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高中英语 生活大爆炸第5季中英字幕15素材Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、38,631 -40,748Everything from wild fires从意外火灾到1340,750 -44,168to a surprise invasion by Canada.加拿大的突然入侵.1444,170 -46,721Pick a catastrophe, any catastrophe.来选一张灾难卡 随便哪张.1547,789 -52,793Sheldon, Canada is not going to invade California.Sheldon 加拿大是不会入侵加利福尼亚的.1652,795 -54,362Yeah, really? You think th

2、ose hippies是吗 你真认为华盛顿和俄勒冈的1754,364 -56,998in Washington and Oregon can stop them?那群嬉皮士们能拦得住他们?1858,133 -01:00,084Fine.败给你了.1900,936 -02,136All righty!好嘞!2002,138 -05,823An 8.2 magnitude earthquake devastates Pasadena,8.2级的地震袭击了帕萨迪纳2105,825 -07,775Reducing mighty edifices to dust,把高楼大厦震成了满地碎片2207,777

3、 -09,827Engulfing the city in flames.城市淹没在熊熊火焰中2309,829 -11,478The streets flow with blood街道上满是无辜者的鲜血2411,480 -13,531and echo with the cries of the wounded.和灾众痛苦的哀嚎.2513,533 -15,249Oh, excellent choice.哇哦 选得好.2615,251 -17,535Now, put on your hardhat and safety vest.现在 戴上你的安全帽 穿上安全衣.2717,537 -18,836O

4、h, fun.有意思.2818,838 -21,655I get to spend another night in front of our apartment我又得打扮得跟村民乐队似的2921,657 -24,592dressed like one of the Village People.在我们公寓前度过这个夜晚了.3024,594 -26,427You make that joke every three months.你每三个月都要开这样的玩笑.3126,429 -27,628I still dont get it.我还是没发现笑点在哪.3227,630 -29,964Leonar

5、d. wait.Leonard. 等等.3329,966 -30,932What are you doing?你在干什么?3430,934 -33,518I dont know, what am I doing?我哪知道 我又怎么了?3533,520 -34,685Look around you-看看你周围-3634,687 -38,055theres hypothetical broken glass everywhere.到处都是假想的碎玻璃啊.3738,057 -40,174Really? Youre going to face Armageddon神呐 都世界末日了3840,176 -

6、41,809without your orthotics?你不带上你的足部矫形器(增高?)?3941,811 -44,512Your choice.好吧 你说了算.4044,514 -46,847Uh-oh, hypothetical aftershock!来啦 假想的余震!4148,151 -49,200Aah!啊!4249,202 -51,485And thats why we wear hardhats.所以说咱要戴上安全帽.4302:20,918 -22,952Check it out- press release看看 来自美国宇航局4422,954 -24,254from NASA.

7、新闻发布会.4524,256 -26,690Um, Expedition 31 will launch this spring远征31号这个春天将发射4626,692 -28,558To the International Space Station.前往国际空间站4728,560 -32,095Crew members will include Commander Tom Tombo Johnson,船员们包括有指挥官通宝Tom Johnson4832,097 -34,731Astronaut Mike Supernova Novacelik宇航员超新星Mike Novacelik4934,

8、733 -37,332and Payload Specialist Howard Wolowitz.随船科学家Howard Wolowitz5038,303 -42,572This is going right into my synagogues newsletter.这会刊登上我们犹太教会的报纸的.5143,574 -44,991D-Dude, if youre going to be an astronaut,伙计 你要是成为宇航员的话5244,993 -47,243you need to pick a cool nickname.就得给自己取个酷一点的外号.5347,245 -48,2

9、44t get to pick it.这玩意不是自己选的5448,246 -49,829The other guys have to give it to me.是其他宇航员给起的5549,831 -53,850Oh. If I had one, it would be Brown Dynamite.哦 如果我有一个 我就叫褐色风暴5654,803 -56,204Are you not listening to me?你没听我说吗?5756,223 -59,056The other astronauts have to give you your nickname.是其他宇航员给你起外号的.5

10、859,657 -03:00,957Are you not looking at me?你看看我好么?5900,959 -02,776I am Brown Dynamite.我这明显就是啊.6005,046 -07,997Why do you put six sugars in your coffee?你干嘛给你咖啡加六份糖?6107,999 -09,832Because the cafeteria doesnt offer因为这破食堂不提供脱氧麻黄碱(兴奋剂)6209,834 -13,219little packets of methamphetamine.我只能用这破玩意提神.6313,2

11、21 -15,171Emergency drill night last night, huh?昨晚有是突发状况演习夜?6415,173 -17,057- Uh-huh. - Howd you do?-对 -你怎么样?6517,059 -19,392ll tell you exactly how he did.我会准确的告诉你们他昨晚表现的怎么样.6619,394 -21,511Readiness: unsatisfactory.准备状况:令人不满6721,513 -23,813Follows direction: barely.遵从指示:几乎没有6823,815 -26,316Attitud

12、e:a little too much.完成态度:太过多余6928,153 -31,488Not only will he probably die in a fiery inferno,他不仅会死于熊熊燃烧的地狱烈火7031,490 -34,040His incessant whining would most certainly spoil而且他喋喋不休的牢骚很有可能7134,042 -36,209everyone elses day.把别人美好的一天烧成灰烬.7237,294 -39,462You know what, I cant even think straight.你们懂么 我现

13、在脑子都转不动啦.7339,464 -40,696m going home.我要回家休息.7440,698 -44,167Will one of you guys give this nutbag a ride back later?你们谁一会儿把这个疯子给捎回去?7544,169 -45,218You cant go home.你不能回家.7645,220 -47,703You have to take me to the dentist at 4:00.你必须四点钟带我去看牙医.7747,705 -50,173Oh. cant you take the bus to the dentist

14、?哦 你就不能自己搭公交车去看牙医吗?7850,175 -51,874Of course I can. Its coming back,我当然可以 只是又绕回来了7951,876 -53,709under the residual effects of the anesthesia,我会受到残余的麻醉剂影响8053,711 -54,928thats the problem.对 就是这个问题8154,930 -56,379Two years ago,两年前8256,381 -59,065after a deep gum cleaning, I thought I got on a bus在一次深

15、度的牙龈清理之后 我以为自己搭上一班公交车8359,067 -04:02,068but somehow wound up on a booze cruise to Mexico.但醒来才发现自己正和一帮烂醉如泥的酒鬼前往墨西哥.8403,771 -06,389They put you under for a cleaning?他们清理牙龈还要把你麻醉?8506,391 -08,908Yeah, they have to- Im a biter.是的 他们不得不这样做 我喜欢咬人8608,910 -10,944Whatever, Sheldon. Im exhausted.随你便了 Sheldo

16、n 我已经要累死了.8710,946 -12,996m not taking you to the dentist.我不会带你去看牙医的.8812,998 -14,280Wrong, sir.先生 你搞错了8914,282 -17,834Wrong. Under section 37-B of the Roommate Agreement-你搞错了 根据室友协议37条的B部分9017,836 -19,836Miscellaneous Duties- you are obligated各种乱七八糟的责任 你有责任9119,838 -21,404to take me to the dentist.

17、带我去看牙医.9221,406 -24,574See? Its right here after Providing a confirmation sniff看到没? 这条就在9324,576 -27,293on questionable dairy products.遇到可疑性乳制品 要闻一下这条下面.9427,295 -31,214You know what, I am sick of the Roommate Agreement.你知道吗 我受够了这该死的.9533,385 -34,634Its ridiculous.这太傻了.9634,636 -36,636m your roommat

18、e, not your chauffeur.我是你室友 不是你司机9736,638 -38,805You know, I had better things to do yesterday昨天要不是非得载你9838,807 -41,691than drive you all the way to the Good Model train store一直去到加登格罗夫的 模型火车店9941,693 -43,693in Garden Grove because the one in Pasadena我还有更重要的事要做呢.10043,695 -46,696has gotten Too big fo

19、r its britches.就因为你嫌帕萨迪纳这家过于自我膨胀.10146,698 -48,598Well, it has.靠 本来就是.10248,600 -50,266Ask anybody.地球人都知道啊.10350,268 -51,484t care.关我屁事.10451,486 -52,485m done.就这样吧.10552,487 -53,820Hold on.等一下.10653,822 -57,157Are you saying that you want to invoke Clause 209?你是想调用第209号条款还是咋滴?10757,159 -58,541t kno

20、w what that is,我不知道那是条啥10858,543 -05:01,127but if it means I can go home and sleep, then yes.如果它说我可以回去睡觉 那就是吧.10901,129 -02,128Think carefully here.你要想好了.11002,130 -04,214Clause 209 suspends our friendship,209号条款将终止我们的朋友关系11104,216 -05,774and strips down the Roommate Agreement to然后让我们的室友协议11205,799 -07,099its bare essentials.退化到最基本的内容.11307,169 -08,512Our responsibilities toward each other would我们对对方的责任将仅限于11408,537 -10,517only be rent, utilities共同租房 分享公用设施11510,722 -13,056and a perfunctory chin jut

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