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1、6. In the ( ) century, Marco Polo came to Hangzhou.C 马可波罗是在公元13世纪到达杭州的7 The landmark of ( ) is Nuorilang Waterfalls with a drop of more than 20 meters. A. Huanglong B. Jiuzhaigou C. Taishan Mountain D. Huangshan MountainB 落差20米的诺日朗瀑布是九寨沟的地标风景8The Old Silk Road starts from Chinas ( ) in the east.A. L

2、uoyang B. Taiyuan C. Xian D. YinchuanC 丝绸之路东起西安。 9. Potala Palace in ( ) is situated on Red Hill.A. Lanzhou B. Yushu C. Lhasa D. YinchuanC 拉萨的布达拉宫坐落在红山上。10. ( )Summer Resort is also called Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat.A. Beidaihe B. Chengde C. Beijing D. Hangzhou避暑山庄在承德11. Suzhou in Jiangsu

3、 Province is more than ( ) years old.A. 1500 B. 2000 C. 3000 D. 2500苏州的历史超过2500年。12. Bingling Temple is in ( ).A. Shapotou B. Xian C. Lanzhou D. LinfenBingling寺在兰州13. Confucius concluded that jade had ( ) virtues.A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12孔子总结了玉承载的11种美德。14. Which of the followings is not included in the

4、 Four Treasure of StudyA. ink stick B. envelope C. ink slab D. paper文房四宝中的笔墨纸砚,自然不包括信封了15. The best paper of the Four Treasures of Study is said to be ( )paper.A. Hui B. Duan C. Hu D. Xuan最好的纸要数宣纸16. In China, tea can be classified into ( ) categories.A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6在中国,茶叶被分成5类17. During the ( )

5、 Age, the making of bronze ware reached its peak.A. Old Stone B. New Stone C. Iron D. Bronze在青铜器时期,青铜器的制造达到了顶峰。6. The overall aim of the National Museum of China is to ( )A. collect relics B. preserve relics C. research on archeology D. serve the general public中国国家博物馆最根本的目的是为大众服务。二、 正误判断:1 Is Huangl

6、ong Scenic Area located in Yunnan Province?(p198)2 The Summer Palace features the best of Chinas ancient gardens.颐和园是我国古代园林的最佳代表3 The period of Stone Age is during 2000-250BC. (p297)4 Ruins of Hemudu is relics of Stone Age.河姆渡遗址是石器时代的遗迹。5 In the earlier period of Buddhism in China, temple layout fol

7、lows its Indian counterpart.在佛教的早期阶段,寺庙的布局是仿照印度修建的6 Is Chinese meaning of World Biosphere Reserve 世界生物圈遗产?(p197)7 Is Huangshan located in southern Anhui Province?黄山在安徽省境内8 The Long Corridor of the Summer Palace was included in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2002 as the longest corridor in the

8、 world.(p209)9 Banpo Ruins near Xian is relics of Bronze Age.西安的半坡遗址是石器时代的遗迹。10 Zhoukoudian is the home of Peking Man.周口店是发现北京猿人的地方11 Christianity is a religion centered in Jesus Christ as the supreme revelation of God. 基督教是以耶稣基督为至高无上的神12 Jade was not only a decoration, but also a symbol of ethics a

9、nd customary behavior.玉石不仅是装饰物,还是道德和传统行为的标志13 The possession of bronze ware was regarded as a status symbol.拥有青铜器,被看作是社会地位的象征14 The Shang and Zhou dynasties ushered China into the height of the Iron Age.商周时代标志着青铜器时代的高潮而不是铁器时代15 Ancient Chinese society is divided into the Stone Age and the Iron Age.古

10、代中国社会划分为时期时代和铁器时代16 Silk production peaked during the Tang Dynasty.丝绸制品到达到了顶峰。、三、 英译汉:1 China is a vast land with great contrasts in landscape and climate. Consequently tourists may pay a visit anytime.中国幅员辽阔,各地气候差异很大,可以说一年四季都可以旅游。2 The average piece of urban residential property rose by 10.2 percen

11、t between January and October. 城市住宅的平均价格在1月至10月上升了10.2%。3 Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud. 从远处眺望,小岛就像一朵云。4 Each tomb is located at the foot of a separate hill and is linked to the other tombs by a road called the Sacred Way. 每座山的山脚下都有一座陵园,所有的陵园由被称为“神道”的路连接起来。5 Taoist temples e

12、volved from the traditional square-shaped Chinese courtyard. 道观格局是从传统的四合院演变而来的。6 The trees will form a forest shelter which will protect the city from sandstorms. 这些树木将形成防护林,避免城市遭受沙尘暴侵蚀.7 You may take it on my word, if you find out it is an imitation, you may return it to me. 请相信我的话,假如您发现是假的话可以拿来退还我

13、。8 I will not visit any other mountains after I have hiked Mount Huangshan. 黄山归来不看山。9 Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art, an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style. 艺术挂毯体现了地毯纺织艺术的最高水平,是具有典型中国风格的手工艺精品。四、 汉译英1 中国的丝绸通过丝绸之路运往印度和中东等地,以换取香料

14、和玻璃等。Chinas silk was sent to India and the Middle East along the Silk Road in exchange for spices and glass.2 一般说来,中国的佛教建筑包括佛塔、寺院、石窟。Generally speaking, Chinese Buddhism architecture includes pagodas, temples and rock carvings.3 2006年标志着我国第十一个五年计划的开始。2006 marked the beginning of the 11th Five-year P

15、lan period.4 兴安岭是个风景壮丽的山间度假活动的理想去处。Xinganling is ideal for an active holiday in a magnificent mountain setting.5 中国各大城市因历史不同,文化各异,放射其独有的光彩。Owing to different history and culture, each of the major cities of China has its unique splendor.6 枯萎的植物在水中又活了过来。A drooping plant comes to life in water. 7 一长串的

16、路边咖啡馆是巴黎人的骄傲和乐园。A string of street cafes are the pride and joy of Paris.8 今天是母亲节,瑞奇店的所有首饰全部折价出售。Today is Mothers Day and all the jewelry is on sale at Richs.9 这种檀香扇不仅是艺术欣赏品,也是一种具有实用价值的日用品。The sandalwood fans are not only for ornamental purpose but also for practical use.五、 补全对话:1Tourist: Miss, Id li

17、ke to buy some souvenirs(纪念品) to take back for my wife and daughter. But I dont know what to buy. What do you recommend(推荐)?Guide: Oh, there are many counters(柜台) selling fans. Would you like to have a look? Sure. Chinese fans are beautiful.Shop assistant: What can I do for you, sir? I am thinking o

18、f buying some gifts for my family. Would you like to see sandalwood fans or silk fans? I wonder(我在想) which is better? Well, sandal wood fans have a natural(天然的) scent and are more expensive, and silk fans are made of silk and are light in weight. Both of them have designs(设计) that are hand painted.

19、Oh, I see. Could you show both of them to me? Yes, sir. Here you are. You can have a smell of this one. Oh, it smells good. My wife will like it. The silk one is also very beautiful. Can you show me some different designs, please? Sure. We have a wide range(范围) of designs for you to choose from. My

20、daughter will definitely like the beautiful orchid design. Ill take this one too. How much are they? The sandal wood fan is 80 yuan, and the silk one is 40 yuan. Altogether it comes to(总共) 120 yuan. All right. Heres 150 yuan. Heres your change(找零), 30 yuan. Thank you very much. My pleasure(我的荣幸).2 Y

21、ou want to buy some Chinese silk and satin, dont you? Yes, I do. Lets have a look at(看一看) the counter. Oh, theyre really beautiful. Good afternoon, madam. Are you being served(招待)? Good afternoon. Im looking for a silk blouse for my mother. Would you show me some? Certainly. We have a great variety

22、of them. What color do you like? My mother likes white. Well, will this one be all right(可以吗)? Its white with peach flowers on it. And here are some other patterns(式样). Oh. How nice! They all look beautiful. Are they made of(由。组成) pure Chinese silk? Yes, they are. Theyre velvety and the colors are b

23、rilliant(鲜艳明亮). Let me feel them. Oh, theyre of good quality. And theyre from Hangzhou which is famous for(以。闻名) silk. Oh, thats great. By the way, is the color fast(色泽牢固)? Yes, it is and it is washable. But you have to be careful. You can only wash it in lukewarm water. Dont rub(搓). Just use soapy

24、water and rinse well. Well. Ill take this one. How much is it? It costs 200 yuan. Oh, can you come down a little bit? Its our standard price. Ok, then. Ill take it(要这件). 3Susan: Hi, Sally. Welcome back. (欢迎回来). How was the West Coast?Sally: Terrific. I had a wonderful time. (我玩的很开心). It was really n

25、ice to get away from the city for a while. What did you think of L.A.? It was all right. I liked it better than I thought I would. Its very clean and spacious (干净又宽敞), and its got lots of trees. And what did you see? Oh, the usual things. We took a drive (驱车)around Hollywood and looked at the stars

26、homes, and then we went to Universal Studios and Disneyland. How did you like Disneyland? It was great! We really enjoyed it. We took all the rides, some of them twice, and had lots of fun. I felt just like a kid again. Was the weather good? (天气好吗?) Oh, yeah. It was nice and warm in L.A. and cool an

27、d comfortable (凉快又舒服)in San Francisco? Cool in San Francisco? Thats surprising. (真是奇怪) Yeah, it surprised us a bit, too. We didnt take any sweater or anything. (毛衣或什么的). But they say its always like that in August. Anyway, I just loved it. Its probably the most beautiful town in the U.S.-all those h

28、ills, and the bay, and those charming old Victorian Houses. So, you liked it better than L.A.? Oh, yes. Theres much more to see and do. (很多可看的,可玩的). But both L.A. and S.F. have a high rail and subway system, so its very convenient to get around (四处转转). What did you like best? Oh, I dont know. Its hard to say. I liked Golden

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