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1、 7. Talk with your partner about culture shock. 8.Talk with your partners about the risks of online shopping. III. Talk on the given topics (40%) (主要考察学生是否能就特定话题展开有一定深度的阐述) 1. Can a common man be a hero? 2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Explain the significance of having a friend. 3. What ski

2、lls are essential for effective communication? 4. Have you ever had misunderstanding when communicating with others? How did you deal with it? 5. Did you feel anxious? Talk about it. 6. Do you want to study apoad? 7. Do you like doing shopping online? If yes, show us the advantages of online shoppin

3、g. 注意事项:口语成绩最高分不超过分,优秀率不超过%。各位同学需提前找好搭档。考核时每两人一组,第一题各自抽一道题,第二题两人抽一道题,第三题各自抽一道题。考试时一组考核,两组备考。 六年级英语口语冲刺试题2 20XX年-20XX年学年度第一学期 海淀区小学六年级期末口语练习 (第1套) 一、日常交流 1. Nice to meet you! 2. Whats your name? 3. Which class are you in? 4. How many students are there in your class? 二、朗读语段 三、回答问题 这是某个国家的地图。请根据图1. Lo

4、ok at this map. 画内容和实际情况回答问题。 Which country is it? 2. Where is this country? 3. What language do people speak there? 4. Is Sydney in this country? 5. What is this country famous for? 6. What can you do in this country? 四、讲故事 20XX年-20XX年学年度第一学期海淀区小学六年级期末口语练习 学生卷(第二套) 亲爱的同学,很高兴和你一起用英语交流。请根据实际情况回答问题。 请

5、大声地读出下面的语段。请根据图画内容和实际情况回答问题。 请仔细观察下列图片,根据图片内容讲述简单的小故事。 故事不少于6句。你可以参考提示词,也可以使用自己的语言。 八年级英语口语考试题 初二英语口语测试分析 根据学校工作安排,我们于6月25日29日认真组织进行了本学期学生英语口语测试工作,测试主要分为诵读和口语对话(师生)两个方面,现将自己负责的课文部分测试的有关情况如下: 一、认真组织进行测试工作 测试前我们印制了测试题,测试题共分为课文朗读、师生对话两部分。 测试课文朗读,测试时学生随机抽测该部分中的1题。这样可以保证所抽查的学生人人得到检测,而测试内容又是该年级测试题中的1/2,既提

6、高了工作效率,又做到点面兼顾。 通过本次口语测试来看,学生口语表达的口语成绩很不尽人意: 本次测试中单词出现的问题较突出,不少学生没能准确地读出课文中的单词。 多数学生课文较熟练,但普遍模仿录音不够,口语地方口音浓厚,语调平淡没有感情。 究其原因,主要由以下几点: 第一、教师在课堂教学中创设情景不够,应该让学生在情景中学习语言,运用语言,让口语表达与课堂同行。 第二、个别老师的读音不规范,导致所有同学发音错误。教师要从自身做起,做到发音地道、规范。 第三、个别学校学生两极分化严重。 第四、本学期英语教学时间较往年减少较大,也是导致口语成绩不高的一个重要原因之一。 初二英语备课组 20XX年-2

7、0XX年八年级英语口语试题 20XX年-20XX年学年度第二学期八年级英语口语考试试题一 一、Read the following words,phrases and sentences(10小题共10分) 1.stomachache 2.throat 3. fever 4.memory 5.hometown 6. take ones temperature 7.junior high school in control of 9.You should lie down and rest. 10.How long have you had that bike over there?

8、二、Free talking (5分) 1.T:- Whats the matter? S:-_ 2.T- Do you have a fever? 3.T:-If I have a bad cold what should I do? 4.T:-Thank you ! 三Topic(5分) How to keep healthy 1.rubbish 2.sweep 3. island 5.forever 6. do the dishes 7.hang out 8.make your bed 9.Although I have lost everything, I h

9、ave not lost my life. 10.But five years ago,while she was studying apoad in Englang, she heard a song full of feelings about returning home on the radio.-Could you please clean the classroom? 2.T-Would you mind closing the window?-Could I visit your parents? 4.T:-Thank you! Introduce your favorite b

10、ook 1. wrong munication 3. pressure 4.opinion 5.desert 6. comparewith far as I know the face of 9.They have a quick dinner,and then its time for homework. 10.China has the biggest population in the world.-Whats the highest mountain in the world? 2.T-How high?-Is there anyone reach the top?

11、-When? 5. T: Talk about pandas 1. rainstorm 2.strange 3. suddenly 4.against pletely 6. have meaning to sb 7.die down 8.pick up 9.Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear. 10.As soon as you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father.-Do you know Yu Gong Moves a

12、 Mountain? 2.T-How does the story begin?-What happened next?-Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains? Tell a story 七年级英语口语测试题 七年级英语第二学期口语考试题(20分) I. 回答以下问题.(5分) 1. Whats your favourite season? Why? 2. How long is the Yellow Rever? 3.How far is it from your home to school? 4.

13、What did you do last Sunday? 5.What will you do next weekend? III. 口语作文。任选一篇作文至少说5-10话。(10分) 1. An exciting trip 2. My School Life 3 . My favourite season 4. My Last Weekend 5. My Summer Holiday Plan II请从本学期学过的课文中抽取一课朗读。(5分) 明天早读口语测试 四年级英语口语测试题 四年级英语口测试题 一.分别用升降调朗读下了单词。 window door picture storybook

14、 key toy fan bedroom quiet noodles soup 二.用正确的语音语调读出下列句子。 1. Let me clean the classroom! 2.Would you like some juice? 3.What s in your schoolbag? 4.Is he Wu Yifan ? 5.He is tall and strong. 6.W hat is in your school bag? 7.What colour is it? 8.Is he in the living room? 9.Where are the keys? 10.Would

15、 you like some beef? 三.以My friend为主题进行简单的对话。 为1分钟左右) (对话时间 三年级英语口语,测试题 二连浩特市第三小学英语三年级上册口语测试卷 学校: 班级: 姓名: 分数: 又要迎来新的一年了。在同学们最后一个寒假之前,让我们一起来完成这份英语口语测试。希望大家取得好成绩。也祝大家新年快乐! 1、Look and read(朗读下列单词和句子) (12分) 1) 2) 3) 4) pen eye red 5) 6) 3 8) cake three rabbit 9) 10) How many balloon? 11) 12) I have a dol

16、l. Have some cake. Its red. Thank you. 2、Read aloud(看图说话) (8分) PEP四年级上册英语口语测试题 姓名 班级 分数 歌曲(10分): P25 Lets sing 词汇(10分):classroom long hair math fifty body doll pink mouth 师生对话(10分):1、Whats your name? 2、What colour is your schoolbag? 3听口令做动作(、Close the door. 、Hunt like a mouse. 5Cut the pead. 6、Touch

17、 your face 7、Clap your hands. 8、Open your book. 9、Act like a rabbit. 10、Eat the chicken. 2、2-3个同类词 ) green cat 5 five head tea (15%) hot dog 20XX年4A期末口语测试题卷 姓名_学号_成绩_ 口语测试 (30%) (包括唱) 的 ( 5% , 可以看图说单词,也可以认读单词 ) 本册词汇分为8个类别:学习用品、动物、生活用品、玩具用品、服饰、数字等。测试形式为看图说单词及短语或认读单词。 参考样题: a green notebook, a pencil

18、case, a computer room, a blue balloon, a pair of gloves, a pretty dress, a hundred, stand up, close the window, a little book 二、Ask and answer (10% 师生或生生合作完成,可以使用图片、实物等辅助测 试) 此项测试主要考查学生语言运用能力。测试时教师应鼓励学生尽可能多说并予以肯定,问答不少于4个来回。有条件的学校可以根据学生实际增加内容。 (建议教师根据学生的反应灵活调整主题) 1. Do you like ? Yes, I do. / No, I d

19、ont. 2. Is this your/ his/her ? Yes, it is. ? / Perhaps it is. / Sorry, I dont know. 3. Whats this/that in English? Its a/an 4. What time do you .? I usually . at. 5. Whose is this/are they?. I think it is / they are. 三、 Say something about (10) 或三人一组有准备的自编对话,要求每人用到至少4识分钟左右后,进行表演。( topics ) 1. In a

20、toy shop 2. Its a nice 3. What a nice! 4. I like very 6. Can I have a look? 7. This is for you. 8. 2. (You may use 1. Good morning./afternoon. 2. What time do you? 3 四、 (5%) 要求学生能比较熟练地唱吐词、音准、节奏准确、悦耳。 在口语测试时,教师应尽可能运用眼神、手势等体态语言帮助学生理解 (如有困难,可以适当运用母语),可以根据学生的实际情况和需要变换四项测试内容以及测试顺序 (对学习上有困难的学生可以适当降低要求并提供再

21、测的机会),还应争取做到各项目之间过渡自然,不要有明显断痕。另外可以结合过程评价,鼓励部分学生免试。 口语测试总分为20分,要求在期末检测的前两周完成并统一记录成绩,以便计入期末测试的总成绩。 六年级英语口语考试题 英语口语考试题(一) 一、 朗读P7第一段 二、 英语回答下面的问题 1. What are you going to do this Sunday? 2. Where would you like to go on holiday? 3. Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight? 4. Were you at home yesterday? 5. Whats your favourite festival? 三、口头作文:My favourite festival 英语口语考试题(二) 一、朗读P58第一、二段 二、英语回答下面的问题 1.What are you going to do

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