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1、上海市租赁合同中英文对照版本doc 上海市房屋租赁合同商品房预租Lease Agreement本合同双方当事人:Two Parties of this agreement: 出租方(甲方): Lessor (party A): 承租方(乙方): Lessee (party B):根据中华人民共和国合同法、上海市房屋租赁条例(以下简称:条例)的规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的基础上,经协商一致,就乙方承租甲方可依法 出租 的 房屋 事宜,订立本合同。 According to The Contract Law of Peoples Republic of China, and th

2、e Regulation of Shanghai municipality on lease of Urban House (hereinafter referred to as: Regulation), Party A and Part B through negotiation, have executed this Contract in the matters of leasing the Premises legally owned by Party A to Party B. This Contract is based upon the principles of equali

3、ty willingness, equity and good faith. 一、出租或预租房屋情况One、The situation of leasing or pre-leasing Premises:1-1 甲方出租给乙方的房屋座落在本市水城路16弄8号楼302室。该房屋出租(【出租】实测)建筑面积为 平方米,土地用途为 居住 ,房屋类型为 、结构为 。该房屋的平面图见本合同附件(一)。1-1 The Premises leased to Party B by Party A locate at Room302 , Building 8 , Lane 16 Shui Cheng Road

4、 , Shanghai .The building area of the Premises (leasing) actual measure is square meters, the usage of the land is for residential purposes, the type of the Premises is , the construction is . The floor plan of the Premises is attached have as appendix (one). 1-2甲方作为该房屋的 与乙方建立租赁关系。签定本合同前,甲方已告知乙方该房屋

5、设定抵押。1-2 Party A regards as builds up the relationship of leasing with Party B. Before signing the contract Party A has already informed Party B the Premises set collateralize.1-3该房屋的公用或合用部位的使用范围、条件和要求;现有装修、附属设施、设备状况和甲方同意乙方自行装修和增设附属设施的内容、标准及需约定的有关事宜,由甲、乙双方分别在本合同附件(二)、(三)中加以列明。甲、乙双方同意该附件作为甲方向乙方交付该房屋和

6、本合同终止时乙方向甲方返还该房屋的验收依据。1-3 The use range condition and requirement Premises common places; the present decoration、attached facilities、the decoration and the content standard and other relevant of the decoration and attached facilities increased by Party B, which is agreed by Party A, shall be listed

7、in appendix (2), (3) by Party A and Party B. Party A and Party B both agree that this appendixes shall be considered as the inspection record when Party A hands over the Premises to Party B and when Party B returns the Premises to Party A upon completion of this leasing term in accordance with this

8、Contract.二、租赁用途Two、Usage of The Premises2-1乙方向甲方承诺,租赁该房屋作为 居住 使用,并遵守国家和本市有关房屋使用和物业管理的规定。2-1 Party B promises to Party A that the Premises is only for residential purposes , and shall obey the relevant state and local regulations about use and the management of the housing.2-2乙方保证,在租赁期内未征得甲方书面同意以及按规定

9、须经有关部门审批而未核准前,不擅自改变上述约定的使用用途.2-2 Party B promises that it shall not change the usage of the Premises without getting the written consent of Party A and the approval of the related department according to the terms herein during the Leasing term. 三、交付日期和租赁期限Three、Delivery date and leasing term3-1甲乙双方

10、约定,甲方于 年 月 日前且合同补充条款第一条规定的首月租金和保证金到达甲方指定账户后向乙方交付该房屋。【出租】房屋租赁期自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。甲方需在房屋交付日前做好各项整修及清洁工作。3-1 Both Parties agree that Party A shall hand over the Premises to Party B before after Party A received the first monthly rental and deposit. Leasing the leasing Term is commenced from to . All main

11、tenances and cleaning works have to be finished before the Check-in Day.3-2租赁期满,甲方有权收回该房屋,乙方应如期返还。乙方需继续承租该房屋的,则应于租赁期满前两个月,向甲方提出续租书面要求,经甲方同意后签订租赁合同。3-2 Party A shall have the right to take back the Premises from Party B and Party B shall return the Premises to Party A on time upon the expiration of l

12、easing term. Party B shall apply for extension in writing to Party A two (2) months before the expiration if Party B intends to continue the lease, the new lease contract shall be signed after getting Party As approval.四、租金、支付方式和期限Four、Rent, Payment Method and term4-1甲、乙双方约定,该房屋每日每平方米建筑面积租金为( / 币) /

13、 。【出租】月租金总计为( 人民 币) 元(大写: / 万 / 仟 / 佰 / 拾元 / 角整)。4-1 The two Parties agree that the rent of one square meter for one day is ( / ) / . Leasing the monthly rent is ( RMB ) .该房屋租金 1 年内不变。自第2 年起,双方可协商对租金进行调整。有关调整事宜由甲、乙双方在补充条款中约定. The rent shall not be changed within one years. The rent should be increas

14、ed or decreased from the second year. The relevant matters on adjusting shall be specified in the supplementary clause by both parties. 4-2乙方应于每月 15日前向甲方支付租金。逾期支付的,每逾期一日,则乙方需按月租金的 0.5 %支付违约金。4-2 Party B shall pay the rent before the 15th day of each month to Party A. Party B shall pay the overdue pa

15、yment fine equivalent to 0.5 % of the monthly rent, payable for each day from the date on which the amount was due until the fulfillment of the payment.4-3乙方支付租金的方式如下: 详见补充条款。 4-3 The payment method of the rent is as follows: Refer to Appendix. 五、保证金和其他费用Five、Security Deposit and other Fees5-1甲乙双方约定

16、,甲方交付该房屋时,乙方应向甲方支付房屋租赁保证金,保证金为 贰 个月的租金,即( 人民 币) 元5-1Both Parties agree that Party B shall pay Party A security deposit when Party A handing over Premises. The security deposit is two(2) months rent ( RMB ) .5-2租赁期间,使用该房屋所发生的水、电、天然气、通讯、等费用由 乙方 承担。5-2 During the leasing term, Party B shall be responsible for the full

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