11、re.Are those fans? Are those fans? (学生用手指着课室天花板上的风扇.)(4)教学What are these/those?教师再次走近各蔬菜组如走近Group Tomato What are these?Ss :引导学生用They are 回答。走近Group Carrot (引导Group Tomato的学生问What are these?S1: They are carrots.走远Group Carrot T: What are those? Ss:三、操练(Practice)(1) 传蔬菜卡游戏 (游戏说明: 听音乐传蔬菜卡, 音乐一停,拿到蔬菜卡的

12、同学便起来用本节课学的句型Are these/those.? What are these/those? 并由该学生点另一名学生起来按蔬菜卡上的内容回答.(2)Lets talk:1)播放录音2遍。第一遍,只听音明白课文的内容。第二遍,学生听录音,后跟读、模仿。2)找一成绩好的学生和教师一起扮演对话,使用“Vegetable Farm” 教室情景表演Lets talk的内容(教师做相应的动作让学生明白课文大意)。3) 学生三个一组进行操练,并表演(3)Group work 做一新的对话(提升练习)四人组成一组,每人出一张单词卡(背面示人)可组织对话如下: What are these?S2:

13、Are these green beans?S3: Yes, they are./No, they arent. Look .They are potatoes.四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension)1、 Lets play(教材P38)2、故事(I am a farmer)表演(1)Mr Cat 要去参观一个农场,你是农场的主人,请你给Mr Cat 介绍自己的农场。学生自由组合准备,教师巡视并提供学生所需要的帮助(2)学生表演.(3)由全体学生投票选出哪一组是“最佳搭档”赢得贴纸.A Lets talkThey are?Are they?Yes, they

14、are. /No, they arent.第三课时A Lets spell 1、让学生掌握含有字母组合or的单词发音和认读书写。2、能听、说、读、写 horse, fork, homework, world map四个词语能听、说、读、写horse, fork, homework, world map四个词语。正确书写horse, fork, homework, world map四个词语。与教材内容相关录音带、图片等媒体素材。一、 热身&复习 (Warm-up / Revision)学生跟录音演唱第二单元Lets spell板块的歌谣,并找出发/ /音的单词。总结是有什么字母组合发此音。板书

15、ir , ur.二、呈现新课(Presentation)1. 播放歌谣,引导学生体验or的发音.2. 播放第一遍时请学生体验歌谣的韵律,重点关注听到的单词中是否有相同的读音。播放第二遍时请学生说出含有or字母组合的单词。(horse, story,work)教师根据学生反馈板书并领读这些单词, 读一读,感知or的发音是否相同。3. 老师请学生认真听录音跟唱歌谣,先全班操练再到小组操练。4. 出示horse, fork图片,让学生试读,感知,最后教师带读并总结or 的发音。5. 出示corn, born, port, morning, short让学生拼读。6. 教学horse, fork, 带

16、读,感知并总结or 的发音,7. 出示homework, word图片, 让学生试读,感知,最后教师带读并总结or 的发音8. 出示word, worm, worldmap的单词让学生拼读。三、趣味操练(Practice)1看一看,猜一猜老师请一名学生抽出Lets spell 中的一个单词,然后到教室前面,面对全班学生,无声地读出这个单词,其它同学仔细观察他的口型,猜猜是什么单词,如果对,这位同学说Yes,再领着全班同学一起读这个单词。2. 播放Read, listen and number 的录音,让学生给单词排序。 3. 听音后反复读四个单词,在此基础上进行描红,达到书写格4. 完成南方新

17、课堂 spell 板块的练习。四、布置作业1把本节所学内容读给家长听2. 抄写本课时单词,每个2行 Unit4 At the farmA Lets spellhorse fork homework world map 第四课时B Lets learn Draw and say C Lets sing1. 能够听、说、认读hen, sheep, cow, horse及其复数形式。2. 能够运用句型“These are. ”来介绍动物及蔬菜水果。3. 通过本课的学习,使学生了解农场上常见的牲畜。激发学生的英语学习兴 趣,培养学生热爱学习的情感 1. hen, sheep, cow, horse,

18、goat, lamb及其复数形式。 2. 句型“These are. ”的理解及运用horse,sheep,goat的复数形式表达及发音。1. 多媒体课件Unit 4Lets learn/B 2. 教材相配套的CD3. 动物卡片。1. Greetings T: How are you? Whats the weather like today? Is it sunny? What a nice day! Lets go to Old MacDonalds farm, OK?2. Enjoy and sing the song Old MacDonald. 二、新课呈现与操练(Presentat

19、ion and practice)1. What can you see on the farm? 引导学生将已学过的动物说出来。2. Learn the new words(1)Look, whats this? Its a chick. And whats this? Its a hen. Learn “hen” (板书)出示图片 What are these? These are hens. Learn “ hens” 让学生看图片,引导对hens 进行描述: They are so fat. (2)喜羊羊 is a sheep. 喜羊羊、美羊羊、沸羊羊 They are sheep.

20、出示sheep的图片问What are these? These are sheep. 让学生看图片,引导对sheep进行描述: They are so cute. One sheep,two sheep, three sheep(引导学生观察sheep 的单复数形式,并让学生总结出sheep的单复数是一样的).(3) Hens and sheep are on the farm. Listen, who comes? (Sound) Its a horse. These are horses. Horse, horses, these are horses. 让学生看图片,引导对horses

21、 进行描述: They are so tall. (4) 猜一猜. Guess! Whats this: Its black and white. It gives us milk. Whats it? Its a cow. 出示图片,问What are these? 引导回答These are cows. 带读Cow, cows, these are cows.3. Review the new words: These are They are so4. Lets chant : Imitate and say Hen, hens, these are hens. (声音模仿) Sheep

22、, sheep, these are sheep. Horse, horses, these are horses. Cow, cows, these are cows.5. Guessing game: 看PTT图片猜测动物What are these? These are 6听录音B Lets learn,回答问题(Sarah is on Mr Macdonalds farm. And what animals are there on his farm, lets listen and answer.)7. Listen and follow.明白语意跟读三、巩固与延伸(Consolid

23、ation and extension)1. 看B Lets learn 的图片,模仿These are句型,介绍其它的动物并加以描述。 如:These are cows. They are black and white. They are so strong.2. Draw and say让学生自己设计自己理想中的农场,(包含蔬菜,水果,动物),完成后抽出几个同学上台来介绍自己的农场了, 看看谁设计得最棒,介绍得最好,对优胜者并加以表扬。3. Lets sing 四、作业布置(Homework)1. 明白语意听,跟读课文两次。单词抄4+12. 用今天所学的句子介绍你的农场给家长听。B Le

24、ts learnhorsescowssheep图hensThese are.They are so 第五课时B Lets talk Lets play C Lets check 1、能听懂 “What are those? Are they.? How many.?”,并能在情景运用。2、进一步巩固名词复数及读音规则。3、通过小组活动的形式培养学生的合作意识What are those? Are they?How manydo you have? 的理解与应用。Sheep的复数形式及horse复数形式的读音。教学图片 CAI1、欣赏歌曲: Mac Donalds has a farm。2、教师

25、提问:I love animals very much. Do you love animals?What animals do you hear from the song? 学生说出在歌中听到的动物的单词。二、新课呈现(Presentation) 1、教师打开自制课件,点击课件,当听到What are those?时,教师示范:Are they cows?学生回答No,they arent.然后教师引导学生用Are they猜猜轮廓中的动物,(注意学生单词复数的发音,适时纠正),当学生猜对单词后教师再点击课件,出示正确答案。 2、依次操作其他几幅图。 3、教师拿起几支笔握在手中,不要露出笔

26、尖。引导学生用Are they来猜猜是什么笔, 教师根据实际回答: 4、教师随手拿起几个笔袋,:Are they pencil-boxes? 学生回答:Yes, they are. 或No, they arent. 然后教师说:They are not pencil-boxes. They are pencil-cases. 5、 组织学生分组利用自己的学习用品问答 A:Are they ? B:Yes, they are. /No, they arent.(教师提供资源:desks/tables pants/short sunglasses/glasses.) 6、 学生汇报练习情况,当学生

27、对话后,教师要接着问:How manydo you have?引导学生答出相应的数量。三、练习(Practice) 1、打开Lets talk部分课件,学生观看1-2遍,在情景中理解对话的语句。2、教师就对话内容提问,检查学生的理解情况。(显示课件的插图)Are they sheep?/ goats?/horses?donkeys?/hens?cows?How many ?3、 录音朗读对话,注意模仿语音语调。4、小组分角色表演对话,教师巡视指导。5、启发学生替换有关动物单词,创新对话。 A: B:Yes, they are./ No, they arent.(They are .)How many do you have?I have . 6、看图汇报,可以是对话原文,也可以是创新的对话。教师进行评价,对积极参与的同学要给与表扬。四、巩固延伸(Extension) 1、三

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