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喜洋洋与灰太狼第一集 狼来了中英文字幕Word下载.docx

1、喜羊羊:看起来也不是那么危险呀!Happy Sheep: It looks nothing dangerous at all!他很危险的! Hes really dangerous!好像没什么攻击力嘛! It seems that its attacking ability is rather weak!你不要掉以轻心! Dont take it lightly!怎么这么眼熟啊? Why it looks rather familiar to us?长得真像村长啊! It looks really like our mayor!这就是村长小时候! Thats mayors childhood!

2、(慢羊羊突然发现图片拿错了)(Slow has found that he brought a wrong picture)对不起,不是这张(换了图片)是这张嗯?你们怎么好像没到齐呀?有谁没来吗? Sorry, not this one (Changed the picture) This oneEh? It seems someone is absent. Whos not here?哎呀,是懒羊羊,懒羊羊还没来。 Alas, its Lazy, Lazy is still not here.他在哪儿呢? Wheres he?我看看!(拿出单筒望远镜,喜羊羊看到懒羊羊正在森林里的吊床上吹着电

3、风扇睡觉呢)村长,懒羊羊在那儿睡觉呢! Let me see! (He took out a monocular, and saw Lazy is sleeping on the hammock in the forest with the electric fan open) Mayor, Lazy is sleeping there!喜羊羊,把他带回来! Happy, bring him back!是的,村长! Yes, sir!(喜羊羊飞快地将懒羊羊带到村长面前。(Happy brought Lazy in front of the mayor swiftly.)村长,他还是在睡觉啊 M

4、ayor, hes still sleeping真是岂有此理,实在是太懒了!把臭草拿来! Outrageous, how lazy he is! Bring me the smelly grass!(飞快地去了又回来)来了! (Swiftly went away and back) Here we are!(慢羊羊用镊子夹了一片臭草,放到懒羊羊的鼻孔上。懒羊羊被熏醒了)(Slow sheep picked up a smelly grass on the nostril of Lazy with tweezers. Lazy was smoked to get up)懒羊羊:臭死了Lazy S

5、heep: How smelly(青青河对岸的森林里。红太狼站在一棵大树枝上拿望远镜看着)(In the forest on the other bank of Verdant River. Red Wolf is watching with binoculars on the big branch.)红太狼:羊肥羊好肥的羊好多肥的羊一、二、三Red Wolf: Sheep Fat Sheep What fat sheep they are Such many fat sheep One, two, three灰太狼:老婆,您就别数了,数一年都数不完呢。没想到原来饿狼传说是真的青青草原果然有好

6、多好多的羊啊今天晚上可以吃涮羊肉了,明天我们可以做羊排,后天我们做Grey Wolf: My darling, dont count it, you cant finish doing it even for a year. I never expected that the legend of hungry wolves is really true There really are so many sheep on the Verdant Grassland We can have an instant-boiled mutton tonight, and lamb steak tomor

7、row, and the day after你说的高兴,什么时候你去抓一只来呀? Its easy said than done. Why not catch one?您放心好了,就这么一个地方,肥羊跑不到哪儿去的。 Take it easy. The sheep cant go anywhere else, for there is only such grassland.可是那道铁门你怎么过去呀? But How can you go across that gate?什么铁门?这个(突然想出主意了)啊!(翻出一本书来,看完之后奸笑)根据这本太太太太太太爷爷的著作捉羊一百法的记载,羊是很容

8、易骗的,只要有一张羊皮由于时间关系我也准备好了我呀就装成他们的亲戚,然后嘻嘻嘻 What? Gate? Er (An idea came up to his mind) Ah! (Took out a book, and laughs sinisterly) According to this great-great-great-great grandfathers work Catch a Sheep with 100 Methods, its easy to cheat a sheep, as long as youve got a sheepskin Ive prepared this

9、because times limited I would dress up as their relatives, and thenHa, ha, ha亲戚有什么用。我姑妈来的时候你招待过吗? Its useless to dress up as a relative. Have you served my aunt when she came?就算这样也不要紧,这里还写着:“要用他们喜欢的东西引诱他们”,我也准备好了 Not at all, here it writes: To allure him with their favourites, and Ive prepared them

10、too你还笑什么?赶快抓羊去!我可是饿了! Why are you still laughing? Quick, catch the sheep! Im really hungry!是!老婆!不过饿点也好啊。 Yes, dear! But its also good to be hungry.为什么? Why?减肥呀!(说完树枝折断了,两狼掉到地上) It will lose weight! (After his words, the branch was broken, both of them fell on the ground)(灰太狼穿上羊皮,装束成大婶,小心翼翼地跨过木板桥,来到羊

11、村大铁门。懒羊羊正在门口吊床上吹着电风扇,呼呼大睡。(Grey wore the sheepskin, dressed up as an aunt, crossed the wooden bridge carefully, and came to the big gate of the Sheep Village.)小肥羊,你叫什么名字? Little fat sheep, whats your name?(没有起床,也不睁开眼睛)我叫懒羊羊。 (He didnt get up, nor did he open his eyes) My name is Lazy Sheep.嗨,帮我把门开开行

12、吗?开开门呀!(没有反应。大喊)开门啊! Hey, open the door, please? Please, open the door! (No response. Shout) OPEN THE DOOR!叫什么!没看见有门铃呀? Why shouting? Dont you see the doorbell?(按了门铃)怎么还睡呀?我不是按了门铃了吗? (Pressed the doorbell) Why are you still sleeping? Ive already pressed the doorbell!我只是告诉你有门铃,又没有要给你开门。 Ive told you

13、that there is a doorbell, not saying Ill open the door for you.(灰太狼气得直蹦。这时喜羊羊风驰电掣地跑来,扬起一阵灰尘。灰太狼咳嗽)(Grey was so angry that he jumped. At the moment Happy arrived in a high speed and raised a lot of dust. Grey coughed)大婶,您找谁呀? Excuse me, who are you looking for?我是你们村长的亲戚。 Im a relative of your mayor.村

14、长的亲戚?好的,我马上去告诉他。(飞奔回去) A relative of the mayor? OK, Ill go back to tell him. (Ran back swiftly)喂你就不能先开开门吗? Hey Cant you open the door first?(大肥羊学校)(Big Fat Sheep School)什么?我们的亲戚? Our Relative?嗯,那位大婶是这么说的。 Yes, she said like that.不会吧?根据族谱的记载,我们最近一个远亲也是三百年前的了。 Oh, can it be? According to the family tr

15、ee, the nearest distant relative is from 300 years ago.这个我不太清楚,是大婶说认识您的。 Im not sure, but the aunt said that she knows you.那就去看看吧。(喜羊羊又瞬间跑去了)你等等我呀。 Lets see then. (Happy ran away swiftly) Wait for me!(慢羊羊走得比蜗牛还慢。(Slow sheep walks even slower than the snails.)蜗牛宝宝:妈妈,你骗我!Snail baby: Mum, you are chea

16、ting me!蜗牛妈妈:蜗牛宝宝,我怎么骗你了?Snail mother: Dear baby, how am I cheating you?你说蜗牛走路最慢,我怎么不觉得? You say that snails walk the slowest, but I dont think so.(快到黄昏了,慢羊羊还没走到羊村门口。灰太狼累的不行了,坐在门外的大石头上不耐烦地等着。(It was nearly the sunset, but Slow Sheep still didnt arrive. Grey felt dizzy and sat on the rock outside the

17、 gate, waiting impatiently.)你们村长怎么还不来呀? Why isnt your mayor coming?快了,他马上就来了。(转过头去看)已经来了。 Soon, Hes coming. (Turned his head) He arrives.这位大婶就是我的亲戚吗? Is this aunt my relative?是呀,我就是您大爷的二舅的三表哥他老婆的妹妹,您不认识我了? Yeah, Im your uncles second uncles third cousins wifes small sister. Dont you recognise me?是吗?

18、好像是有这么一个亲戚。 Really? There seems to be one.这就对了,您赶快开门吧。 Thats right, open the door please.(拿出一串钥匙,找不到是哪个)是哪一条呢? (Took out a bunch of keys, but couldnt find the one) Which one is it?(喜羊羊注意到装扮成大婶的灰太狼有点不对劲。他发现后面的脚印和羊的脚印不一样。(Happy found that theres something wrong with Grey Wolf who dressed up as the aun

19、t. He found that the footprint behind Grey is different from that of sheep)(心想)好奇怪的脚印啊!(又看灰太狼,伸出舌头)大婶,您冒汗了,太热了吧?给您风扇吹吹! (Thought) What a strange footprint! (Looked at Grey again, and hes stretching his tongue) Hey, aunt, you are sweating, its hot, isnt it? Ill bring the electric fan for you!(被风扇吹过的灰

20、太狼,衣服全吹光了,露出了原形。(Blown by the electric fan, Grey Wolfs clothes were all flown away and the true shape of him was revealed.)哎呀,大婶的样子全变了。 Oh dear, the aunts appearance is all changed.一点都不像我们。 Its not like us at all.(翻开笔记本)查到了,查到了。根据他的特征,毫无疑问他是一只狼! (Opened the notebook) Ive found it, Ive found it. Acco

21、rding to his features, no doubt he is a wolf!众小羊:狼?All the little Sheep: Wolf?不错!我就是灰太狼!哈哈哈哈 Of course! Im Grey Wolf! Ha, ha, ha原来狼就是这样的呀,一点也不可爱。 Ah, a wolf is such an animal. Not cute at all.你会叫吗?叫一个听听 Can you howl? Let me hear how you howl(头上冒出一滴汗)怎么现在的羊一点也不怕狼呢 (A sweat from his head) Why the shee

22、p today are never afraid of wolves叫啊来来(灰太狼要咬沸羊羊的手,沸羊羊赶紧缩回来)他想咬我呀 Howl, come on, come on (Grey wanted to bite Sturdys hand, Sturdy had to pull back) He wants to bite me当然了。根据书上写的,狼不但会咬羊还会吃羊,他们最喜欢吃羊的! Of course. According to the book, the wolf will not only bite sheep, but also eat sheep, and their fa

23、vourite food is sheep!吃羊!? Eating sheep!?对,就是我们嘛! Yes, just eats us!沸羊羊,你先带村长他们走! Sturdy, take mayor and the others back!书上记载三百年前(被沸羊羊背着跑回村里)我们的祖先好多都被狼吃过 The books said the 300 years ago (Sturdy carried Slow on his back and hurried to the village) Many ancestors of us had been eaten by wolves快跑! Qui

24、ck!小肥羊,你不怕我?你叫什么名字? Little fat sheep, youre not afraid of me? Whats your name?我叫喜羊羊。灰太狼,你要吃我们没那么容易! My name is Happy. Grey Wolf, its never easy to eat us!我就吃这只胖胖的就够了。来,给我把门打开了,我有好东西送给你!(拿出胡萝卜)看呀! Its enough for me to eat that fat one. Open the door for me, and Ill give you something good! (Took out

25、a carrot) Look!谢谢了,可我不爱吃萝卜。 Thank you, but I dont like carrots.(惊讶)不可能吧?书上明明说羊喜欢吃萝卜的呀怎么会这样?(一只小白兔跑来吃萝卜) (Surprised) What? Its just written on the book that sheep like carrots Why it can be like this? (A rabbit arrives for carrots)拜托,我们是羊,不是小白兔! Come on, we are sheep, not rabbits!(灰太狼才发现那本书的书名是捉兔100法)(Grey Wolf had just found out that the name of the book was Catch a Rabbit with 100 Methods)灰太狼

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